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Posts posted by AdamTheFarang

  1. I know dozens of Thais that pay no taxes, why are they covered? Foreigners come to Thailand and by Thai standards pump massive amounts in and in addtion provide the Bank Of Thailand with foreign currency reserves but don't give medical cover to non-Thais? Talk about all take and no give. Another way would be to let foreigners have the option of paying into the government system, not just only the private sector. How much does the average Thai put in. The national salary is how much outside of the cities, maybe 15,000 - 20,000 Baht per month. I wonder how many pay tax for health? Let's say 1500Baht which might be over but most foreigners can pay that. The system is based on the relatively low number who pay taxes who work for banks, hospitals etc covering the whole population of Thailand many of the older people have never paid tax and never will but they have cover. The foreigner who spends 150,000 per month in Thailand no he is not covered and made to look bad. Who contributes more to the Thai economy? Obvious! I would say around 75% of Thais I know pay zero tax as they are not officially employed. Mostly intentionally as they do not want a 9 to 5 job.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, jvs said:

    You are over reacting!!This comes around every once in awhile.If they would really go after every company set up buying houses for foreigners it would be really really big!!!

    There is absolutely no way the would take your property away from you.They would give you a certain time in which you would have to sell or put in some other name.I do not believe in these panic reactions.

    Am I right they revoke land titles if granted under a "false" application. Then why not a house? Both therefore stay in Thai ownership with no foreign claim on it. Isn't this what Thailand prefers?  

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    My wife wanted the same so I showed her some photos of the failed operations and now she is happy with what she has and so am I

    My ex was regarded as very pretty, one European lady who did not know she was my girlfriend said she was the best looking girl in Phuket. She also wanted a nose and boob job. The boobs I said were fine as she was in proportion at 5ft 2 and 45kgs but understand why, but I said her nose was all in proportion. Anyway we split up and she had both done and what a mess she ruined her face it looked false and the boobs looked false even through a shirt. It seems Thais want big noses for status.

  4. Time would be better spent on implementing safety on roads, boats and beaches. Thailand has one of the highest death rates on the road. Arrive in Thailand, ride on some of the mostly deadly roads on the planet, get to a boat which are often over crowded and lack any in many cases lack any civilised safety protocol and then swim on beaches that often lack lifeguards. Tourists bring in billions of Baht and Thailand gives them what? Crikey there are not even showers on most beaches, or changing rooms, or toilets. On Kata beach their are toilets which you have to pay for and toilet paper is rationed. Is Thailand a money grabbing country that gives little back and shows little respect behind the hallow smiles of I want you money now!

  5. 1 minute ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Airline losses are not real money losses. The Airline has a forecast of how much profits it

    will make in a quarter, and if they do not reach this forecast amount, then they claim a loss.

      Do not feel sorry for these companies and their losses, it is just like Fake News.


    Are you sure this is entirely accurate. Are you a Thai accountant?

  6. 19 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...I have been informed by many officers in local administrative organisations that as of now, they have not received the new 10 million lots of imported rabies vaccines that Livestock Development had promised to distribute to the entire nation earlier this year. They were forced to use old vaccines to immunise local dogs and cats,” Thiravat said..."


    Good to know the government is keeping up on this (sarcasm alert)


    "...The problems this year are caused by agencies failing to perform their duties, he said. Instead of admitting their shortcomings and asking for assistance, they keep insisting that the situation is under control..."


    This sounds like putting your head in the sand, and is impossible in Thai culture (sarcasm alert).


    "...But Wiriya Kaewthong, the director of the Livestock Development Depart-ment’s Disease Control and Veterinary Services Bureau, said the vaccine problems are not solely the responsibility of his department..."


    This sounds like he is trying to pass the responsibility, and that is impossible in Thai culture (sarcasm alert).


    This report does not fill me with confidence...



    How do you say "I will take responsibility" in Thai?

  7. 1 hour ago, YaiJung said:

    It is clearly the fault of the government and people who run the show.  They are such a bunch of corrupt thieves that they are terrified to enforce basic laws on the public.  Don't upset the status quo and they can continue to rob, steal, and take advantage of a minimally-educated, complacent, cheap workforce. 


    It isn't a secret, how to make the roads safer.  In this day and age, it is a clear choice by the people at the top. 

    Wow maybe time to get out of Thailand.

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    • Sad 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    In a similar thread a good while ago I posted about this. I asked a couple of Thai people why they don't stop and check. The answer I was given was that if they do it slowly and then drive slowly for a little bit then it gives other people on the main road the chance to go past them easily by just moving out a little bit. All I could say was OK, there isn't much more that I could say. 

    The vast majority start on bikes and motorbikes and just turning left and staying left becomes ingrained so when they get behind the wheel of a pick-up or car the same habit just continues.

    We see it as stupid, of course, but here it's just normal driving.

    A structured system of driver training and testing doesn't exist and I don't think it ever will. 

    We can talk about it, post about it on here forever and at the end it will result in

    000point nothing blank.

    All I know if I am entering an area where a heavy truck can kill me in a second I look before I enter, or if I can see I stop. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 8/10/2018 at 1:33 AM, colinneil said:

    OP you must be seriously bored with life, that you have time to worry about what some others are doing.

    You need a new hobby, why not try playing chicken on a highway.:cheesy:

    Bit harse lucky you did not get a 3 day ban like I did. I have had an attitude adjustment and will be gentle with you all and I will not call anyone a "d..k" again as I have learned from my punishment. My name name is Utopia Ad.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    @Farang Muang Phrae


    Salutations, and thank you for your participation on this thread. I have complete respect for your mastery of Thai. I am curious if you would be kind enough to describe what environment you were in during the development of your speech cadence and delivery. The reason I ask is that if I closed my eyes while listening to you, your speech pattern and rhythm seems to be more like what I would expect from an older Thai person, perhaps even going so far as to say an older Thai person who liked a nip of lao khao every now and then :biggrin:. As you are much younger, I'm curious about the language learning environment you were in during your formative years. Were you around or cared for by many older people during your childhood or later in life? I am also interested in asking whether you consciously alter your speaking style in order to make it more of a novelty on social media, or if this is your everyday speaking style. Asked with sincere interest and respect.


    "I have complete respect for your mastery of Thai" he went to Thailand when he was 2 so head a bit of a head start on most of us!

    • Haha 1
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