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Posts posted by fforest1

  1. My suggestion is to ban anymore hyped stories in the media about Covid....Or better yet ban any stories at at all about Covid in Thailand....Allow all travel in and out of Thailand......Ban the use of masks.....Ban temperature checks.......Ban social distancing Allow all business to reopen...


    And with-in a few months people will be moving ahead with their lives and this unpleasent situation can be forgotten........And sick people can continue to go to the hospital for every diseases known to mankind like they always have.....   

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    We won't have beaten the virus in 2 weeks either. And while you are partying, having the time of your life and crying "let them eat cake,"  millions are facing financial ruin and starting to look towards crime as the only way out.


    Roadrunner won't be so happy when he gets stopped and mugged on those relatively traffic free roads, will he?


    With a raising crime rate this makes me for sure want to never carry my passport with me....
    The May 1 date could change at any time....

  3. https://www.google.com/search?bih=483&biw=900&rlz=1C2CHBD_enTH885TH885&hl=en&ei=xZOWXr-pLZHbrQGtgLWIAg&q=pattaya+map+google+earth&oq=map+pattaya+google+earth&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6AggmOgUIABDNAkoNCBcSCTExLTMzZzExNEoKCBgSBjExLTRnNVD6LFjgSGDTT2gAcAN4AIABzQGIAYoFkgEFNS4wLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab


    I dont think they have quite considered how large the darkside is and how many people live there and need to travel to the bright side...........When you look at Google Earth from the satellite map you can see how large the dark side really is...

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, rasmus5150 said:

    I understand their anger and frustration.

    But instead of directing their anger at the ministers, they should understand that a huge number of Thai people saw this as a free-for-all money buffet. So many people tried to register in the hopes of getting free money, even though they knew that they were not eligible.

    That's one of the reasons this process is very slow and filled with flaws.


    Infinito Corruptio

    Most people were eligible except those covered by social security..... 


    Now is the time one of those Thai flowcharts would come in handy to follow the money trail on this one....

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Emdog said:

    Power was out in part of Jomtien this afternoon, so took a walk to get some food. Most people had masks, but of course there are the idiots who put mask down on chin (they too thick to realise that perhaps virus could be on chin, then if happen to wear mask properly, get some prime shots of the virus), people with mask in hand or bag, on face but below nose... group of Italians with masks down in tight circle.

    I try to restrain myself... want to say "If you want to kill yourself, fine. But you have no right to take me and others down with you"

    Well if you have a mask then you are protected from the non mask wearers right?....

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    ThaiBev's directors and shareholders would have the ear of government, so I can't see a ban.


    However, should staff in the breweries and distilleries start to go down with Corona Virus, then you may see some shortages.

    The ban will be here soon you can count on it....The only real question is how long will it last for? 2weeks?   6months? 

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