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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. This process surely increases the 'manufacture' costs and it does provide employment and profits which can be described as discriminatory .

    I will never knowingly buy 'halal' items if there is a non-halal product available, it goes against my principles.

    You will then have a very restricted diet as anything that is not haram is by default halal so you are restricted to buying various meats and shellfish all fruits , veggies and plant based foods are halal.

    Ha Ha, Yes......... and by default these foods are also 'Kosher'.

    I was talking about foods specifically processed/slaughtered and certified 'Halal' as apposed to shellfish all fruits , veggies and plant based foods, water, cool drinks, nuts etc.

    • Like 1
  2. Apartheid is alive and well. At a temple.

    Sometimes you can't believe these people.

    Sometimes it's difficult to believe that some people don't know what apartheid really is. It's certainly nothing to do with toilets.

    Well, .... apart from the obvious political restrictions, apartheid did enforce uncountable restrictions on access to toilets, queues, public transport, park benches etc

  3. The headline had me all excited, until I found it was a monk not a prime minister being investigated.


    . It seems a number of monks are currently being investigated. Any and all illegal acts should be investigated as a matter of course.

    Were you really disappointed that " a prime minister was not being investigated" purely because of your personal views, regardless of the fact that damning evidence seems to be associated with this 'monk'.


  4. "...embezzling more than Bt12 billion from the cooperative. More than 10,000 people have suffered |as a result of the embezzlement...."

    Disgusting. IMO this behavior is far worse when committed by purveyors of religion rather than mere politicians and their buddies.

    I hope that the guilty are really punished regardless of their occupations and 'beliefs', and that the law is amended for future accountability.

  5. There has long been animosity between the RTP and the army. Top army officials as well as RTP officials have insane amounts of money to show for their relatively small salaries.

    This is another targeted cleansing. Strange how "some people" won't discuss their wealth while requiring others to do so. Strange how "some people" are getting assets taken away while others don't.

    They are all corrupt to the core and no one should believe that this "cleansing" is for the benefit of ordinary Thais.

    I probably agree with you only with your first 2 statements.

    I am neither for or against legalized gambling, albeit having been a bank manager for 20 years I did see the financial hardships experienced by families of addicted gamblers.

    However gambling is illegal in Thailand.

    It seems apparent that "alleged inaction in the police's anti-vice efforts." resulted in this anti-vice operation, and resulted in the two heads of Metropolitan Police Division being transferred.

    ....... A team of 50 soldiers and 10 local police raided a network of notorious gambling dens in Bangkok's Tao Poon area yesterday afternoon, and seized a large number of handguns, betting equipment and narcotics." "The items found were marijuana, spent "ice" flakes, eight pistols and ammunition, one gambling machine and a list of people banned from entering the dens."

    Good.Well done to the soldiers and 10 local police for taking action. IMO illegal gambling and vice breeds 'mafia'

    It will be interesting to see developments regarding Somyot's earlier statement about the Tao Poon gambling network having not been used recently, -" dens in the network were full of spider webs and covered with dust..." dry.png

  6. SCB covering its ass....lmao

    What's so funny about the bank doing the right thing and compensating the Institute? SCB is co-operating with KMIT and the investigators to prosecute all those found to have committed offences. That's not "covering it's arse".

    You'd be amongst all the others crying "injustice" and "foul" if it didn't pay compensation. Impossible to win with ThaiVisa posters.

    SCB took a very long time to co-operate. It sounded very suspicious (TV 14.2.2015)

    ".... said (alledged) a number of cheques and transactions were signed retroactively by KMITL lecturers authorised to do so...."

    ".....KMITL had requested the delivery of 68 documents associated with eight bank accounts so far. Eight documents had been received...."

    I am pleased that the bank has compensated the Institute, but I also wonder if this stemed from an altruistic motive or just a plain old 'covering it's arse'

  7. so you would rather the red terrorists just have open slather on killing, blowing up, burning down Bangkok and everyone just sit around and watch them. What sort of drop kick calls for terrorism to be allowed to flourish so one man(thaksin) can get his wa, everyone knows the reds(and black shirts) were using the same weapons, without ballistic results no one knows who killed who. Trying to put the yellows into this is pathetic too, as they werent involved plus they did not open fire on people, try to burn down the city or blow it up, it was purely the reds/ptp scum, as usual the red apologists are trying to blame those that had nothing to do with this crap. Really should try to use facts and not your red propaganda

    If the democratically elected government that I supported had been removed in a military coup and supplanted with another of the opposite political leaning, which then promised to hold elections but never did, I would be out there too, burning, shooting whatever.

    This only happens when facists overtake a democratically elected government and they only have themselves to blame for all the violence that followed.

    This general is right behind it all.

    Reading what you said, I must ask 'are you out there now, burning, shooting whatever'?

    Or don't you live in Thailand?

  8. John Bull Tuna is owned by Mckenzie foods an Australian company based in Melbourne. They moved thier operations to Thailand a few years ago as part of restructuring and cost cutting. If you look at thier cans it will say Australian owned company with the Australian symbol. It will also say imported product. This will be enough for Thailand to void all responsibility on them.

    It seems 4 people so far may be connected to the word 'void' ( discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.) whilst Thailand avoids responsibility.... tongue.png

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  9. This is no contrast from any previous governments.

    Why, can you name even one previous Thai government that has successfully prosecuted such a high ranking government official for corruption? I think you can't and therefore the quote is false.

    The PM is distinguishing himself in his efforts to reform the RTP, the Civil Service, the Sangha, the taxi/beach/casino/beggar mafias, and the political process.

    His reform of the RTP has amounted to knocking off undesirable "connected" people for reasons other than corruption.

    His reform of the political process has been to indefinitely postpone it and when resurfaces will undoubtedly be controlled by a body of appointed people selected to serve the long standing Central Thailand elite.

    Oh that's right, he's temporarily run off some grungy jet ski operators who will return just as any liquid falls to the lowest possible depths.

    Mr. Happy is a crackin good gent! And yes, like no other before him. Just ask the teachers who suddenly had to test their students on his command and incorporate the results in their evaluation books. Just ask the students who have to now forego a real subject like English or Math to study the all important 12 values.

    Now that has never before been seen round these parts!!!

    Genuine question. Was Maths and English really removed to allow students to study the 12 values?

    • Like 2
  10. Can only happen in a U-country like Thailand. Any civilised country in the world would have the names of both mother and father. I f your a father in the civilised world you have to take responsibility for your kids. In Thailand ???? No. In Thailand I met guys with kids with 7 women. Can not remember how many girls and boys. Mai pen rai. Big junta general unelected prime minister !!!!

    I think the article refers to something that originated 18 years ago and not

    something that occurred in the last 8 months ?

    Are you genuinely trying to apportion some blame to the current PM ? blink.png

  11. The hit rate or success rate with the Junta has been rather startling to say the least, one wonders whether this clean up rate will continue with the onset of Democratically Elected Governments, previous track records doesn't show much promise of anything being achieved except corruption.coffee1.gif

    If your stated aim was stopping or finding corruption, I am amazed how few they found so far. Should be like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Well that's settled then. No more defending the previous government with regards to corruption. Wonderful.

  12. How many signatures are needed to wake up the leading junta general. Do he support child abuse ? Why is it any need for signatures ? The general blames teen pregnancy on the girls, the boys do not have any responsibilities. Does the present Thai government like child porn ?

    Do he support child abuse ? As per action taken to date, IMO I do not think "he support child abuse."

    "..... the NLA will deliberate the amendment bill on February 19."

    Now please answer this question - " Did the previous government like child porn ? "

    Why is there always an obsession to pick on one side only ? Pathetic.

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  13. Why were the Thai police "knocking on the door?" Are the police and general Prayuth planning to bust these Thai hi-sos like his son and the Ferrari Sukhumvit cop killer? Is that wht the Thai police were "knocking on the door?"

    Let us hope so. Time for justice.

    btw - love the bracelet. 'Silver' suits him

  14. Sounds very suspicious.

    ".... said (alledged) a number of cheques and transactions were signed retroactively by KMITL lecturers authorised to do so...."

    ".....KMITL had requested the delivery of 68 documents associated with eight bank accounts so far. Eight documents had been received...."

    Given the the Bt1.6 billion embezzlement scandal at the institute, all documents requested should have long been supplied to police and King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Latkrabang.

    Obviously another reason for the delay.

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