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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. A close friend of mine, 25 old Ukrainian girl, just left her abusive, drug addict but musician rich husband. 4 years here and never had to work. She left him with only the clothes on her back and $ 1,500 about 45 days ago. She moved to a different city so he could not find her, got two jobs, bought a car and is doing it on her own. She has no US education and never had a job in US before. She has no family here and wants nothing for her gajillionaire soon to BR ex-husband. If she can do it anyone can so a lot of the U6s need to drop the crack pipe, get off their arse and stop relying upon a hand out.

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  2. Don't get carried away. The chronic unemployment thing is damaging the lives of tens of millions of Americans, mostly permanently.

    I get that, but we don't live in a perfect world and absent communism not sure if 0 % unemployment is feasible.

    The U6 number is extremely confusing. This past August alone, U6 surged 450,000 in the 16 - 24 age bracket solely because kids leaving workforce to return to school in the fall. Many fixed incomer retirees considered entering work force in 08 and 09 when their investments or pensions were cut in half. Those have now dropped out of job market search with their investments back to higher than pre 2008 levels.

    US is a very competitive market and one can thrive here with a good education, good work ethics and commitment. U6 numbers have have large component if individuals with no education and no particular skill or trade. Sone rather collect benefits than work for minimum wage doing crappy jobs that pays no more than benefits.

    Education is so critical in today's job market. Opportunity is there. We have turned the corner and are on the right path. People here just cannot expect it to be given to them like a lot of those U6s.

  3. Haha, sour grape syndrome. Many that fail is the US may harbor resentment or bitterness at the notion that US is actually doing quiet well at the moment. Dow 15,215, oil and gas cheaper, housing picking up, small businesses picking up, unemployment at 7.5 and heading in right direction (even with sequester in place), dollar stronger (good and bad), gold heading to $12,000 with some even saying $500 as support (I said $1,100 several months ago), long term debt stabilizing, and on and on.

    The biggest drag on US economy right now is Euro and China struggles or macro issues. Hate to break it to you chuckd, but we are doing quite well here in the US and much better than 99.9 % of other regions in the world facing serious social and economic struggles.

  4. Though DOJ did not give the AP a specific reason for the seizure, the dates of the phone calls it targeted offered a clear tell. On May 7, 2012, AP reporters Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, citing anonymous sources, reported that the CIA had thwarted a plot by an al-Qaeda affiliate to "destroy a U.S.-bound airliner using a bomb with a sophisticated new design around the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden."

    The AP acknowledged then that it had agreed with the White House and CIA requests "not to publish" its story "immediately because the sensitive intelligence operation was still under way." But "once officials said those concerns were allayed," the news organization went ahead with its story rather than wait for the Obama administration's official announcement.

    It was later revealed that the "would-be bomber" was actually a U.S. spy planted in the Yemen-based group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. On May 18, U.S. and allied officials suggested to Reuters that the leak to the AP had forced the end of an "operation which they hoped could have continued for weeks or longer."


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  5. There are some pretty dangerous mutations out there. I hear bits and pieces from brother as he a fed anti terrorism agent that works with International flights and shipping for companies like Fed Ex, UPS and etc. They recently began focusing on persons and packages from certain areas due to some health concerns and to set up screening for individuals entering US that have been to certain places. Delicate balance here and perhaps only a matter of time for one these super bugs does the unthinkable.

  6. To pediatricians, gun control is a public health issue, not a political one. But they're treading a fine line, and they know it.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has begun a renewed push to try to get Congress to pass gun control measures, sending more than 100 pediatricians to Capitol Hill earlier this month. But others who have taken on the issue over the past decade have a warning for them: they can run afoul of the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups that are quick to paint anyone who advocates for gun control as a political extremist.

    What the doctors want is an assault weapon ban, mandatory background checks and waiting periods before all firearm purchases, a ban on high-capacity magazines, handgun regulations and requirements for safe firearm storage under federal law.


    Since a recent report said more people have been killed in the last few years with hammers and other blunt objects than with assault weapons, when will the pediatricians start petitioning hardware stores?thumbsup.gif

    Edit in to add link:

    FBI: Hammers, Clubs Kill More People Than Rifles, Shotguns

    January 3, 2013 2:44 PM

    WASHINGTON (CBS DC) Annual FBI crime statistics show that more people are killed with clubs and hammers each year than by rifles or shotguns.

    In 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs. There were 356 murders in which a shotgun was the deadly weapon of choice.


    Haha, focus on only rifle aspect for your statistical spin, but they also raised other issues needing to be addressed in their opinions that you may have missed so here it is again:

    "What the doctors want is an assault weapon ban, mandatory background checks and waiting periods before all firearm purchases, a ban on high-capacity magazines, handgun regulations and requirements for safe firearm storage under federal law."

    Those silly doctors, I guess they are just unintelligent gun haters wanting to take the good ole boys' guns so the government can step in and take over. Damn doctors. Their in on it too.

  7. Agreed. And with three, four and five stops - I think I read there were a total of 82 pit-stops yesterday - you are increasing the odds of pit mishaps, of which we saw several yesterday, both hits and near misses.

    My pet peeve: these front wings which will soon be larger than the rest of the vehicle.

    I would think that the majority of the wear problems are related to the search for greater grip through the design of these wings so I wonder what the result would be if the teams sacrificed some downforce and time and possibly save having to pit so often, for example the commentators were saying 18 seconds for a pit stop with Ferrari doing 4 with Fernando, but having a 2 stop strategy albeit slightly slower they would have saved apprx 36 seconds. Perhaps they cannot see the trees for the forest after all there is usually fractions of a second difference in lap times of the top teams what they lose on the swings maybe they could make it up on the roundabout.


    Didn't F1 politely suggest to Pirelli that they develop a higher degradation tire this year to spice up the show so to speak. The problem is taking entertainment factor out of drivers hands and relying upon tire manufacturer to create a high degradation tire to infuse excitement. I don't doubt for a minute that Pirelli could make a tire that could handle the down force. That is just not what F1 wanted. Hence we get F1 racing at 9/10s or maybe 8/10s parade laps. Who wants that?

    Without doubt Pirelli could produce any tyre required by the FIA or the manufacturers but the problem is whatever regs are in place there is always some fault that after awhile produces a procession.

    If there were stops for fuel and tyres it would still mean the same few teams winning and subsequently fewer teams lower down being in a financial position to maintain a team and putting a limit on how much cash can be spent would make for all cars being pretty much the same but I'm sure there are posters on here that may have some good ideas to improve things so let's hear some suggestions although last years racing was entertaining.


    The competitive financial aspect is no neophyte challenge experienced in racing and it appears at all levels, yet at other levels racing still tends to be 10/10s and more invidualized. Racing should be less about constructors/manufacturer and more about driver, excitment, talent and that wonderful racer ego. Even spec classess from Spec Miata, Spec Ford to simple various 911 club classes have issues revolving around finance. BIG $$$ can purchase comparable spec parts that provide legal NASA or SCCA advantages. Racing here though does not suffer even though those with the $$$ can still have an advanatge in spec. A .1 second a lap car advantage on a 2 mile course can be huge, but one late brake or missed line, especially in a momentum car, can be very costly. No so in F1. So much time can be made up in F1 through various factors having little to do with driving.

    These guys can cruise in fuel save mode or run 10 parade laps to conserve tires to make next stop and still possibly remain in contention for a podium. Rather than pushing the cars, many drivers are instructed to stand down and just finish status quo. The teams employ an endurance race mentaility and I cannot image any driver being happy.

    Go to one wet tire and one dry tire. Stop playing around with all the little technology bs to make racing more exciting including push to pass in INDY. The F1s are abolsutely brilliant cars and perhaps too expensive to stuff. Stuffing a car, however, is racing. These brilliant F1 drivers would be more exciting to watch in a simple Formula Mazda Pro race on Mid Ohio where they can block, run three wide and use their skills to actually set themselves apart.

  8. To pediatricians, gun control is a public health issue, not a political one. But they're treading a fine line, and they know it.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has begun a renewed push to try to get Congress to pass gun control measures, sending more than 100 pediatricians to Capitol Hill earlier this month. But others who have taken on the issue over the past decade have a warning for them: they can run afoul of the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups that are quick to paint anyone who advocates for gun control as a political extremist.

    What the doctors want is an assault weapon ban, mandatory background checks and waiting periods before all firearm purchases, a ban on high-capacity magazines, handgun regulations and requirements for safe firearm storage under federal law.


  9. I'm happy the commentators voiced their opinion re the tyres. 4 stops. is ridiculous when it's part of a strategy IMO. They're is more going on in the pits than on track.

    Agreed. And with three, four and five stops - I think I read there were a total of 82 pit-stops yesterday - you are increasing the odds of pit mishaps, of which we saw several yesterday, both hits and near misses.

    My pet peeve: these front wings which will soon be larger than the rest of the vehicle.

    I would think that the majority of the wear problems are related to the search for greater grip through the design of these wings so I wonder what the result would be if the teams sacrificed some downforce and time and possibly save having to pit so often, for example the commentators were saying 18 seconds for a pit stop with Ferrari doing 4 with Fernando, but having a 2 stop strategy albeit slightly slower they would have saved apprx 36 seconds. Perhaps they cannot see the trees for the forest after all there is usually fractions of a second difference in lap times of the top teams what they lose on the swings maybe they could make it up on the roundabout.


    Didn't F1 politely suggest to Pirelli that they develop a higher degradation tire this year to spice up the show so to speak. The problem is taking entertainment factor out of drivers hands and relying upon tire manufacturer to create a high degradation tire to infuse excitement. I don't doubt for a minute that Pirelli could make a tire that could handle the down force. That is just not what F1 wanted. Hence we get F1 racing at 9/10s or maybe 8/10s parade laps. Who wants that?

  10. F1I have been racing since 13 in everything from Formula Atlantict Champ Atlantic in open and primarily gt3 cup car in closed wheel. I love everything racing and spend weekends instructing for Barbar, PBOC, SCCA, Chen, PCNA, BMW CCA, and etc.

    That being said, I can barely watch F1 any more. This is not racing. I can find more entertainment on a track any summer weekend watching spec Miatas going at it. Even Indy has surpassed F1 in entertainment. Crazy thrilling passes for top 5 spots last week in Brazil with Sato blocking my good friend and up and coming Newgarden, Hinchcliff and many passes on a dangerous closed course for top 5 spots during last 3 laps.

    Haimilton saying he cannot drive any slower, Mercedes coming out in fuel save mode, no crowding, no blocking, no driving, no nothing. This is a bit like watching a driving school with pass only on the right with a waive around. BORING.

    I think Indy car racing is a matter of choice as to whether one thinks it's better than F1 but oval tracks while not being the majority of racing venues probably amount to 33% and having watched the 500 numerous times it's not for me and Nascar, well whatever floats ones boat I guess.

    With such a busy weekend schedule of instructing your favourite forms of motorsport then obviously your view of F1 being so boring gives you more time to indulge in whatever alternative you prefer.

    Not into NASCAR, but at least their not afraid to trade paint and go 10/10s from beginning to end. Nit sure I am seen an F1 car go 10/10s for more than 5 consecutive laps this year.

    Indy courses this year have been interesting. Barber Motorsports park is a bit like my home course and a teaching venue for PCA DE schools. Great venue for Indy, although the racing and lead changes this year at Tampa and Brazil have been good racing. Long Beach tough to pass at, but these guys and gals still driving 10/10s on very tight and unforgiven circuit.

    Oval stuff puts me to sleep, but F1 is dare I say even more boring. Qualifying is more exciting than the actual racing.

    Indy Brazil had ten passes, maybe morr, in top five cars on last two laps. How many non lapped traffic passes all day today in F1?

  11. I have been racing since 13 in everything from Formula Atlantict Champ Atlantic in open and primarily gt3 cup car in closed wheel. I love everything racing and spend weekends instructing for Barbar, PBOC, SCCA, Chen, PCNA, BMW CCA, and etc.

    That being said, I can barely watch F1 any more. This is not racing. I can find more entertainment on a track any summer weekend watching spec Miatas going at it. Even Indy has surpassed F1 in entertainment. Crazy thrilling passes for top 5 spots last week in Brazil with Sato blocking my good friend and up and coming Newgarden, Hinchcliff and many passes on a dangerous closed course for top 5 spots during last 3 laps.

    Haimilton saying he cannot drive any slower, Mercedes coming out in fuel save mode, no crowding, no blocking, no driving, no nothing. This is a bit like watching a driving school with pass only on the right with a waive around. BORING.

  12. Are Drones effective against IED's? I havent heard of that breakthrough.

    Haha, analytic reasoning! IEDs hurt troop on the ground. Drones keep us from needing troops on the ground to take out people targets. IEDs no good against drones because they are on the ground and drones in the air. Accordingly, drones render IEDs useless. Think my man.

  13. Here's the Rogers family a few years ago, clearly preparing for either black helicopters sent by their Kenyan Muslim and - let's not forget - black president . . . or an invasion by the United Nations . . . or a good ole coon shootin'! Yeeeeeha! The last bastion of defense to preserve freedom and honour.


    (Not sure what the sign says but it looks like they're saying they're not afraid anymore thumbsup.gif )

    Here is what the sign says.


  14. Just a good ole boy . . . Never doin no harm . . .

    Trailer, guns, bombs, militia and a God fearin NRA member. God bless America for that God given right.

    I wonder how many more are out there just waiting for the right time. Scary stuff.

    Where did you read he was an NRA member?

    Where does it say he is God fearing. Maybe he thinks he is a God. The God of trailer parks. This is a light hearted conversation, move on to the gun threads for OCD stuff.

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  15. There seems to be a new beef breaking out that may result in the Djokar case getting tangled up in legal procedural technicalities - technicalities that are of great importance - that may sidetrack the prosecuting of the case. One aspect is the question of whether the U.S. has a second justice system for Muslims.

    More, it revisits the Mirandizing of Djokar and the secret order signed by Prez Obama to interrogate well beyond the time period specifically stipulated by the courts in the instance of terrorism suspects. It's regularly been said that high visibility cases make bad law and dubious legalities that are often nullified on appeal. Obama's secret order to allow 48 hours of non-Miranda interrogation may be unconstitutional.

    Recall Djokar was interrogated for 16 hours before the judge appeared in the hospital room to Mirandize him and give him a lawyer. Mirandizing Djokar at all ticked off a lot of politicians in Washington.

    Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Repeated Requests For A Lawyer Were Ignored


    I'm not so sure that this will impede his trial and conviction. Even if it is found that his Miranda rights were violated, I "think" all that means is that his testimony before that can't be used against him at trial. But I think there's enough other evidence including eyewitness evidence and physical evidence to convict him anyway.

    His new anti death penalty lawyer will simply try to use the evidentiary problems to obtain a plea for life.

  16. It will be a huge embarrassment to the US if Kimmy actually releases the idiot evangelist.

    So, yes, he will be released. I just hope he does not come to Thailand to preach about Jesus.

    The focus here is on North Korea. And Kenneth Bae is a South Korean citizen too.

    If Kim continues to hold Bae in a prison camp at hard labor, Kim impresses no one. If Kim takes Rodman seriously and releases Bae, Kim impresses no one. Either way, Kim looks like the nutcase he in fact is. Whichever way, Kim throws an air ball. (Sound of horn.)

    Kim would have to practice his dunking and shooting skills on the 4 foot extended to 5 foot plastic Hasboro goal. Then again, his arms are so short I don't think he could hold the ball above his head to dunk.

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  17. Almost everything about India is a disaster and the sad part is that human tragedies like this are not surprising.

    Bangla Desh was annexed by India? w00t.gif

    They drink from, brush their teeth in, bathe in, and defecate in the same river in which they dump their dead corpses.

    Muslims don't bury their dead but dump them in rivers? coffee1.gif

    get a life some basic education man!

    Oh jeez, off soap box back into my cave, but I do know where Mexico is . . .

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