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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Don't mean to pry, but what kind of room? I use to live on the beach and my closet would get terrible. The landlord said to just leave the light on (a regular bulb). It worked great.

    Maybe try Lazada's online site???? Ebay????

    Hi Craig:

    You mean a light in the closet? Good idea, as it keeps it dry. Many of us fighting the moldy smell of clothes and closets. I move everything out every few months and wipe all of with the "color-bleach", which is 7.5% Peroxide. Does the job, but still annoying. THX. MS>

  2. Chinese good for Thailand? I doubt very much. Maybe because otherwise there would be not enough business for hotels, restaurants and third class Thai attractions to even keep their doors open. Some entrepreneurs, i.e. dinner shows on sea, are profiting big times, however.

    Traffic jams with many hundreds of buses is reaching ridiculous, unregulated levels. Chinese are some of the most uneducated, rudest and most disgusting people I have ever seen. Any hotel booking these groups will go down the drain in every respect. Friend just told me how now even Samet is overrun by thousands of them and has lost any appeal to "better" tourists. Thailand is slowly declining into a low class Asian tour group destination and has left very little of it's charm it had about 20 years ago. BTW. Much fewer Indians this season compered to last year. Another classy group of tourists :-) MS>

  3. Officially 13.4. - 19.4. 2016

    Plenty of morons starting early with support of the classy ladies that line Bouakao & Sois.

    Living there for almost 20 years & trying to avoid. Might have been funny in the beginning until

    it started escalating.

    Don't travel on 18. & 19. You won't get in or out of Pattaya. Complete chaos.

    For last few few years "the action" slowed down considerably after 7pm, but still plenty of funny people

    who love to high-pressure shoot bike drivers & old people or people going to work in the face.

    It is what it is and few of us residents like it, I guess.

    19th. is the day you should not miss, but better location is along beach. Enjoy! MS>

  4. Don't waste your money on expensive speaker wire, what we commonly refer to as "lamp cord" works just as well. Many studies over the years have shown that expensive speaker wires, such as "Monster" brand are a waste of money


    or if you really want to get into the nitty gritty of speaker wire try this one


    Great site. Thank you. Spent toooooo much on monster cables in my living room with a powerful system. No this time for the bedroom. Had a problem with a rather thick cable I bought @ Tukom with another system, no more sound on that speaker and cable-strands literally dissolved, not melted. powdery white.....weird..... No damage to speakers or receiver. This why wanted to be a bit better informed this time around. Thanks a lot for that interesting link. MS>

  5. Some interesting stuff, if you google the subject in variations. I used to swim daily for many years along Jomtien. Stopped after my 3rd. jellyfish incident which left me badly hurt and in lots of pain. Lucky enough a foreign Dr. with some medication was present and helped with first aid. Never went again for now 5 years. Just too scary...Info on such creatures is obviously not attracting tourists, so best suppressed with exception of a couple of guys who get organized I believe on Koh Mak? Lak....Anyway all and more on GOOGLE. Watch out for these monsters....MS>

  6. Went there on Wednesday around 3pm. I'd say it was about 60-70% full. We had some beers and the tex-mex nachos, very generous size. Not cheap though, about similar to e.g. Hard Rock I'd say. The service was fine, very quick, so it seems they've ironed out those problems. My friends who are visiting Thailand liked it a lot. So I just don't understand the bitter bashers who whinge about the place and predict doom & gloom. Live and let live!

    + 1, nice to see the place gets busier all the time and even nicer to see a nice mixed crowd in good mood. Well done. MS>

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  7. Good evening

    A friend's mother, 50 yrs. old, (Thai), was just had at a bank when she opened an account to "invest her" savings into one of the these insurance schemes: "Pay 50 K every 2 years for 8 years and once you reach 80, you will get 400 K. back" This is simplified and not the real plan. I also don't mention the specific bank.

    The same happened to a 76 yr. old Farang friend of mine, who had a transfer of 1. 8 Mio and ended up signing a similar insurance contract, with first withdrawals possible after 12 years. This one we were able to cancel with 2 weeks of letters, mails & calls to bank and insurance.

    Now the question: Does anybody know the law applying? Is there a period within which such pressure sales to "very naive" people can be cancelled?

    Thank you for any advise. Unfortunately I was not aware of this happening, or I would have stopped it obviously, before it happened. Good night & THX. MS>

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