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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Any contractors around who could look at situation in large condo and install simple forced ventilation system. Possibly with filters. Have read up on subject, really no need for sophisticated hardware. Speed-controlled exhaust fans etc. should do just find routing fresh air to/through the individual rooms. Any feedback much appreciated. MS>

  2. Sounds very strange. Intravenous antibiotics should not be given to out patients for self administration.

    Not so strange, but a first time here for me here in Thailand, too. Patient not insured, had to leave hospital as no funds after 2 days and treatment for very serious infection with complications / blood-poisoning.

    Was given/packed the full course of antibiotics to get administered by his local Dr.

    But as condition worsening, now already in City Hospital, where he will still have to pay, but hopefully more affordable. Another case which shows the pitfalls of no insurance & no money. Seen MANY times.... MS>

  3. Well guys, i have just come back from PIH and was quoted an initial 1000 baht consultation fee by a receptionist at the hospital which I think is pretty much the standard price you will pay at this hospital.

    I then went up to floor 9 which is where the dermatology department is to see if I could get an idea of the cost for treatment of this smallish basal cell cancer that I am convinced i have on my ear and was told that including a biopsy that I would be looking at between 8-10,000 baht which was quite a bit more than I was expecting, so I said I would go away and think about it.

    At the end of the day if it is going to cost me 10,000 to get treated then so be it but before I commit to anywhere then I may go up to BPH to see if I can get an idea of cost there and may even consider going to Queen Sirikit too.

    If any of you can suggest any other options then please I'm all ears.

    I would just visit Dr Ann at BPH , she is the best dermatologist in Pattaya, if not Thailand. no hidden costs there as long as you avoid the "extra service" by making a direct appointment with her. Maybe 10000 baht in your case but it's worth it.

    Sorry balo I'm not quite with you when you say avoid the extra service and make a direct appointment with Dr Anna?

    I always try to avoid the extra fees , that normally private hospitals like this charge. When you enter the building the nurses want to check your blood pressure and weight, I just say no and tell them I'm waiting for Dr Anna. 500 baht saved. I also buy my medication at the local pharmacy to save the over charge which is up to 6 times higher if you pay at the hospital . Just ask the doctor which tablets or cream you need and buy them at the local pharmacy. Maybe 2000 baht saved in some cases.

    Any other treatment that has to be done at the hospital you pay for as normal . Dr Anna will not over charge you . I paid 1600 baht last time to check on my moles.


    + 1 MS>

  4. Well guys, i have just come back from PIH and was quoted an initial 1000 baht consultation fee by a receptionist at the hospital which I think is pretty much the standard price you will pay at this hospital.

    I then went up to floor 9 which is where the dermatology department is to see if I could get an idea of the cost for treatment of this smallish basal cell cancer that I am convinced i have on my ear and was told that including a biopsy that I would be looking at between 8-10,000 baht which was quite a bit more than I was expecting, so I said I would go away and think about it.

    At the end of the day if it is going to cost me 10,000 to get treated then so be it but before I commit to anywhere then I may go up to BPH to see if I can get an idea of cost there and may even consider going to Queen Sirikit too.

    If any of you can suggest any other options then please I'm all ears.

    I would just visit Dr Ann at BPH , she is the best dermatologist in Pattaya, if not Thailand. no hidden costs there as long as you avoid the "extra service" by making a direct appointment with her. Maybe 10000 baht in your case but it's worth it.

    Just done full melanoma check-up. Removal of 2 small basal cell cancers in face , biopsies for both and several lesions nitrogen treated. Total: 15'000 Baht which I consider perfectly fair. You can tell Dr. Anna, that you pay out of pocket and if she can avoid any fees and medicines not necessarily needed.

    She is a Dr. that cares and plenty of people would not visit any other dermatologist. Best of luck. MS>

  5. Well guys, i have just come back from PIH and was quoted an initial 1000 baht consultation fee by a receptionist at the hospital which I think is pretty much the standard price you will pay at this hospital.

    I then went up to floor 9 which is where the dermatology department is to see if I could get an idea of the cost for treatment of this smallish basal cell cancer that I am convinced i have on my ear and was told that including a biopsy that I would be looking at between 8-10,000 baht which was quite a bit more than I was expecting, so I said I would go away and think about it.

    At the end of the day if it is going to cost me 10,000 to get treated then so be it but before I commit to anywhere then I may go up to BPH to see if I can get an idea of cost there and may even consider going to Queen Sirikit too.

    If any of you can suggest any other options then please I'm all ears.

    Shows that prior posts on prices in that hospital are way off. Always good to double check individual posts, especially in the Pattaya forum. :-)


  6. + 1 :-)

    I am mostly a very critical guy and disillusioned & frustrated about the culture here, but overall I have made more good experiences in all hospitals here than bad ones. This includes 2 in Sriracha and several big ones in BKK. I am talking serious accidents, serious emergencies and serious illnesses (friends & people I helped out). Yes, they do have their limitations here and the most important part is to pick the right Dr. There are experts here, that measure up with the first-world top people, but you gotta find them. Forthis you might need friends with some kind of experience in the field.

    Thailand is one of the few countries, where I can get diagnosed in the morning and having an non-scheduled PET-scan a few hours later. Try this in Europe. Even as cash-payer or being top-insured you might have to wait your turn, which could be weeks.

    I am aware we have many Brits on this forum and I am not knowledgeable enough about the GB healthcare-system, I just keep hearing it is all free and I head back there if I get ill. Why should I pay costly insurance? But I also keep hearing about long waiting-lists and annoying bureaucracy. And what you gonna do if you are hit by a truck and need immediate trauma-surgery her? Wanna get this in Banglamung or City Hsptl.?

    In my personal case with 2 serious cancers I have opted to fly to Europe for treatment and I could not have been more happy and satisfied. Perfect care from A-Z. Saved my life and got me an extension on life.

    My insurance paid every single dime above a 1'000 Euro deductible and my total bill for 3 surgeries, rehab etc. amounted to about 130 K. Euro, which is just about my lifetime premiums for quality insurance. I don't mind I helped financing other people during my younger years. That is how it works and I can tell you, once you get diagnosed with C and many of us will, you will be so happy not to have to worry about how to pay mounting bills.

    Specialized treatments, here & abroad can go into the Mio of Baht. A friend of mine spent 8.5 Mio within 1 year, incl. 60 days in ICU on a respirator, he had just cancelled his expensive insurance 2 years prior at age 65, despite warnings from all his friends. Wanted to save some money!

    For now, lets hope we all stay as healthy as possible, there is a parallel world out there, with illness and sadness, which many of us are not aware of.

    Let's hope it stays that way. Have a nice day and enjoy the sunshine. MS>

  7. Can only recommend Dr. Anna BPH, which is one of the most experienced dermatologists in Thailand. She literally (with others & my quick & informed actions) saved my life, by reacting very fast & professional, even delayed her vacation trip for 1/2 day to organize emergency scan etc. after melanoma and signs of lung cancers /metastases detected. I am aware the BPH is in the upper cost bracket, but having lived in the USA, Switzerland and other countries, where excellent care costs serious money, I have always had first class insurance and never expect good care to be free &/or paid by ANY government / taxpayer, my own or foreign.

    Dr. Anna is not much interested in cosmetic surgery and such, she cures disease and has an excellent background. Can't speak about others mentioned on this forum, but heard good about Pattaya International. Hard to believe a standard visit is almost as cheap as a public hospital visit for foreigners. Anyway, let me use this opportunity to renew my advise for sun-lovers to get regular skin check-ups. Melanoma KILLS and it kills fast. I don't want anybody to go through my experience. I was an informed beach-idiot and supposed to have died exactly 1 year ago! :-) Best of luck and regards. MS>

  8. Well, well....Nice to see HOOTERS getting quite busy and doing all kinds of promotions. DJ & music improved. Food still great. Staff much more relaxed and better routine...Feels like being in a real holiday-resort looking across the bay at sunset and having some wing in nice company.

    Congrats. A little heads-up to management. The 2 guards / doormen could use some basic training about how to present, stop smoking and sleeping on parked bikes & dumping their rubbish right in front of the entrance on the walkway or street. After all, these are the first staffers your guests see :-) All else just fine. Enjoy. MS>

  9. Good evening

    Looking for recommendation for a Diabetes-Specialist for a friend. Need complete & competent assessment incl. Neurologist for Neuropathy. Anybody done the whole A-Z here and can help us with some advise? Thank you kindly. MS>

  10. Looking for something similar, but if anyway possible within a 3-5km radius of LK Metro area. Open plan, modern. Pool a must. Very clean and responsible, non-smoker, non-party guy. Can go to 30K./mth. or possible purchase if suitable object.

    Also in the market - TO BUY - for one of these commercial areas / offices / gyms or meeting halls in the older condo buildings for re-model to large condo. OOr anything out of the norm, that allows me to create a unique place for my last years. Min. 120-150 sqm. Same location, but incl. the Hill. Sample here: http://www.bizhouseproperty.com/showdetail.php?id=BUS5004

    Worst case, if can't find Central, I would consider from Jomtien to Naklua, if near beach. Sure there are some great minds with great ideas out there in the TV community. Thanks for any feedback. MS>

  11. Check Meow at diana-oasis.com

    On that site you can find link to some cheaper private rentals she has, too.

    She might be full, at they ared often booked very early. But perfect location

    near LK Metro and Bath-Bus in both directions in front of their gates.

    Another good area is the North Pattaya Soi 1-4 area, but a bit far to get all

    the way to W.Str. or Central.

    Good luck. MS>

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