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Posts posted by AdamTheFarang

  1. In a country where if the man leaves a lady she is often unable via the legal system receive maintenance payments from him one can relate to her wanting security as my ex said to me she will not look sexy forever. How shallow she was? Therefore are monthly payments reasonable even if she works, or is it yet another reason why Thailand is 50 years behind the developed world? One also has to have some sympathy if a lady is left with young children? For many Westerners it feels like long term prostitution especially for the rich? Not sure if there are any Thai ladies in this forum but maybe their partners/husband on TV will let them speak. Thailand is a free country ruled by the army after all!

  2. 2 hours ago, Xaos said:
    2 hours ago, LivinginKata said:
    Looks like Pattaya Beach 
    Edit ... Naw. Pattaya does not have a life guard hut.

    You ever saw that many ppl any beach in TH? Cuz i don't

    That's because Thailand is mostly Thais and they are worried about going black.....haven't you noticed in the pharmacy how many whitening products there are. The superstars in BKK are white than white people. White is high class, black is farmers. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    I am privileged to live just a short walk to one, beautiful. Need some development though and I don't mean just houses.

    WA is one of the remotest places on the planet. The East Coast has more than 1 big city. Sharks in WA that eat people, not in Phuket or the East Coast of Australia. Shall I carry on.....

    • Thanks 1
  4. Denied citizenship = Racist = Get your family out and live in America, better education, better medical care, better salary, better choice of climate, better language English the international language (for your child) compared to Thai which is a tiny language in comparison, better human rights, better Policing, better law enforcement in court, better morals........not sure if I made my point but Better = USA! 

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

    Its simply the selfishness of the Elite who decide if these contracts will be filled ...

    In my  beach villiage in Phuket , it was no secret that one of the most odious local figures was trying to win the contract ... his plan to make it profitable was to get funding for numerous guards but  only employ ONE on any given day ! Thats how f...ed up things can get over here..


    As far as I know , the current lifesavers are  all volunteers.... There is only one on my beach ...

    With little equipment no doubt!

  6. The boat should have been lifted the next day there are bodies inside. Let the families retrieve their loved ones and taken back to China and laid to rest. Who pays for it can be discussed later. Meanwhile in tropical temperature bodies decompose very quickly. The Thai government should have arranged this they have the expertise and of course the money. This is a case of money before morality too busy arguing over money to do the decent thing something that happens far too often in Thailand.

  7. Shame it has one of the worst facilities for well known beaches. Other countries have feet washes, showers and toilets for free even the largest beaches in Phuket do not have the first two at all and at Kata beach you have to pay to go to the toilet and even the toilet paper is rationed, two wipes if you are lucky and that's if no one has peed on the seat. I asked for more and the guy was not a happy chap. Phuket money is everything as long as it is their pocket not yours. To be fair though it is one of the safest places even at night, the bars etc are lovely happy places, no bouncers telling you you have the wrong shoes on like in the West. Thai ladies are cute as a button. Yes please.

  8. 2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    Give me a  break. Im from the usa and let me set the record streight. I dont swim in phuket. Ever anywhere.

    The best beaches here are maybe as good as the ones in sandiego calif. 

    I would give rok nok a decent rating and a few in the butong group. But other than those not even interested.

    Waikiki blows doors on any phuket beack. And then all the other beaches in hawaii  are better than waikiki.

    Fiji has beaches that are mind blowing. So does indonesia.

    So what gives with this kind of fake news again.


    You need some attitude adjustment where have you been all your life this is "Amazing Thailand"

  9. I got stopped for drink and drive where the picture was taken at the View Point by a Police check in the car park. Fortunately being the fine upstanding chap that I am they decided not to press charges and off I went on my motorcycle. That is a great drive down into Kata! That view can give you a natural drunk feeling.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Rich8483 said:

    Since you know nothing about my relationship your desperate little attempt to seem insightful is nothing but that. What's the matter boy, your gf made off with your sack and you have nothing left to do but troll TV?

    Wow you sound very bitter, is there more to this story the reason they turned you away? Why do you make things hard for yourself, why not take your girlfriend back to your own country, earn more money, probably have less Visa issues, if you have children probably a better education or are you wanted for a crime in your own country. Perhaps that's the reason. FYI no lady took off with my "sack" 

  11. 1 hour ago, Vacuum said:

    Hate to tell you the truth, but they'll check your bank account, not your passport.

    Yes some like in every country but not all. These mosquito mentality ladies will be the same if they are evaluating Thai men. Europe, USA has their version also.

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