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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. Look at that, 2 grumpy old smokers up there that like to puff away and push their filth onto everyone else, but they don't even think they are doing it.

    Yes, bad parent me, out till 4am, keep up your stunning logical arguments typical of the selfish narrow minded persona of a smoker.

    i would get your own house in order before accusing others of being narrow minded and selfish if I were you. 4 am indeed!!

    Yes, 4am. I understand it that you find it hard to come up with a n argument of any sort proactive to your filthy habit, but really I am sure this pathetic effort could be improved, even by yourself.

    Lets start with the cost of your filthy habit on every single non smoker in the healthcare system ?

  2. I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

    Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

    Excuse me.

    I smoke, I'm smoking right now, as I am currently alone and it will not affect anyone outside this room, I do not smoke on the bus, I do not smoke in a non smokers car, I do not smoke in front of children, anywhere if I can avoid it, it's a bad habit that I have no desire to inflict on others who do not also do the same, and I do not want in any way to promote this affliction that I suffer from on other people, especially children.

    I would rather have people from a very young age know about the dangers of this habit, by informing them about it and thereby reducing the number of smokers, over a bunch of tight brown trousered crooks who fund their existence not from a sense of moral responsibly but from changing numbers on a bank register and being able to afford their next promotion.

    If I was in a similar situation to the OP and given the same opportunity, I would do exactly the same thing that he did.

    Good for you.

    There are not many like you, believe me. But then that is if you do what you say you do, many smokers believe by walking away or standing just outside an open air restaurant, that all is ok, never mind it blowing back in etc.

    My arguement is not about what the OP did, as I like the idea, but the majority of smokers throw there little on the ground, to be washed away unseen into the rives and oceans...when it is unseen, it is not there right and not their mess right ?

    Who is selfish? Me for smoking outside in a public place or you, who wishes to remove my right to smoke anywhere in your presence?

    Keep it up and soon all personal liberties will be revoked. Will you be happy then?

    You should not be allowed to smoke anywhere in public where it effects others, so smoking rooms in parks would be fine as long as the inside box is glass and we can sit around and watch you all choke in the fog, then the inside air has to be cleansed before release.

    Then, yes I will be happy.

  3. You need to stop bashing Pattaya, in any other country you would see them cut the whole tree down and put up plastic trees, but no, not our pristine environment known as the glorious Pattaya.

    Who needs shade and trees anyway ? All the birds are sling shot for soup and that oxygen stuff they deliver is over rated.

    • Like 1
  4. I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

    A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

    I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

    I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

    Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

    Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

    But I bet you sit at the bar while everyone smokes around you?

    Not really.

    I was out with 4 friends the other night, none smoked, the bars we were in mostly did not smoke and by 4am who gives a toss anyway.

    Smokers should just accept the fact they are a selfish lot and get on with ignoring everyone else, you are normally so good at it, why the reverse in here ?

  5. I just love the moralistic viewpoint of all the non-smokers that invade threads like this. Just a bunch of sanctimonious twits that probably put starch in their underwear. With the level of pollution in Thailand, no one would even catch a breath of someone's second hand smoke unless you were sitting on their lap. Just one more thing to whinge about from the habitual gripers.

    A typical selfish smoker no doubt with comments like that....or worse, a reformed one perhaps.

    I do not appreciate your smoke in my face during a meal, nor do my kids.

    I love the selfless smoker sitting at a table that holds the smoke away from his own guests, yet never mind the table next door.

    Smokers are very narrow minded, it is a proven point.

    Farting in the train, I am just getting even...but what's wrong, you don't like that ? Disgusting all that fart blowing in your face hey.

    • Like 1
  6. I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

    Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

    I would agree too bad they only go after foreigners smoking. I don't like that bit.

    That is true...but when you need to raise cash you don't go looking in the slums for investors.

    Dumb and gullible with money, prime meat and combine that with a ready made habit of smokers polluting and littering...you cannot blame them really.

    And you have no bad habits?

    Apart from farting in trains, of which you will never know it was me, no I do not have any filthy habits which unselfishly and unthinkably force itself onto the general public many of which do not wish to partake in your vile habit, especially children.

  7. I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

    Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

    I would agree too bad they only go after foreigners smoking. I don't like that bit.

    That is true...but when you need to raise cash you don't go looking in the slums for investors.

    Dumb and gullible with money, prime meat and combine that with a ready made habit of smokers polluting and littering...you cannot blame them really.

  8. If your son, blood son and not step son, cannot get into the military academies to possibly rise to the highest level he could possibly achieve and if he could not join the police academy to do like wise and eventually create a never ending stream of cash flow, then why should we be ok for him to be conscripted ?

    That is if the statements in this thread are correct about a half thai child not being allowed into the elite.

    God help if he became a prime minister.

    I'm afraid that the aforesaid statements are a load of old knob.

    The only rigid bar to certain trades / ranks / appointments would be a failure to be security cleared for same. There are certain jobs that are considered to be too sensitive for people who do not have anywhere from chuea-chat Thai (Thai extraction), both parents being Thai, both grandparents being Thai, or even both great-grandparents being Thai, whilst there are many trades / jobs / postings / appointments that are open to anyone with a National ID card which states their chuea-chat (extraction) as being Thai, as any loog-krueng should have.

    No different in the UK Armed forces, who are stricter about this than many might think.

    And to muse idly, it would take virtually a whole career for someone to become Surpreme Commander of any service branch after passing out from the unofficially pre-requisite Armed Forces Preparatory Academy and by then (if you start counting now) Thailand could be a very different place.

    Sorry for the delay in getting back on this but the Royal Thai Police Academy website is on the blink.

    Entrance requirement No. 3 for the general public to attend the academy: มีสัญชาติไทยโดยกำเนิด และบิดามารดามีสัญชาติไทยโดยกำเนิด แต่ถ้าบิดาเป็นนายทหารสัญญาบัตร หรือเป็นข้าราชการตำรวจซึ่งมีสัญชาติไทยโดยการเกิดแล้วมารดาจะมิใช่เป็นผู้ มีสัญชาติไทยโดยการเกิดก็ได้ (apologies for using Thai but it is a direct quote from the facebook page of the academy). If the mods need to remove the Thai, please do so, but I feel it makes the point more valid). Roughly it says, "be Thai by birth and father and mother must also be Thai by birth, however, if the father is a commissioned officer in the armed forces or a policeman of Thai nationality by birth, the mother does not need to be of Thai nationaility by birth".

    For the armed forces, I will check but I believe it is an internal regulation.

    One might say Trembly's comments could be a load of old knobs.

  9. get over it. being able to laugh when faced by death is celebrating life.

    You got it man!

    To each their own, but again, in my opinion , to be laughing and joking in a serious situation like this , does show what I think is a serious character flaw in too many of the Thai population. This is not meant as a condemnation of all Thais, just a certain element.

    No, this is in fact a character strength. 25 years and you don't realize this??

    It's to do with accepting the will of nature with intelligence rather that emotion.

    You give them to much credit for being able to think like that.

  10. Do you people not read past the first sentence? Or maybe you just small minded people don't understand what the phrases mean?

    It states "When all are caught, they will be charged with violating commercial law codes, the copyright code, trade mark code, criminal laws regarding adult pornography, tariff and revenue codes, and the food and drugs code. They will also be charged with selling unregistered drugs, and selling drugs without permission documents."

    Clearly this is about the seizure of counterfeit product and unlicensed drugs and nothing to do with banning sex aids per se. This is something you would all expect, if not demand, to occur in any western country.

    I am sure you all got so titillated by the image that your brains turned to mush and your dick started controlling you (again). If you owned the brands being ripped off you would be very happy indeed.

    You guys need to stop the Thai bashing mentality that I see too often and use your brains occasionally.

    You mention criminal laws regarding adult pornography.

    I think the sex toys fall into this area by Thai definition. -any other thing which is obscene.

    Section 287 Whoever:

    1. For the purpose of trade or by trade, for public distribution or exhibition, makes, produces, possesses, brings or causes to be brought into the Kingdom, sends or causes to be sent out of the Kingdom, takes away or causes to be taken away, or circulates by any means whatever, any document, drawing, print, painting, printed matter, picture, poster, symbol, photograph, cinematograph film, noise tape, picture tape or any other thing which is obscene;
    2. Carries on trade, or takes part or participates in the trade concerning the aforesaid obscene material or thing, or distributes or exhibits to the public, or hires out such material or thing;
    3. In order to assist in the circulation or trading of the aforesaid obscene material or thing, propagates or spreads the news by any means whatever that there is a person committing the act which is an offence according to this Section, or propagates or spreads the news that the aforesaid obscene material or thing may be obtained from any person or by any means, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.

    I want to know if the accussed doll will be let out on bail if she promises not to deflate?

    Depends on the prick and his ego.

  11. Hands up anyone that has used a sex toy of any persuasion.

    Yes, my bf is one. laugh.png

    Perhaps a lady poster will be kind enough to confirm that clitoral stimulation is not the only source of an orgasm.

    I can confirm that.

    My wallet, the sight of a shoe or handbag shop also do it.


    Actually, in seriousness, a woman can even have an orgasm purely by thought alone..depends on the woman of course. So much for woman is about mental stimulation.

    Physically, a woman can have a g-spot orgasm, a clitoral orgasm, and/or both. G-spot stimulation is what causes a woman to squirt.

    Ok..sex lesson over!

    I was sitting at a bar late one night after a massive intake of 'erbs' and I had a female orgasm.

    It was multiple and it was not of the g-spot type.

    I wish I was female.

  12. Do you people not read past the first sentence? Or maybe you just small minded people don't understand what the phrases mean?

    It states "When all are caught, they will be charged with violating commercial law codes, the copyright code, trade mark code, criminal laws regarding adult pornography, tariff and revenue codes, and the food and drugs code. They will also be charged with selling unregistered drugs, and selling drugs without permission documents."

    Clearly this is about the seizure of counterfeit product and unlicensed drugs and nothing to do with banning sex aids per se. This is something you would all expect, if not demand, to occur in any western country.

    I am sure you all got so titillated by the image that your brains turned to mush and your dick started controlling you (again). If you owned the brands being ripped off you would be very happy indeed.

    You guys need to stop the Thai bashing mentality that I see too often and use your brains occasionally.

    Do counterfeit cocks have their own little brains ?

  13. and how many by accident ?

    Very contentious. Do you have figures?

    They in fact fought in Vietnam with distinction. The soldiers that fought there were the Tiger Battallion and I would say killed more enemy than civilians.

    So you had to think about it, or do some research huh ?

    Always a good idea to kill the enemy first.

    Its tongue in cheek remark GH made....do you guys always need to 'smiley' so you can understand the tone of a comment ?

    You felt the need to explain that ?

  14. Well said Blether: Thailand is indeed a wonderful country.

    I think that there is a different attitude from tourists who visit and enjoy the Northern areas, like Chiang Mai, and a different attitude from tourists who visit areas like Phuket or Pattaya.

    You mean Patong, not Phuket. Phuket is the size of Singapore with a million people and has wonderful natural resources and beauty. Pattaya and Patong are dirty beaches and seedy sex-tourist centers that are exploitative and smell.

    You are not allowed to talk about Pattaya like that.

    Pattaya is a lovely pristine environment where nature abounds.

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