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Posts posted by ITGabs

  1. A couple of years ago I came to Thailand on a 30 day tourist visa then went to Cambodia and returned a couple of days later and never looked at the visa to return to Thailand only to get to the airport to go home from suvanabhumi 29 days after I arrived in Thailand and got hauled off by the IO and told I had overstayed because the visa from Cambodia was for 15 days and it had been 16 since I came back into Thailand.

    1 day overstay because of a stupid visa stuff up and it cost 1000 bt.

    you get 20000 bt for intentionally overstaying 3916 days at approximately 5 bt per day where is the justice??? 555

    Very weird, you paid in Thailand for a visa overstay from Cambodia?

    in Thailand is just 500baht per day


    Thanks. Yes I have had the 30 day extension on my tourist visa. So, my 90 days is up on Tuesday. Should I just exit and head south to Penang? Does Penang even do the ED visa? Will I have to go to KL? If I will have to go to Malaysia, I'll have to have the university type me up a new letter as this one is addressed to immigration in BKK. 


    Thankso mucho. 

    Yes you can do the ED visa in Penang. That is certainly your best option.

    KL is not recommended for ED visas.



    But he can't get another extension "yes I have had the 30 day extension on my tourist visa. So, my 90 days is up on Tuesday"

    If he goes to Penang how can he get all the paper from the school and the ED stickers and papers from Thailand Education? can be done outside?

  3. Hi,

    I can confirm that you need 15 days before your visa expire.

    The best that you can do is extend your tourist visa avoiding 'visa runs' that now are banned

    later you will need to do all the paper with the help of your school no way that you can do alone since your school or university need to fill many fields too, they will send all the papers to the Education government (don't remember the name) and 15 days later approx they will get an ED sticker that is not a visa, but you need to go out Thailand with that in your passport and all the papers and later in a embassy of Thailand show all the papers with your passport with the ED sticker where you will get the ED visa stamp for 90 days. (that is my school owner told me)


    That is the reason that you need to do a extension of your tourist visa first.


  4. I am not sure if this help you but this was my experience.

    we are trying to open a limited company with my thai girlfriend, I worked in IT several years and she too, we have a real online business purpose, and to operate internationally we need to use gateway payments and other things that only work with non personal business, limited company is ok.

    In Thailand for open limited company she need 2 partners more, the owners that can be friends or family with a percentage of investment, she need 1M to show in some way, but with the advice of accounting and business thai people she can do it as a temporal loan and just pay 15k to do all the paperwork registration and finally the 1M baht is not needed (ok this seems illegal but apparently for thai people is just a paperwork to be done)

    Work Visa part
    She asked about what she need get me a visa, the Non B and a work permit can be done but as a worker, I can't be one of the owners probably because the complexity and the upper amount of investment (I think was 2M but now after the crackdown the amount is bigger from 3M to 10M) still not sure, but to get the work permit they will do all the paperwork for 30k

    But you need to count that for 1 farang worker you need to add 4 thai people worker so in the case of the limited company we have 3 owners, 1 farang 4 thai people workers

    you need to pay the medical stuff to the government (sorry don't not how to call it) that is the percentage of the income is around 5-10%

    I don't know the minimum salary for thai people (at this point I just reject the offer) but should be 6 or 8 k per month

    The amount was 3,6k per month for the 4 thai people (probably there is a law about the minimum when a farang is on the team)

    and for the farang more

    the minimum income for a farang based in the actual thai rule is depending from your nationality

    Europe and North America 50k per month

    Japan, Korea, Singapore etc 45k

    Russia, Eastern Europe, South America and South Africa 35k
    Africa, Asia 25k

    At this point we are just starting and really no way to contract Thai people, I usually work by projects and subcontract from my income, impossible to contract 4 thai to get them idle in a small office, but for she is pretty good since she can operate from any country remotely while we traveling, not need to contract more people in that terms.

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  5. Hi, can you give more or full details?

    Like when people do a visa report.

    how did you get your passport?

    where did you fly out?

    how did you get a new visa?

    you are anonymous and probably will never back to post again, but giving more details would help a lot to other people to clean their situation.

    I have a friend from England that is an anti tech guy, and I am trying to give him advice to do something now.

  6. So tell me what other choice I have ? Other than the elite card ?

    Another option,

    If you can afford it, you can live 6 month in Thailand and 6 or 9 in Vietnam using tourist visas from the embassy of Thailand in Vietnam or another country, Vietnam is quite cheaper than Thailand, still a package of 6 month for accommodation you can get a good price. I know that is not exactly what you look but is not a bad option.

    I am not sure if your girlfriend is Thai or not, there are some hotels in Cambodia that inclusive are front in the beach and the prices are between 200 and 300 usd for long stay, but My girlfriend will never go to Cambodia or Laos to live and I understand why, but Vietnam seems to be ok for Thai people.

    Still you can check in google "digital nomad vietnam" all the time you will find tips to live cheap in any country.

  7. I can not even spend more than 20k, how guys can spend lot of money in thailand? I m rich, but I have hard time to spend money here. After spending for everything I need, I m barely at 15k bahts/month. My friend told me they need around 20k to be comfortable in Thailand.

    Explain? Because it s impossible to spend 100k bahts a month here unless someone take (steal) your money like gogo or else. In this case you are a loser. Rich people are rich because they keep their cash... Do you think I will pay for an elite card...? When I can keep the money instead? Get real.

    We expend a lot of money traveling, going out or eating outside, diving and other hobbies are quite expensive, just eating outside 40k, we not drink or smoke just healthy stuff, when we traveling I like to stay in the backpackers but sometimes are quite dirty or noisy, at the end we usually pay 1000 or 1500 per day in accommodation with some exceptions for nice places at good rates, plus taxis, air tickets, some tours, plus if someone drink and smoke a lot more, one friend smoke funny 40k per month.

    If I was rich I would trip in car/motorbike around the world doing everything that I can, and very rich I would buy something like this


    Just to have a mobile music studio, and my IT office, the first time that I travel I was carrying, my mountain equipment, music stuff plus IT things 50k in shit worse than a Sherpa xD


    If you make that nice money just save to get to 400K (if married) and you will have nothing to prove or certify.


    And, didn't you signed for Thai language school ?



    I can't married twice, no laws about divorce or completely wrong in my country... young mistakes

    I would married my GF if I can, I want to try another year before having children (we are close to be 3 years together)


    There is another possibility? In New Zealand I saw visas that you need to prove being a long time couple (instead of being married) with pictures and others documents, we have the same stamps in our passports from the latest 3 years that can prove that


    ...and yes already signed, just looking for a good plan B

  9. In whatever situation Thailand is a bad option as a hub, or for long stays or to live, I like the culture, the nature, food but really there are a lot of things that stinks literally.

    And thinking the same with these progressive rules who knows when they will stop, back to democracy etc. Probably this is just a good moment to leave Thailand because who really knows what new actions they will take, a revolutionary thai che, invasion or expansions to the frontier temple, cleaning the south censuring all the media with acceptableness collateral damage, really these things start like this I am not so optimist right now, bad experiences in the past.

  10. Thailand Elite has sent a mail to all the members some years ago which was addressed to all the members and visible to all.

    Therefore each long time Thailand Elite member should have the list of all the members up to that moment.

    Nothing fishy about this.

    Sorry for the question, they should protect better their Elite members, with so many scammers around that database should be keep safe...

    I was subscribed in Internations and they usually meet in Bangkok, but it's different to send the entire database or the members emails with many CC

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  11. A Digital Nomad can be any person, it's a very wide group of people, At the beginning I am not consider my self a Digital Nomad because the first time that I learn about this name was 99% associated to haughty bloggers. (and probably the ones eating noodles in a cheap fan room)

    A digital nomad is just an alternative step after working from home, some people will create their one business and deep roots, others will improve their skills and big wings.

    I met poor and rich ones, young and older, from every place, but all depend on the skills that you have and the possibilities are unlimited but the start is bloody difficult.

    And about illegal stuff it's the same with any regular work, scams in Thailand are older than the internet era and is not a problem related to immigration, visas, or foreigners, the real problem is the corruption, Thai or foreigner with a lot of money is likely to do wherever that they want, the Elite card is just a 'legal' example, but what about Kao San Road cards, documents and all the rest of offers like in my thaivisa inbox, stop being so mean with digital nomads is like a digital racism just because you can't understand, open your mind wai.gif

  12. Sorry Sudaca, I misunderstand, with all these problems in the frontiers I have an eye over any immigration problem.

    When I traveled with my gf (she is Thai) to Malaysia she always was stopped and asked how long (in the Krabi airport), return tickets, etc so I guess Malaysian are expecting a lot of illegal workers coming to Malaysia since the crackdown in Thailand, I've been asked once in the Padang Besar frontier, a directly are you coming to work? my plan was going to Penang, but in a middle of a monsoon in nowhere, and 10 minutes before they close the frontier.


    But that alone hardly seems like a reason to refuse entry anymore.



    Yes you are right, but still hippies are not welcome in Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia and probably Korea probably, I saw by my self hippies going into a meeting mode inside the immigration office





  13. A common retiree from my home country get at least 65% of their salary in pension when they stop working. So even if you had the worst low paid job you can drink all day and night here if you like that. Making burgers at McDonalds will still give you around 75k baht in pension. And a normal job a lot more than that

    So??!! Is every retiree in Thailand from YOUR country?

    You think defined benefit pensions are commonplace these days?

    Many retirees in Thailand aren't even pensioners. I know two over 50 year olds who are touting for SEO and web development work right NOW.

    A guy working in mcdonald in South America should work 100 hours per day to get that kind of pension.

    And well for a Thai maybe 110 hours and for Indians 160 hours per day and notice that retiree is after 60 and in some places 65 so really I dont understand how a normal farang may find attractive to work illegal in Thailand. Immigration should focus in poor countries around Asia and the government in checking business.

  14. But what is the law about that, I read something about that in the Immigration office near Don Mueang one month ago, for what I remember they say something like


    "Now, We can only transfer visas that expire before the expiration of the passport, for visas that expire after the expiration day of the passport you will need to apply for the visa again"


    Sorry for not remember well but that is what I understand.



  15. If you are wealthy enough you can try to open a limited company and apply to a business visa, I am not tried that hard but while you can there is a big number of thing that you can do but none of them legal and really Thailand is not a safe country to invest money due to that very inconvenient laws and the political instability.

    I've never seeing a digital nomad being accused to work illegal in any country, and technically in any country is illegal, but there is no a specific fine or a way to say, you can ask directly in immigration office what you can do, I asked in 5 countries and it's ok to work as a digital nomad or to be just a nomad using tourist visas.

    Just avoid some red flags, never do a work for locals, never send a regular amount of money outside the country, and avoid use national banks to keep your money.

    I read some news that the military put the hands on many banks looking for illegal business here in Thailand.

    Just put this on the table we are not milking the system the system is milking us, we are expending all of our money in the countries were we travel or live so is not that bad, Thailand is getting bad so think in another countries in the area, this is not the default country for digital nomads.

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  16. Mate another thing, just for you know in Asia there is a general ban about people looking like a hippie, so flowers "el Che" "Marley" dreadlocks so many colors or tattoos or a long or strange beard with sandals etc can give that impression and is not a joke, you will see in many frontiers the description of a hippie and you can get a bad ban, before 1 year ago I help an Argentinian that was banned from Korea and send back to Thailand and forced to go back to Argentina.

    Check this tread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/586380-getting-refused-entry-to-thailand-help-needed/page-3#entry5705848


    I agree with what your saying about the embassies, but my point is he might be refused entry on a visa exempt without a flight ticket out the county. Then the pre-paid school would have been a waste of money.

    Nobody is ever asked for outgoing ticket by Thai immigration, but there can trouble boarding the plane.
    Anyway OP can get a ticket to e.g. Vientane to get his ED visa.



    The schools have a guaranty back policy if he not get the visa (probably complicate to get back from farangland) another thing the schools are collapsed, I checked two schools in Krabi with no vacancy so pay in advance can be a good idea.


    And I read in the forum that someone was asked for a outgoing ticket and cash, maybe not in thaivisa


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