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Posts posted by AdamTheFarang

  1. Does the tax apply to Retirement Visa holders as many have been living without paying Thai tax. Even for more affluent foreigners with businesses overseas this will mean a large deduction and some are here because of the past tax free status. Is it being enforced and are tax forms in Thai? 

    • Confused 1
  2. How many times have I read that tourism was/is a small percentage of the Thai economy, Phuket, Samui, Phang Nga, Bangkok, he has a few other places to visit to look at the small percentage. How much of this small percentage goes back to Isarn? Scams etc are on the internet now, including in Chinese. What is plan B? Phuket has seen it heyday of tourism. How many Chinese visit hookers and most Thai hookers will not go with "Asian" men. Hhmm. Plan B.

  3. 21 hours ago, Old Croc said:




    Anyone living in, and at all conversant with Thai practice, would be aware that wages here are always discussed in monthly terms. There was no confusion for the vast majority reading the article.

    Some lazy readers are always too quick to seek out any petty reason to criticize. 

    In developed countries the time interval would be quoted. Citizens from these countries deserve such a reference point. Do you suggest "guessing" is the way to go forward? 

  4. 5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I like to think of agents as just a police check tax. 


    Most people using a THAI agent will probably be wisked off to the immigration office, photo taken and collect passport a while later. During that time the immigration dept can quite easily see if that person is wanted, has a fake passport or throws up any red flags. And they could be arrested. They are in fact just checking the person out - and you are paying to be checked out - expensively.


    I doubt anyone that uses a THAI agent wants to draw attention to themselves.


    It's the ones that do not get visa extensions - or use agents for them - that are the real issues for Thailand in my opinion











    So your logic is the people that go themself to immigration are the problem! Then if they were wanted they are arrested in person and be in any location having given their passport to an agent. Hhmm not sure what do the others think about this cunning observation?

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  5. Not sure how many countries will want to take the time for this and Thailand is known for copying and fakes. However some Thais think they are the best so maybe Thailand will lead the world in vaccine passports.....not convinced. Advanced countries will have the data attached to flight bookings and Immigration so that you can't board a plane without staff swiping your passport and the modern world it's all linked the same as if you are wanted by the Police etc. Australia has been doing this for at least a decade as everyone (except the Aussies) needs a visa before entering and how else would immigration know before you book the plane and you don't hear of people arriving in Australia without a visa, only some getting denied entry and their visa is cancelled. There is also the possibility of an App that is far more secure. That book looks easy to copy and about 20 years out of date. Thai are making around 50% of people redundant, another reason I think it will be at least 5 years before the numbers are anything like before. Most Chinese have not even had the first vaccination. I have had my first one and also tested for antibodies and I have them so immune.

  6. You people are rubbish. Someone has died and if a foreigner, their relatives and friends might read this. Someone most likely had a brutal end to their life and you make amusement for your own gain. Is this what Thailand has done to you? Would you be the same in the USA, UK, Australia before you come to live in Thailand. You people need to look yourself in the mirror and see what you have become, losers!

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 20 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Netherlands have spikes too yet there are no more in hospitals and no more dying either, the real difference; they test even its known to have 30-50% mistakes on results. Anyway, much more jobs will be gone soon enough, as a lot of money indirectly comes from foreigners and tourism related business. 


    Actually most of Thailand seem to only consist of endless repeats of optical stores, motorbike and car shops, 7/11s and maybe a few more. Sometimes I wonder if there is a conspiracy behind the population count of near 70 million here, as you almost never see any of them at all. I mean even central Bangkok is like a ghost town at night nowadays, the capital with millions of people....

    Credit where credit is due optical stores, motorbike and car shops, 7/11 and a massage hole in the wall shop with a room behind as a knocking shop. When I lived in Thailand I had to visit many "massage" places not to get a happy ending. My girlfriend did not believe me and told me, all man want it. I said "Tiruk" only with you. She never believed me. 

  8. 20 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Netherlands have spikes too yet there are no more in hospitals and no more dying either, the real difference; they test even its known to have 30-50% mistakes on results. Anyway, much more jobs will be gone soon enough, as a lot of money indirectly comes from foreigners and tourism related business. 


    Actually most of Thailand seem to only consist of endless repeats of optical stores, motorbike and car shops, 7/11s and maybe a few more. Sometimes I wonder if there is a conspiracy behind the population count of near 70 million here, as you almost never see any of them at all. I mean even central Bangkok is like a ghost town at night nowadays, the capital with millions of people....

    Credit where credit is due optical stores, motorbike and car shops, 7/11 and a massage hole in the wall shop with a room behind as a knocking shop. When I lived in Thailand I had to visit many "massage" places not to get a happy ending. My girlfriend did not believe me and told me, all man want it. I said "Tiruk" only with you. She never believed me. 

  9. On 6/22/2020 at 8:44 AM, mark131v said:

    Have worked it out:


    Group 1 people who are easily fleeced as they have no option but to come


    Group 2 lucrative groups who have a choice therefore much harder to fleece


    Seems about right and par for the course....

    I can't see where there is a mention of increasing the Visa costs. You sound very fed up in Thailand, maybe time to go somewhere else.

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  10. On 3/30/2020 at 10:03 AM, hhinhh said:

    So you are sure how far they go whereever you will arrive?

    Food supply (specially fresh food) is much better here than in Europe and most people have much more space to live.

    Clear decission for me.

    What happens when millions of Thais have no money as they are unemployed? Burglaries and crime increases! In the UK the government are paying people 80% of their salary up to £2500. The USA are spending $2 Trillion. How much are Thailand paying the unemployed? You need to face the future, not the past.

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  11. 22 hours ago, stevenl said:

    There is no requirement at all to close hotels.

    So the 13% will raise prices due to the lack of tourists? I saw this a lot in Phuket. In addition to the standard greed and the question "How long you stay Thailand before" before deciding how to try and extract more money. I saw Phuket turn from paradise into a concrete island full of greed. Two tier system. Prices were some of the highest in Thailand and with the Baht so high not cheap anymore. Visas etc The world is a large place with the 787 and A350 taking you direct to more places then ever before. Crikey even SYD-LHR is coming.

    • Confused 1
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