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Posts posted by ITGabs

  1. I spend $13.99 a month for unlimited call plan with Skype. I also have some inbound numbers so family can call me for $30 a year. Between Skype & Magic Jack I couldn't be happier.


    I spend the same $13.99 a month my gf and me we use the same skype account and she can call from her Iphone using True 3G without any problems, I use a lot to call to America, plus Thailand and USA free of charge for mobile phones.

    I have a phone in US with skype too so people can call me to skype like calling local in US, only 30 bucks per year with my other subscription http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/features/allfeatures/online-number?intcmp=so-offer2-r1-50offOnlineNumber

  2. a RAM problem it's very very strange and it's better to start with the easy things, in the third image it's obviusly that bad drivers or not drivers at all are installed for USB, and since USB need the bridge chipsets of the motherboard to work, they must install the latest drivers for these three things. Install the latest drivers to fix blue screen problems all the time is a good practice, run all the memory checks could take many hours, plus learn about do it.

    Thanks for your reply, ITGabs.

    Where do i download the latest drivers for 'these three things'?

    What the hell is a' memory check' and where do i learn how to do it?


    go to this page http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/select-system.pl?NOPROD=YES&DIRECTOR=DRIVER&1=3

    you must introduce your model number, here are the instruction to find it http://esupport.sony.com/US/p/support-info.pl?info_id=264#notebook

    you can use download and install the drivers for windows 7, but you need to know what version of win 7 you have, x86 or x64

    for know that, go to windows -> control panel -> system, in the system (bottom) area, you will find the system type: that will tell you what version you have.

    you can upgrade safely all except the "BIOS" (you can try it but I not recommend it since could be complicated)

    At the end or after reboots (many drivers will ask you for reboot o restart) you can check the status of the drivers on

    windows -> control panel -> Device Manager

    when everythigs is ok you must see only around 15 or 20 items in one line, if you see more and in a second line that it's mean some of the devices in the second line still have problems, sometims happend that you need to uninstall completely the device drivers with problems (right button ->uninstall on the device with problems) and later install again the driver, or in some extrange cases you must uninstall all the second line, in your case all the usb things, and follow this order to install the latest drivers from sony.

    Chipset Intel/motherboard

    Card readers/Chipset (Ricoh,XHCI)


    integrated video drivers

    Ati or Nvidia drivers

    Sound card

    and all the rest, network, wifi, touchpad, key mappings and periferical.

    I think that will fix your problem

    take care with the usd plugs, you must connect like you park a car in your garage, not crushing with the two side walls or verticaly crashing with the floor or the roof, USB plugs have voltage that in a bad position can produce a short circuit producing the blue screen and in the worst cases killing a part or all your mainboard.

    If you still have problems after remember to take pictures of the blue screen, that codes are very useful so we will do more checks

  3. ok!

    I recomend you to download Utorrent have advanced configurations for port issues and traffic shaping so your downloads will be faster.

    To by pass the port problem by uPnP do this.

    Open Utorrent go to Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> and in the Listening Port check all this checkbox

    x Enabled uPnP port Mapping (this is an automated port forwarding)

    x Enable NAT PMP port Mapping (this is an automated port forwarding)

    x Add Windows Firewall Exception (this open the port in your firewall if it's open a window check OK)

    The random port it's better to left disabled, or change manualy if you think that True is blocking or speed down your port (very strange)

    Get some torrents from the metasearch torrentz.eu and wait one minute, if everything it is ok you must see a green ticket in the bottom right of your utorrent.

    If not we need to go inside the router:

    this page help you to get inside your router http://support2.truecorp.co.th/detail.aspx?document_id=29

    this can help to open the port

    follow exacly the instructions

    don't care about disabling the firewall in the router...

    and you need an static ip... I need to go out now but try the first and if not work, later me or another user can keep helping you.

  4. a RAM problem it's very very strange and it's better to start with the easy things, in the third image it's obviusly that bad drivers or not drivers at all are installed for USB, and since USB need the bridge chipsets of the motherboard to work, they must install the latest drivers for these three things. Install the latest drivers to fix blue screen problems all the time is a good practice, run all the memory checks could take many hours, plus learn about do it.

  5. I know that fix these thing could be difficult and funny at the same time, when an exploit report appears more of the 99% of the system are vulnerables, and with these small scripts you can try it and be in the other side for a while...

    Most or maybe all of the MySql injection exploits have the word "union" you can look in your accesslog, url that contain "union", the problem is that the logs only record the GET submits and not POST or COOKIE values that are vulnerables too depending of the code.

    Important: If they can upload code to your Joomla thats mean that they have access to your user/pass and since user pass of the data base it's usually the same to the plesk/cpanel/ftp it's better to change that default configurations and keep the user pass different and not with default passwords like yourdomain01

    A good practice to store the passwords in some secure way is http://keepass.info/ a great and free tool, so you must remember only one pass.

  6. install a keylogger is like kill a butterfly with a gun.

    your problem is other, first she must have an "user account" not administrative, so wherever that she do, only affect the account and not the entire OS.

    the same to keep your files, the user account can't go inside restricted parts or other users accounts.

    if you have files that you want to keep secret or secure you can use truecrypt (free open source) www.truecrypt.org

    sorry about keyloggers, I hate those things, if she discover the keylogger will be difficult to she to trust in you... all the people have the right to have a little of privacy.

  7. The reason are different kind of cache technologies, installed on the ISP.

    They do that to save traffic outside the network of the company, for example, 1000 people are try to looking the same video on a popular webpage this should produce a hevy traffic and expensive for the ISP if this is a international connenction, plus users with bad connection speed etc.

    ISP companies use the different cache systems to solve this problems, one of the worst that I know is the transparent proxy, that the ISP catch all the popular request and send it to an cache server, and sometiems for server load or another server problems the cache on the server is not updated correctly.

    Easy to complex.

    1.- Delete your cache browser

    On firefox, press Crtl + Shift + Delete and check that "Everything" is selected in the time range, and that the cache checkbox it's checked.

    2.- Add a random variable to the URL

    Add a "&" followed by a random number (or a "?" if the url don't have "?" yet) this will forcing get the new content but isn't 100% effective

    Example: http://www.iii.co.uk...tn:GKP.L

    3.- Use Proxy, VPN, Remote Connection, SSH Tunel, etc

    This is more complicated and need a previous knowlodge, but the most easy solution that I know it's TOR Browser.

    Go to https://www.torproje...ad-easy.html.en and download the Tor Browser Bundle (Mac, Linux, Windows) install it or uncompress it and run it and you are done wink.png very easy to use.

    For the LSO or flash cookies

    I use this script that may work in all version of windows

    DEL /F /Q /S %APPDATA%\Macromedia\*.*

    RMDIR %APPDATA%"\Macromedia\Flash Player" /s /q

    clean flash cookies.txt

    for use it, change the extension to .bat

    About the Transparent Proxy read more in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server#Transparent_proxy

    About LSO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Shared_Object

  8. Personally I bought a Buffalo mini-station 500gb locally and never had any issues.


    Many available and good service from :http://www.invadeit....ble-hard-drive/

    I like the WD passport but...

    I think the best is the the Buffalo mini station 3.0 I used to check the 3.0 port since green light indicates usb 2.0 and blue 3.0, usually the people forgot to install the usb 3.0 drivers so by default the 3.0 ports work like 2.0. Good price vs quality, Easy to find, Easy to open for a laptop HDD replacement

    Not Acer or Toshiba not good price vs quality.

    Not Seagate imposible to open for laptop HDD replacement

  9. It's good that you don't find a open port, that it's means you have a good protection.

    You can choose open the port by enable the "UPnP" "Port mapping" or "port forwarding" if that options not exist in the advanced configuration of your software, or not work. You must open the port by yourself, port mapping or forwarding in the router and opening the port in your firewall. (this need previous knowledge, since you can easily block part or all of your internet connection)

    I can help you but you must answer this

    For what program you need to open a port? example: utorrent, ares, emule...

    What is your ISP? example: TOT, True, 3BB...

    What is the model of your router?

    You need to go to your router or modem and look in the back part the "Model" or "Model Number"

    Exapmple: Billion 5200G, Linksys WRT54GL...

    What firewall you use?

    For example: Comodo, Norton Security, Firewall of Windows...

  10. You must check first how the guaranty works, have many different kinds, the better is:

    On Site, they will send people to your home one or two times after a call, and usually they will change all if some part fail.

    On Store, it's basically the service that Jackcobertt expected. usually 1 week in Thailand, one month in the rest of the world, sometimes 3 months depending on the law of the country more than the branch.

    Default Guaranty, You must send by post office or directly into the branch service area office, usually this is covered by the branch, but the wait could be between one or four weeks, depending how far and how good is the guaranty service.

    So check before buy it.

  11. I am not sure if it's the same but you can easily block the Russian IP range in the .htaccess, time ago I saw something similar but in wordpress the ip range change very few. Still mod_security (apache) can filter by default all those exploits.

    You can check in the access log part of the exploit, check if the ftp log it's compromised too, sometimes this fixes are only one line of code so you can look in google for exploit joomla plugins the version numbers and find how they explode the code, and a way to fix it.

    You can start here


    If is not that you can keep looking from here


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  12. freelance work like adviser, consulting, programming, remote administration, web design, works than you only need a internet device to work from everywhere.

    If you are in Thailand but you work from internet to another country (not your country), are you doing something illegal about Thai law?

    I already check this in another countries that I lived and all the time since you can't apply for a work permit taxes, with international work except when the company have legal representation, and since services are usually exempted of taxes

    but if you are in Thailand and you work from internet (remotely) to a Thailand company?

    or if you are not in Thailand and you work to a Thailand company from another country (not your country)?

    I've been working 6 years in this way, 2 from Thailand, but never to a Thailand company, I do not need nor waiting to work here because the prices/conditions are a bit low for me vs. I don't know so much thai, but you never know, recently I submit a list of my skills but nothing like a real resume, the same offering services but I will remove that depending on the Thai law, I don't want immigration problems for only a few bucks.

  13. Using a DD-WRT flashed router in repeater mode will help with the problem of weak wifi signal mainly because as already suggested you can often locate the device in a part of the room where the signal is strongest.

    However, because many hotels require you to login via a web browser with username & password, the above solution won't help to share internet access among multiple devices because you can only login with one device at a time and sometimes only one device for the duration of your account (by regsitering your MAC address).

    To solve this problem I use one of these:


    It is a tiny travel router which along with all the normal wifi functions can also operate in "hotspot mode" allowing you to login to the hotels gateway and then share that wifi account with as many devices as you like. You can place or hang the unit from anywhere where there is an AC or USB power source.

    Actually Iphones & Ipads have this function built in. That works fine too except that they don't have very strong reception because you are relying on their relatively weak radio.

    nice device!!! good price too, you tested the 3g with true 3g chips?

  14. check this if you have an nvidia card (ati probably are similar)

    control panel -> Nvidia control panel -> Video -> Adjust Video image settings (maybe you need to setup/activate the advanced mode)

    maybe the options changes between nvidia models/drivers but you can play with the control avalaibles.

    In my old laptop my nvidia panel is full of advanced settings, here I see only two options without a preview

    Edge enhancement

    Noise Reduction

    and a check box deinterlacing

    Years ago I fixed similar problems of video artifact from files played from my miniDVD camera changing this global configurations

  15. Better than try it with the windowds widgets or theme customization I recommend Rainmeter it's a free desktop customization with thousands of free themes

    the example video it is so much but you can get so much personalizated your desktop full of usefull data, rss feeds, weather report, social stuff.

    links to everything, real time, temp, processor, internet speed, etc etc etc

    • Like 1
  16. the problem is that the government on Chile is like republicans/business interest, not social at all, very influenced by extreme christian religious beliefs, so they never will approve that law, and this was not publish for nothing they are using this to move the people to the left/socialist government with social more social benefits, so the new president can get all the votes from the gay community offering nondiscrimination laws etc.

  17. 6 month ago I was in the same plan than you

    we thinking on Chiang Mai because we like so much the mountains, I expected to find some nice home in the border of some quite mountain not so close/far of the city but we not find it.

    we stayed some weeks jumping from hotel to hotel we not find the right close to the city, all the hotels have problems, expensive, old, bad internet, or bad location, at the end we stayed 45 days in umongthong inn http://www.umongthong.com/ for 8500 per month, good swiming pool, clean big and nice room with a+ furniture and big and new LCD TV not including water or light, the location was perfect for as, very quiet and nice area, 3 minutes walking from the Wat Umong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wat_Umong we really chill out on that place, Chiang Mai is a pretty busy city try to avoid be on the street 5 pm the traffic it's crazy.

    We trip around, the real flora, the chiang mai zoo, Doi sutep and we explore 90% of all the temples around, including almost everthing from Chiang Mai to Laos.

    The problems, The contamination it's so high!! I was with alergic in my skin and in one point 50% of my body so some doctor of a local clinic there put me an injection since I was look pretty bad (nothing in my chest, my breathing was ok) he told me that was the polution that was so high.

    The home with water problems, we find a nice home, very lovely in a lovely neighborhod far away in a area close to raice fields the smell around was amazing, for 7000 per month we get a home with car park, garden, 2 rooms, 1 aircon, fully furnished with some kitchen utils two toilets, water filter and washing machine. We pay 21k at the beggining as a garanty, with a realtor agent named Pat, we met the owner of the home and the next day we get the contratc with she and everthing ok, she told me (Pat) that the owner was cleaning the main water filter of the home so the water will be ok the next day when we moving. She was very helpful and told me that wherever that we need about the home we speak with she. But when we moving the water was incredible smelly like water with alcalis or something similar when the batteries die, metallic smell and flavor, we ask about when they clean the filter and they already cleaning!! so the water suposedly was clean now!! in that days, we tryed to avoid the water but I taked a shower and some minutes later I get a full alergic rush in all my body. I still had the medicine for the last rush so I taked since was sunday night and we know that no clinic are open around that area and we can go next day, since my alergic was only external or critical, only annoying.

    We speak with Pat and the owner and they can not do nothing to fix the filter, the owner offer me the money back, since we cannot live with that problem of water but the fuc_king Pat girl run away with the money!!! the owner put presure to she to give the money come back (the owner is police for the king) and she say that we already close the contract and not refund alowed by the contract, we check the contract and have a lot of irregularities, she not put their own ID and address and the contract only looks legal for she since we not have the real sign or information of she!! only Pat, We tried to speak get she but she never answer, at the end the owner give us 14k come back since the 7k that she not give was the comision of she,

    Problems with stressed people, scams and more.

    that was the last problem, we discover that the stress of the chiang mai city affect a lot the people and in thats month we get some bad experience with people trying to cheat or scam us in a very bad mod, inclusive a taxi left us in the road while he cannot find the hotel complaining to us for the trafic, and speaking very bad in thai to my girl friend, my gf fearing that the men is part of some mafia tell me in that moment that she will explain me later what happend.

    IT city charge me for one laptop two times, and many other small problems.

    Air Pollution

    later I was study the problems around the contamination trying to find why I get a very bad allergic there,

    the pollution it's very high inclusive dangerous in some month, the problem is a mix between the weather and the poor farmers around that for save money the not clean the rest of the trees or vegetables, they simply burning everthing, plus the car pollution on the city it's very bad


    Water contamination

    Chiang Mai sometimes have a bad bacteria contamination and another problems for example the home that i rented, you need to think in filters, where you will watch your cloth, allergics etc.

    another thing to check is big building aroud, sould be sad if you rent a home one year beside a new building construction.

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