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Posts posted by ITGabs

  1. I remember minutes ago that I have a similar problem but with TOT and other sites that I frecuently check by Proxy or VPN.

    Maybe the problem it's the same.

    When I moved to this home I discovered how much pornographics sites are blocked by TOT whistling.gif

    So I used tor browser and my firefox and some another sites start to fail, corporate and goverment websites too (not only porn tongue.png )

    I complain to TOT and I was looking another ISP provider, they send the next day a IT guy that check the cables outside amd later inside the home, I showed to him the blocked websites, and I asked for the passwords for the router, becasue I want to change the configuration of wifi etc, so i get all the passwords and some tips too, we reset the router and when we test again the problem of the blocked webpages disapear.

    weeks later another webpages start to fail and I notice a relation with webpages that I surf on tor browser, I did a hard reset again and the webpages work again, I think the rouetr have some problem so I quit some services, I left the wifi without password and things like that, no problem again but i dont like left the wifi without passwords so I changed my network architecture using the billion only as a modem, no dhcp,firewall,wifi, etc and my linksys dd wrt as a router, access point, now I never have the same problems again.

    I think the billion 5200g (something) have some bug in relation with proxy and VPN

  2. mmm i didn't know that.

    I already have a Linksys router with DD-WRT so the free modem is enough for me...

    but another question, they using the TOT line or they have they own line?

    right now my home have TOT internet and phone but real we never use the phone (such a very old technology or maybe only for complain when internet not work xD)

    this is the first time that I rented a home for one year so I not have any idea about this services, and really I prefer no IT guys from any companies, with me is enogh xD, I can use the existing LAN network in this home.

    Hi ITGabs, as you didn't include a quote I'm not sure what you don't know, if it's about keeping the router then don't hold me to it because the sales guy (although we warned 3BB there was a farang here ) did not speak any English. My wife translated and she left out my curses about the price of the Wifi router - can get a lot better at IT city for much less money. Anyway she seemed to think he said we can keep it but she sells food, she knows nothing about IT and ISP contracts.

    Hi Sysardman wink.png

    Was about the free modem, and keeping the router, sorry

    But now I have a better idea.

    The unique thing that I still don't know is about the telephone line

    Do they put a new telephone line?

    My girlfriend already call to 3BB she is thai and she haves degree in IT/business with some experience, but she gets very few information all the time, she change the mod with the young, not professional or not farang people, like a very clasist girl, so all the time is disagreeable, not smile and ask very few things xD ...when we travel together the past months I get better prices/places than she speaking my bad thainglish, she only find enemyies in the reception of the hotels :/

    So I prefer to have the big picture by my self and later explain everything to she and she do the rest

    Hi ITGabs, sorry for delay in answering but had other things to do (like eating). We did not have a phone line so they put a new line in but it doesn't have access for a phone. I have to say they were very efficient and the line was installed and running within an hour (for testing) we had to wait till next day for full Internet access. As for the modem I really can't see them asking for a cruddy old 1 port ethernet router back after one years usage, can you? and so far (3 months) we've had no problems with it. I too have an IT degree so was a little bit upset when the rep looked blank when we asked if he spoke English. I'm not sure about the help desk either because, as mentioned, we've had no trouble other than a few power cuts but that's not their fault. Hope that helps and if you have any more questions - feel free.

    Don't worry I was not expecting that you answer so fast :)

    That it's good information... and off course that I can :P really I have no problem with TOT only with the router Billion that block some webpages I think in relation with some bug with VPNs, but now I am using the Billion only as a modem/hub no dhcp/firewall/access point, I only setup the DMZ to my DD WRT Linksys router that have many complex/advanced configurations unsupported by other routers, so really I only need the adsl modem.

    You can tell me the branch and the model of that prehistoric modem? curiosity only :P

  3. Well what I meant by tech support here ... Somchai: "let's see, what happens when I press that red button that says 'do not under any circumstances press this button!'". And the network reliability ...

    15000 baht - so 500 USD - is that per month or per year or what? If it's per month it is very expensive. If it's per year it's incredibly cheap.

    sorry, per month... but I think discussing about what you get for 200,000 (per month, year or what?) and if is cheap or not a "big server" for 500 usd is off topic.

    I know that there are some good companies, the best that I found is this


    good price, good latency, clear prices, still I not trust in that "unlimited bandwich" never is unlimited

    I will look in thai soon, sure I will find more.

  4. mmm i didn't know that.

    I already have a Linksys router with DD-WRT so the free modem is enough for me...

    but another question, they using the TOT line or they have they own line?

    right now my home have TOT internet and phone but real we never use the phone (such a very old technology or maybe only for complain when internet not work xD)

    this is the first time that I rented a home for one year so I not have any idea about this services, and really I prefer no IT guys from any companies, with me is enogh xD, I can use the existing LAN network in this home.

    Hi ITGabs, as you didn't include a quote I'm not sure what you don't know, if it's about keeping the router then don't hold me to it because the sales guy (although we warned 3BB there was a farang here ) did not speak any English. My wife translated and she left out my curses about the price of the Wifi router - can get a lot better at IT city for much less money. Anyway she seemed to think he said we can keep it but she sells food, she knows nothing about IT and ISP contracts.

    Hi Sysardman ;)

    Was about the free modem, and keeping the router, sorry

    But now I have a better idea.

    The unique thing that I still don't know is about the telephone line

    Do they put a new telephone line?

    My girlfriend already call to 3BB she is thai and she haves degree in IT/business with some experience, but she gets very few information all the time, she change the mod with the young, not professional or not farang people, like a very clasist girl, so all the time is disagreeable, not smile and ask very few things xD ...when we travel together the past months I get better prices/places than she speaking my bad thainglish, she only find enemyies in the reception of the hotels :/

    So I prefer to have the big picture by my self and later explain everything to she and she do the rest

  5. mmm i didn't know that.

    I already have a Linksys router with DD-WRT so the free modem is enough for me...

    but another question, they using the TOT line or they have they own line?

    right now my home have TOT internet and phone but real we never use the phone (such a very old technology or maybe only for complain when internet not work xD)

    this is the first time that I rented a home for one year so I not have any idea about this services, and really I prefer no IT guys from any companies, with me is enogh xD, I can use the existing LAN network in this home.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions, I am looking some company in thailand similar to http://www.superb.net/ or http://www.rackspace.com/ I already work with many datacenter/hosting companies and with superb for longer than 8 years, rackspace around two years.

    Another reference:

    Non Managed: I need the basic tech support enogh for keep the hardware and all the things outside my server ok, I only need a reboot sometimes.

    Cheap if is possible: in superb I can get for 15000 bath a big server enoght fast to run my own cloud with 6 VM, I don't want to pay a farang price ;) 200,000!!

    Server Software non a webpage: Full AJAX, Flex, AS3 a lot of dynamic and static content, the big win is the Enterprise Search, I designed by my own this search system using very high technology, right now I can get responses in 0,100 and 0,080 seconds (In US) that it's amazing for internet in relation to all the things that it looking on the fly, but this is a combination of a lot of things, for using this system in thailand I need a very low latency (ping) 0,020 should be perfect, right now from US the latency is between 0,350 and 0,450 and in a normal request is around 1 second, so that is so much, thinking that this operations are used by other systems and when are alot for example 2000 you can notice the difference between 33 minutes and only 3...

    Thank for the cloudflare.com that service should be great for many users in this forum.

  7. Windows XP doesn't support WPA2 but you can down load a hotfix from Microsoft here http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=1974

    I think this hotfix was included in XP SP3 which perhaps you have but she doesn't.

    That's why she can connect at most hotspots but not your wifi router.

    Good answer... XP SP3 including the support for WPA2

    The support for WPA2 is directly related to this service "Wireless Zero Configuration" that control by default the wireless card

    but If the hardware/driver include software you can use that for connect to WPA2, check "dell wireless" "intel wireless" in "All Programs" menu

  8. I like Krabi and Ao Nang, I like small towns, free of stress, noisy and pollution.

    good beaches, many things to do (no at night), mixed culture, people friendly, cheap home with kitchen tongue.png, many places to eat...

    no shopping mall xD

    the unique thing that I don't like are these gangs of young people (I think muslims) making bad things, and that the people like so much to burn the rubbish, and in the afternoon and night the nasty smoke is everywhere, about the muslims chants good luck that the monk have good and soft voice, i like it smile.png

  9. From weeks ago I've been virtualizing/backup two server, massive downloads more than 700GB from US, I have a 6MB TOT the average speed is around 700Kb/s now is only half 350Kb/s, I see this down speed constantly and looks like have a time pattern similar to your.

    Try with an alternative port like 8080 on IIS (I am assuming that the reports come from port 80)

    Try it with Tor Browser all the time I use it to by pass annoying Thailand restriction/problems

    Install some VNC software for alternative administration, RealVNC for example.

    All the time i am using ping /t (example) in parallel from another servers for looks, latency, packets lost, other problem, etc.

    I was thinking that problems was only related to mi ISP and not the entire country :/

  10. Ubuntu for desktop

    Centos for server

    But real I am using Linux only for servers and is more like a work compatibility thing more than a choice, many of the server 3rd parties are fully supported for Centos, like Cpanel, preInstalled dedicated servers, etc. For desktop I am using win 7 but for the same reason, software 3rd parties not fully functional in Linux, I have my ubuntu but for work things I feel that I am losing time... ssh is enough for me.

  11. I am using TOT right now but have many issues the conenction, traffic shaping for videos (youtube it's amazing slow), block some p2p, dns problems, many websites blocked, intermitent disconnections, etc.

    3BB is better?

    I am asuming that 3BB is better but maybe in Ao Nang have problems, I only know one person that have 3BB and the internet looks fast, but I fear to jump from the frying pan to the fire.

  12. your welcome ;)

    Sorry,,here is my attached Zytel interface that i get after following all the instructions,post-24809-0-08223400-1346305390_thumb.j

    that it's the status page, you need to find the area to input the user and pass like in this page http://support2.truecorp.co.th/detail.aspx?document_id=29 (instructions from True, exacly for your model) you must get a page like the image 5 of this tutorial (you don't need to follow the step to put your adsl user pass or configure the wifi), so in the menu of the left you will get more options and from that step you can jump to the video tutorial, maybe you can find another in youtube, are many of them.

    Don't worry about that sayonarax says, time ago when the computers connenct directly to the internet, uPnP (not p2p) was a big problem but in relation of security problems on windows XP, now uPnP it's very mature and you are behind a router plus preconfigured by your ISP it's impossible that someone use a port to hack you (usually only 137, 138, 139, 445), all the risk now are about installing something from internet especially from p2p (torrent, emule, ares, etc) usually cracks, keygen, or malware inside applications, the rest is only get everything update, flash, java, .net IE FF or Chrome, antivirus firewall or security patchs from MS.

    usually I download a lot of things and some keygens too :P a good way to detect false positives is upload the cracks or keygens to this page, that will check in more that 40 trusted antivirus www.virustotal.com users can give feedback about the files and you will easy know if it's a legitimate keygen or only a virus.

  13. I stopped using Buffalo after two different devices went pear shaped on me. I don't think their QC standards are as good as Western Digital or Seagate.

    Out of WD, line & Seagate I notice there are better units than others in all the reviews. I won't be using it as a data backup except manually....more for music & movies Utilities & games so Backup won't be a problem.

    Anyone find the best models to use compared to others that are not as great? Thanks for the help. Its funny most of the drives are made here & the U.S. carries a way better selection. Has any one ever found the Iomega line of HD's. I read they have the top reviews compared to the other brands but have not seen anyone carry them.

    Go for WD or the buffalo mini station (use WD HDD too) and iomega they not produce HDD, only external units as buffalo, so maybe they use WD too.

    if you want more details all the time can check in tomshardware.com or another techy review site

  14. I have two projects that are already running in Superbhosting and Rackspace (USA west coast) but generally from Thailand the performance it's prety bad, bad latency, time outs, packets lost, etc. and I want to try it in similar environments but from here, at least the latency must be 7 times better...

    I am doing some research about Thailand Datacenters, I found that many of the corporate sites are under ASIANET.CO.TH servers that are property of "Asia Infornet co.,ltd" that I think is a fillial of True, and another group of corporate sites are under "CAT TELECOM Data Comm. Dept, IDC Office"

    ...And in a regular search I found many shitty companies that offering thai webhosting, webdesign, co-location and dedicated servers, but half of them are hosted by datacenters out of Thailand (the bulk ones) and the rest still looks small with very few data about monthly bandwidth, speed, etc.

    I not find the middle range....

    Do you know or better what is your experience about dedicated/virtual servers providers in ThaiLand?

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