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Posts posted by ITGabs

  1. I just only saw this


    Chiang Mai – The Digital Nomad Capital of the World


    My wife and I have finally gotten settled in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We spent a few days in Bangkok and are now going to stay here for 7 weeks before heading to Australia.

    It has been about 6 years since we have been to Thailand, but this is first time we made the trip up north to Chiang Mai.

    I am a digital nomad!! i just want to keep in touch with more people in the same way to share good moments, tips, knowledge, or wherever etc.


  2. Actually this is blocked in Thailand in some way??

    I was looking for reviews of Hotspot Shield in google and I found the link to CNET but surprise! is blocked by the Thai censors from my TOT connection, any of you can access this link download.cnet.com/hotspot-shield/ ?

    porn and politics I understand that they want to block but this is a quite selective.

    PD: from google I can access the content clicking in the cache

    https://www.google.c...=HotSpot Shield

  3. sudo apt-get powertop && sudo powertop

    Arrow key over to the "Tuneable" and start change from "Bad" to "Good".

    Also reduce the backlight...one of the biggest consumers of power.

    Yes thanks, I already did that.

    Actually the power problems that I have are two, the CPU frequency is fixed on 1,5Ghz when is powered from the battery I tried to reduce with some packages on mint 13 but it's seems my kernel not support the manual change. I have a core i7 that can run from 0,8 to 2,2Ghz with turbo around 3,2.

    The second problems it's a equivalent to optimus (windows) I think... I have the graphic card intel 3000 or 4000 and the nvidia 525, so I am not sure how Linux is controlling the power of these GC and when it's use it the intel or the Nvidia, probably both are powered.

    Sad to read of people who reject xxxx distro because they can't fix usb booting or don't like the desktop or whatever. Linux is for people with enough curiosity to fix these problems, not to throw thow baby out with the bathwater.

    Don't be sad for such a stupid thing, I am a simple customer, if the application not work in the demo what I can expect in production, I know that there are many bugs, and many patches, hacks or workarounds, the problem it's I don't have enough time or I don't want to loose my time or energy compiling drivers or deep hunting... but I did, the problem was with the usb3 port and initramfs-tools bellow 0.98, initramfs-tools 0.99 still have some annoyance, I found the solution trying to install arch. now all the distros work from USB except Minix that probably have another similar problem.

    I found a problem with Mint too, have so much branded and re-branded stuff most of the time when I install or remove packages the dependencies trigger branded packages install or uninstall more things, I don't like that branded layer, looks like a hard coded design integration.

    Keep testing for some days more.

    • Like 1
  4. yes!

    Ubuntu and unity surprise me, was nothing about what I expected, I really hate that change but for new pc users, or beginners looks amazing.

    The major problem that I see with Linux is that there is absolutely NO discipline among developers. There is NO standard operating system to work from. Everything can be improved but who decides what is better? It's the old story that too many cooks spoil the stew.

    I am looking for an alternative to ubuntu right now and I understand your point, there is no order in the open source field, more that the crowd popularity, before was ubuntu now mint, before was gnome or kde, now unity or wherever.

    I like gnome for example but now looks like the team divided into unity and mint and more projects more divisions, that means very few people are working or interested in the root project and derived into many branches, what is better? difficult, so much new developments and so much bugs, instabilities, features lost, or integrations problems since one team decides different patterns and integrations get complicated, upgrades worst, but windows it's not a perfect os, I see that I have the same number on instabilities or things get me out of my work for find a solution for a OS problem it's similar.

    Wherever, Linux will never stop to grow, Apple or Microsoft can disappear, but open source, gnu and linux never.

  5. I changed my mind about ubuntu, I recently installed in my new laptop ubuntu 12.04, my old laptop had a lot of driver problems wifi/ati but 10.04 worked perfect gnome2 with compiz fusion and some short cut configuration was so efective to work with many screens and aplications.

    My surprise was unity and the ubuntu store, a closed box like in mac. I hate it.

    now I am testing mint 13 and everything is ok, easy to install from usb, intalling things take me short time, I have only a problem with the power consumption, my battery go uncharged very fast, probably take me a bit of time more. I tried with debian but from usb have some bugs, the same with arch, I will test with backtrack too. I really want something smooth and secure for work, I don't want lose time finding drivers or fixing stupid bugs

    I was reading about what happend with Ubuntu it's sad that they are moving into a mac clone, making agreement with retailers, intrusive marketing, spam, less security, more a closed box... money corrupt everything, looks like microsoft intelligence turn the competence into the rival.

  6. I never use winscp but im my experience one possible cause could be the two bytes at the start of the php file.

    UTF-8 use a header  check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Byte_order_mark

    the problem is about many editors of php or plain text don't support utf8 and delete or change that byte, another thing to think it is about the ftp can convert the utf-8 file to ascii because the end of line win \n\r mac \r unix \n for the text files, so better to use binary for php files.

    do small tests, there are a few combinations to check where it's the problem.

  7. The 'Long Game' is many things.

    When I was 18 the 'long game' was my old man advising me to join the company pension.

    When I was 30 the 'long game' was an older friend and colleague telling me to make investments at 30 so I had the choice 'to walk' in my mid fifties (not so that I would have more money at 65 than the plan my old man advised me to put in place).

    In life the long game is to tell yourself the truth today, lest the truth bite you in the ass tomorrow.

    On TVF the long game is, our posts are not deleted, they can be searched and reposted in the future.

    This is the internet, be who or what you want to be....... but whoever you choose to be you will not buck the long game.

    The only way to play the long game is upfront truth now - you cannot win lying to yourself.

    Interesting way of thinking.

    I was curious about why someone wants retirement at 32...

    Your "long game" remember me some quote or enlightenment

    "Live as If it is the last day, love like you've got all the time in the world."

  8. For fix the problem you need to add some values to the url, the next information and examples are for firefox but you can easily use the url as a default page in other browsers. (Firefox have the ability to do the search directly on the address bar)

    In the Firefox address bar type about:config and enter, read the “message” and enter again (if is your first time in that area)

    search -> keyword

    double click on keyword.url

    change the default for some of these


    Now you can search directly in the address bar and the result will be in english

    you can change the language changing this hl=[languague]

    for example for spanish/ESpaniol es


    You can add more values for example:

    &tbs=qdr:d   search default only for today
    &tbs=qdr:w   search default only this week
    &tbs=qdr:m   search default only this month
    &tbs=qdr:y  search default only this year

    &tbs=li:1 mode verbatim on (this desactivate the annoying idiot proff search on google that all the time it’s trying to correct your words wihtout asking)

    sad that it’s not possible combine verbatim with time

    &safe=off this desactivated the default “safe search: moderate”, very useful for find good images and videos.

    &safe=on if you have children around this set up the safe search: strict



  9. in Antivirus the best is BitDefender 50usd aprox, second Kaspersky 40usd aprox (check on internet)

    I want to find something like iptables for windows, I did some things with netsh but have not comparation.

    I am not sure about gui firewalls or complete suite for windows, Time ago many companies using norton as security suite but many report performance problems and I saw some virus in the networks and Norton didn't catch them so I am not sure

    virus in linux are very strange, bot relays irc stuff probably, I actually using clamav for deleting virus from windows emails.

  10. Looking for free porn, music or software, using p2p, torrent, installing cracks or patchs etc it's quite dangerous if you don't know the basic risk of what are you doing.

    All the time you must see and check the extensions, never hide the extensions, because in this way its easy to execute a malware called sexy_girl.exe

    Photos all the time use .jpg .png .gif etc, videos .avi, .mov, .mp4 etc ...you can learn more about the extensions here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_file_types

    All the executables that come from internet are a risk, the antivirus will detect almost 99% but as in real life, the vaccine come after someone get the infection so the 1% happens when you are one of the first infected.

    This 1% could be a bug in your browser, or a bug in other kind of software that have internet access. For a normal user, it will be very important keep update everything, browser, java, flash, net framework periodically or disable these from your browser.

    if you don't know about some crack or patch (obviously these things are 99% illegal) you can check the file in more than 40 antivirus, with crowd votes and comments for known files in virustotal.com

    At the end some of the infections use social networks, and emulate the plugins so can get access to cookies from facebook, tweeter, google+ etc and get some info to attempt foolish the user.

    "Tor Bundle", plus "sandboxie" and some good antivirus could be enough safe.



    and wherever that you install, you must choose advanced because now exist some advanced installer plugins, for example Open Candy http://www.opencandy.com/faqs/#what that can install by default, toolbars and annoying third parties software if you aren't checking what you are installing.

    of course have many more layer of protections, freezers, virtual machines, dns blockers, and many threads too.

    • Like 1
  11. All your private information is kept on this USB and not in the computer. Sorry I am not comuter literate and hope you understand what I am talking about. Looks great to me. Check it out for yourself.

    I struggle to see how it would protect against keyloggers and other such malware or viruses on the host machine.......

    Foolish me, I guess I expected better security from a company dealing with money. I'll have to do similar tests on my financial institutions websites to see if they are as negligent as paypal.

    wherever "crash" in the middle of a transaction it's very dangerous, when a crash it happens you must check the status of the transaction after the crash.

    The technical reason of the threat could be a Buffer Overflow -> http://en.wikipedia....Buffer_overflow

    In computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer overrun, is an anomaly where a program, while writing data to a buffer, overruns the buffer's boundary and overwrites adjacent memory. This is a special case of violation of memory safety.

    Buffer overflows can be triggered by inputs that are designed to execute code, or alter the way the program operates. This may result in erratic program behavior, including memory access errors, incorrect results, a crash, or a breach of system security. Thus, they are the basis of many software vulnerabilities and can be maliciously exploited.

    The good thing it's about the security in the "companies dealing with money" 99% is behind the browser, tracking everything and blocking by default strange behaviors

  12. yes, I was talking about the identity document posted by Sayonarax but deleted by a moderator, usually people don't know about and the link to google it's very interesting, actually you can delete your personal information from google or yahoo search if you can't contact the webmaster/administrator of the site, all the time you can do a lawsuit, but since the website probably isn't in your country the google work around it's very useful.

  13. It seems who ever wrote this failed at English, but apparently still got job as an english journlist.

    He means they register with their ID card numbers, which are 13 numbers.

    BTW posting the ID information is illegal in most of the countries, if it's happens to you "google" have a work around, check at the end of this page


    Yahoo, have something similar

  14. Being a 'performance' oriented guy, I am looking to choose a fast router from one of the models recommended above but I am learning that in addition to other factors, different routers excel at different speed bands. Do the TOT & 3BB internet modem/routers use either the 5Mhz or 2.4MHz speed band? Or does the speed of their signal fluctuate?

    If you use the default TOT, true modem/router in a bridge mode it will work only as a modem, not as wifi access point

    But the speed in the routers trough wifi it's like the weather...

    The 5Mhz or 2.4MHz speed band it only about the wifi channels and only represent and improvement if in your area have so much Wifi G (54Mbps) since the 5MHZ channels are only allowed for Wifi N (max 150Mbps in 20Mhz width).

    But the measure that improve the speed it's the channel widths

    802.11n, unlike B and G, allows to different channel widths. Both 802.11b and 802.11g have fixed 20MHz channels. For 802.11n, the default channel is 20Mhz, which allows for a transmission rate of 150Mbps. But on devices that support it, you can have wider channels, such as 40MHz (300 MBps), 60 MHz (450 MBps) and 80MHz (600MBps). In order to have wider channels, you need adapters on BOTH SIDES that support the wide channels, and you need to have plenty of available bandwidth. This means being in a place where the

    Check this image for understanding the channel vs. channel width in 2.4 Mhz per 20Mhz (default in wifi 802.11G and 802.11N)


    Another thing to have in mind is that the Max speed it's for all the connection, not per WIFI client, so if you have 4 Client the max speed should be 150Mbps/4 = 37 Mbps and this could be lower if you have one Wifi client that use wifi G, the max speed in the best case should be 54Mbps/4=13Mbps but lower if you have more wifi around in the same Channels, plus Electromagnetic interferences and harmonics from lower frequencies means lower speed.

  15. I saw some PC apps for accounting things, I tested one that generate invoices and more things...

    But really you must learn Excel, all the accounting people in the companies that I worked, they only use Excel or/and web apps (ERP CRM) that can import/export excel directly.

    This video is one of the thousands in youtube about excel formulas, check the comments before download something, virus in macros are very popular

    more: http://en.wikipedia....ftware_packages

    • Like 1
  16. 80% Thai food nit noi pet

    But sometimes we go dinner for a big pork shop or steak etc

    I can't eat rice every day/time,

    but "Chacarero" steak in a real bread sandwish niam niam tongue.png


    I miss so much the "Marraqueta" but looks like only exist in my country, cheap and tasty bread, we eat this bread in the same proportion as Thai eat rice.

    these sandwish 1000% better than mac donal, burger king, subway etc



    and the "Completo"


    Many others there tongue.png

  17. What brand/model router(?) would you recommend

    Read this topic about the Asus router:

    how would I set it up so that I can have internet access via my laptop from any room in my one story house? (Would this be termed a LAN configuration?)
    I can make my 3Bb internet connection wireless?

    The configuration is basiclly the same (in the pictures from Dork) but with a different Front End, you must read the manual of the router since PPPoE and Wifi setup are very popular configurations.

    For the Huawei access you can call 3BB, wait that some user give you the credentials or look in google "huawei 3bb access"

  18. I've been in Burma but crossing in Mae Sot only for the day.

    I don't know where you go there but this is the information that I know.

    Check if the frontier is open, You only need your passport, go directly to the immigration office in the bridge, you must pay 500 bath (maybe 300 bath not clear) they keep your passport in the office. the border closes at 18:00 but better be there 16:00 it's very busy and annoying in the afternoon

    The people there speak not english or bad english.

    In the Bridge you can get some day trip tour around Burma per day around 700 800 bath

    Motorcicle Taxi in Burma is around 100 bath per hour

    Nice Temples, Markets and people around.

    You can buy everything in Bath but close to the bridge (Myanmar side) you can change in the street

    Currently foreigners may only enter on foot, are not allowed to travel further overland into Myanmar from Myawaddy, and are not permitted to stay in Myawaddy overnight, hence they must head back to Mae Sot before the border closes at 18:00.

    Despite these restrictions, the Myawaddy - Mae Sot border crossing is a moderately popular destination for tourists and expats in Thailand who want to make a "visa run" (i.e. get a new Thai entry permit stamp by making a short visit to another country).

    The time in Myawaddy is 30 minutes earlier than in Mae Sot, and the traffic (mostly) drives on the right.

    more info: http://wikitravel.org/en/Myawaddy

  19. sometimes it's only the usb controller tht fail, not the HDD.

    chkdsk /f (ntfs fat) help all the time with unexpected shutdown.

    another times it's only control panel -> administrative tools -> computer management -> disk management and check for problems (If my memory work good is letter assignment and some dynamic or logical setup)

    Some good tips for tech/travelers.

    I know that the HDD die but this could be good help in the future.

    HDD usually make noise "tiks" before die (check SMART), and usually come alive again 4 or 6 hours after... let it the HDD "completely sealed/moisture" in the freezer.

    The freezer work for batteries, CD, DVD, and probably with more electric things. Only one time this not work for me, when the HDD falling down from 2 meters.

    Two free tools that I tested.

    Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier (win): It get files from DVD, HDD with bad sectors, files with damages, I recovered with some work close to 99% of compressed files or videos with damage, easier for plain text.

    Zero Assumption Recovery (win): It get the files after a quick format (free for get images from HDD, Flash drives, etc ) I tested with my SDHC card successfully recover many pictures (with a problem with the EOF sometimes)

    This could be strange but if your HDD, camera or phone go into a river or ocean whistling.gif don't worry, power off/remove bateries ASAP and after external dry, put the HDD, or camera or laptop in a container and cover it with a lot of rice, wait one or two days before turn the power on. I recovered a HTC Phone and a MiniDVD camera in this way.

  20. that is a good advice, all the people must have translated to english the documents, I had similar problems when I bought a car and when I need to open a credit account, stupid things, my international licence have the expiration date in spanish (only that all the rest is multilanguage) and some people are so stupid that can't look between the only two dates in my document. ..but the same day I went to another branch and no problems at all, difficult thing in an airport :/

    the translate is nothing special the same with the hotel reservation that usually is a print from a webpage or a shitty fax papper things that are easy to do ph34r.png , I never had problems but all the time I have my documents ok. Still these things are like a bad lotery.

  21. I made this batch for windows, get the audio ffrom wherever downloaded file from youtube (and probably for many other sites) it's not a converter, take the sound channel directly from the video without any conversion let it the audio untouched in the same original format, mp3 and aac in less than 1 second!

    The best HQ audio is getting these formats from youtube

    (720p_VP8-Vorbis).webm (HTML5) or superior quality

    (720p_H.264-AAC).mp4 (Flash) or superior quality

    I am using jdownloader to get the HQ video... btw the mp3 that jdownloader download is the poorest quality, mp3 64kbps 22khz (FLV 240)


    Put this code in a txt file and change the extension to audio_extractor.bat

    Download the binaries FFMPEG.EXE and FFPROBE.EXE from http://ffmpeg.org/

    put this 3 files in a folder with videos and run the audio_extractor.bat It will extract in some seconds the audio from all the videos (it's fast as hell, no conversion, no quality loses)

    Note: I excluded 3gp becasue it's very low quality

    :: @echo off
    :: By ITGabs Audio Extractor Batch
    :: include FFMPEG.EXE  http://ffmpeg.org/
    :: include FFPROBE.EXE 
    @FOR /r %%x IN (*.mp4 *.flv *.mov *.avi *.webm) DO (
    @ECHO Processing "%%x" %1
    @FFPROBE -i "%%x" > tmp.txt 2>&1 %1
    @FOR /F "eol=; tokens=3,4 " %%i IN (tmp.txt) DO @IF "%%i"=="Audio:" @( %1
     @IF "%%j"=="vorbis," SET ext="ogg"%1
     @IF "%%j"=="mp3," SET ext="mp3"%1
     @IF "%%j"=="aac," SET ext="aac"%1
     @IF "%%j"=="vorbis" SET ext="ogg"%1
     @IF "%%j"=="mp3" SET ext="mp3"%1
     @IF "%%j"=="aac" SET ext="aac"%1
     ::echo !ext!  %1
     FFMPEG -i "%%~fx" -vn -acodec copy "%%~x.!ext!"%1
    )  %1
    @DEL /f tmp.txt %1
    @SET ext= %1
    ) %1

    I am doing a plugin for Firefox for making the same but in only one click per video/audio

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