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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

    You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

    That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

    How dare you call me that I have never done that. Maybe when I was 40 years younger I would seek a fool like you out to beat the living day lights out but now I am to old but honest for the last 20 years with the help of Jesus Christ

    Sounds like you and your offspring would be fine candidates for conscription.

  2. Does it matter how many local partners you have to be classed sex tourist?

    I think one is all it needs. If you are a tourist.

    Well Tommo, that might be your perception and indeed your unique definition, however the accepted travel definition is more like the following;

    sex tourism. Travel undertaken primarily or exclusively by men from developed countries, usually to third world countries, for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, often of an extreme, forbidden, or illegal nature.


    I doubt much of the sex that goes on in Pattaya is of the extreme kind.

  3. Take a nurse or someone in a similarly time taxing occupation for example. The limited free time they have is usually relaxing in their room or out with already long established friends. To meet someone new is near impossible unless they wish to "meet" tourists for 1-2 nights. Enter online dating and you get to meet people you/they would near likely never meet unless you're on a gurney! haha?

    I disagree,

    If you meet a nurse etc. who has a full schedule, he/she of course likes to spend time with their friends in their spare time. That's what Thai's do however maybe they want someone special to enjoy their friends with or just spend time together. You know what happens when you "assume."

    I also love spending time with my friends but get lonely and miss that special someone. This is the reason they put an ad on these dating sites right?

    There is nothing wrong with online dating at all. What did we do before the internet, oh yeah we talked was a rhetorical statement. Now we HAVE the internet so why not use it? At least you can find out a little from their profile if they are at all compatible before wasting time and money right? I mean I'm not getting any younger, I'm not into the bar or nightclub scene and am just not into the whole dating scene to be honest so why not use the net?

    I would rather date a woman that is very busy with her "life" then one that has no life to be busy with.

    I actually dated a nose in Chiang Mai that I met on badoo.com and it was a great thing Yes she was busy and worked shifts but at least she worked and had an honest job and was educated. Yes we broke up but it was due to my stupidity. Long story but no I wasn't a flirt etc.

    Thats taking fetishes to the extreme.

  4. Soutpeel, I agree with you that luk krungs should not be deferred also. The privileged, regardless of nationality always get the cream of what's on offer and that will never change.

    As I said before, it's not just the Thai army, it would be any army. Like all parents I worry about the safety of my child and I will do anything to protect him according to my rules and morals.

    But when are you going to let him grow up?

    I would bet like any father, his son will grow up at his own pace. But as a good father he will never stop trying to help or protect him.

  5. Your interest in my sex life is quite frankly.......creepy, I think there are special websites on the internet for voyeurs but TV is certainly not one of them.

    Nobody cares about your sex life!

    It's just that you loudly proclaim there is more to Thailand than easy gals, and yet at the same time you appear to be a classic sex tourist, booze, bars and broads ..... so we all wonder what is going on.

    Not all Tommo, not all.

  6. Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

    You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

    That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

  7. kanchanaburi.....river kwai area

    Wonderful area, very hot over there though. Cannot remember the name of the spot, but took a long drive up to it on the Burma border in the mountains, was very cold up there and covered in mist. Got chased back from the border by military with big guns and settled into a noodle shop for hot soup and hot tea to warm up.

    post-147691-0-01145000-1343541433_thumb.Sorry I cannot give great details but probably one of the most interesting things I have done here was very close to Angthong, just an hours drive North of Bkk. It is "Thai Hell" but also has many other beautiful attractions right on the same site. I believe it hosts one of the biggest Buddha statues in Thailand now along with the "Mirror Temple"


    Thai Hell is the wildest thing I have ever seen and every sin has it's own version of what will happen to you if you commit these sins and trust me the art-work and statues that show it are WILD. VERY explicit and just crazy.

    It is all in sequence where the first display is where the dead person entering hell sees what we would call the devil. This is where he decides your sin and sends you to your own hell. Then you just walk to each "sin" display and you won't believe it. If you have a Thai who can read the plaques and explain it to you then you need to bring them. Trust me this is THE most interesting place to travel and is just different to all the normal tourist attractions like temples etc.

    I presume it is not rated 'G' for kids ?

    But then again, I was in the Warner Brothers toy store the other day and a song was merrily rambling away <<Profanities removed from post >>

    I guess it is up to the parent to decide if their children are ok with it but I will say it is VERY explicit and disturbing displays so I can't answer your question as I am not the kids parent. I will say that all of the displays are around the same graphic display as the picture I posted here so you can decide.

    PS: Most of the video games kids play these days are worst then this bt again up to the discretion of the parent.

    Cheers, by explicit I thought you might have meant sex scenes. But a bit of stabbing is nothing these days really so it seems.

  8. If your son, blood son and not step son, cannot get into the military academies to possibly rise to the highest level he could possibly achieve and if he could not join the police academy to do like wise and eventually create a never ending stream of cash flow, then why should we be ok for him to be conscripted ?

    That is if the statements in this thread are correct about a half thai child not being allowed into the elite.

    God help if he became a prime minister.

    • Like 1
  9. Why do we care what people say about Thailand? I got me a little isolated corner in a mountain valley; living life the way I choose. Most would hate my life and some are jealous. Good for me.

    You replicate me.


    What's your definition for sex?


    What we get our coal in, here in Morningseyde


    (that's showing my mother's age, eh? When was the last time you saw a lorry on a domestic coal run?)

    But do you remember the clippity clop of the clydesdales shod hooves up the street as the milkman ran in front to clanked the bottles at your door at 5am ?

    I reckon sukhumhalfwit has been created just to have a go at me........I feel honoured. wai.gif

    It's interesting that you took the time to dig up that "man heaven" post, equally interesting that you missed the point of the post entirely.

    Your interest in my sex life is quite frankly.......creepy, I think there are special websites on the internet for voyeurs but TV is certainly not one of them.

    If you make the right moves you can get a good beating on TV.

  10. Anybody that cares about their child would not let them be sent into the Thai army or airforce or anything else with its decrepit machinery all bought and maintained under less than ideal conditions when copy parts are bought to replace failing items at a tenth of the cost and then send Somchai off to test it.

    If any one feels that strongly then the solution is very simple, give up the citizenship...problem solved

    Yes, and lets not be critical of a system that puts your child into harms way.

    Harms way in front of incompetence on a grand scale I might add.

    You seem to have trouble distinguishing between a professionally run armed forces and the Thai one. Conscription into a professional organisation that offers all the modern day benefits of an education, career and future, against Dad's army trained by the 3 stooges littered with corruption. Up to you.

  11. I wish people who like it here would keep quiet about it. rolleyes.gif

    I don't want to share the good things we have here with anymore people. Let the detractors continue to knock Pattaya about the bleeding obvious.


    Make sure it is all positive news about Pattaya.

    The beach was lovely a few weeks ago, very pleasant experience and not once did we experience double, triple or quadruple over charging. Pattaya is a lovely, respectful, pristine environment.

  12. ^^I guess if every father felt like that there would be no soldiers.

    Send your son into the battlefields under orders of hiso generals. An Army that is taught by people that adore corruption and sending someone elses kids to the battle lines. How many battle hard and experienced soldiers were on the front line in Bangkok in 2010 ?

    Anybody that cares about their child would not let them be sent into the Thai army or airforce or anything else with its decrepit machinery all bought and maintained under less than ideal conditions when copy parts are bought to replace failing items at a tenth of the cost and then send Somchai off to test it.

    • Like 2
  13. what kind of father would let his own son get sent to the army of a country who hates him. Many loopholes. Your son isnt 100% thai so why should he serve people who think outsiders are worthless cockroaches

    Rather hysterical and innacurate reply don't you think?

    If the son is a Thai citizen, he's treatedly no different under the law. But as you say, there are loopholes. Many of them even legal.

    Such as ?

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