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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. I did some research and just imagined it differently. I guess it's not the worst but it's definitely a downgrade from Chiang Mai and that's probably why we feel this way.

    In fact, I'm researching now to see where we can go instead. Somewhere relaxed like Chiang Mai but with a beach would be perfect.

    Samet for a few days....Samui / Lamai for a couple of weeks... Koh Chang, hoping that weather clears up, for a couple of weeks... Sianoukville via land for a couple of weeks & side-trip to P.P. Yes, Pattaya is a shit-hole, overall, but has some advantages, mostly for elderly men with pink glasses and deeply in love, with whatever..... But there are also the golfers, the people who found a real wife & family and not a lady for rent, the professionals who run successful or less successful businesses and others. Just move on, if you don't like it. There are many options. Have a good holiday! MS>

  2. DTS is encoded into the existing stereo channel, so unless your sound has been encoded to very bad standards it's already there. Just need a DTS decoder and of course amplifier for all the separate channels.

    Something like this (and of course a shedload of speakers) http://www.amazon.com/Harman-Kardon-AVR-1510-5-1-Channel/dp/B00CMNZH1A/ref=pd_sim_sbs_23_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1MW2D0NX33ER7SWAM5EX&dpID=31hlO6CmYEL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_

    Thank you. I am not aware of this. Configurations to get proper DTS sound are quite complex for an amateur like myself. Will read up on it. I have to download DTS movies specifically to get DTS sound on my high end systems. I copy instructions for people who need this done below, from another blog I posted in, a while back. Took me a long time to figure it out, as there are no all incl. instructions I could find.

    Good night. MS>




    "I know, that some of you are looking how to get proper Surround-Sound (DTS; AC3 etc.)

    from your computer via your audio-receiver and sound-system. At first sight a bit tricky,

    as few good instructions around, but quite easy if you follow all steps correctly. And you

    will be rewarded with cinema-like sound in your living room.

    First pl. download & install the newest version of http://www.ac3filter.net/wiki/Download_AC3Filter

    The program is safe, ignore warnings of malware-programs.

    Then refer to the instructions HERE (link above), they are simple and correct. Make sure to save the settings and to

    restart the computer & your sound-system. You will have to play DVD's with DTS or AC3 or have

    downlaoded movies with the above audio, obviously. The audio-receiver will show DTS and you will

    only be able to control volume on the receiver, as you are feeding all data directly to the receiver without

    it going through your sound-card.

    DO NOT! set your sound card to 5.1. or 7.1., the Digital Output or shown as your Audio Receiver HDMI

    if your receiver is ON during setup, must be set to receive stereo. Only then will it work!

    Don't let other instructions confuse you. You have to activate all filters & formats under Preferences or

    Options in the misc. players and always restart program & computer. (VCL,WMPC, WMP, GOM etc.) &

    Right click and start/ associate AC3 Filter with your player."

  3. I bought a Minix Neo X8-H Plus from a supplier on another forum. Full loaded with all the Apps, delivered and installed. Brilliant!

    PM me for contact details if you're interested.

    Thank you very much. I got one already and am now informed about this. Now just need to find streaming DTS content, as I am pretty spoiled watching high quality movies incl. great surround sound. Thank you again. MS>

  4. I hope some of our wizards in town can help me on that one. Would love to switch to streaming via Android box. Presently downloading HD/DTS movies and enjoying on my cinema-like home set-up. Would love to add Android box, but are there any sites that provide DTS movies and are there boxes that are capable of streaming DTS? Thank you all fort your feedback. MS>

  5. Dear all:

    A friend (Laos) needs to get an extension, renewal of his 30 days (by land) on or before 21.9.2015 of min. 7 days, but whenever possible 15 days or 30 days. I am not familiar with the situation right now. Any help from an expert. Could possibly also do a run/trip from Cha-am, where we stay after the 21.9.. Visa/Stamp expires on 25.9.

    Thank you all very much! MS>

  6. Diana-Oasis on Soi Bouakao has reliable & FREE internet. They limit speed, but have plenty of bandwidths with 2 Fiber-Lines, so in fact it always works very fast for my smaller and bigger downloads.

    Just ask nicely and staff will give you extra hours. Food great & some of the cheapest I have found. I go afternoons for my snack & coffee and enjoy the quiet before heading to LK Metro, once in a while. Not sure Starbucks is still giving Free tickets? Used to be .... Enjoy. MS>

  7. More of an issue are the traffic jams, buses, Baht buses & ignorant & aggressive drivers.1zgarz5.gif

    Police does not bother you at all if you follow the rules and have a valid DL. Been driving big and small bikes for 20 years in and around Pattaya without any problems. Being mobil is a must for me and you would probably enjoy having a bike and going places. Good luck. MS>

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