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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. It gets worse.

    Turns out IRS officials have been releasing tax records of people on the enemies list to opponents.

    I'm thinking barry has handed us a victory.

    Because no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act.

    In fact they wouldn't want the IRS within 50,000 miles of obamacare.

    D.O.A. so sad.

    Actually, the story that is about to break is even bigger. Hold the phones. Obama is BigFoot and, therefore, he surely cannot be President. The Donald was right all along, just for different reasons.

    Four conspiracies in one week? OGM, what will they think of next?

    So now you're slandering Bigfoot?

    Haha, I gotta say I love this! Levity makes the world a better place. Everyone needs to look for the good in people have a better heart. These smear campaigns do nothing for America except cause hate and animosity. Thank god I don't encounter this negativism during my daily life. The funny thing is I come here (a Thai forum) to keep track and hear about things I don't hear about on a daily basis. Haha, I work in a big defense firm where I would never say ,anything bad about Republicans or praise Obama or some of my colleagues would never look at me the same. Yet, I don't hear any of this negativity or scandal this, scandal that at all!

  2. My god, you don't quit.

    Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

    He is not a Buffon. He is bozo the clown. Look at that hair. I just want to put one of those big red noses on a rubber type band on him. How can anyone take guys like that seriously! I think he is just over compensating for grade school abuse.

    I am sorry, but this guy screams used car salesman.

    • Like 1
  3. I agree if someone broke the laws, let them burn. I don't care who it is. The problem is the credibility, sensibility and alarmist character of those slinging the mud. For Gods sake they tried to leach Clinton for getting a BJ from a woman! Hard to take anything by some seriously especially how these certain some act when they are desperate.

  4. it's clear to me that the radical leftists are going to stick with Barry till the bitter end. The point at which Barry drives the country over the cliff.

    Their only defense so far is to trash the witnesses & make funny little jokes.

    I hope Barry is tied up in legal matters till the day he leaves office. Good riddance.

    Driving the country over the cliff seems to be his aim from day one. Corruption taken to new heights.

    Over a cliff? Are you delusional? In 2008, the stock market did what? Went from 14,100 to 10,300 between mid 2008 and September 2008 and continued to lose another 4,000 points until it reversed on March 9, 2009. Our banks became insolvent under Bush. AIG was insolvent because of credit swaps. How many died from terrorist acts on US soil while Bush was president?

    The bs little scandals you are whining about is nothing compared to the serious issues that arose during Bush Jr.

  5. It gets worse.

    Turns out IRS officials have been releasing tax records of people on the enemies list to opponents.

    I'm thinking barry has handed us a victory.

    Because no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act.

    In fact they wouldn't want the IRS within 50,000 miles of obamacare.

    D.O.A. so sad.

    Actually, the story that is about to break is even bigger. Hold the phones. Obama is BigFoot and, therefore, he surely cannot be President. The Donald was right all along, just for different reasons.

    Four conspiracies in one week? OGM, what will they think of next?


  6. Yawn, old news and already out of date. It has been reported in the media for the last two weeks that Syria has already crossed the "red line". The US State Dept argues that it was questionable just who used the chemical weapons, so backed off any further action. The problem now is that any aid that America sends to rebels in Syria will wind up in the hands of Hezbollah / Al Qaeda and will get funneled to Palestine, where they will be used against Israel. Funny how that works, init? Obama is going to do nothing, nada, nyet, nunca, F'All. This is merely a watch the shiny object moment trotted out as a diversion to take the focus off of the triple-scandal which has befallen the White House in recent days.

    As with the Iranian nuclear weapons program this is another of Obama's magically moving red lines. Better not to issue them at all than threaten without following up.

    I do agree with this, but dang . . . What do you do? I guess one could hope that rhetoric and stern threats would keep either side from using weapons of mass of destruction. Perhaps the threat is better than no threat or tactic acquiescence. Then if they do, do you commit to an action that may potentially result in escalation that could get out fo hand just to save face?

  7. Been a while seem I have seen the data, but I recall seeing the richest Rothschild individuals see like 40 or 50 billion for one dude that was or is an investment banker and one dude worth about 20 billion. No doubt family has money.

    In 1998 a conservative estimate of the real wealthy had the Rockerfellers at 7 Trillion and the Rothschilds at 64 trillion. I know its off thread but these are the people that control your everyday lives. Spend some time and dig your nose in, it's quite fascinating. Some of the super wealthy, and there are lots, simply choose and structure things so that they do not appear in Forbes rich list and the like, so there we have it, something closely in common with the super mega ultra wealthy....non of us are on the rich list.

    The Man Who May Become the Richest Rothschild

    In five short years, the man in line to be the fifth Baron Rothschild is close to becoming a billionaire through a web of private equity investments in Ukraine, Eastern Europe and most significant, his partnership stake in Atticus Capital, the fast-growing $14 billion hedge fund.

    The ascent of Mr. Rothschild is a vivid illustration of how the still glittering, if somewhat faded, prestige and wealth of Europe’s most storied banking family has been reinvigorated from bold bets in this era’s new-money investment vehicles.


  8. Gates has stakes in more than a dozen publicly traded companies, including the Four Seasons hotel chain, and several closely held operations, Bloomberg said

    Monsanto, Monsanto, Monsanto! Watch out! They are taking over the worlds agricultural supplies and it's all GM (and Bill Gates won't eat any of it!)

    This is all false

    they don't even mention the Rothschilds They are said to be worth 10s of Trillions

    Yeah, it's a conspiracy!!! Actually, Chapo Guzman may be up there on the list, but since he probably does nor use banks for deposits in his name his wealth is difficult to calculate.

    Bill Gates is a good man. Funny how flashy Paul Allen is compared to Bill and differently they spend their wealth. Is Gates still passing over his children when he dies with most of his wealth? Not sure I agree with that one!

    The Rothschilds own the Federal Reserve, therefore the USA, they own the worlds Central Banks. Comparing their wealth, (which is world controlling), to that of Bill Gates, is like comparing that belonging to Bill Gates to any TV forum member. There can be only estimates but very clever people in the know put their assets not in the tens of trillions, but hundreds of trillions. Some estimates have it as high as 50% of the worlds money, which puts it somewhere in the region of 500 Trillion. They are kept company by some other unbelievably wealthy european families and they control pretty much everything and everybody. I saw an excellent interview with one of the Rothschilds, I think it was the current head of family Evelyn de Rothschild who said that his Grandfather was responsible for starting the suffragette movement (he did this covertly) and getting women the vote and the right to work. he was asked what the motivation was for his Grandfather to do that and he said it was nothing to do with equal opportunities for women, he said that by giving women the vote and the right to work, almost overnight they doubled the amount of people that could be taxed in the countries that implemented it!

    Check out Monsanto, Bill Gates and also the Rothschilds but be prepared to lose about 3-4 hours before you even know it ;)

    Been a while seem I have seen the data, but I recall seeing the richest Rothschild individuals see like 40 or 50 billion for one dude that was or is an investment banker and one dude worth about 20 billion. No doubt family has money.

  9. One of your links provided a pop-up window giving me a chance to donate to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. I declined their kind offer.

    However, it does bring your links into question as to their bias unless we can now link directly to Party blogs as our sources.

    Not to mention that if you read them, they are mostly spin. They try to make silly excuses for the fact that none of the CIA e-mails ever mentioned anything about a video, even though that was the thrust of the false talking points trotted out on all the Sunday shows by Susan Rice.

    Haha, it's all spin both ways. The old saying there is your version, my version and the truth is somewhere in the middle comes to mind. Some Republicans are desperate and a bit OCD and some sheep like supporters can only see black or white. Sad part is they are the most emotional and vocal. End of story.

  10. This is all false

    they don't even mention the Rothschilds They are said to be worth 10s of Trillions

    Yeah, it's a conspiracy!!! Actually, Chapo Guzman may be up there on the list, but since he probably does nor use banks for deposits in his name his wealth is difficult to calculate.

    Bill Gates is a good man. Funny how flashy Paul Allen is compared to Bill and differently they spend their wealth. Is Gates still passing over his children when he dies with most of his wealth? Not sure I agree with that one!

  11. There is no denying that the US is more polarized than I have ever seen it, which includes the era of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war protests. Regardless of the semantics of the details regarding this triple-scandal, on the face of it, how does a democrat continue to support this empty shirt administration? Going back to the NLRB scuttling of Boeing opening a plant in South Carolina to the Keystone Pipeline. From the moratorium on drilling on US waters to his flip-flop position on Gitmo. From the fact that Obama is in the hip pocket of the Wall Street banksters to his overwhelming hubris. Then there is the unbridled spending when the US can ill afford it. My feeling is that liberal's judgement is so clouded by the fact that Obama got elected, then re-elected, that they can find no fault with "their man". As they say, ignorance is bliss.

    Polarized in media and places like these where anyone can get a voice. I don't hear about any of this stuff in my day to day life and was even watching Fox news last day or so to try understand what the big fus is all about. Jodie Arias sentencing and OJ seems to bigger news than Benghazi, IRS or AP issue.

    You state:

    " Then there is the unbridled spending when the US can ill afford it."


    Republicans cant stop screaming hysterically about fictional persecutions and scandals because the deficit is no longer their Big Thing. Obamas policies are contributing to the most rapid deficit reduction since World War II.

    The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported a continued decline in the federal budget deficit: The CBO projects a $642 billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013, down more than $200 billion from its February estimate and the smallest annual shortfall since 2008. It is the lowest level of deficit spending to date under President Obama, who faced $1 trillion or more in annual deficits during his first term.

    You state:

    "My feeling is that liberal's judgement is so clouded by the fact that Obama got elected, then re-elected, that they can find no fault with "their man"."


    Let's examine objective data. Stock market up 22 percent this year. All time high at 15,2XXX. Housing market finally coming back. Unemployment finally going down and at 7.5 percent. Gold prices falling and heading to 1,100 or perhaps lower. Dollar stronger. Mega and large caps have best P/L ratios in years. Banks that were all pretty much failed under Bush are back to being profitable, well capitalized and string reserves.

    Dude, my man, do you not remember that we almost lost ALL of our largest banks and our largest insurer and reinsurer under Bush and when Obama took office. 2008 and early 2009 was the bleakest period in history of US. Do you realize how much wealth US lost during Bush???

    • Like 1
  12. If there is an impeachable offense, impeach him and be done with it.

    Otherwise, please don't waste the world's time on this crapola for the next three years.

    But we must eat up all of obama's time in office... keep him dodging and running - out of focus... keep him so busy dodging political bullets that he has no time to do more dastardly things to my country.

    Cynical and selfish POV.

    My United States is optimistic and positive.

    My USA is toxically divided and crippled by partisanship.

    It's really not in everyday life. Nothing much on news about it and I have not heard any talk in person, even at lunch.

  13. the hard left radicals had better buckle up for a rough 4 months. This is not going away.

    I think we will find out that Benghazi was about running arms to Syrian rebels. And in that respect it reminds one of Iran Contra.

    I think we'll discover that is why EXTREMELY HIGH OFFICIALS at the White House ordered that the cameras be turned off , big boss man went to sleep & it took the FBI 18 days to arrive in Benghazi while a CNN news crew recovered Ambassador Chris Stevens diary.

    Very heroic, very brave

    Benghazi was about the consulate being a CIA outpost and the consular activity being a cover. This is basically what has now beena acknowledged. No one can come right out and admit that the US diplomatic office was used for spying for obvious reasons. The emails leaked by the GOP have now been shown to be doctored. I suggest you pay closer attention to yesterday's release of 200+ emails.

    By the same token, I believe that the IRS problem will be shown to be nothing more than over worked, understaffed civil servants trying to cope with a big workload.

    Valiant effort at rationale thought and objective data, but Bucky and his militia friends know it is all just a conspiracy. They won't fall for it this time.

  14. the hard left radicals had better buckle up for a rough 4 months. This is not going away.

    I think we will find out that Benghazi was about running arms to Syrian rebels. And in that respect it reminds one of Iran Contra.

    I think we'll discover that is why EXTREMELY HIGH OFFICIALS at the White House ordered that the cameras be turned off , big boss man went to sleep & it took the FBI 18 days to arrive in Benghazi while a CNN news crew recovered Ambassador Chris Stevens diary.

    Very heroic, very brave

    Buford Bucky Rodgers! Is that you! When did they let you out!

    Everything is going to be just fine. No doom and gloom end of the world stuff.

    On second thought, you might stock up on some diesel and ammo just in case they get close to Obama and he sends out the government to suppress the people and take their guns away. If I was you, I would stay off the net as they will come after you first!

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  15. I never said he did anything illegal. Don't know why you read that into it. Rove and many conservative groups and individuals were just abusing basically a loop hole to secretly pump money into the campaign.

    Ethically questionable, but not necessarily illegal. This was already investigated by IRS back in 2010. I am sure there is plenty of reading material on it if one searched. I am going a bit by memory as one of my partners out of our DC office handled some of these issues and applications. I know very little about the process.

    My point is only that these actions brought this unwanted attention onto 501s, especially by groups or people like to use 501s primarily for political and contribution purposes.

    This is not necessarily Obama picking on conservatives, but conservatives creating huge scrutiny of 501s since 2010. More investigation needs to be done.

  16. Does anyone here understand a 501©(4) and believe it should be applicable to political organizations? Does anyone know how many were applied for, approved, processing time and reason for some denials? . . . Or are we all just on a war path to trash the other guy we don't like even though we are not real sure of all of the underlying issues.

    I would think lots of bells and whistles should go off if Tea party like group seeking 501©(4) status. Complicated tax provision that is rife for abuse.

    Media Matters has held this status for years and Media Matters is a Leftist house organ for Democrats and obama ... The issue is about applying the law fairly with the same set of standards across the board... not exceeding regulatory authority nor allowing special privilege for some.

    I am sure there are many left and right 501©(4)s. Can you specifically identify a few organizations that applied for 501©(4) and explain the basis for the denial and why the denial was incorrect.

    We don't know the full story yet. I think some basic understanding the 501©(4), the application process and meeting the definition of primarily engaged in meeting the activities of public welfare is very ambiguous standard. Perhaps the IRS gave too much scrutity to those entitites applying for 501©(4) that have made a public anti tax stance. Would seem that they are prone to cheating the system or finding a way to not pay tax since that their ideology.

    Conservative groups and Carl Rove did somewhat abuse the use of 501©(4)s back around 2010 as a method of secretly funneling unlimited contributions from big donors. Perhaps their own abuses created the unwanted scrutiny. I don't know, but you don't know either and you also seem very unknowledgeable about the history and purpose 501©(4)s. More will be revealed and I trust the issue will be resolved in appropriate manner.

    Perhaps we should just completely do away with 501©(4)s and let everyone pay their fair share of taxes and eliminate these provisions that create potential for abuses.

    Karl Rove - at the time you speak of was and still is a private citizen not an officer of the U.S. Government - such as an IRS Administrator. Officers of the Government have a duty of maintaining trust and honesty. If you know of something that Karl Rove has done that is illegal please report it to the U.S. Justice Department / FBI

    Haha, no wonder some of you guys are so gullible, impressionable and a bit noid with the poor reading comprehension and analytical ability. No where did I say Rove was in office.

    Once again, you demonstrate very little grasp of 501©(4)s or you would know how 501s were abused by conservatives including Rove and used to secretly dump huge sums of money into Republican party.

    Unfortunately, I know of the low life Rove all to well. Candidly, people like Rove brought 501 abuses to light and are perhaps the one's to thank for the heightened scrutiny.

  17. Perhaps we should ban cars. They kill more people accidentally than guns.

    Usual con job soundbite

    But not something Wayne NRA L wants his minions to say these days

    - we license cars

    . we tax them

    we register owners and have records of sales

    and have laws how they can be used ................. and we don't allow drunk people to use them - not the same with guns

    In fact we don't do any of that with guns hahahhah biggrin.png

    We don't want our freedom infringed, godblessit

    Nah, I think we should just ban all people with guns. Then there would be no more gun people to pull the triggers on guns. In fact, touch a gun, off to inhabit Mars, but let them take their guns to Mars. They will need a militia there.

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  18. If Chinese are so smart, then why do they have to hack and reverse engineer everything they build. Certainly not a very innovative society, but make good crispy duck and fried wontons.

    Yes, but to make many many many more Chinese, is their innovation, and that the world cannot match.

    So they are comparable to the bunny rabbit. Maybe they should reverse engineer the condom.

  19. Their mistake was not targeting ALL such political action groups, including religions. thumbsup.gif

    NONE of them deserve to be tax free.

    This is really bad now, because now with this "scandal" the extremist right wing groups will be given a special pass on LEGIT enforcement and some of these groups are really dangerous, even some favoring violent revolution against the legal government of the USA. So the decent peace loving tax paying American law abiding citizens will be subsidizing these far right wing extremist pro violence groups. Shocking.

    It came out Tuesday that the IRS went after the Rev Billy Graham's organization too. Why, because he was a Romney support. No one was spared the wrath of the IRS if they opposed the current sitting administration.


    Get off your high horse JT. The administration got caught with their hands in the cookie jar three times in the last week. What's next I wonder? whistling.gif

    Haha, Billy Graham. I would imagine there are many reasons to target and audit him, none of which have anything to do with him supporting Romney.

    • Like 1
  20. Does anyone here understand a 501©(4) and believe it should be applicable to political organizations? Does anyone know how many were applied for, approved, processing time and reason for some denials? . . . Or are we all just on a war path to trash the other guy we don't like even though we are not real sure of all of the underlying issues.

    I would think lots of bells and whistles should go off if Tea party like group seeking 501©(4) status. Complicated tax provision that is rife for abuse.

    Media Matters has held this status for years and Media Matters is a Leftist house organ for Democrats and obama ... The issue is about applying the law fairly with the same set of standards across the board... not exceeding regulatory authority nor allowing special privilege for some.

    I am sure there are many left and right 501©(4)s. Can you specifically identify a few organizations that applied for 501©(4) and explain the basis for the denial and why the denial was incorrect.

    We don't know the full story yet. I think some basic understanding the 501©(4), the application process and meeting the definition of primarily engaged in meeting the activities of public welfare is very ambiguous standard. Perhaps the IRS gave too much scrutity to those entitites applying for 501©(4) that have made a public anti tax stance. Would seem that they are prone to cheating the system or finding a way to not pay tax since that their ideology.

    Conservative groups and Carl Rove did somewhat abuse the use of 501©(4)s back around 2010 as a method of secretly funneling unlimited contributions from big donors. Perhaps their own abuses created the unwanted scrutiny. I don't know, but you don't know either and you also seem very unknowledgeable about the history and purpose 501©(4)s. More will be revealed and I trust the issue will be resolved in appropriate manner.

    Perhaps we should just completely do away with 501©(4)s and let everyone pay their fair share of taxes and eliminate these provisions that create potential for abuses.

    • Like 1
  21. Does anyone here understand a 501©(4) and believe it should be applicable to political organizations? Does anyone know how many were applied for, approved, processing time and reason for some denials? . . . Or are we all just on a war path to trash the other guy we don't like even though we are not real sure of all of the underlying issues.

    I would think lots of bells and whistles should go off if Tea party like group seeking 501©(4) status. Complicated tax provision that is rife for abuse.

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