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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Anyone with instructions or knowledge of:

    - How to find 5.1 movies on Netflix?

    Can't see any even on the drop down audio-menu of each movie?

    - How to play them via my surround setup.

    I play from computer via HDMI to receiver/amplifier. Prof. setup.

    - Do I need to apply filters in laptop or just stream from laptop and decoding takes place

    in receiver as it does with downloaded DTS/Dolby 5.1 movies after correct setup with filters etc.?

    Thank you. MS>

  2. 3rd. visit lat night from 19.30 - 23.00

    -Obviously still staff problems with few girls on the floor. Will be very difficult to resolve with state of local work-ethics!

    -Good mixture of guests, about 60% occupied on gr. floor. OK for Monday and compared to other venues.

    -Band shows some improvement, but is just the wrong venue for them to play, also too loud. Why does HOOTERS Pattaya have to have

    a live bad at all?? Plenty of loud venues down the road. Play some great music, re-arrange the speakers for quality and not volume and people might stay and enjoy themselves.Seen very few groups staying on after dinner.

    -Add couple big screens out-front.

    -Try to somehow get a warmer feel to the place to pull in people. Lights? Candle glasses along beachfront bar, torches?

    -DJ tries to entertain, but same bull-ride routine and all girls doing their pathetic dance routines - sorry Thais just can't move - every hour or so.

    Certainly quite boring and trivial after second visit.

    -Waitresses still running around trying to match food to tables & guests, while food gets cold. Jez..., after almost 3 weeks this should not happen anymore. Train your staff! Get a system going.

    -Another problem will be girls with the typical local "I am beautiful attitude & faces" There are a couple natural smiley ones, but just not enough. The best one was missing last night, a little speedy and very attentive, funny and friendly waitress with great E. Will be tough to find natural ones

    who realize working is part of life in most parts of the world and for most people.

    -Food was good and portions huge. Took a while, but that is fine......

    -Get a dedicated couple girls to set-up or rather clean tables. What a mess!!

    -Get a floor manager, that knows what he is doing, the skinny Farang looks totally lost and just does not present enough for a place like this. Neither does he catch up on people wanting to order, pay or on dirty tables or problems with guests, that girls can't resolve themselves.

    >>>>> Train staff....It is just the wrong vibes & feel, still. And guests do feel this and do comment on it.

    Some improvements, but still no HOOTERS atmosphere, still an overall amateurish feel to the entire operation.

    Keep going guys and make it happen! Plenty of us want you to be successful! MS>

    • Like 1
  3. There are many options to help you. You could only eat papayasalad and donate your TV to some poor family. You could delete/supress the Fox channel or you could use the button on your remote to watch another channel. If you need help how to do this, there should be some experts ready to instruct. Or as you suggest, call the cops. I actually enjoy some of Fox News and some of the Fake-Blonds are well educated, smart and successful. Of course no match for the local available real black-haired ones.....5555......and if it gets real bad you can always watch some Thai soap-drama.....Enjoy.....MS>

  4. What a PITY !!!! We just went to HOOTERS for the third time, but this time we turned "at the gates to heaven". Still this absolutely horrific band, which was the man reason we left. The song they played was so "out-of sync" it was beyond amateurish. There were about 40 guests in total, few waitresses, the funny girl with a personality -mentioned before - trying to get guests coming in at the door. If you can't find a band that can really entertain the people, just get a fun DJ and start playing a good mix of oldies, soft rock with the occasional contemporary hit. Many of us would like a clean place with good food & drinks and great music. Keep trying! MS>

  5. Wow Susan, you really are fired up. I think we have plenty of low-class people and crooks of any nationalities here in this lovely town. But we also have some good people. Most on TV and in your particular post so far, seem quite reasonable and friendly.

    Read the Condo Act below and sort out what is truth & fiction.

    I have been on several committees for many, many years and the kind of accusations we hear all the time of fraud & embezzlement, mostly originating from people who can not even read a budget or basic balance sheet, just blow my mind. They also feel, while allover the world prices raise, Pattaya anything on slae in Tghailand should be frozen at price levels of 20 years ago, incl. Condo-Fees. :-)

    Any straightforward questions with factual details & background will certainly find an answer on this forum. Take it easy. MS>


  6. As normal I think the Condo act is not clear.

    On reflection I do not know if the Condo act says the number of committee members must be 3 or more up to a maximum of 9 members or if it allows a Condo to set any number between 3 and 9. I have always felt the former not the latter. My translation says:

    "37. The Management committee comprising not less than three and not more than nine members shall be appointed by the resolution at a general meeting."

    When it comes to committee members serving more than 2 terms again I feel this is always possible provided there are vacant spaces in the 9 allowed. So you can vote in 4 new members and 3 more who have already served 2 terms.

    It is possible for owners to refuse to re-elect committee members. It has often been argued that electing a committee member is a motion and as such requires a majority vote of those present to elect them. Some have even argued that you have to get more than 25% of all the owners to be elected, similar to electing a JP.

    Since the JP can be a company it does not really make sense to limit them to 4 years, do you have to keep changing company every 4 years? But I understand when one individual is JP and becomes a dictator then the owners must act to oust them. Not impossible if the majority of owners think the JP is acting against the interests of the building. The only time I hear of it being 'impossible' to get rid of a JP is when those owners can not even get 20% of the owners to support a change, ie a small group want to do things their way?

    Exactly, not clear. Maybe clearer in Thai version??? As unclear as the votes required for electing members. In another condo I serve on, which by vote allows multi-term members to stay on, we use the majority system, absence of clear Condo Act definition. The land-office told us way back (many years), when few condos even had a translated Act or committee, to vote on any unclear issues and go ahead, if majority of present owners want go for a certain issue. This would in case of very unlikely court action result in a compromise. We have never been questioned about the deposited Minutes of any AGM since.

    Section 44 The/ (A?) resolution of the general meeting shall be by the majority of votes of joint-owners attending the meeting unless this Act will have provided otherwise.
    The initial question remains open. Thanks & nice weekend. MS>
  7. Dear all:

    Legal question for the experts:

    Large Condo Juristic Person, difficulty finding willing & suitable members. Condo Act stipulates 3 - 9 members. Not more then 2 terms, unless no suitable replacement found.

    What, if we add 3 new members this year? Can previous members with 2 terms stay on legally with voting right up to the number of 9 or less, as otherwise we are leaving it up to a very small group of 3 people to make important decisions?

    I am aware that much in the law here is theory, unless or even if you contest violations :-)

    How should we proceed at the AGM in this case?

    Thank you kindly. MS>

  8. Yup, it's the staff here, people won't take their job seriously, because it has never been expected from them.

    Farang friendly managers? Very difficult task, unless they pay 5 star hotel salaries, it won't happen.

    You mentioned posdibly hiring few gay guys, great idea, except even Boyztown businesses can't find good, reliable staff.

    If I ran Hooters, I'd hire mostly ladyboys. They can extremely efficient and competent at customer service. They would bring in curious tourist, I'm convinced! One small issue tho, I'd have to pay them about 30.000 thb a month, anything less and they wouldn't bother working, they make more freelancing.

    And we are back to staffing!

    Good idea! And it would create a huge PR for HOOTERS allover the world. Free! Good night for now. MS>

  9. http://www.agoda.com/pages/agoda/default/DestinationSearchResult.aspx?asq=KI3WRnLKQeR4AGgsX7jigfSTkI6giRrv8b7C7LoV9NKToeSFzI0BgotgMOQc4l%2fh930IfUM%2fTIi2aFoOwdy%2buFrd6ogQZnEzqurkpa37NAAfFGubQI4K5UdZ236fKOb2opH7S5rm9Y%2f%2bzYmtpkijGWQ%2fDuO4Ycd3tHzVRGE03t%2bX%2bp7xA0mEgSkGu0WTQP8g&tick=635876236407

    Top-season with 833 hotels offering plenty of vacancies & many offering big discounts. WOW. Certainly business is down. Passed by LK around 19.15.....Almost totally deserted with very few people in empty bars & restaurants. I live on a busy Soi, with several well-know hotels, restaurants and some bars. None of them ever been full this season and streets are the most quiet ever. No screaming girls or drunk farangs in the early morning-hours. There might be plenty of "new & different" tourists in town. But certainly I am missing the good old days with a certain party-atmosphere in Soi 8 & 7 and even in Walking Str. and then the quieter months to realax on empty beaches to refuel for the good nights with friends visiting.

    LK Metropole is nice for a visit, but gets depressing, Jesus...what a crowd....I feel sorry for the old guys having to walk along the crazy traffic in Soin Boukaoa. Times are changing..They always have :-) MS>

  10. Moonseeker, the Hooter's bosses should hand you $10,000US to clean the place up. Seriously.

    From the video, not a single greeter or staffer near the front. Could see the heads of two staffers rushing to tables but it looks woefully under-staffed, as you say. These stories are legion in Pattaya and Thailand in general, but I know two restaurants that suffered because of lack of staff: one had to close (Darkside fast-food place with long thread on Pattaya subforum) and another had to close down morning operations and open mid-afternoon. Another way around it seems to be to hire only Cambodia/Burmese staff. A friend owns and runs a small but respected Japanese bar/resto on soi 33 Bangkok. All Burmese and all with proper work permits. She has no staffing problems. Ahem . . .

    Thank you kindly. It sure itches, every-time I see & observe start-ups.

    It takes a few hours to assess the most pressing problems and probably 2 days of observing the operation and get familiarized with HOOTERS policies. These problems are soooooo....common here in Thailand especially in Pattaya, but also in other countries, when people dream of easy success. It takes forever to establish a good team and you will still have almost daily surprises here.

    I did not expect this to happen @ HOOTERS, just thought they are prepared for "Thai-ways". But even some BIG name industrial companies struggled to establish functioning operations or gave up altogether. It is beyond me how investors can risk such huge amounts without understanding local culture and it's impact on business.

    Thailand is the only country I have ever been to, where even the 2 or 3 major Fast-Food chains are a chaos & mess and I never ever get hot & crispy fries :-). Usually my order comes in installments 5 minutes and my appetite is gone and replaced by anger....until I try it again 6 months down the road.

    First of all the need a Pro-Farang manager, actually 1 per shift with a track record and personality and experience as trouble-shooter in Thailand, who is willing to work more than any of the staff and put in 18- hour days.

    I see many places in Phuket & down South hire almost exclusively young people from Burma. You recognize them immediately, they are friendly & smile, eager to serve & work and speak mostly reasonable E. Actually also Muslims from the South are showing a good work attitude, mainly in big hotels.

    Not sure they fit HOOTERS criteria.....

    Then they also need a couple of Thai-girls / fl. managers or why not a couple of gays who have more feel fort thsi kind of work here, who liaise directly with front & back staff, as a Farang will not succeed by himself. They got one little very dynamic waitress who seems made for this position. I even told her during my visit.

    Hiring a GOOD band and a GREAT DJ, with a local following, able to get people rocking and feeling good can be a major asset during the hard beginning days. Why not use your DJ do make announcements, to apologize when staff is overloaded, run a few spontaneous specials, announce events, call some fun-people to try a free bull-ride, give out free wings to try (dress up a cook and send him out with the funniest waitress), hand out a shot-glass size "taster" of your daily special drink to people passing by the door girl, which by the way made a sour face as if she would rather see us turn-around, before we got in the other day...Russian? Blond..


    People are willing to spend money, they are on vacation, they want to have fun and HOOTERS is to provide some of this package.

    Personally I am against soft openings, unless guests are clearly told and fully understand and are able to profit from the "soft" i.e. with some freebies or major discounts. Why should they pay full price for half-ass-service and pay for the business-learning experience.Too much damage can be done. It is so hard to get a disappointed customer back in.

    I believe HOOTERS can be a great addition to the Beach-Front and the more such destination places open up, the better. Pattaya is changing drastically and now more then ever the City should get their act together and start "guiding" the place in the right direction. Never have I seen a seafront more "mis-used" and neglected. This bay could be a dream-holiday place if........5555555......."Sorry, I was dreaming!"

    Good luck HOOTERS. Make it happen, there is plenty of "us" out there, who would enjoy your bar. You sure picked one of the most difficult place to start a business like this. Good night.....MS>

  11. Hooters - not wanted not needed in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand - They are opening one on the site of the Golden Bar at the Nana Hotel - why? It was a a great busy bar. Hooters has awful food - mind numbing drum and bass music and tedious sports on giant screens. What's the point? Anodyne, commercial - vacuous. If people really want this McDonald's experience they should stay at home

    The Hooters located at the Nana Hotel has already opened. See my post # 309. Now the old drunks that used to sit at the Nana bar can sit at Hooters. Other then yourself who else has said Hooters is "not wanted not needed in Pattaya or anywhere else in Thailand"? I and many other think they will be a welcomed addition to the Pattaya scene. If you don't care for the place then don't go to it. My guess is you are more the Soi Bukhao type.


  12. Does anybody know what a comparable HOOTERS in the US charges for wings? Apples with apples, please. Prime location with prime location.....Waterfront in Miami/Lauderdale/S. Diego?

    These prices really sound quite high, but I still think plenty of people will enjoy the place. HAPPY NEW YEAR. MS>

  13. Can't see where Hooter's concept meets Mantra,Hilton or Marriott?? Must have missed the sports bars in those venues....Was rather referring to the crowd that does not mind spending a few bucks in a clean and pleasant atmosphere, as opposed to the ones who are sitting in the car fumes & dust clouds in the classy venues along Soi Bouakao.

    To each his own, as I mentioned. Prices will be high enough to keep certain groups out anyway :-) As to Australia, quite surprised to read rather bad reviews, indeed. Mostly staff complaints...???? Probably hard to find any servers below 75 kg's....judging by the comments my Aussie friends make about Australian women...., with which I might say I don't agree, there are plenty of good-looking women in any country..... MS>

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