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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. These seem to be preparation for the costly beach restoration program. There is a sign with details attached at the site just before Walking Str. Enormous sum of money and guaranteed to be another <deleted>...-up.....:-) They'd better bring in some foreign experts from Aussie-land or such to make this a success. MS>

  2. Thank you all, especially Wonka.

    I need to slow down a extractor fan / Panasonic, the ones used in bathroom ceilings to a lower speed, for a special application. I have an identical installation with a step-down transformer a friend brought me from Europe, works great and without any humming noise. Then I got one with an electronic regulator as sold on LAZADA, works great, but quite noisy.

    So, to keep it simple. I need a solution to control the speed of such a fan, preferably over the full range. Was hoping it was available here, too. Again, Thanks a lot. MS>

  3. Forget Bouakao Hospital. No specialists available most times. Banglamung is cheap, any private one depends what meds you will need. If I had any suspicion of STD, I would not worry about a few Baht but get myself fixed asap. Good luck. MS>

    PS: Full testing of several most common ones and basic treatment of Gonor./Clamydia at Public Hospital probably 2'500 Baht. Used to be. With quality products. Just ask before they start. Don't let any infection proceed and potentially do serious damage to your kidney or other organs.

  4. Memorial or Pattaya International or if want really cheap go to Banglamung Hospital. Don't bother with clinics unless you know the Dr. and his qualifications. Olivier is good, but you better have insurance. There is a lot of antibiotic resistance in Thailand and only hospitals are up-to-date with the right combinations. They often run a culture first or if not cured easily. Be careful to self-treat or you might end up with a bigger problem. Often STD's come in pairs, so better see the Pro. Good luck. For skin type Std's, see Dr. Anna BPH. MS>

  5. Amazing job in just a couple of days.....They are reaching the market as we speak and will then have laid another layer of black-top on several layers of black-top.

    Really pleasant to see that -for now- they have completely covered all these nasty drain and manhole-covers, filled up any other holes they could find. Smooth ride for now. Will the install pumps along the Rd., as on Beach Rd. or actually dig up the drain covers and create even bigger driving hazards? This town never stops to amaze me. But anyway, a speedy job....55555 ... MS>

  6. Bar stool talk earlier today: someone was claiming that a re-entry permit costs 4000 baht at Jomtien Immigration these days.

    True or false?

    1'900 for single-re-entry / 3'800 for multiple-re-entry. Regards. MS>

    Bar stool talk earlier today: someone was claiming that a re-entry permit costs 4000 baht at Jomtien Immigration these days.

    True or false?

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