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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would have liked Yingluck and Abhisit to give flowers to Prayut chan-o-cha for the good and love he has brought to this country.

    And make sure they take out the thorns firstwhistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>

    Yep, all that good. He fixed the tattslotto scam and cleared the beaches..... Oh wait no he couldn't even do that.

    But he has put a lot of one side of politics in prison....

    ........where they belong.

    Both sides deserve to be there Pumpkin!

    Correct. Why then did you first say "he has put a lot of one side of politics in prison..."


  2. Arresting people for being poor. Thank goodness for leaders with vision.

    Is that really the case? Arrested for being poor?

    I read that the three beggars were arrested and put under the care of the relief center for people suffering social problems. Thank goodness for leaders with vision.

  3. Oh yea he is absolutely hilarious. I along with others have been saying since he sized the country he should give up politics and go into stand up. His not a politician but a truly gifted comedian. The Melbourne comedy festival is on with the best comedians from around the world attending and I would love to see the Uncle Too show live, he will bring the house down.

    Well, why don't you come and live in Thailand and then you can see the PM's show live.

  4. Thailand will get into bed (figuratively and literally) with whomever is willing to give them money. Looks like China is becoming their favorite 'John' nowadays. Too bad the US believes Thailand to be of such importance since I would like to see the US pick up and leave.

    Would this adversely effect you, living in Thailand if the US did 'pick up and leave?'

    Or, don't you live in Thailand at present?

  5. I see the Thai haterz are out in full force today! I do not deal with the gov workers too often but had really good and efficient service at immigration a few weeks back.

    And to those that say that Thais have no work ethic you are mistaken, but not surprising comments here on bitterexpat dot com.

    I see normal Thais all day long around Bangkok that bust their ass, preparing food, cleaning hotel rooms, moto taxis (a tuff hard job in the heat and traffic), the noodle guy in my soi who comes every night and works non stop until there are no more customers.

    It is really sad to see so much hate directed at the Thais by the posters here, it is getting really old.

    Well said. I think your URL description is exactly right - bitterexpat dot com. and fits so many members, especially those that don't seem to have a life, and continually add nasty little posts - (within minutes of any article being posted)

  6. She qualifies under the Geneva Convention.

    "a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

    All countries which are a party to the Geneva Conventions are legally bound to accept her if she manages to get there.

    There is a major difference between persecution and prosecution, just as there is between political opinion and theft.

    There is also a difference between theft and neglect, but it is only you who is confused.

    indeed, yet the net financial result is the same.

  7. The coup is like a laxative for Thailand. The amount of 'stuff' coming out lately is amazing.

    weren't these and the microphones the Junta's doing?

    No "DPE director-general Pattanachart Krisadi-boworn said he has received the notification from the PACC and was ready to give further clarification on the purchase of exercise and recreational equipment. He said the procurement of the equipment was contained in 13 agreements that were entered into between 2012 up to early 2014".

    • Like 1
  8. The coup is like a laxative for Thailand. The amount of 'stuff' coming out lately is amazing.

    You think an exercise machine in Buriram is a significant find?

    Strewth...Everything, and I mean everything the government does is padded. From the paper clips to the very rubber stamp itself, someone is getting a clip somewhere

    Another nasty post. Have you any proof? What has procurement agreement signed between 2012 and 2014 got to do with the current government ?

    "DPE director-general Pattanachart Krisadi-boworn said he has received the notification from the PACC and was ready to give further clarification on the purchase of exercise and recreational equipment. He said the procurement of the equipment was contained in 13 agreements that were entered into between 2012 up to early 2014.

    He said all officials who have been involved have ordered to report themselves. ... he said all this happened three years ago in 2012 which was before he took this position.

    He went on saying that the acting minister for the Ministry of Tourism and Sport himself has set up a committee to look into the matter.... "

    • Like 1
  9. No, the real reason for preventing them to plant is so that people in Bangkok have enough water for their own consumption. Just another way of saying Bangkok in more important than those Kwai farmers.

    Population of Bangkok is about 6,5M

    The Chao Phraya River Bay of Bangkok. The Chao Phraya basin covers 30% of Thailand's land area, is home to 40% of the country's population, employs 78% of its work force, and generates 66% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The total population of the Chao Phraya basin was 23.0 million inhabitants in 1996.

    It would seem that Bangkok is not the main user of water and that many millions of the population also depend on this water source. No real need to just pick on Bkk.

  10. quote "

    Gregory Poling, an expert on southeast Asian militaries at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, says Thailand's coup has thrust the US onto the horns of a dilemma.

    "The US government cannot endorse a military junta," he told AFP."

    They must have missed what is happening in Egypt then, to say nothing of so many other countries that the USA has supported over the years.

    All the USA had to do was to talk quietly to the current government, ask what is going on and offer their advice in a closed room.

    Nobody would have been any the wiser and the spat between the two countries could have been dealt with.

    Any 'spat' is entirely one sided and this time is not the fault of the United States.

    I just don't get it - Japan voices concern and it is "Thanks for the input". America does the same and they are meddlesome imperialists. I mean, it isn't like Japan has been whiter than white throughout history?

    It was the way in which it was done.

    • Like 1
  11. I guess this is yet another push to Thailand into China's arms. The USA is acting like a child with their self serving interests.

    Thais are brought up to believe Thailand and its people are above other people and above other countries. Thats what they are taught in school. The truth is the US is a vast, powerful and successful economy. Granted, its been through an economic crisis recently, but all evidence suggests it is fast recovering, growing and creating jobs and its currency has been the worlds strongest for the past year. Thailand by comparison is a tiny economy, it is a century or so behind the US in its development, especially in terms of education and human rights, and is militarily insignificant. So i really see no reason for the US to march to Thailand's orders, and i see no reason why the US should not express opinions or stick to their principles. It is clear to me at least that Thailand is the flea and the US is the dog. If the flea wants to jump onto China then so be it, it wont really matter. The sooner Thailand wakes up to reality the better for Thailand and Thai people because its never healthy to suffer delusions of grandeur. Then they might stop acting like a spoiled, self entitled brat throwing tantrums and thinking the world revolves around them.

    Thailand is advance of the USA in human rights 100 years, not behind....see all the shootings and abuses by the US police. All the started wars of the last years (yes that is human right issue), torture, hunting down Assange, supporting regimes like Saudi Arabia, Thailand related: the support of Pol Pot.

    In compare Thailand is the hub of human rights....

    supporting Pol Pot was the absolute pits.

  12. What, laughter is now banned? I thought satire was meant to put a smile on people's faces and encourages happiness. Is the happiness meter over heating and about to explode that they feel the need to cut back?

    ... encourages happiness? Hardly.

    Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule

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