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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. And 'nationalism is the first refuge of a bully.' As animalmagic once noted
  2. Needs to find a bar girl wife? That'll keep him busy.
  3. I disagree! It was the height of delusion to hitch his wagon to the Trump train in the first place.
  4. Why do you care? It's not your life.
  5. George Washington - I cannot tell a lie, it was me that chopped down the cherry tree?
  6. They could never arrest me for indecent exposure...........insufficient evidence.
  7. It appears you are suggesting that Biden would pardon his son in the future (we will have to wait and see), whereas Trump has already pardoned the father of his son-in-law. So you are hoping that Biden will be as bad as Trump in this regard?
  8. Does the fact that he would pardon him mean that he thinks Trump is guilty?! Tell me it's not so!
  9. Would that be similar to the 2nd amendment 'right to bear arms'?
  10. Personally, I'd apply for American citizenship to vote for anybody running against Trump!
  11. Everyone knows that you quote a 'news' source that has paid an out of court settlement to Majed Khalil, developer of Smartmatic software, paid 12M USD to a Fox Producer, 787M USD to Dominion voting machines and is subject to a lawsuit of 2.7B USD from Smartmatic. All for telling lies?
  12. Do you think the authorities care about poor people?
  13. Good try at twisting my words to suit your message, you must work for the Russian propaganda ministry?
  14. It is quite entertaining to consider that after years of in-depth scientific research that we still do not fully understand the entire workings of the human brain and cannot predict what it will do; yet we allow humans to programme the workings of A.I. What could possibly go wrong?
  15. Very true, but as the motives for crime can be broadly defined as - C- Coercion R - Revenge I - Ideology M - Money E - Ego It would seem there is a possibility of a 'full house'!
  16. Totally agree, but note that I said, 'use what they found for leverage and control.' It is hard to fully understand the continued unwavering support of some legislators for 45 without considering the possibility of outside influence on their desperate measures to cover for him.
  17. It would be in Russia's interest to hack both the Dem and Rep servers and use whatever they found for leverage and control.
  18. Interesting that you quote a 'news' source that has paid an out of court settlement to Majed Khalil, developer of Smartmatic software, paid 12M USD to a Fox Producer, 787M USD to Dominion voting machines and is subject to a lawsuit of 2.7B USD from Smartmatic. All for telling lies?
  19. I don't see any reason why Russia would have ONLY hacked Democratic computer servers!
  20. No point in establishing an erotic centre as most men won't be able to find it!
  21. They call people names in order to dehumanise them and make them easier to hate and abuse. You can see the result of this in the extreme with the Nazi death camps where everyday people with families carried out some of the most inhumane acts on other humans. A result of many years of vile propaganda identifying jews, homosexuals, gypsies and others as untermensch that were not worthy of compassion or respect. Those guards were then later described as monsters in order that 'normal' people could distance themselves from the 'monstrous' actions of their fellow humans Even now the MAGA types first resort is to call a person or group by a name in order to make it easier for their followers to hate and abuse them. Sadly, we never seem to learn. Christopher Browning describes it well in his book - Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as roundups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever. While the book discusses a specific reserve unit during World War II, the general argument Browning makes is that most people are susceptible to the pressure of a group setting and committing actions they would never do of their own volition.
  22. Last year would have been nice, but the continuing investigative process and disclosures of further wrongdoing serves an excellent purpose in helping to educate those on the fence and willing to listen to reason; and identifying the depth and breadth of the corrupt associates and their actions. I think Trump 20..24 is best viewed as a sentencing guideline rather than an election slogan.
  23. Interesting! Pattaya changing from a boom boom town to just a boom town. I suppose less is more?
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