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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Drunken Duck -- Where is it? I could not see it and I walked all the way up Soi Diana Inn this morning

    Here you go...


    (thanks Brit!)

    7pm tomorrow night.....Friday, 2 February.

    All TV members are cordially invited to meet and greet fellow members, to evaluate the facilities and to post their observations to the TV management for future pissup consideration.

    Slightly off topic but if you guys feel the need for a sobering large mug of nescafe (after your evening of alcoholic libation at the DD) :D the open bar/guesthouse right on the corner further down soi L K metro (walking away from Soi Buahkao) provides such a pick me up for about 30 baht. It somehow revives the legs. :o

  2. Thank you for the information. After almost two years it is hard to understand the complete transformation of a woman to someone I don’t even recognize.

    To the poster who said get an older woman I submit that in Thailand most Thai women subtract 10 years from a Farangs age when considering a relationship especially if the Thai woman is around 40 which mine is. I really don’t think a 10 year age difference is too much. Plus I did not pick her she picked me.

    On the subject of doing a runner. We live in a three bedroom bungalow. The deposit is substantial and I would really like it back. I am concerned if I leave she will trash the place and I am the leaseholder which makes me liable. I know the home owner and would not want to treat him in an unkind manner.

    In addition my GF’s daughter lives with us as does GF’s best friend. All of them dance at the same club. Her friend is averaging 3000 bhat a day and that does not include the pay for dancing or the cut of the drinks and the other items. I would imagine she is averaging about 70,000 bht per month. Her net is a lot less because she is high maintenance in hair, makeup, clothes, parents and Thai boyfriends allowance. She is a nice lady and she is the one who disarmed my GF when she was attacking me with the cleaver. She threw her little arms up and protected me like a mother (nothing romantic going on now nor has it ever gone on).

    They leave for work at 6 PM and arrive home anytime from 8PM (if they get lucky) and noon the next day or sometimes not for a number of days.

    My point is that while packing or leaving I could get interrupted at any time by one of the ladies arriving home.

    Last night while they were at work I assembled all of my important documents and found a company with a lock boxes and safety deposit boxes and dropped them off today.

    I have told her because of the plunge of value of the Dollar that I no longer have enough money to support her in the style she is accustomed to and I will have to find a job as a teacher or some other field that fits my education and background.

    I have to go to Chiang Mai because of a number of reasons, besides I like Chiang Mai. She has no family in Chiang Mai. I guess she could have me hit in Chiang Mai.

    I think if I do a runner she might be upset enough to pay someone to pay me a visit in Chiang Mai.

    If on the other hand if she has bought my story about not having any money it would make sense for me to go to Chiang Mai. I asked her if she wanted to go. She said no, not enough money. I suspect that she will continue dancing in Pattaya with her family and friends. Forgetting me quickly as she finds another Farang.

    Yesterday was unusual. She and daughter got home just before daybreak. They were a little drunk but not bad. She insisted I join them for something to eat so we went out and ate. We got home and went to sleep until about 2 in the afternoon. I have told her a couple of times I had no problem with her going with customers but it seemed to sink in yesterday. She said “You don’t mind me going with customers but you don’t like it when I go with customers and don’t tell you I am going with customers.”

    She bought a new short Abercrombie & Fitch ultra short blue jean skirt and when she was getting ready to go to work tonight she put it on for the first time.

    I told her she looked really good in the skirt. She has really toned up in the last month from dancing 10 hours a day. She got very upset with me. She said I should not tell her she looked pretty when she was going to work to sell her body because she needed money.

    She likes me to go to her club and tip her or buy her drinks as she dances and she encouraged me to bring our friends to watch her and her daughter dance. This morning she got upset with me because I did not go see her last night (I was packing).

    These two things seem contradictory to me. My papers are in a safe place and it will be possible for me to leave on a moments notice although that would be a practical nightmare. I have a computer, household items, electronic items, furniture and such. I am not a tourist I have lived here for a couple of years.

    Thank you again for all of your opinions and thoughts. No, I am not a troll. Anyone living in Pattaya that would like to join me for a beer at her club as long as you are buying I am up for that.

    I plan on leaving towards the end of the month and living by myself in Chiang Mai. I would rather leave on if not good terms at least on understandable terms.

    After your opening post many TV members including myself obviously felt a degree of sympathy for you and gave you practical advice based on emotional responses to your post.

    Now that you have provided shall we say a broader picture of your rather `unusual relationship` I think that many members again including myself have lost the feeling that you are in a desperate situation seeking help and that you have merely posted this topic to satisfy some sort of personal curiosity about the replies which you might get.

    In your previous posts in other topics (yes I even wasted my time looking them up ) you have stated that you were married three times before and these marriages ended in much grief. So you certainly don`t need our help in advising you with regard to your relationships.

    You are no fool........but I will guess that a version of events from your partner would probably be a real eye opener. Good luck in Chiang Mai ( if you are going there). :o

  3. Here's what I would do, and I'm not saying this is necessarily good advice for you.

    I would wait until she goes out tonight. Then I would go out myself and pick up a woman. I would make sure that woman was in bed with me when she got home.

    This might jar some reality into her. You might even gain her respect this way. She knocks you around because she doesn't respect you because you let her knock you around.

    If she sees you in bed with another woman, that cycle will break. And you also have a witness just in case she thinks of something bright.

    And make sure the woman is much more beautiful than her.

    And for Christ sake, put everything you have of value in a safety deposit box.

    She`s already attacked him with a knife and a cleaver........if she found him like this she`d probably chop off his todger :o

  4. Kerry whatever you had with this woman has long gone. In her eyes you have now become the enemy who is trying to stop her from living her new found lifestyle.....you owe her nothing.

    You now have to look after yourself and get yourself into a situation where you have peace of mind and you don`t have to be looking over your shoulder all the time.

    The sooner you depart the better as she is now dangerous. Wait whilst she is out and gather your things and go. Be careful not to tell anyone where you are going or she may just turn up. Good luck!

  5. Like I said a while back, TV folks will vote with thier feet and last nights little get together was a good indiction by folks that the Caddy Shack is a great venue, out of town easy to park, great food! Not too noisy. I suspect that the party animals amongst us will go there own way and maybe do regular "piss ups" on their own amid the walking street hussle and bustle.

    But for those that came last night to the Caddy Shack was a thoroughly enjoyable evening where people could circulate and put faces to names. Another nice touch was all the Mrs. TV' ers found their own table and had a great time eating Thai food and discussing us.

    Attached is a picture of my roast beef and yorkshire pudding which I have to say was great!!! :o

    certainly looks good.........just waiting for the gravy :D

  6. How is a tourist to know what areas are unsafe? Perhaps their hotel had no safe. Or they heard of how unsafe it is to leave valuables unattended in Pattaya.

    The blame can not be placed on these tourists.

    In my opinion the blame should be placed on local government for their complacency.

    Perhaps a security tax added to barfines would pay for the extra police needed to control the situation. :o

    I was just this evening sitting at the beach at Soi 13 enjoying a kebab when I was surprised to notice the beach lights were turned off at around 10pm. More lighting would be a step in the right direction.

    Tropo earlier in this thread you said Quote. " I never walk on the beach at night"

    Now don`t tell me this has been taken out of context too.

    .............or are you going to tell us that you flew to your seat??

    What you write just does not add up.

    What`s the saying?......you can fool some of the people some of the time....but not all the people all of the time?

    Pattaya Fox, I sit AT the beach on the concrete benches along the well-lit sections of the beach promenade, I don't walk or sit ON the beach late at night.

    It would seem I can fool you most of the time. :D:D:D

    tropo your ambiguity never ceases to amaze

  7. Yorkies products are also stocked by Rimping Supermarkets in Chiang Mai. Look in the frozen food section.

    They are also stocked in our Euro food-shop section at the Farang Connection in Surin. We do

    Pork Pies



    Rump steaks

    Cornish Pasties

    Top-side beef for roasting

    English Pork sausages

    all from Yorkies if anyone is in the area.

    Off topic... but next time you're in town, check out the pies from the Jack Tar bar in Soi 6... absolute best in Pattaya.


    No pork pies, but plenty of beef and onion, beef and mushroom, chicken mushroom, chicken curry etc. There is a freezer at the rear of the bar, and you can ask for special orders too... I'm sure you and your customers will like 'em.

    I am interested. I have never been into Jack Tar's: Do they make their pies on the premises? Thanks for that info. Will check it out tomorrow. Soi Yodsak here we come...and it's a Friday........ :o

    I have spent many an hour in the Jack & Tar bar. It is a great place to meet friendly regulars and you usually end up in a discussion. Sitting at the bar and looking out on Soi Yodsak is great entertainment :D You`ll see tomorrow what I mean.

  8. Am I missing something here?

    You paid 48000 which the landlady is now saying was 16000 for the first months rent and 32000 deposit.I assume that the rent was paid in advance so then you would pay 16000 baht a month in advance for each month.

    So a month before the end of the term you would pay the 16000 in advance for the last month and at the end of the month the amount outstanding to you would be the 32000 which was the initial deposit which I assume is like a bond which covers any damage or unpaid utility bills.

    So you should get back the deposit of 32000 less any costs.

    The manager of the hotel across the road stated that the 32000 was a deposit i.e. bond.

    So where is the rip? off unless you were asked to pay twice for the last month or you didn`t get the balance of your bond back.

    I have never known the last month of the rent being requested with the initial depost.

  9. incredible. 34.14 mid market rate now.

    Huge panic when it hit 35 before.

    What will BOT do now?

    Watch for aggressive tactics and fireworks

    On Bloomberg TV they display 35.79....on yahoo they display 34....interesting market transparency we have here :o

    It`s been fluctuating by up to 2.5 baht within a few minutes. As said earlier like a roller coaster. Somebody is buying baht in a big way by the look of things and or dumping major foreign currencies. The Euro is also being affected.

  10. How is a tourist to know what areas are unsafe? Perhaps their hotel had no safe. Or they heard of how unsafe it is to leave valuables unattended in Pattaya.

    The blame can not be placed on these tourists.

    In my opinion the blame should be placed on local government for their complacency.

    Perhaps a security tax added to barfines would pay for the extra police needed to control the situation. :o

    I was just this evening sitting at the beach at Soi 13 enjoying a kebab when I was surprised to notice the beach lights were turned off at around 10pm. More lighting would be a step in the right direction.

    Tropo earlier in this thread you said Quote. " I never walk on the beach at night"

    Now don`t tell me this has been taken out of context too.

    .............or are you going to tell us that you flew to your seat??

    What you write just does not add up.

    What`s the saying?......you can fool some of the people some of the time....but not all the people all of the time?

  11. First see what phone provider you have:

    All numbers 038 7xx xxx and 038 3xx xxx are TT&T owned.

    All numbers 038 2xx xxx and 038 4xx xxx are TOT owned.

    The billing of both TT&T and TOT is handled by TOT alone, so don't assume that you have a TOT line because you get a TOT bill !

    Both telephone providers have their own internet offers, for TT&T this is called maxnet (different speeds and service levels available) and for TOT it's called the cyber packages (silvercyber, goldcyber etc...)

    These are not interchangeable, you can't get a maxnet package on a TOT line or a goldcyber package on a TT&T line.

    You can also opt for different ISP's (Ji-net, Csloxinfo etc). Easy with TT&T lines, since their office handles the complete subscription, just tell them you want to use Csloxinfo and they will give you the relevant forms to fill out and explain how to pay.

    If on a TOT line, my understanding is that if you wish to subscribe to sloxinfo for example, then you will have to go to the Csloxino office yourself (on 3th road, just behind the corner from the big tot office on central Pattaya).

    Good Advice monty :o

  12. Does Pattaya really need this type of shop?

    Does Pattaya really need this type of shopper?

    The way things are going, tourists may need to purchase these type of items to help protect themselves.

    You can just imagine the tour guide saying to the tourists upon first arrival in Pattaya: "Make sure you stop off at the special weapons stall to purchase a knife or two if you're planning to take a stroll on the beach.", "may I recommed the five pointed throwing star or a sturdy switch-blade".


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