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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. BKK HOOTERS seems to be very successful so far, bu time will tell. The couple of times I was up there, it was packed. I think Pattaya has plenty of well-off tourists & residents to keep that place busy. Obviously it won't attract the Bouakao crowd. To each his own :-) It definitely brings a bit Miami Bay-Side feeling to Pattaya. Beats the sh....y bars full of screaming bg's & potbelly, often shirtless quality tourists.....& most probably they will screen their servers more aesthetically than most places thumbsup.gif Happy New Year *** MS>

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  2. Another good experience. I am quite familiar with that hospital for 16 yrs. and must say they have come a long way. Another good experience with a friend I brought there with persisting high fever & pains etc. last night.

    Arrived 19.00, much more quiet than other years, due to missing Russians. Formalities done within 5 minutes by friendly & good E- speaking receptionist.

    Seen very young, but competent Dr. within 10 minutes. Due to various symptoms we wanted dengue, beginning pneumonia, bladder infection and various flu strains tested for. X-Ray taken first. Blood & urine tests within 15 minutes. Back to see Dr. with results on screen & printed within another 30 minutes.

    All in a very friendly and country-hospital type style. Total bill including several specialized anti-viral meds etc. , for the diagnosed type flu/other infections clearly excluded, a mere 4'000 Baht.

    I still recommend massive trauma cases, heart cases and other major emergencies to make your way to BPH and hope you have insurance. But even with some medium trauma cases and serious cases of other kinds, my experiences with this relatively small hospital have been surprisingly good. Small draw-back, inpatient cases might experience a frequent Dr. change, which however did not contribute anything negative in recent head trauma I brought to Memorial, due to financial reasons and no insurance. Super good treatment and bill with 10 days in ICU super-fair. Comments about hospitals here should always been looked at with caution. Compare apples with apples, see who makes the comments? Does he come from a place with Free Healthcare? Does he have proper insurance or are a few days in ICU going to ruin him? My advise to all, accidents and sudden illness can hit any moment and having prepared one way or the other for such an occurrence will make a major difference to you and the people around you, i.e. friends & family. I still see too many people who tend to ignore this subject....**HAPPY NEW YEAR & BEST OF HEALTH TO ALL** MS>

  3. Horrific traffic chaos and pollution. Will only get worse. Zero planning and enforcement. Real third world in second world wrapping. Even countries like Brazil cracked down on polluters already 20 years ago. Shame what is going on here. MS>

  4. They sure keep arriving.....And are proudly showing off their g.f.'s for rent and letting everybody know how different she is, while playing Mr. Big-Shot for a few weeks. I alos often hear that Europe is much worse than Thailand.....More corruption, more dirt, more internet down, more fat ladies and...and....and..... Never a boring day....:-). MS>

  5. Thanks kindly. The same company giving us hard time. Seems they getting worse. Thank God not paid deposit for this new job yet.

    Regards MS>

    I stand corrected. Issues resolved. Miss-understanding via intermediary :-). What I have learned over the yrs. here. One need to be VERY clear and specific with any kind of orders. Better invest a bit more time and do it in person, then most problems can be avoided and/or resolved. This company has overall very fair prices and some friendly staff. MS>

    Mods, please close and THX> to all for helping out.

  6. Hi all:

    I am looking for a fast acting & reliable granite company, as my usual contractor is slacking badly.Need about 60'000 Baht worth of various cuts within 7 days and several more orders longer-term. Thank you for any feedback. Happy Roy Katong. MS>

  7. Looking to buy Methanol to clean some painted handlebars, which are terribly soiled by softened and gluey rubber seals. very sticky stuff, and need to clean without damaging hard plastic pieces and painted metal bars. Any other idea? Maybe Turpentine? Thanks. MS>

  8. I tried one of these shops and ended up going to the main Daiken shop here. I'm not good with this, but it should be right about here, give or take 50 meters! LOL


    There is a big air-con shop with friendly staff on the left side of Pattaya Nua going down from 3rd. Rd. intersection. I believe it is before City hall, can't miss it, as has many contractors and aircon stuff right on side-walk lined up. They got good universal remotes. They have worked for several brands incl. some old & new Daikins for me. Easy to set proper channel, just follow instructions. Good luck. MS>

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