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Posts posted by ITGabs

  1. [why anyone would get so excited about things they don't like.. I don't know...]

    I suppose its due to the <deleted> character of Apple, their size and the control freak nature of their ecosystem that winds anyone up. The fear of being dumbed down?

    Succinctly espoused when the ipad2 came out!


    cheesy.gif i remember seinfield

    I really hate phones, chats, tv, write in touchscreens, etc.

    I usually use a 500bath phones that really i don't care at all and that I never give my number tongue.png time ago I had a nokia with keyboard and later a htc but when I tried to work was impossible or improductive, many of the special characters that I needed for ssh or programing was so fuc_king hard to get... hackers like in die hard 4 sure not use android or apple toys xD

  2. How to find a burmese couple willing to work a small farm ?

    We did that with my gf for the family of she when we travel, I know that there have some strange agency, but really looks more like mafia stuff (sorry xD) you can go directly to Mae Sot to the market in the border, and ask to the people working there where you can find people for work in a farm, we left our number and people interested called the same day, we did the same in Laos, one important thing is that in Laos many people can speak thai in the towns close to the border, but in Myanmar not at all, so the best points are markets in Thailand. We found pretty girls to work in a karaoke bar too rolleyes.gif

  3. I know that there have two bad news about Burmese people,my gf and me were reading that in a newspaper and we comment about that, I remember one was a Burmese waitress girl that help an old thai lady for many years, the old lady was found killed and the Thai police found guilty the Burmese waitress, she told me that time ago this happend a lot and the people don't trust anymore in Burmese, farmers or business man time ago try to find people from Laos or Myanmar to do the hand work at cheap rates, since many people try to find better live conditions from this two countries, plus people called "garlian" (sound like that in Thai, probably Karen), are killed by the Burmese armed groups or government, so they usually can move to Thailand illegal and work for low rates, I know that Karen and Mon are protected by thai government at the same that other groups of people from the mountains in the north. so probably is a mix between racist and true old histories

  4. I know that there are many things that I dont know and things that all the human race doesnt know, while strange and unusual experience plus in the field of subjective psyque perception, a bit of smoke in the night can be many things, ghost, angels, gods, demons, gnomes, aliens, animals or wherever that your imagination can construct based in your experience or culture.

    it's very similar about reincarnation or resurrection no body know what will happens next or if the next really exist.

    Hinduism and Buddhism belief in reincarnation, so thats means while the "soul" left the body is a kind of ghost so as the monks need to eat too, it's very easy to take the shamanism belief as a method to get the people follow the 8 percepts of Theravada Buddhism and give tribute to the monks to help with the karma.

    this album is a perfect example http://www.facebook....=3&l=37520952e1 one picture represent the karma when the Buddhist fail to follow one of the 8 rules, all pictures full of ghost.

    In belgium we had a painter that painted similar stuff, google Bruegel - his excuse is that he lived hundreds of years ago.

    yes, very similar... btw I think all the world belief in ghost hundreds years ago, with so much weird monks traditions, and the girls swimming fully clothed as in Thailand whistling.gif

    probably with less temples and more universities the life of the thai ghosts could be hardest rolleyes.gif

  5. I know that there are many things that I dont know and things that all the human race doesnt know, while strange and unusual experience plus in the field of subjective psyque perception, a bit of smoke in the night can be many things, ghost, angels, gods, demons, gnomes, aliens, animals or wherever that your imagination can construct based in your experience or culture.

    it's very similar about reincarnation or resurrection no body know what will happens next or if the next really exist.

    Hinduism and Buddhism belief in reincarnation, so thats means while the "soul" left the body is a kind of ghost so as the monks need to eat too, it's very easy to take the shamanism belief as a method to get the people follow the 8 percepts of Theravada Buddhism and give tribute to the monks to help with the karma.

    this album is a perfect example

    one picture represent the karma when the Buddhist fail to follow one of the 8 rules, all pictures full of ghost.
  6. I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

    I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

    There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

    I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

    To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

    Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

    If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

    I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

    I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

    In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

  7. I have a the unlimited subscription for more than two years and I've using skype for more than 5 in pc and smartphones.

    I've been caliing from/to many countries

    The problem it's probably more about the upload speed vs ISP traffic shaping.

    In Thai ISP I discover two things to bypass this problems.

    1. open a connection with a constant download, this improves the latency and unblock in some way the upload speed.

    2. reboot or hard reset the router ADSL, this unblock all the persistent problems when the download speed per conenction is limited to 10 or 17 KB/s or blocked.

    I don't know the reason about why this fix the conenction problems but the cause should be a shitty "traffic shaping" configuration by the Thai ISPs.

    of course you must check that your upload speed is not used by another user or program in your network, one p2p can easily use all the upload speed.

    Edit: this should sound strange but when I have problems with the speed or latency I never find problems with the speed test, Speed tests never fail but when I did a speed test speedtest.net outside thailand (probably inside thailand the test are cached in some way) the connection speed go up and all the blocked connections seems working for a while, maybe one minute. I reproduced this behavior many times, that is the reason that I am assuming a shitty traffic shaping configuration, probably they have many triggers to reduce the connection speeds in heavy traffic hours or by heavy users IP, but for the customers not complain they have another triggers that set the max speed when you do a speed test or when you reboot your router (changing IP)

    This doesn't explain why I attempt 3 or 4 times to call a Thai mobile, particularly AIS mobile numbers, and give up, then straight away call a number in another country and it is connected on the first attempt and has great sound quality.

    I'm thinking AIS have done something to block, or restrict the traffic flow, of Skype, and probably other VoIP providers, to their mobile numbers.

    I use Skype, but can other members who use different VoIP providers tell me if they are having the same problem?

    In the skype community have many threads with the same problem Skype vs. AIS http://community.skype.com/t5/Call-quality-INACTIVE/Calling-AIS-network-mobile-phone-in-Thailand/td-p/34080 no one find a solution

  8. I have a the unlimited subscription for more than two years and I've using skype for more than 5 in pc and smartphones.

    I've been caliing from/to many countries

    The problem it's probably more about the upload speed vs ISP traffic shaping.

    In Thai ISP I discover two things to bypass this problems.

    1. open a connection with a constant download, this improves the latency and unblock in some way the upload speed.

    2. reboot or hard reset the router ADSL, this unblock all the persistent problems when the download speed per conenction is limited to 10 or 17 KB/s or blocked.

    I don't know the reason about why this fix the conenction problems but the cause should be a shitty "traffic shaping" configuration by the Thai ISPs.

    of course you must check that your upload speed is not used by another user or program in your network, one p2p can easily use all the upload speed.

    Edit: this should sound strange but when I have problems with the speed or latency I never find problems with the speed test, Speed tests never fail but when I did a speed test speedtest.net outside thailand (probably inside thailand the test are cached in some way) the connection speed go up and all the blocked connections seems working for a while, maybe one minute. I reproduced this behavior many times, that is the reason that I am assuming a shitty traffic shaping configuration, probably they have many triggers to reduce the connection speeds in heavy traffic hours or by heavy users IP, but for the customers not complain they have another triggers that set the max speed when you do a speed test or when you reboot your router (changing IP)

  9. Most Thai don't even know anything about Indian food and never tasted Indian food.

    Most Thai don't get used to the smell of spices e.g cinnamon, cloves in their food etc..

    Most Thai can't tell the different between Indian, Muslim, or Arab.

    A lot of Thai food smell like rotten meat and in fact they do indeed rotten.

    Most Thai don't know anything outside their country.

    About rotten I was surprised about the fish sauce

    check this videos:

    fish stomach sauce


    fish sauce

    sick.gif still i don't care, the food it's tasty anyways

  10. Happy for you and all the mates that have good histories, another one.

    I have very good luck, She is very beatiful, smart, like to travel, work hard, no drink or smoke, she si very healthy and have a great body, she is very spiritual Budist and have a mix between strong woman and lovely girl all these things help a lot to build a great relantioship. We have sugar cane and rice in the north, we work together in IT business/projects, we have many plans and we already did a lot of things together, we travel a lot and we have almost the same preferences, we like small towns, mountains, healthy and natural life, and many hobbies in common.

    We have similar university degree both on IT, 0 family problems plus the family of she give us the land for stay on Thailand but we have plans to try live/or a long stay in another country, I like New Zealand :)

    0 fights or complains, except when we travel xD

    I don't know what more I can say, my last big project finish like 4 months ago I have my savings but she is working and she pays for everything rent, food, dinners, etc. I only do the home tasks xD, looking for new projects, clients, etc. of course when I have full time work and a big budget I bought for she everything that she want, nothing crazy but a motorbike, everything for work the land, it stuff plus an iphone 4s (she love mac stuff) and many fashion stuff, jewerly, gold, cloth, accesories, etc.

    Still we live cheap but good, saving for the next long trips. She want to have a baby but we are still young and I know that with a baby, travel around is pretty complicated for visas etc.

    I am pretty happy :)

  11. Jsixpack Agree that disagree, I was objecting some points but I lost my content :/ ...but in short I am 30% disagree only, since are different points of view and almost all your arguments are valid for me too.

    I think the link to Wikipedia is great to understand the pros and cons of having one big disk vs. a partitioned disk.

    1 Benefits of multiple partitions

    2 Disadvantages of multiple partitions


  12. Please not feel offended.

    I mean the dark skin indians that "Thai people recognize as indians" because the other white or wherever color of the skin simple they don't recognize. Only making reference of that they see as bad higenic habits or untrust behavior for the "poor people" about the "misperception about the quality of the indian food" I never said that all the indian people is poor or that being poor or black is bad!! this is a society problem in India, as in many countries in the world.

    The indian food that you can get in Thailand for the price of a normal Thai food is usually so similar to thai dishes, and the unique difference is the specias, ofcourse have more not only that 3 that I mention but as a example is good, since cinnamon and cloves are not usuall in Thai food and really they don't like so much (generally) muslims usually like it but that is another history.

    Probably if you take the time and try with different indian food probably they like it (for me it's pretty similar) but for the price vs this cultural misperceptions about indians... I think is pretty hard, maybe with young people will be different.

  13. Well, I asked more than 4 hours ago what would be the correct Thai word to call a foreigner from who you don't know the name nor his nationality.

    But untill now nobody has given me the answer, while there have been many at the same time who have said that farang is bad,very bad.

    Do you actually know

    I am in my mid 40s, a 100% Farang who wasn't born, but grew up in Thailand, maybe you will hear me, and hopefully relax.

    Your Thai friends are joking, or you misunderstood them. No offense should be taken by this "F" word, and unless people know, remember and can pronounce your name, the "F" as in "Farang" in itself is not meant to be insulting at all, not even close to the "N" word, or even the "Black" or "White", or "Yellow".

    Foreigners -as someone from an other country- are "Khon Tang Chart". A Caucasian, or anyone who doesn't have black eyes, is called "Farang", and it is not at all "bad" or "very bad" as you were told, not an insult at all.,

    I did hate the word "Farang" when I was a teenager, but that was because I considered myself a "Dek Thep" (Bkk Kid), but I finally realized that, however long I tried, I would never really become a Thai, and that I would be a Farang forever. Now, some 28 years later, when Seven Eleven girls ask me if I am half Thai, I just answer "Farang 100%, khong teah (the real thing)", then they say something like "but, you speak Thai like..." And now the usual answer I give is "Nong, I spoke Thai before you were even born"... Before I got married, it was more like "I can be whatever you want me to be, nong"... But that is another story.

    BTW, few people call me "Farang" anymore, usually it is by my name or "Pee" (big brother), or "Loong" (Uncle) for kids.

    Hope I am making some sense here!

    I like your comment, this is good example of the clasist or racist situation that I see in the Thai society, not the bad one, but enoght for not let you in with they.

    When you go to a national park you pay foreigner price or local price :) ?

  14. I have always partitioned my main drive. I keep the OS and programs on C: and all my files on D: or on other drives.

    I got into this habit after a particularly inconvenient crash left me with out crucial files for my business. Now if C: gets hit by something, I still have my stuff on D. Although these days a I rely on externals for the most part.

    Anyhow I never like having irreplaceable stuff on C:


    is generally a good practice for many reasons:


    1.- The first partition of the HDD is so much faster than the second part, boot files load faster.

    2.- Keeping the OS isolated in one unit and the data in another keep the MFT fresh and with a lower percentage of errors and fragmentation.

    Data Recovery:

    1.- Windows OS usually fail a lot, and so much than Linux or Mac, is normal to format and make a new install from zero, so if the data is mixed with the OS is quite complite and slow to find

    2.- Backup/restore or a virtualization of the OS is so much faster in a small unit.

    3.- Problems with the file system chkdsk /f its faster to run in small unit.

    4.- ...and the worst "bad clusters in c:!" running chkdsk /r it's pretty bad in big disks, a bad cluster or data loss check, can run for more than 24 hours without any access to the HDD, and sometimes fail and you need to check again from zero!

    This is good practice also for servers with RAID systems and VMs

  15. you can't make so much plans with they or trust, since they usually change the mind a lot, young people probably is different...

    they all the time evading the problems never put in front of they, this is one of the 8 percept that budist people must follow, no violence, no conflict, step back and go/try for other side.

    so if you keep the thing simple and peaceful probably you can get much more that you expect, thai people have so much "nam jai" when they feel good (people working in turistic are usually more selfish)

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