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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Sounds as though at least two of the dogs had a farewell hearty breakfast.

    Street dogs have mainly had to fight for their food and survival and if you are going to be kind enough to take in these dogs then you must provide the proper facilities to control them. I guess their area needs to be fenced off from the neighbours.

    You should pay recompense for the neighbours` eaten animals and eat much humble pie yourself and it may be prudent if you could foster out or kennel your own dog for a while until things cool off.

  2. Fire the next one (loudly) that f*cks up, Tell the rest of the staff that they will be next if they don't shape up!

    They will either leave, shape up or get fired :o

    Might work... might not

    I agree. If the OP has warned them on a number of occasions what is expected and the job is still not done right then they obviously could not care less and firing one should do the trick. If it doesn`t then you have not got the right staff in the first place so therefore get some more who can do the job.

    Customers will not thank you for having dirty rooms and if you don`t sort it you will surely lose business.

  3. I live in Chiang Mai which fairly recently started using meter taxis. You know what happened? Because there's not enough of them to completely cover the city like they do in Bangkok, they don't just drive around looking for a fare. Instead it's all (mostly) by phone appointment. So you want a taxi, you call the phone number and a taxi may materialize. There's an extra fee for this pick-up of course, and also the meter fare is more expensive than in Bangkok. (Which is not strange in itself, Bangkok meter taxi prices were set in the late Jurassic period and haven't increased since.)

    Oh yes, some taxis congregate at high-traffic spots such as the airport and some shopping malls... But good luck having them actually use the meter without phantom surcharge. So the result is that the baht buses (called red buses in Chiang Mai) are VASTLY more numerous, LOADS cheaper (even at 15 baht (!) and overall a lot less hassle.

    Oh yes, we got busses too. Let's see how long these last. They mostly run around empty.

    I think baht buses DO make sense for public transport in Pattaya. But I agree it's a bitch to agree on going anywhere outside a main loop.




    Based on my limited understanding of the fairly new taxi meters in Chiang Mai, these are the problems:

    --- the fares aren't so great

    --- the taxis are controlled by the same "company" that owns the baht buses (egads!!!!!)

    --- there are still TOO FEW taxis, but they are increasing the number every year. If there were alot more taxis on the streets, that call in only aspect would likely be solved

    Pattaya could learn from Chiang Mai about how to do it differently.

    or learn from that glowing example of modern transportation efficiency, the 100% regulated taxi services in Singapore.

    Where would they start? I think most places in the world could learn from Singapore`s taxi service, but I don`t see this happening in Pattaya. The baht bus is here to stay! :o

  4. I don't understand why the security guard allowed her to leave the store. Did he need permission from the owner to confront this woman.

    Caught at the entrance to the store shows that the woman was about to leave or had left the building, therefore the intent was to steal and not merely leave the shop with the intention of returning the item.

    Thai news reports invariably identify the nationality of the person. i.e. American. English. French, Indian ets.

  5. SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 6th 2007

    More details in this report............

    The first case is the culmination of an investigation into a gang of youths who originate from Huoy Yai sub-district on the outskirts of Jomtien. This well known gang was preparing to move further into Jomtien according to intelligence received by Police and undercover officers managed to intercept them moments after they had allegedly committed an armed theft of a motorbike in Soi Chayapreuk.

    6 Gang members aged between 18 and 22 were arrested and were in possession of items used to steal motorbikes along with a quantity of cash believed to have been taken from the owner of the bike, Khun Sitichai aged only 15. The weapon used during the theft could not be located. Each gang member confessed to their involvement in the armed theft and they were charged accordingly.

    Well done the boys in brown .......more crime solved :o

  6. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 6th 2007

    Thai Woman Attacked in Car Park

    On the 5th of February at 9.30pm Police were called to the car park area of the Royal Garden Plaza on Beach Road.

    Upon arrival Police found Miss Thidarat, aged 22 in a state of shock. She quickly explained that after her shopping trip she returned to her car. After entering her vehicle she was alarmed when suddenly the back door of her car was opened and a Thai man pointed a gun at her. She immediately got out of the car and started screaming. Fortunately, an off duty police officer and a security guard came to her aid.

    The attacker fled from the scene followed closely by the officer and guard who after a short chase apprehend him.

    The attacker was taken to Pattaya Police Station where he confessed to Police that the fuel in his car was almost empty and so was his money so he saw the victim walking to her car alone, he then followed and committed the crime.

    Police didn’t believe the confession of the offender and he is now waiting for his court dates.

    Looks like they don`t even care anymore where they make these attacks even in busier areas....although the underground carpark can be fairly quiet at times.

    Well done to the boys in brown for catching the swine.

  7. Source Pattaya People: February 4th 2007

    Drunken Wife Falls Down Stairs

    On 3rd February at 1.45 am, the police were informed that a woman had fallen down the stairs of an abandoned building and was injured so had to quickly go to the scene to assist her.

    The police found the building in Soi 16 to be the old police station. The lady, Mrs. Daeng, aged 45, was found at the bottom of the stairs on the first floor surrounded by broken glass and also in a very drunken condition. She was taken to the hospital straight away because of the serious cut on her head.

    Her husband, Mr. Rattana, aged 50, stated that they both collect garbage as a living and have no place to stay so resided there on the 2nd floor together.

    On that day, they were drinking heavily together and when they ran out of whisky, he asked her to go buy some more. He thinks that maybe because of her drunkenness, she might have slipped on her way back.

    Hopefully his wife will be ok since she is in the hands of the hospital doctor.

    Quite ironic that she was drunk and incapable in the old police station.

  8. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 6th 2007

    Farang Threatened Via Mobile Phone

    On the 5th of February at 6.30pm, Mr. Terence Royston went to Pattaya

    Police station Royston went to Pattaya Police station and filed a complaint that he was disturbed by an unknown person who was constantly phoning and not speaking when he answered.

    This incident took place many times but not only phone calls; there were also lots of frightening death threat text messages sent to Mr. Royston. Is this the work of a prankster or something more sinister?

    Mr. Royston told police that he works as a contractor, both in and out Thailand and on the 7th of February he will provide some Thai labourers to go work in Mongolia.

    Police investigation continues.

    Why doesn`t he change his phone number?

  9. "The problem with Thailand is that they cannot and will not think before they act"

    Boy, have you missed the boat! The new airport has been under discussion for 40 years. They've thought about it, and thought about it, and....

    They thought about how much in kick backs they could make with substandard work and materials and now they must be rubbing their hands in glee as they contemplate making a killing by `preparing` Don Muang...........yes they thought about it alright.

  10. Is Pattaya safe?

    Well, I had my first visit to Thailand and Pattaya in November last year with my wife, and to start with the conclusion – we had a wonderful time and we are thinking of coming to live there as we are both retired.

    We did, however, had an unpleasent experience that upset my wife a bit. One evening we were walking back to the hotel around 11 PM on Soi 16 which is a rather dark road with little traffick. A motorbike with two guys passed us from behind, went another 100 meters before it stopped. They had a short chat before the passenger started to walk towards us while the driver came back on the bike and stopped approximately 50 meters behind us.

    I realized something was going to happen and kept a close eye on my wifes handbag. What I did not think of, was that my wife was wearing a heavy gold necklace and as the bloke was close enough, he quickly grasped for it. Now, the necklace was not of the loose type but a very tight one, so he missed it. He made three attemps to grab it, but did not succeed, so he gave up and started to walk quickly towards his bloke waiting on the bike.

    Myself beeing 64 years old and all grey hair, and my wife even older, they probably thought we were an easy target. Now, I am a very fitness conscious person, pumping iron 3-4 times a week, and with a 45 cm biceps I can still benchpress 150 kg And as it happened, on this particular evening, I was wearing jogging shoes, I did not have neither my mobile phone nor my glasses with me, so I was really fit for fight.

    So I never had a second thought, but turned around and started to chase him. I gave everything I had and I haven't run so fast for the last 40 years. I was actually closing in on him (or at least I imagined that) but he had too much of a head start so he reached his bloke on the bike and off they went!

    Well, although I did not catch them, I think they got the surprise and scare of their life. Hopefully they will think twice before they attack an elderly couple next time.


    When I gave up the chase and started to walk back, I noticed that I had pulled a muscle at the back of my left leg and it was very painfull so I was limping back to the hotel, The next day I went for a massage at my regular masseuse, no 11 at Kim massage parlour, who had given me good massage before. I explained to her about my painful leg and told her to be careful. As usual, she started with my foot, then my thigh and then the back of my leg. She was kneeling down with her head towards my feet and then she rolled her forearm over my painful spot. With the sudden pain, my foot shot up and backwards and hit her head so she almost rolled of the mattress. Well, no harm to her and we had a laugh over it. Anyway, she showed no mercy, and in the end she was standing on the sore spot. But she definately knew what she was doing, in two days time all the pain had gone.

    You were lucky, you could easily have been shot.

    In my opinion you should have let him run away when he failed to grab the chain.

    Many of these young thugs carry guns and are quite happy to use them when challenged.

    Soi 16 and nearby sois in the area of Naklua have been the scenes of a number of violent ride by robberies of late.

    Walking down quiet sois in the dark is not to be recommended. :o

  11. I was always told 3000 bars and if you average 10 employees to a bar then 30000 "staff".

    Taking into consideration the recent expansion of areas such as the development back from 2nd road then up to 3,000 should be about right.

    20,000 is way over the top :o

  12. Pattaya Fox, I never said I want the baht buses stopped. You misread my comment is all. The meaning of the comment which I am surprised you didn't get is that the POWER of the baht bus mafia is totally out of control. That is what should be stopped, not the buses. Never changed my mind, and I can see you are just trying to troll me anyway.

    Bangkok is relevant because it is a nearby big city in Thailand that has one of the most wonderful, affordable fleet of FAIR, AFFORDABLE taxi drivers in the entire world. So Thailand can do it in a big city. If you haven't noticed, Pattaya is also now a big city, whether you like it or not.

    jingthing old chap....you are now struggling.....and as I said before I am a charitable sort of a bloke so I will not take advantage of your misguided postings any further safe to say a little advice. If you wish to promote a certain thing be it a product or a concept which in your case is the taxi meter in Pattaya, then the worst thing that you can do is to try to denigrate the market leader, in this case the baht bus.

    I trust that upon reflection you will come to understand this :o

  13. Can someone explain to me how disabled people can board baht buses or moto taxis?

    I am beginning to feel sorry for you.............you can`t leave it alone can you?

    Excuse me, wasn't the topic how things are going to improve for DISABLED people in Pattaya?

    you can`t leave it alone can you?
    (Answer: can but no)

    You seem to want to change every thread to encompass your bias against baht bus drivers.......this is really sad.

  14. Funny how FEW people seem to need the taxi meters in Bangkok. Last time I looked, they are all over Bangkok and usually with passengers!

    BTW, lady baht bus drivers are very rare, and you know it. Trying to make me look like a lady basher is very clever of you, but it is BS. I have actually never seen a lady baht bus driver, I trust that you have. I will grant you that men are usually better at baseball batting than women.

    The baht buses serve a purpose, that is true, but that purpose should STOP when it becomes (as it has) a totally controlling CORRUPT mafia that serves to repress any other public transport choices.

    Well jingthing you have never seen a lady baht bus driver, some but certainly not I (as I am more charitable) would question your eyesight........and you have this fixation for baseball bats.

    So you have changed your mind again and you now want the baht busses stopped.....Another unbelievable U turn.

    I must question with the greatest respect if you are sober?...if not I would suggest continuing your postings when you are, and then maybe you would post your postings in a more concise and directional manner.

    And pray what on earth has Bangkok to do with this thread which you started?

    May I remind you that we are talking about Pattaya.......it is no wonder that you are getting confused.

  15. You are just trying to spin it, and I don't blame you.

    The results clearly show the baht bus drivers as a general group are reviled.

    Well YOU have certainly reviled (abused) them..........that`s plain to see from your postings on here.

    To reiterate: Baht bus drivers (both ladies and men) do a fantastic job in transporting both Thai people, being workers or otherwise, tourists and local farang residents by providing a cheap efficient mode of transport which works in Pattaya.

    I doubt anyone of us would want to do such a job having to put up with drunks, problems with foreign languages and people who abuse them because they see this as a way to getting a different transport system which will meet the needs of a few, but not the needs of the vast majority of people who wish to travel in and around Pattaya.

    As far as Spin is concerned I`ll be having a spin or two in baht busses shortly :o

  16. On this night checkpoints were set up in Soi Potisan in Naklua, Soi Bongkot in Central Pattaya, Soi Gopia in South Pattaya and Soi Watboon in Jomtien. These areas have been identified by Police as crime hotspots. We looked-in at two of the checkpoints and we are pleased to report that no arrests were made.

    Checkpoints set up at crime hotspots and they're *pleased* that no arrests were made?

    I *hope* the point they were trying to make was that there was no criminal activity the night the checkpoints were in these crimeridden areas, but unless these checkpoints are to be permanent nightly occurrences, what progress has really been made in being able to declassify them as crime hot spots?

    as far as I am aware these checkpoints and the emphasis on tackling the `hot spots` of crime are to continue which has to be good news for everybody except the criminals :o

  17. Well guess I'll pass on Big Al's, doesnt seem to appealing after the reviews thus far.

    You should come try the food yourself. I'll buy you dinner.

    Cheers Big Al, I'll stop by when I'm about, however not looking to sponge mate. I'll happily buy a Big Al Burrito and leave then report back. :o

    You will definitely enjoy it brit.......and if it`s free it will probably taste even better :D

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