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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. I have to say ... I busted a gut laughing at this headline when I saw it ... Here I am debating with people who are ready to jump through fire to help the Democrats in their lofty quest to quell guns in America ... Doing everything they can to help fill the breech to repel those nasty gun favoring Republicans ... so what do the Democrats do -- they go recruiting Gun Loving Democrats to run for Congress - especially the Senate. I know you Democrat loving folks will want to send money to help the Democrats electing some Gun Loving Senators in those swing battleground states. These principled Democrats would Never stoop to electing people to high office that would vote pro gun would they? ... hehehehehehehehe - hahahahahahaha (or 555555) This is so funny ....!!! :)

    "Democratic leaders are wooing staunchly pro-gun candidates to run in pivotal Senate races at the same time they are discussing a strategy for bringing gun control legislation back up for debate"


    Pretty smart I'd say. More important to gain control for other more important issues. Newsflash, gun control is neither the only issue nor the most important issue. I'd wager say most don't really care, don't think it about on a day to day or month to month basis, and are not obsessed with any one issue except perhaps having a good economy and what restaurant to eat at tonight.

  2. <p>

    I think the fact that both the Russians and the US or UN felt the need to attack this country is very telling. They simply present to many world problems and offer very little constructive benefit to the world. What do they supply: raisins, wool, drugs and terrorists. Great contributions and they suck money and resources out of everyone else.

    News breaking in Western media today would suggest that the US role in Afghanistan over the past decade has been very murky indeed.


    I think we can all agree that Afghanistan is an extremely corrupt country, and it would appear that your "tax dollars" are the cause of a lot of it.

    From the link ' The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan', one American official said, 'was the United States'. Tens of millions of dollars in cash, delivered by the CIA in suitcases, backpacks and shopping bags to the office of Hamid Karzai for more than a decade. 'Much of the money went to warlords and politicians, many with ties to the drugs trade and in some case the Taliban'. Laughably at the same time Karzai was also receiving bags of cash from Iran! According to one American official, the CIA were supporting the same networks that US diplomats and the FBI were struggling to dismantle, leaving the government in the grip of organized crime! As another poster noted, Afghanistan now supplies 90% of the worlds illegal heroin, a percentage that has increased massively over the last few years. The CIA have clearly played a major role in this, presumably they, and their paymasters, consider it tens of millions of dollars well spent! Meanwhile, the poor bloody infantry at the sharp end have been paying the price, either coming home in a bodybag, or minus a limb or two. And the saddest thing of all is that the average man on the street doesn't express outrage, or demand accountability for this corruption, for fear of being labelled 'Unpatriotic'. "If you are not with us, you must be against us". That was the mantra as i recall. But the two are not mutually exclusive.

    RE: Heroin

    Who supplies 90% of worlds heroin. Mexico and Columbia supply the vast majority of US's heoin and I thought India was the largest producer and consumer of heroin.

    RE: The US stuff

    This is no revelation. Iran Contra, Columbia and etc. CIA and US has always funnelled money or weapons for influence or information. The article you quoted states:

    "The so-called "ghost money" was meant to buy influence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) but instead fuelled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington's exit strategy from Afghanistan, the newspaper quoted U.S. officials as saying."

    We got ripped off. Duh, what did you expect dealin with folks like these.

    What relevance is this to terrorists activities and declaring a spring offensive? Did US's misdirected money cause guys to fly planes into buildings? Seems like they would graciously accept the money and send us Christmas cards, not bombs or terrorists.

    US does what they think is in the best interests of the US. Does it always work, no. Esecpially when you are dealing with people like these.

    After the NATO forces occupation, opium production again became a major crop in Afghanistan. The arrival of NATO troops in Afghanistan only aggravated the situation, because coalition troops were instructed not to eradicate poppy crops for fear of driving the farmers into the ranks of the Taliban. The above is relevant to the OP as revenue generated from opium/heroin would be used to fuel the Taliban insurgency

    Currently Russia has been identified as the largest per capita consumer of illegal heroin. Some 2.5 million Russians are addicted to drugs, and 90 percent of them use the heroin that has flooded into Russia from Afghanistan.

    The Regional Breakdown for Heroin Consumption 2010:

    • Europe - 26% at 88 metric tons
    • Russia - 21% at 70 metric tons
    • China - 13% at 45 metric tons
    • Africa - 7% at 24 metric tons
    • U.S.A. & Canada - 6% at 21 metric tons
    • Pakistan - 6% at 21 metric tons
    • India - 5% at 17 metric tons
    • Southeast Asia - 5% at 17 metric tons
    • Iran - 5% at 17 metric tons

    I guess I should google:


    Damn, poor Russians. I guess Afghans are getting their revenge now billing killing millions of Russians slowly. Gotta hand it to those Afghans. They give the world terrorist and a boat load of heroin. Great contributions, great people!

  3. Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

    The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


    "If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."


    I hope she persuades the jury into a 'life' sentence VS the death penalty.

    Lethal injection is the easy way out.

    Personally, I'd like to see him set free in downtown Boston and see how that goes.

    True dat. He wouldn't last too long in general population either. Solitary is the worst he'll imaginable though.

  4. Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

    The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


    "If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."

    You were right. That sucks though. Federal prosecutors are bad arse trial lawyers, much better than the stare prosecutors. They will do fine.

    Good thing they didn't listen to the likes of Lyndsey Graham and mirandized that loser.

  5. I think the fact that both the Russians and the US or UN felt the need to attack this country is very telling. They simply present to many world problems and offer very little constructive benefit to the world. What do they supply: raisins, wool, drugs and terrorists. Great contributions and they suck money and resources out of everyone else.

    News breaking in Western media today would suggest that the US role in Afghanistan over the past decade has been very murky indeed.


    I think we can all agree that Afghanistan is an extremely corrupt country, and it would appear that your "tax dollars" are the cause of a lot of it.

    From the link ' The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan', one American official said, 'was the United States'. Tens of millions of dollars in cash, delivered by the CIA in suitcases, backpacks and shopping bags to the office of Hamid Karzai for more than a decade. 'Much of the money went to warlords and politicians, many with ties to the drugs trade and in some case the Taliban'. Laughably at the same time Karzai was also receiving bags of cash from Iran! According to one American official, the CIA were supporting the same networks that US diplomats and the FBI were struggling to dismantle, leaving the government in the grip of organized crime! As another poster noted, Afghanistan now supplies 90% of the worlds illegal heroin, a percentage that has increased massively over the last few years. The CIA have clearly played a major role in this, presumably they, and their paymasters, consider it tens of millions of dollars well spent! Meanwhile, the poor bloody infantry at the sharp end have been paying the price, either coming home in a bodybag, or minus a limb or two. And the saddest thing of all is that the average man on the street doesn't express outrage, or demand accountability for this corruption, for fear of being labelled 'Unpatriotic'. "If you are not with us, you must be against us". That was the mantra as i recall. But the two are not mutually exclusive.

    RE: Heroin

    Who supplies 90% of worlds heroin. Mexico and Columbia supply the vast majority of US's heoin and I thought India was the largest producer and consumer of heroin.

    RE: The US stuff

    This is no revelation. Iran Contra, Columbia and etc. CIA and US has always funnelled money or weapons for influence or information. The article you quoted states:

    "The so-called "ghost money" was meant to buy influence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) but instead fuelled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington's exit strategy from Afghanistan, the newspaper quoted U.S. officials as saying."

    We got ripped off. Duh, what did you expect dealin with folks like these.

    What relevance is this to terrorists activities and declaring a spring offensive? Did US's misdirected money cause guys to fly planes into buildings? Seems like they would graciously accept the money and send us Christmas cards, not bombs or terrorists.

    US does what they think is in the best interests of the US. Does it always work, no. Esecpially when you are dealing with people like these.

  6. I feel bad for this guy but I don't want Obama to give those lunatics one tiny thing in exchange for his life. Enough is enough.

    "In exchange for his life"?

    That's a bit harsh. You'd have this guy kidnapped and executed just to call this weird government out on their BS?

    ... and what is it that you imagine Obama would be giving them in exchange for his freedom? All they sked for the last few times was a photo op with a high ranking US official.

    I would endorse that. Again.

    The problem is if they give in, there will be many more like him. One would have to assume they tortured him and got him to sign something or make a recorded statement. NK is not exactly a champion of human and civil rights.

    • Like 1
  7. Some Canadians' overreaction to little things like this annoys me. I want to be proud of my country and its dignified place in the world. I would rather the rest of the world ignore us than think of us a bunch of crying little babies. Every time we fall for the CBC's latest push of moral indignation towards our southern neighbours, we ingrain the world view that we are little more than the spoiled, kid brother of the USA. This is especially true when we roll out the tired old 'special relationship' argument. It is difficult to fault this view as we seemingly define our identity in relation and adversely to the American identity.

    Reciprocity??? Ha, that is nothing more than an immature attempt of "I know you are so what am I?" Far from taxing Americans, we should be improving the means for them to visit us. The only thing achieved by us taxing Americans at the border will be a bunch of self-righteous Canadians shaking their fists at the border yelling "So what do you think of that?" To which America will reply, "Hey, did you see the finale for 'The Following'?". No one in America will notice or care.

    We need to stop doing this, it's embarrassing. Let America do American things and Canada do Canadian things and I will be a proud Canadian who is happy to have the second or third best country as our neighbour (top 5 for sure). Do we really want to be to America what New Zealand is to Australia. Just kidding Kiwis,rolleyes.gif we love you. Every one knows its the Aussies who are the problem down there.

    A refreshingly positive attitude for once. I like and agree.

  8. Nick is requesting that detailed information regarding the current legal proceedings and status of himself and his ex-gf remain private until a complete dissolution of his connection to her.

    The initial thrust of this PR attempt was to raise the alarm and cast light on the situation in order that it not go quietly unnoticed.

    Our belief is that we saved Nick's life through our quick and loud reporting of events as they occurred.

    I can state that:

    Nick returned home on Wednesday afternoon and had a list of important business matters to attend to, phone calls to make, emails to send, etc...

    But by early evening he said he felt so de-energized that he just wanted to sleep.

    He doesn't drink to excess nor consume drugs and he said that he had never felt like that before in his life.

    His last memory was of being stood up from his bed by his GF and her "uncle" and taken to her waiting car.

    The next 2 days are a blank.

    Upon returning to Pattaya yesterday he began to regain his senses and at some point snatched his (ex) GF mobile away and checked her sms list finding a generic mobile service provider alert stating "Welcome To Cambodia".

    Our belief is Nick was not taken on a scenic drive to photograph the lush jungle on the Thai/Cambodian border rather he was probably slated to never be seen again.

    However our vocal and timely intervention, breaking into his house to retrieve evidence, documents and ensure he, himself wasn't on the premises and thus summoning the police (via his gf's sister to report that we had broken in who also contacted the gf and alerted her to the situation) probably threw a monkey-wrench in her plans to secretly and silently make him disappear.

    The gf's story after changing several times then stated that Nick was with her, in fine health and didn't want to speak with anyone (including police) but that she and him would return the following morning.

    Myself and Harvey waited from 6am to around 8:30am for her to arrive at the time she indicated she would but she eventually showed up around 10-11am at which point Harvey was contacted and the events of yesterday unfolded.

    I would like to say that she has been charged and is in custody for the crime (drugging, kidnapping) but alas it is not the case.

    Nam Plah This story is starting to read like a soap opera. Realy!. It seams more like a domestic dispute rather than a (drugging, kidnapping) There are conflicts in your reporting like, Upon returning to Pattaya yesterday he began to regain his senses and at some point snatched his (ex) GF mobile away and checked her sms list finding a generic mobile service provider alert stating "Welcome To Cambodia". But earlier stated "We think that Nick has been dosed with a hypnotic as he appears lucid but has no memory of the past 3 days (he may still be operating under the effects of some drug)." You also stated that the US Dept of State and Diplomatic Services were involved. What happened to them ? I'm sure if there were some criminal activity they still would be involved, You thanked all the local authorities for their support in helping in the return of your friend Nick yet they do not seem to be supporting Nick now? Sorry to state it like this but this story is very strange indeed.
    Firstly, if there appear to be inconsistencies or confusion in my reporting it is because the situation is ongoing and unresolved.

    I have attempted to report exactly what I know, when I know it and nothing more.

    Any editorializing or opinions stem from posters outside of the affair.

    Thanking the authorities is simply good form, and did not intimate that the ongoing problem was resolved but to note that Nick was returned alive and to thank all who became involved in serving that end.

    Any ex-pat with more than a cursory awareness of the state of criminal activity and the law enforcement procedures in Thailand will understand that this is not a resolved matter and not simply a "domestic disturbance".

    The entire thrust of my posting here has been to raise the alarm, become a thorn in the side of those who would otherwise ignore the case and ultimately in Nick's friends' opinion help to locate Nick and possibly save his life.

    Yes, the US Diplomatic Services and Consular Attache are aware and involved.

    Any speculation on the veracity or validity of any information that I have posted herein is the responsibility of the reader and if you think that I have nothing better to do than fabricate this story to some other end than helping my friend then you need to reexamine your own motivations.

    I have no reason nor need to examine my own motivations! I was courteously stating how I was reading your posts regarding your reporting of what had conspired regarding your friend Nick nor have I relayed my thoughts on what other posters have stated. I take responsibilty for any speculation that I may take from the information that has been posted! As for yourself I dont know you from a bar of soap and would not know what tickles your fancy!

    Yet it tickles your fancy to call him out.

    • Like 2
  9. People thinking guns are not a 'real' problem is the problem.

    An unarmed, defenseless citizenry would be the big problem for me. Trusting police who can't get there in time to protect me would be a problem for me.

    Having you in my neighborhood would be a problem for me. Living among people who "think" like you do would be a problem for me.

    What is disconcerting is that some on here apparently pass the background check. I would love to see some MMPI test results.

  10. Yes - People ... People make and place bombs, people hold and shoot guns, people wield knives, people choose and place poison, people kick people to death with their feet, people purposely run people over with their car. When a drunk kills a person with a car - we blame the drunk - not the car, when terrorist place bombs we blame the terrorist, when a person shoots someone with a gun - certain parts of society place the blame on the gun ... really now? How's that?

    So basically everybody should be allowed to make and buy bombs as they wish? Or should that be regulated somehow? Now where did put my Pu-293 and Li-6?

    He'll yeah. For use when government tries to take over. The bomb and pistol is to give you enough time to get to your rifle.

    • Like 2
  11. Guns do not kill people. People kill people with whatever they have at hand, guns, knives, explosives, poison, words, etc., etc.

    Bombs don't kill people, people do..right?
    absolutely correct just a different form of weapon, I just left that one out and thanks for reminding me.

    Yes - People ... People make and place bombs, people hold and shoot guns, people wield knives, people choose and place poison, people kick people to death with their feet, people purposely run people over with their car. When a drunk kills a person with a car - we blame the drunk - not the car, when terrorist place bombs we blame the terrorist, when a person shoots someone with a gun - certain parts of society place the blame on the gun ... really now? How's that?

    True, but can't run down to Walmart to purchase a pipe bomb even though they are great for red neck fishing.

    • Like 2
  12. I just don't see sophistication requirement with these bombs. We get uneducated Afgans living is tents and uneducated back woods Montana Free Men making these things. Unfortunately, the level of sophistication is not there and anyone could do it. I imagine dude learned while on his sabbatical to Dagastan and etc. as looking this stuff up on net while under watch may be a bit too risky. The elbow pipe bomb and pressure cooker stuff is AQ MO, but is very basic and very easy to make. Sophistication is Ok City Tim McV stuff.

    • Like 1
  13. Cool. Bring in the drones and stomp them out.

    2000 years of history tell us that no invaders were able to occupy Afghanistan for a lengthy period. that applied to Alexander the Great, Genkhis Khan, the Mughals, the British Empire and last not least the former mighty Soviet Union who's armed forces got àss kicked by rag wearing Jihadis.

    using drones might not work either. they might be useful to kill innocent civilians but quite inefficient to "stomp out" the Taleban.

    p.s. it is good to know that no tax dollars of mine are used to pay for launching drones which fire hellfire missiles (each costing $58,000).

    I don't think US or anyone in the US would want to occupy the s hole. Better to spend tax dollars stomping out terrorist than sending to countries in Asia who don't appreciate. I candidly think we need to stop sending money to all these countries that cannot take care of themselves. Maybe they will learn to if they have to rely upon themselves.

    These dudes can declare whatever they wish. They end killing no one and just get blown to smithereens. My earlier point is their coming out of the wood work just gives us accurate targets.

    does that mean you support the shitty story that those who were killed on sept 11, 2001 were victims of a concerted CIA/Mossad action?

    for the record... there's hardly any "wood work" in Afghanistan "to come out".

    No of course not about twin towers, but the topic is about declaring their nutso battle cry against coalition troops and an not attack 12 years ago on American soil. They are pretty impotent when it comes to their ability to conduct direct attacks against colaition trips.

    Wood work was a term of of art and not meant in the literal sense. Point being, all of those so called civilians that are really terrorist may be identified as targets if they attempt to directly attack coalition troops. I would have thought easy logic when making original post on subject.

    I see their battle cry as making our job a bit easier and helping to confirm great targets for the drones. While perhaps not particularly prudent or smart, it's nice of them to tip us off as to their upcoming activities so we can be ready.

    • Like 1
  14. Cool. Bring in the drones and stomp them out.

    2000 years of history tell us that no invaders were able to occupy Afghanistan for a lengthy period. that applied to Alexander the Great, Genkhis Khan, the Mughals, the British Empire and last not least the former mighty Soviet Union who's armed forces got àss kicked by rag wearing Jihadis.

    using drones might not work either. they might be useful to kill innocent civilians but quite inefficient to "stomp out" the Taleban.

    p.s. it is good to know that no tax dollars of mine are used to pay for launching drones which fire hellfire missiles (each costing $58,000).

    I don't think US or anyone in the US would want to occupy the s hole. Better to spend tax dollars stomping out terrorist than sending to countries in Asia who don't appreciate. I candidly think we need to stop sending money to all these countries that cannot take care of themselves. Maybe they will learn to if they have to rely upon themselves.

    These dudes can declare whatever they wish. They end killing no one and just get blown to smithereens. My earlier point is their coming out of the wood work just gives us accurate targets.

    • Like 1
  15. Were there not reports of unexploded devices. This could certainly be a sign of the lack of sophistication and complexity. Nevertheless, that does not preclude or confirm the possibility of anything as it relates to outside influence, instruction, acting alone or acting with help.

    Logic is if you are going to commit a terrorist act, you probably are not going to buy blasting caps, C4 or other stuff that government monitors, especially if the FBI has already spoken to you at least once. Perhaps making bomb from McGiver like materials could show deep ties. Perhaps not.

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  16. There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

    Gun powder, especially flash powder as in fireworks, can be set off very easily with a spark or heat source. Simple way is just remove the filament from a light bulb, such as in a flashlight, and supply a voltage source to it.
    Kind of like the battery we saw attached to the wire at the bomb scene. I don't think any of this stuff takes an engineering degree to make.

    Edit! Unlike operating a stupid iPhone which apparently does. Sorry for the double post . . .

  17. Good articles to provide some perspective on countries entry into Euro and why some countries made serious misrepresentations about their economic and debt structure to meet Euro criteria. Greece was the worst regarding economic misrepresentations to enter Euro in hopes the Euro could bail out a frail and sinking economy. Spain a close second.



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