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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. Adhesive used was plain cement, can see on the pic. Lousy quality. It lasted so long, the previous owner got it done. So it will be lose, I know. But we're talking here about 50 sqm and I have no intention to rip it all apart. That I have to do it myself and not another Somchai is no question anyways. So I'm looking for the way of lowest resistance.


  2. Yep, I have the tools, and that was the original plan earlier today. May still do it, the tiles were not of equal height anyways, Thai style :). What concerns me is the straight line it happened across the floor. So perhaps I wait a bit first if there will be more sinking. Looks stable but less than a millimeter did it today.

  3. Yeah, that is another thing if you run completely empty. There are also some tricks nobody knows. One I know you have to push down the mirrors 1...2 times to enable there security stop, that is for Mazda and Ford Ranger. Other cars have at least problems with radio and alarms. Gotta love those old cars who still needed a real driver ????


  4. Guys, need some advice. Had some weird thing happening today noon. After some noises, nephew heard while cleaning the room, we had a complete row of 2-3 60x60 tiles popping out of the floor, across the extension building. 20 pieces in total. Some more are lose.


    This extension was built after the main house and is attached to it. So I assume the ground itself had enough time to settle, should be more than 14 years now.

    First I thought it was an earthquake, but after checking online there was none recently. Walked around the house, no visible cracks or anything else. Which led me to the conclusion it may be some old water drainage underneath. These were rice fields as everywhere and the crack line goes parallel to another known pipe just 10m to the east.


    I measured the distance over 3 tiles. It is 180.3 cm, meaning there is less than 1mm in between each. It's lousy quality, just plain cement was used. So the rest will be the same sh*t. Impossible that it could stick.


    My idea, as I have none really what to do. If it is really a problem with the ground below, it would not make any sense to  put the tiles back. At least not completely. Perhaps it would make sense to add a 2 tiles wide wooden corridor, like you have in the bedrooms. Made of 1.20m wide parquet tiles. Thickness should be comparable, so no major bumps, and it may even look good.


    Question, has anyone encountered something like that and what was your solution? Question 2, where could I get the parquet pieces from, old used ones would be fine. This all happened in Nong Khwai, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai. 


    Thanks for ideas!


  5. Sorry, did not follow this thread. Yes, high temperature is poison for lead acid batteries, best to avoid anything higher than 30C, which is impossible here with a car battery. So parking in the shadow will be better, not only for the battery.


    If it is not filled with the acid, it should not degrade, given you keep it in a dry clean place. Otherwise it does. What helps are these small automatic top-up chargers that may also have a desulfating (pulsing) function.

  6. So here is the thing, you get Internet from AIS and they give you that fancy router. HG180 here. This even has 2 phone ports but you can not use them.


    You can also not configure anything else connecting to their network other than making it a bridge. Meaning you could connect you router through their router by using the same account info as user and password. Have to call them for that, but it will disable all AIS router functionality.


    So, the way to handle this, in my case a Fritzbox and phone, keep it as it is standard with AIS, make your router (Fritzbox) a DHCP client that get it's IP from the AIS router, and all shall be fine.


    You wont get a PPPoE login from AIS, so don't waste your time

  7. Nope, it is not correct. Islamic Bank as a Government bank pays interest rates as every other bank. But anyways, times of high interest are over there also. However they call it to comply with some Sharia or whatsoever "laws" is a complete different topic. Fixed interest, no deviations, and secured and taxed by the Thai government. No risk involved as with any other Thai government bank.

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  8. Uber is way cheaper and certainly better service than the local taxi mafia. I would not bother to take a stinky 20y/o pickup to the airport and pay him 250B for sitting on a rotten wooden seat.


    The trick for Uber is simply to sit in front and pay before you arrive, Nobody is going to surround and harass you. Give the lady a kiss if you want, and all  is settled. 

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