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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. Forget online rubbish.

    Use your brain, do what you know!

    That's the only way!

    Whet did you do before the Internet?

    Oh right! We talked!

    That's right, these type of folk will meet up and sit there on a table facing each other playing on their iphones chatting on facebook, no conversation just fingers erratically clicking away. What happened to conversation?

    Jesus...I bet you like foreplay too.

  2. 2 assassinations of drivers nearby where we live in last 12 months.

    The other issue with so many neighbours with guns is where the stray bullets go, even the police I doubt take that into consideration. So last thing I would be doing is coming 'OUT' to see what the commotion is, I would be hiding behind my fridge.

  3. There was a thread a long time back about a guy complaining about his neighbours listening to his wife screaming during sex.

    There was a lot of information in that thread re soundproofing.

  4. Agree about the credit cards, perhaps just the customers name and address then as you would need these for shipping etc and can be explained away on the bottom of the pages for the right reasons.

    Anyone with the right intentions would/should not be bothered by it.

    Are you saying that by writing the code for it, it can be automatically loaded onto the copy that the customer downloads and when he opens it, there it is, his unique copy with his name on it. He cannot send it electronically unless he does not care his name is on it, nor can he print a copy and send it for same reason.

    This would stop the lazy person from doing it and anybody that does not know how to get into it and delete it. But not the serious chap and it only takes one, so would it be worthwhile percentage wise ?

  5. One idea: .pdf files can be password protected. It might be possible to password-protect it with the purchaser's credit card number, which is something he wouldn't want disseminated. In addition to using it as his password, you could print it as a footer on each page of the report, like, "This report specially prepared for John Doe, Visa # xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-000, exp. 12/2013" The .pdf can have printing restricted, too.

    Nice idea, I wonder if it is possible.

    How would it be added to each page of an already prepared and locked PDF though ?

    You could limit the info on it to just enough to scare the person and also make it obvious with there name on it and maybe card number but no expiry or other codes on it etc.

    But then again, surely anyone in the know and still wants to do it could print or get into the pdf and delete it all.

    But this makes it an obstacle and harder to do, an effort is required and most could not be screwed and if the pdf got out into the mainstream copy field for free, if a persons name was plastered across the bottom, you could hit them up for copyright infringement perhaps...just another thought for them not to do it and pass onto friends etc.

  6. I am doing a similar thing for a book.

    Was told there is no hope in hell really of protecting it even if you lock it and use various tools, if they want to copy it they will and expect to see it available on torrent sites to download for free at sometime in the near future.

    The cost for mine is incorporated into a website build, so no idea re just adding something like that.

  7. No, she was not she joined freely as a US citizen!

    Conscription has been a way of Thailand's citizens fullfilling their military duty to their country. When one chose to be a resident in Thailand and had a male Thai child, it is a universal obligation for that person to present himself to the draft/consription in Thailand at a certain age.

    You already made that decision for him, you should have considered that before you had a child that must complied with the laws of the country of his birth.


    What a croc...answer my post #79 above then if we are talking whats fair and equal.

  8. Forbidden by the Church and Illegal in that prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

    However, sex tourists is not a definition... 'to obtain sexual services which he/she is unable to obtain is his/her own country.'..... many sex tourists are married, many can get laid at home and many pay for it at home.

    Sex tourist is simply a person that travels from their home country to another to pay for sex exclusively while in that country.

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