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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. Quote: " ... the cardinal never asked for or authorised any payment from the hospital foundation in relation to his residence."

    But he accepted it without query, right?

    "Beulah, peel me a grape!"

    Sounds very much like Jacob Zuma, president of South Africa, except the costs were far higher.

    ".... the cardinal never asked for or authorised any payment​..."

  2. " Palestinians, meanwhile, say the shooting proves their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings. "

    Extrajudicial killings are one aspect of retaliation that may be understandable, but should not be condoned, - but how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians. What force is used by the Palestinians attackers to thrust their knives in human bodies with the sole aim of murder?

    Think you need to see the context here.

    This wasn't an attack on Israeli citizens in an Israeli town.

    This was an attack on a foreign invader (Israeli soldier) in a Palestinian town which has seen a big influx of extremist settlers.

    I do see the context. As I said, I condemn the extrajudicial killings, but have to ask the question regarding excessive force - "...how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians ? "​ The fact that the soldiers are in a Palestinian town surely does not warrant life threatening attacks on them, if you feel that their action is warranted then you obviously must also expect, and condone extrajudicial killings.

  3. " Palestinians, meanwhile, say the shooting proves their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings. "

    Extrajudicial killings are one aspect of retaliation that may be understandable, but should not be condoned, - but how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians. What force is used by the Palestinians attackers to thrust their knives in human bodies with the sole aim of murder?

    Have you seen the video? The Palestinian was lying on the ground having already been shot. The ambulance crews (2 of them) gave no assistants at all. The soldiers were walking passed the man. The ambulances were leaving. The Palestinian was barely moving then the Israeli soldier held up his rifle and shot the Palestinian in the head.

    I saw the video. "Extrajudicial killings .... should not be condoned"

  4. I dont give a rats ar.e about Cambodian rats or Thai rats.

    I would never eat rat, or even allow my wife to eat the vermin.

    Interesting attitude on a couple levels, first "vermin" (?) rats are just another animal from the natural world, the fact that they have adapted to human filthy cities does not reflect on their food quality if from cleaner environs. Secondly, you attempt to control what "your" wife is "allowed' to eat? says it all.

    1. wild animals which are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents.
    2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Rodent - definition of rodent by The Free Dictionary

      The teeth grow throughout the animal's life, and gnawing keeps them from getting too long. Rodents make up about half the living species of mammals, and include rats, mice, beavers, squirrels, shrews, and hamsters.

  5. " Palestinians, meanwhile, say the shooting proves their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings. "

    Extrajudicial killings are one aspect of retaliation that may be understandable, but should not be condoned, - but how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians. What force is used by the Palestinians attackers to thrust their knives in human bodies with the sole aim of murder?

  6. Another story that will not be forgotten by anyone other than Thais.

    Only shoelaces could have been 'better' as a story to describe the current state of Thailand. I predict this will get referenced again over the coming weeks.

    "Killed for their shoes."

    Sad fact is Thailand is merely catching up with the levels of violence found elsewhere.

    Some may argue that Thailand is now exceeding the levels of violence found elsewhere.

  7. Humor aside, he is one of the few monks that seem to have an unwavering standard of sticking up for the principles of right and wrong.

    This man has a lot of enemies among red shirts and a certain Buddhist sect that are aligned with the man in Dubai.

    I hope he manages to stay safe, Thai Buddhism needs more people like this.

    I fully agree with what you said. There are plenty of examples of religious leaders taking political stances. . thumbsup.gif

  8. Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

    By editor on 2015-04-27

    Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on “terrorists”. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts’ activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted “terrorists”, he became the man leading the hunt for the “hunters” of the red shirts​.

    It seems he is a chameleon.

  9. In fact Halal = Kosher is the same...

    Nope. Vaguely similar, maybe, but not the same at all.


    "According to halal law, all intoxicating alcohols, wines, liquors and drugs are prohibited.

    Where as kosher law allows all wines.

    While in kosher foods, dairy and meat cannot be mixed and it is entirely prohibited, Halal permits the mixing of the two."

    Read more: Difference Between Kosher and Halal | Difference Between | Kosher vs Halal http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-kosher-and-halal/#ixzz426DUD8Hk

  10. The Muslim family that lives across the street from us. They bought a house that was financed by the Bank of Islam. Six months later they never made any payments and were going to lose their home. My Thai wife and I loaned them 27K and they did not want to pay us back. Finally after about three months we did get paid. Other than that I do not know any. Interest free loans under Sharia Law is bs anyway. The bank buys the house adds on an amount equal to what interest would have been and sells it at that price to the customer. That amount divided by the number of months determines the monthly payment. Who is kidding who?

    Agreed. Very hypocritical.

    Conveniently amending the situation to by-pass their religious laws. wink.png

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