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Posts posted by AdamTheFarang

  1. 7 hours ago, Spidey said:

    As I've said, in a previous post, my wife was a chef in a restaurant before I moved here. Earned 12k baht/month, 12hours per day six days per week. As I hardly ever saw her, it was my idea that she gave up work.


    Clearly you didn't read or, more likely understand my post, it's the Thai way not just the Thai/ferang way.


    I give my Thai wife a small allowance (6k) 1 k she sends to her 2 teenage children who live with their father, 1k she puts in a savings account and the rest she spends on personal items, trips to the salon, gifts for me etc.


    Yes, I have lifted her out of poverty, is that a bad thing? It's something that I'm proud of, something good that I've done with my life and have been amply rewarded for it. She's worked hard all her life, was thrown out of the house with just the clothes on her back when her Thai husband moved his mia noi in. She's a fantastic person and if I can give her a happier life, she thoroughly deserves it.


    When my farang wife gave up work to look after our 2 small children, I gave her an allowance (much greater than 6k baht!).


    You need a trip to reality, it's not Thai women that are cynical and mercenary, it's the bitter and twisted farangs who need to get over themselves.

    At 6K some would say you are a cheap Charlie, be a hero five her 60,000 per month and feel 10 x the good you have done! From the bitter and twisted farang you know nothing about and have never met.

  2. 6 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

    Whatever drugs you are on I don't want any? By the way how much do you pay your Thai wifre per month 50,000Baht or more. Your UK wife worked as you said she did not retire but you did not mention if your Thai wife worked? What would the Thai wife do without you, work in a field in the baking sun and go black. You sound like you have a lot of money and therefore of course she is going to take care of you in the aircon etc You are her ticket out of poverty. You need a trip to reality !!

    So she dominates in the kitchen, she dominates in the bed and the jackpot is domination of your wallet. Maybe time to say "My money is my money Tiruk you have you monthly salary" Amazing how some men arrive in Thailand and think it is Utopialand! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Spidey said:

    Absolutely true. I have always considered women to be my equals. With my UK wife we shared all the household tasks, apart from, I refused to do the ironing and she refused to do the gardening. Once I'd retired (she hadn't), most of the household tasks fell to me, particularly the cooking which had always been a hobby and I enjoyed the task.


    When I got together with my Thai wife, it was by far the hardest thing to adjust to. I am not allowed to set foot in the garden, even to do the donkey work. I had been looking forward to cultivating a garden in the tropics. I'm not even allowed to water my beloved orchids.


    I recently had a top of the range, European style kitchen installed (albeit my wife had the worktops fitted uncomfortably low for me) with the hope of rekindling my love for cooking. I still haven't been allowed to make as much as breakfast in there.


    I have lost count of the number of years it is since I cut my own nails. Something my farang wife would bluntly refuse to do.


    When I moved to Thailand I was the ideal weight for my height. Now I'm several kilos overweight. My wife prefers me this way as it sends the message to her friends and family that she's "taking good care" of her husband. Man bring home bacon, wife cook it.


    As for sex, her wish is my command - I'll say no more than that, but it's brilliant!


    It's a Thai woman's role in life to take good care of her man, it's ingrained in them, you'll never change it.


    Rather than beat your self up for your chauvinistic behaviour, just lie back and enjoy it - it's your duty!


    Whatever drugs you are on I don't want any? By the way how much do you pay your Thai wifre per month 50,000Baht or more. Your UK wife worked as you said she did not retire but you did not mention if your Thai wife worked? What would the Thai wife do without you, work in a field in the baking sun and go black. You sound like you have a lot of money and therefore of course she is going to take care of you in the aircon etc You are her ticket out of poverty. You need a trip to reality !!

    • Thanks 2
  4. On 8/7/2018 at 7:49 AM, AdamTheFarang said:

    Denied citizenship = Racist = Get your family out and live in America, better education, better medical care, better salary, better choice of climate, better language English the international language (for your child) compared to Thai which is a tiny language in comparison, better human rights, better Policing, better law enforcement in court, better morals........not sure if I made my point but Better = USA! 

    Why don't you answer if you have ever been to a Western country? I will take that as a no but then your love for Thailand has no comparison. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

    Theft & robbery needs to be treated much more seriously everywhere. So many now are unwilling to work and follow the law as they think they are so entitled to things now that they think a criminal shortcut is fine. There was a time when it was fair play to shoot looters and thieves (reminds me of the durian farmer shooting looters in the south). Why should normal people try hard to do the right thing, follow the law and attempt to make a life through working hard when these sort of scumbags can pull this rubbish and get light sentences? Not just here, but everywhere. Theft and looting needs to be considered a much more serious crime, and  thus society in general would be much better place and better off for it. 


    Probably should be charged with the crime of brigandage.



    Do you know anything about Thailand!!!! This guy will get a very long sentence for 1 it is a night crime which carries a longer sentence. You think armed robbery is tolerated in Thailand? You should research rather than seek your attention for a few minutes with your garbage.

    • Sad 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Farang Muang Phrae said:

    Thank you for your interest and for bringing up this particular question.  First of all,  I sincerely feel every bit as patriotic as any other Thai person out there; and that is what defines me as Thai.  Secondly, I feel a great sense of social responsibility to the local villagers that I provide work for (I run a hammock business).   Thirdly, I believe that eventually I will be granted my Thai citizenship.  And fourthly, I do feel extremely welcomed here in Thailand and I sincerely believe that the Thai people love me as well.


    But, yes, I do live under constant pressure of the VISA and Work Permit issue.  Thanks again for your interest.   

    I admire your confidence but have you ever been to a Western country? The Thai people do not run Thailand a non-elected army does.

    • Sad 1
  7. On 12/3/2016 at 2:38 AM, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

    Yup...tourism is good for Thailand,  imagine how much refuse they leave behind?  It's a price the country will learn to regret. 

    Only if they are long term thinkers. How many Thais do you know that have a pension. Their pension is knocking out kids.....when they reach 50 some retire demanding the kids in their 20's finance them why do you think they have such large families so they can retire much younger than in the West. Fair and true. I know many of them.

  8. Fast track to long and short neck hill people (yes these are people that some do not have Thai citizenship but have lived in Thailand for generations in remote northern areas my ex was one but had Thai ID) if you do not have Thai citizenship fast track get stuck in a cave. How sad but the expected cheap politics of a bunch of charming people running the country expect this to make them look good. Are they saying everyone is so stupid to believe this is charming or manipulating the uneducated. What is next free school taxi for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Note to self read more of the BBC and get back to advanced politics.

    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Farang Muang Phrae said:

    No worries there, believe me.  

    Don't you feel unwarranted, you were educated here clearly understand and respect Thai culture as you married a Thai but yet you cannot get citizenship. In all Western countries I think under the same circumstances you would have been granted citizenship. You still have to go through the hassle of work permits and visas which can be revoked at any time. Surely if you went to the USA you can relax on this matter with your wife. She eventually can get citizenship. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    No you're not insane, just incapable of having any cognisance of the fairer sex.


     In common with the majority of expats that I come across, you probably couldn't find love/sex (the people that I'm referring think that they are one and the same) in your own country and came to Thailand looking for it.


    Sorry to disappoint you but you're the same person here as you were at home. If you couldn't find it there, you won't find it here.

    I came to Thailand on a scuba diving trip and liked it so I stayed. What are you talking about you have never met me.

  11. 1 hour ago, smotherb said:

    In the general world of equality; men earn more and have more than women. However, if a man established a relationship with a woman of means, she may pay more, especially if she has more than he.  However, here, it seems most farang men take young poor Thai women and pay more for them, since the women have nothing.

    Yes mostly uneducated Isarn prostitutes (whoops bargirls)

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

    Simple answer is stupid men get the women into the bad situation in the first place.


    You think it is fair to just walk away from your own kids?


    If you do, then you should not be having any kids or relationships.


    Sane people do not write these kinds of posts.

    OK I must be insane then. Are you serious?

  13. 22 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    I can empathize with his plight of not being granted Thai citizenship.  He probably can't meet the ridiculous income requirement (proof of taxes paid on at least THB 80,000/mo of income for 3 years).  If he has community support, and is not a burden on the state, he seems like he would make a stand-up foreigner admitted as a citizen.  Thai bureaucracy is stuck in the 19th century.

    He must therefore be on a Visa? If so what a drag he even has a Thai wife............................racism at work.

    • Sad 1
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