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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Two House Dems demand Lerner resignation after using lobbyist to stage modified limited hangout

    posted at 4:49 pm on May 17, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

    Whats worse than a high-ranking federal bureaucrat dishonestly setting up a planted question in order to stage a modified limited hangout in order to downplay an explosive scandal coming on quickly? Using a lobbyist to do it:...

    ...Reps. Joe Crowley (D-Queens) and Sander Levin (D-Mich), top Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee, on Friday demanded the resignation of Lois Lerner, head of the IRS division overseeing tax-exempt organizations....


    Well of course. She was in charge of that department, not Ingram. Funny how conservatives and tea party went after Ingram instead who has been in Obamacare team since December 2010.

    It would seem this article believes Ms. Ingram was in fact actually in charge of the tax exempt department through 2012, which I believe is contrary to your earlier post that she left that department in 2010.


    White House aide: ‘Nothing that suggests’ IRS official at center of scandal ‘did anything wrong’
    By Ben Wolfgang-The Washington Times Sunday, May 19, 2013
    A besieged White House dug in its heels Sunday and defended figures at the center of the unfolding Internal Revenue Service scandal while reiterating that President Obama knew nothing of the misdeeds inside the agency.
    White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, appearing on four Sunday morning political talk shows, offered strong support for Sarah Hall Ingram, who led the agency’s tax-exempt division as it admittedly targeted conservative groups. She recently was promoted to chief of the health care reform office, tasked with implementing “Obamacare.”
    "Mr. Pfeiffer added that a top-down investigation of the IRS will examine Ms. Ingram’s 2009 to 2012 tenure as head of the tax-exempt division."
    Operative words in this article are:
    " She recently was promoted to chief of the health care reform office"
    " Ms. Ingram’s 2009 to 2012 tenure as head of the tax-exempt division."
    So, how about that annual bonus increase from $7,000 in 2009 to $34,400 in 2010...or is that question too slanderous to ask.

    Ingram was assigned to oversee the health care law in December of 2010 and six months before the inspector general's report said her subordinate was notified of the targeting. Everything else is speculaiton and innuendo at this point.

    Did her official title change in December of 2010? No.

    Did her duties shift from tax exempt to new health care law in December of 2010? Yes.

    Did she still retain any duties whatsoever over tax exempt and, in partcular the 501©(4) determinations? So far, there is no evidence confirming this which I would think we be extremely easy to confirm and it appears Lois Lerner was making high level decision in department in mid 2011 when she approved Obama's brother's charity in May 2011.

    Did Ingram's bonuses in 2009 and 2010 result from application of the challenged classifcations? The classifications apparently did not arise until 2011 and I have seen no evidence or proof from you that the classifications existed in 2010.

    Was Ingram's 2010 bonus comparable to a singing bonus for new assignment and delegation of new responsibilities? Perhaps. Makes more sense than being paid bonus for new appointment than being paid for something that had yet to occur.

    When did abuse of 501©(4) become as huge issue? Apparently in 2011 when it was discovered that conservative groups were abusing the classiciation to secretly channel large sums of tax free contirbutions to campaigns in 2010.

    Were Ingram's bonuses in 2011 and 2012 related to her new role as overseeing Obamacare or new health care law or were they related to something more nefarious? Makes sense that pay relates to promotion and delgation of new responsibilities under such a massive project. There is no evidence to the contrary. Use of speculation, innuendo and political motivation to tarnish someone's reputation, ruin their career and impact their livelihood is reprehensible.

    • Like 1
  2. I guess this wonderful source Voice of Russia cited so frequently here was unaware that Putin, who they say wants peace, just sent Assad a bunch of extremely high tech missiles. These are a threat to both Israel and to US Naval ships. This actually could really escalate issues in Syria.

    Isn't citing stories from Voice of Russia about like citing stories from government controlled Chinese newspapers.

    OP is based on articles from BBC, LA Times

    I don't think LA Times or BBC wascrepieting that Putin was looking for a peaceful resolution, especially on the day he sent Assad some high tech missiles that may bring Israel or escalate things a bit.

  3. Two House Dems demand Lerner resignation after using lobbyist to stage modified limited hangout

    posted at 4:49 pm on May 17, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

    Whats worse than a high-ranking federal bureaucrat dishonestly setting up a planted question in order to stage a modified limited hangout in order to downplay an explosive scandal coming on quickly? Using a lobbyist to do it:...

    ...Reps. Joe Crowley (D-Queens) and Sander Levin (D-Mich), top Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee, on Friday demanded the resignation of Lois Lerner, head of the IRS division overseeing tax-exempt organizations....


    Well of course. She was in charge of that department, not Ingram. Funny how conservatives and tea party went after Ingram instead who has been in Obamacare team since December 2010.

    • Like 1
  4. Strassel: The IRS Scandal Started at the Top


    The bureaucrats at the Internal Revenue Service did exactly what the president said was the right and honorable thing to do.

    Was the White House involved in the IRS's targeting of conservatives? No investigation needed to answer that one. Of course it was.

    President Obama and Co. are in full deniability mode, noting that the IRS is an "independent" agency and that they knew nothing about its

    abuse. The media and Congress are sleuthing for some hint that Mr. Obama picked up the phone and sicced the tax dogs on his enemies.

    But that's not how things work in post-Watergate Washington. Mr. Obama didn't need to pick up the phone. All he needed to do was exactly what he did do, in full view, for three years: Publicly suggest that conservative political groups were engaged in nefarious deeds; publicly call out by name political opponents whom he'd like to see harassed; and publicly have his party pressure the IRS to take action.


    Haha, Kim Strassel always has nice things to say about Obama. Just more speculation and innuendo and I doubt Obama gave two craps about any those companies at issue. According to Strassel, Obama was speaking in code and dropping all of these companies names during public addresses and the IRS knew what to do. Uh, really??? Does any one really take this seriously?

    Well, maybe she has tapes of all of his public addresses naming the 70 companies that the IRS needed to target. Maybe it's in pig Latin or we need to play the tapes backwards to hear it.

    • Like 1
  5. What the average American doesn't seem to understand is that the rest of the world is looking on at this, and howling with laughter! The cradle of democracy! Yeah right!

    Actually, the rest of the world has their own problems and could probably care less, especially Thailand with coups, red shirt, yellow shirts, proxy and etc. US will be okay and what others think really doesn't matter if they don't live here.

    • Like 1
  6. Was at gym doing card so trying to read subtitles from one of many monitors, but I swear Rove on Fox said that the IRS scadel probably resulted from so low beauracratic employees with a chip on their shoulder and probably cannot connect to President. He went on to say Benghazi, however, was a different story . . .

    The guy before him in Fox said people need to stand down on Ingram until there is some evidence to the contrary.

  7. RE: F430murci # 204...

    Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

    Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

    Watch the Congressional Hearings on this IRS fiasco - there will be more ... but you may not like those 'facts'

    Here are facts. I dint think future congressional hearings is going to magically rewrite history or can change these facts.

    Sarah Hall Ingram, 55, was until December 2010 in charge of the office supervising nonprofit organizations. She shifted to her health-care role that month, before the IRS began giving the Tea Party nonprofit applications extra attention.

    That isnt stopping Tea Party advocates from insisting President Barack Obama fire her.


  8. RE: F430murci # 204...

    Hehehehehehe ahahahahahahah 555555 Wow ! Ingram only needs to be put in Jail along with the rest of her IRS cronies ,,, keep defending the indefensible okay ? It is amusing.

    Condemnation without facts. Please, talk facts. Cite facts. Cite dates. Cite laws she broke and exactly what evidence you have that she broke laws.

    Watch the Congressional Hearings on this IRS fiasco - there will be more ... but you may not like those 'facts'

    I did. I also cited and quoted articles that provided objective facts from reputable commentators and news sources, not political sites.

    You are the one saying Ingram should be sent to jail, but you cannot cite facts and identify exactly what laws she broke, how she broke them and the dates in which she broke them.

    If there are facts that she broke the law, she should get disbarred and punished for it.

    Completely disgraceful, however, for politicians to be calling for her head without any facts and for no other purpose than to slow the momentum of Obamacare.

    I could give a hoot less about Obamacare, but I find it disgraceful and reprehensible to go after someone's livelihood, reputation and commitment to her career for no other reason than political motivations. I almost hope there are some facts so as not to be so disappointed in human nature and our political system.

  9. It is not unusual for foreign prisoners to be sent to their country of origin to complete the term of imprisonment. It is now up to Israel to decide what they want to do.

    This case is slightly different, in that, he was pardoned by HM the King and therefore deemed to have served his sentence and is otherwise considered a free man. Unless Israel can indite Mr Cohen on something else, this case is done.

    Agree. Wonder why it almost always became necessity to restate what should be obvious.

  10. Hang him he is the biggest pompous A$$ in sports today. He says he is GOD and directs F1 like it is his own doing.

    It is his own doing. He's the one who turned it into a massive money maker by seeing the TV opportunities before anyone else. Before he came along it was just a bunch of playboys throwing their money around.

    Now he controls absolutely everything, and owns every track for the duration of the race. He provides food, drink, security, you name it. He even owns the hotel rooms in the vicinity and "sells" them to the teams.

    He is one switched on cookie and you can't fault him for seeing the potential of the sport before anyone else and then nailing it down so he can do what he likes.

    They even turn up with special F1 carpet for the Paddock Club for each race - then destroy it afterwards (I know because I was once trying to negotiate it "disappearing" into my lounge <heh>).

    Before Bernie the cars used to race. The last event, we had Hamilton saying over the radio. "I can't drive any slower."

    For sure. Amazing carts with amazing potential doing parade laps. Hard to watch any more as it is so boring.

    • Like 1
  11. Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

    I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

    The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

    I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

    The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

    She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

    Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


    You do realize she left the tax exempt department after December 2010, but you make it sound as if she was in that department in 2011 and 2012 when she got those bonuses.

    Bloomberg article states:

    Sarah Hall Ingram, 55, was until December 2010 in charge of the office supervising nonprofit organizations. She shifted to her health-care role that month, before the IRS began giving the Tea Party nonprofit applications extra attention.

    IRS officials have acknowledged they were wrong to target groups with the names tea party or patriot that were requesting nonprofit status. While many Tea Party groups faced intrusive questionnaires, so did some Democratic organizations. No Tea Party group has said they were denied nonpartisan status by the IRS, and many have been approved for it.


    Good God, at least get facts straight before slandering people.

  12. Exactly Chuckd - please provide names of Obama admin officials (not career IRS civil servants - but political appointees) who told the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups.

    I seriously doubt we will ever find out. The present administration is well schooled in cutouts and duck and cover politics so it is unlikely the real higher ups (i.e.Emmanuel,Axelrod or others) will ever be identified.

    The underlings will take the fall and the White House Presidential advisers will collect that $170,000 salary and skate away scot free.

    I do find it interesting that the original IRS official in charge of the tax exempt division, Sarah Marshall, "received a $7,000 bonus in 2009, according to data obtained by The Washington Examiner from the IRS, then a $34,440 bonus in 2010, $35,400 in 2011 and $26,550 last year, for a total of $103,390. Her annual salary went from $172,500 to $177,000 during the same period."

    The extra curricula activities began in 2010 so somebody higher up thought she was doing a good enough job for them to increase her annual bonus from $7,000 to $34,440 from 2009 to 2010.

    She is now in charge of the Obamacare implementation department of the IRS so somebody VERY high up thought she did a good job.

    Money will buy lots of loyalty but if you truly believe nobody in the White House was involved with this from the start, you are sadly mistaken. No GS 13 would have the nerve to pull this off without some very high up official giving it a nod.


    Uhm, $ 170,000 is actually crap pay for someone that went to Yale undergrad and graduated Georgetown law in 1982, if money was her motivation, she could do a lot better. I mean seriously, how can anyone think her bonus was based on her targeting conservative groups for high scrutiny during 501 application process. Come on!

  13. RE: 430Murci #151

    It is a different IRS department processing a much smaller amount of applications - there is not intermixing of jobs - don't you get that? It is not just one big pile of paper you know...

    Oh jeez. An OCD kid with a learning disability could figure this out. Let's take Steven Miller and criticism he does not know everything that happens and who directs it. What office was processing or making determinations? Cincinati. Was Steven Miller in Cincinati processing? Where was he based? Is he an idiot for not knowing everything 100,000 employees were doing? Is he annudiot for not knowing every detail about every filing, every audit and every application which perhaps numbers 200,000,000?

    Intersting quote on Forbes from a CPA and his take on this issue:

    As a CPA who has prepared applications for exempt status, I do not see how any tea party organization was harmed. A nonprofit can commence operations while the application is in process, and all of these applications were either approved or are still in process (except for a few withdrawn by the applicants themselves).

    The IRS was criticized for not paying enough attention to political activity of exempt organizations and hit with a surge in applications. They formed a specialist group to review applications of organizations that appeared to be likely to engage in political activity. If your application got sent to the specialist group, it was slowed down. Ultimately, they became paralyzed because they could not figure out what criteria they should be using. More people got involved. The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing.


    Deflect - Deflect - Deflect ... no one was injured because someone who wasn't affected said that it was okay... Interesting!!! The ones who were actually affected by the mean spirited politically punitive - biased obama bureaucrats get the say in what was important or not ... not some obama minion who would vehemently defend obama if he ate kittens for breakfast on national T.V.

    Did you actually read the Forbes article? You obviously did not listen to the hearings. Have you read anything about the facts of what happened? It seems like you guys just blindly listen and follow like sheep when someone says something against Obama.

    Wasn't it like only 70 of 300 applications going through higher level of review conservative groups or tea party applications? I think this and the points made in the Forbes article reveal just how ridiculous this entire thing is.

    The sad part is the IRS workers that perhaps did nothing maliciously that are now in jeopardy of losing their job due to the Republican political machine. Seriously, how could any rationale person legitimately believe that a Tea Party group might try to do something below the board to avoid taxes.

    The more I read and understand what happened, the more I think those looking to use this for political leverage should be ashamed of themselves.

  14. RE: 430Murci #151

    It is a different IRS department processing a much smaller amount of applications - there is not intermixing of jobs - don't you get that? It is not just one big pile of paper you know...

    Oh jeez. An OCD kid with a learning disability could figure this out. Let's take Steven Miller and criticism he does not know everything that happens and who directs it. What office was processing or making determinations? Cincinati. Was Steven Miller in Cincinati processing? Where was he based? Is he an idiot for not knowing everything 100,000 employees were doing? Is he annudiot for not knowing every detail about every filing, every audit and every application which perhaps numbers 200,000,000?

    Intersting quote on Forbes from a CPA and his take on this issue:

    As a CPA who has prepared applications for exempt status, I do not see how any tea party organization was harmed. A nonprofit can commence operations while the application is in process, and all of these applications were either approved or are still in process (except for a few withdrawn by the applicants themselves).

    The IRS was criticized for not paying enough attention to political activity of exempt organizations and hit with a surge in applications. They formed a specialist group to review applications of organizations that appeared to be likely to engage in political activity. If your application got sent to the specialist group, it was slowed down. Ultimately, they became paralyzed because they could not figure out what criteria they should be using. More people got involved. The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing.


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  15. No. Seriously. Cannot you not actually keep what I say in context. I said not approve anything and just alluded to double standard and witch hunt mentality apparently motivated by some other factor. Its called healthy skepticism about real issues and validity of allegations. Jeez. Talk about credibility.

    Credibility will be when an Obama supporter actually fesses up and says...Gosh, my man actually did it.

    It's easier to deflect responsibility and blame Bush though so that is the path well traveled. They've been doing it over five years now.

    Let's see, who endorsed this IRS issue as okay in 06, 07, and 08 as okay, but all of a sudden a lesser version of same conduct is impeachable in 2013 when economy starts getting better and Republicans are losing their ammunition and major talking points. Not me. Did you, Mitch McConnell or conservatives ever criticize this type of conduct when it happened under Bush. I doubt it. So who is being disingenuous?

    I have over 5,000 posts. Surely you can find one that said I supported this during the time in question. If not, you are doing the typical Democratic party strategy. Throw mud against the wall and see what sticks.cheesy.gif

    Huh??????? It was more if a rhetorical question to challenge your thought process and motives. You know if this was only offensive to you now or if you have been bothered by it for years. I do think McConnell's record and conservative's stance on the IRS issues since 2006 clearly illustrates the motives here and now with Obama.

  16. Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data. I don't endorse or support abuse regardless of party in control, but there is definitely a different standard being applied by Republicans. Oh, and some of the same Republicans that are so vocal about the AP issue now that involved subpoenas were apparently perfectly okay with Bush seizing phone records from multiple journalist WITHOUT subpoenas and Bush trying to invoke the archaic Espioange Act of 1917.

    This stuff is just more of a witch hunt like the Republicans did back in the 1990s against Bill and Hillary Clinton. I also watched part of these stupid and boring IRS hearings last night to try and get a better and objective understanding. I swear someone needs to do some research on the brain activity of hardline Republicans with these inquisition like ideologies. Look at their eyes, their mannerisms, body language and they way they speak. Reminds me of the old days when religious fundamentalist were burning women at the stake. Neurons are just firing differently is something or maybe the liberals are just high on grass, but huge difference in eyes and body language.

    Anyway, there is definitely a double standard. Bush actually did much worse. Democrats shook their heads, whinned a bit and sulked off into a corner and Republicans patted him on the back and gave the ole attawayboy. Now those same Republicans are in shock and awe looking to get the fire ready for some witch roasting. Hilarious!

    "But Mommy; Robby and Tommy were playing with the water toooooo !! sleep.png Do you have even the slightest clue as to how childish and silly your comment is?

    A bunch of wild and whacky accusations against Bush ( the Boogy Man) to try and excuse the bungling incompetence of Obama and his administration's abuse of power. Of course that fits with Obama's current strategy of "The first I knew about it was from the same news reports as you." and the old standby; "It's Bush's fault".

    I don't condone crap and hate abuse of power, but I believe on waiting in evidence before condemning. You guys start with condemning and care little if evidence falls into place to support what you desperate hope to be true.

    Once again, the point is whether the allegations against Obama have any validity or is this just MO of conservatives when they feel power slipping or cannot complain about the economy any more.

    I don't know what Obama knew or directed nor do you. It does appear that Republicans are simply creating scandals and perhaps making stuff up because thats what they do when control is challenged.

    Miraculously, the Republican base just nod their head in agreement and fall for it and now we get Mitch McConnell memos instructing conservatives to not talk about issues and only talk about scandals. This mentality is very divisive and destructive to US.

    • Like 1
  17. Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data.

    Trying to put the blame on Bush once again. He has not been in power for over 5 years. The buck stops here never seems to apply to this particular President for some reason. rolleyes.gif

    No. Seriously. Cannot you not actually keep what I say in context. I said not approve anything and just alluded to double standard and witch hunt mentality apparently motivated by some other factor. Its called healthy skepticism about real issues and validity of allegations. Jeez. Talk about credibility.

    Credibility will be when an Obama supporter actually fesses up and says...Gosh, my man actually did it.

    It's easier to deflect responsibility and blame Bush though so that is the path well traveled. They've been doing it over five years now.

    Let's see, who endorsed this IRS issue as okay in 06, 07, and 08 as okay, but all of a sudden a lesser version of same conduct is impeachable in 2013 when economy starts getting better and Republicans are losing their ammunition and major talking points. Not me. Did you, Mitch McConnell or conservatives ever criticize this type of conduct when it happened under Bush. I doubt it. So who is being disingenuous?
  18. I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

    Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

    BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

    Especially since before he got the top job at the IRS, he was in charge of the division that investigated organizations requesting tax exempt status. Kind of makes you wonder who was running the shop if he didn't know what was going on? Either that or they are lying through their teeth. I know which I believe.

    The IRS has over 100,000 employees and processes maybe 200,000,000 returns a year with multiple offices through out the US. Yeah, one person will definitely know and remember every single thing that every single employee does involving every single return filed so he must be lying. Cannot believe the incompetence and inability of man to keep track of everything going on.

    This was not a tax filing - tax return issue. It was the processing for issuance of a not for profit status - an entirely different department of the IRS.

    Well duh. The point is how much paper is processed by only a 100,000 employees so you are correct, there would be even a greater flow if paper to add to just the 175,000,000 to 200,000,000 returns each year. Really, can no one take the next logical steps or does everyone have to pick little bits and pieces and take those out of context as opposed to addressing the salient point.

  19. I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

    Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

    BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

    Especially since before he got the top job at the IRS, he was in charge of the division that investigated organizations requesting tax exempt status. Kind of makes you wonder who was running the shop if he didn't know what was going on? Either that or they are lying through their teeth. I know which I believe.

    The IRS has over 100,000 employees and processes maybe 200,000,000 returns a year with multiple offices through out the US. Yeah, one person will definitely know and remember every single thing that every single employee does involving every single return filed so he must be lying. Cannot believe the incompetence and inability of man to keep track of everything going on.

  20. Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data.

    Trying to put the blame on Bush once again. He has not been in power for over 5 years. The buck stops here never seems to apply to this particular President for some reason. rolleyes.gif

    No. Seriously. Cannot you not actually keep what I say in context. I said not approve anything and just alluded to double standard and witch hunt mentality apparently motivated by some other factor. Its called healthy skepticism about real issues and validity of allegations. Jeez. Talk about credibility.
  21. The truth is this scandal stuff is just how hard core conservatives act when a liberal get into power. In the 1990s, Pat Buchanan et al attacked Hillary, wife of candidate, as a anti family fundamentalist lawyer spouse that cannot be trusted and continued the personal attacks for 8 years all thecway to trying to impeach Bill!!!

    This IRS stuff is not new news. This is old news and has been going on in some form or fashion at least since the Bush Jr. era. So why now do Republicans make such a big deal about anything and everything. This is what they do when things start getting better under democratic power and they begin to feel threatened.

    Hillary is perceived as a 2016 threat so what do they do. Obama's policies start working, economy gets better, deficit numbers were shockingly improving, unemployment back to 2007ish levels and so what do Republicans do? Dig up stuff like IRS, AP or whatever they can find to create as much whirlwind as possible.

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