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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. I can't help but respect monk Phra Buddha Issara regardless of what some people think about his actions last year, calling him the 'mad monk' etc. He has the balls to stand up for his beliefs.

    He lead " a rally last week to Wat Paknam where the senior monk resides, in a call for reform of the Sangha Supreme Council."

    For a while now he has been vocal about certain aspects of Thai Buddhism. Reading TV members comments on Thai Buddhism, reinforces that what this monk is trying to achieve, should be welcomed by most TV members.

    "...he is calling for a radical overhaul of Thai Buddhism, "

    "....Money, corruption and drugs: Monk fears Buddhism in Thailand is a 'poisoned fruit'..."

    "....Monk wants to reform structure of Thai Buddhism to curb graft ..."

    "...Phra Buddha Issara fears millions of dollars in temple donations and a rapidly modernising nation are corrupting monks...."

    I agree with you 100 %.

    And what he did last year together with Suthep was the same. He had the balls to stand up for his belief that a corrupt and incapable government should be chased away even if they called themselves "democratic"

    And those who insult him do that only because because he does not tolerate their corrupt friends

    As one poster here always repeats "Truth is treason in a kingdom of lies"


    I insult the mad monk because monk's are not supposed to be involved in politics. It runs contrary to their creed. Monk's are to be "in the center", and Budda Mad Issara is clearly in the far right wing of politics and very far from center.

    I agree with you in general. Treat every case on its merit.

    But please look at the "tireless and inspirational efforts of (Bishop) Desmond Tutu on behalf of apartheid victims, (his) efforts..led to his Nobel Prize for Peace".

    For many years he was a thorn in the side of the South African apartheid government who also complained about allowing religion and politics to mix. IMO he did the right thing. I respect him enormously. Even today he will still state his mind, and has criticized the current ANC government who he has supported for many years. Honest people must stand up against genuine graft and corruption.

    And what about Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) who was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights. Should he have been condemned? (He probably was at the time by certain people)

    I would agree with you 100% in certain cases as per the current ANC president of South Africa, who has was ordained as a minister a few years ago. sick.gif

    (He has been constantly challenged over a corruption... He is under investigation for using hate speech. Published: 19 ... Feb 2015)

    • Like 1
  2. IMO I think that there should be restrictions in place preventing members of the agencies responsible for drawing up the new constitution. This should definitely reduce any perception "that the "five rivers" had drafted the charter for their own sake" and avoid accusations of conflict of interest.

    They should look at accepting this proposal with pride, it will really prove that they are true patriots in formulating their countries' new constitution, fair and square.

    Albeit "members who planned to participate in politics intentionally did not propose themselves for the CDC in the first place" it would be the 'right thing to do', by agreeing with the proposal on the table.

    I agree in general with the previous posters but find the words used, 'banned' and 'weeded out', a little harsh. "Barred' and 'disallowed' may be more appropriate. smile.png (just my view)

  3. I think the German is superman, one badass dude. I wish they would throw the book at the Thai brat. But I know the drill, daddy will bail him out, community service will never be served, 500 baht fine.

    and in the meantime 10 more vehicles get smashed up due to his heroism


    "in the meantime 10 more vehicles get smashed up due to his heroism" ? Not so. Damages were caused by the 'hit and run' Thai teenage driver.

    " Kiettiyot did not stop and tried to shake the German man off his car by swerving sharply, before smashing into the other vehicles."

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  4. They are worried because they have been 'untouchable' for so long they haven't bothered to cover their money trails so that even a cursory look at their finances will bring the whole rotten house down. Buddha's teachings have been distorted beyond recognition by the Thai version of Buddhism. I pretend to be uninterested in what they do so am privy to much shady goings on in a very important Wat in Bangkok. I would never let them know my feelings but some of what I seen is disgusting when I think of what the practice of Buddha's ideal could mean for Thai society.

    There is one monk raising a stink and soon, I think he will be joined by others in the call for reform of Sangha.


    The monks making threats against any oversight does not show them in a good light but makes people even more suspicious.

    Thanks, a very good post. Very interesting article you pointed out http://www.reuters.c...N0LX13Q20150301

    "There is one monk raising a stink and soon, I think he will be joined by others in the call for reform of Sangha." Regardless of being castigated by some for his prominent role last year in the anti government protests, I respect Issara for his principles. Even before his recent political activity he was known and respected for innovative thinking and assisting the locals.

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  5. In a moment of irony it seems to be lost on many the the very reason the streets are crowded, is because people come to enjoy the street stalls. Peopel vote with thier money, and for decades have voted for street stalls and awesome food.

    Vibrant, alive, fun and liberating for the Thai people who can have their own business, and not become corporate slaves.

    Noting is better for a strong stable family life than a viable family owned and operated business.

    You know, it was this way for a long time, BKK is famous for it .. many many people LOVE it.

    To the whiners ... there is a whole world of "dead" and lifeless streets that only connect you to the next mini mall that is a repleca of the mini mall you just left.

    Go there.

    Partially agree, but after being harassed and having to walk bent over every time, much of the way from the sky train depot to my shopping destination became annoying.

    I will gladly walk down side streets to enjoy the street stalls often. I enjoy that. Hopefully there can be some compromise. It will be great if things remain the same after hours.

  6. In reality in many areas if you want to get somewhere by foot then walking in the road is the only viable option. Moving vendors to side streets seems a sensible option as people who want to shop can go there and leave the pavements for the purpose intended. The authorities should also clamp down on motor cycles who increasingly use pavements to avoid traffic.

    What about people who want to walk down the side streets?

    It may have to be a 'win some' lose some'. An obvious compromise.

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