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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. To the best of my understanding smaller doses of cyanide are not fatal but can cause many problems including heart failure. Looks like the murderess (sorry, accused) did not follow all safety protocols when handling the poison and may have been suffering from milder levels of poisoning which could have affected the fetus through the blood.
  2. But his predecessor might have a prison named after him?
  3. When have good questions ever changed the idiocy of politics and diplomacy?
  4. Do you think Blinken may have told Biden what Xi had said at the meeting before Bidens comment at the fundraiser?
  5. Not a problem, I stop drinking every time I breathe!
  6. I take your point. I don't think (hope not anyway) Immigration would query a retirement visa in the way I mentioned. As a holder of an APEC Business Travel Card, which is a pre-approved multiple entry for stays up to 90 days for a 5-year period, I was recently told I need to get a 'long stay (marriage or retirement) visa to keep coming back. Quite sad that the airport lot can ignore the actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that issued the pre-approval in the first place.
  7. By the same logic, why does he need to be a tourist to continue getting the tourist visa exempt entry? Would the Immigration officer at the airport be able to question his 'retirement' status as he is obviously travelling overseas to work and is not retired? I am not criticising your posts, simply pointing out the irony of the situation.
  8. He may or may not be a tourist, but he's definitely not retired!
  9. You may be waiting a while. I think Artificial Intelligence will reach self awareness before the MAGA faithful
  10. "the head of a dating app for conservatives" an absolute gold mine for 'others' to exploit. I wonder who else gets the data?
  11. Totally agree. I'm surprised E. Jean Caroll is not on the list. But she's probably on the next list with that Scottish guy who blocked the development of the golf course.
  12. I would agree. She also kept telling me she wasn't being rude or impolite whilst being rude and impolite! But she was the only officer available in the provided channels, and female I.O.'s in the general channels in the recent past have always been polite and helpful. The last one, pre collection of new ABTC card, asked how long I intended to stay. I pointed out my travel history pre-covid using the ABTC and said I have another trip scheduled soon so will either get 30 or 60 day extension, or another marriage or retirement extension to cover the period until I go to HK to pick up my ABTC. She simply smiled and noted that I obviously understood the options and would let me sort it out. The ABTC is to facilitate legitimate business activities of residents of APEC; 'good guys in bad guys out?'
  13. I can vouch for the fact that the discretion of the I.O. is a concern. Prior to Covid travel restrictions I used an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) for all my travel around Asia for 3 years. This card is similar in effect to a pre-approved Visa for all APEC countries and allows visa free entry to all jurisdictions with length of stay in Thailand pre-approved for 90 days. During Covid I first used the extensions before changing to a Retirement then Marriage extension of stay. Now that the travel restrictions have lifted, I have renewed my ABTC and have since arrived from HK and Malaysia. On the first occasion there was no problem, and I was granted 90 days on arrival on 21 April before leaving on 7th May and returning on 12th April. On this occasion the I.O. was very unhelpful and did not at first want to give 90 days. She eventually relented and warned me I should get a retirement visa before entering something in the computer. Quite strange that an I.O. can unilaterally ignore the decision of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs that granted me unlimited entries of 90 days for a 5 year period. Stranger still is her advice to get a retirement visa when the ABTC is for the purpose of doing business throughout Asia! I can get the retirement visa but want to avoid the hassle and unnecessary expense, and I can get a marriage visa, but my wife does not like being interrogated by Immigration; we have been married for over 20 years. Very disgruntled but do not want to stick my head too far above the parapet. I am considering approaching the I.O. Main Office at the airport when I travel to the Philippines in June. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I'm not sure Trump would agree with that comment!
  15. Who knows what Putin wants or will consider doing. He's staring at defeat in Ukraine and at home so he's cornered and desperate. He's been throwing threats of nuclear attack for the last few months. Nuking westminster abbey during the coronation may have been his final revenge.
  16. I thought they might drop one on westminster abbey during the coronation. All the world's royalty, and most of the western world (pro Ukraine) democratic leaders. Quite a juicy target for a terminally ill psychopath with delusions of grandeur and a huge chip on his shoulder.
  17. That can only be provided by our tanks and guns............and submarines!
  18. Only the ones that have actually committed sexual battery or rape should worry. Even then it depends on the evidence produced by the alleged victim shortly after the alleged crime. The physical and mental state of an alleged victim, as demonstrated by the words and actions of the alleged victim when they make the original claim to family, friends or official persons, is admissible in a criminal or civil case. In a civil case it is up to a jury to assess all evidence AND testimony of both parties. In the case in question the accused, Trump, did NOT face his accuser in an attempt to demonstrate his innocence and confront his accuser by giving evidence under oath. In civil cases, but not criminal, the jury is allowed to take this into consideration as an indication of guilt or innocence and may be reminded of it by the other party's legal representation.
  19. I've read the embedded article, she seems a few sandwiches short of a picnic!
  20. Why be amazed, they ignore every other sign!
  21. You have to wonder what dirt he has on them. Politicians, whilst not incredibly clever, are exceedingly cunning and most would have jumped ship by now. They are not playing the long game but hoping that blind loyalty will pay off.
  22. I asked my missus and she said, 'we live in hope!'
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