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Posts posted by ITGabs


    Where is the magical line that separates the good tourist contributing to the Thai economy and the criminal abusing the system?

    Magical line is at 4 weeks in any 1 year (for US citizens).
    After that you're not a tourist.

    How much leave does an employed person working in a normal job, get in your home country?
    (If you answer 6 weeks, then that should set the magical line for your countrymen)




    Hong Kongians vacations LOL really suck, 7 days per year! in Chile the usual was 15 days in the (Military Kingdom of Pinochet)  still my parents were abusers of the vacation system, we had vacations in valleys or near beaches to Santiago for 2-3 months. good times :)


  2. Finally I paid a Thai language course in Ao Nang.

    Apparently there is no problem in my case and country

    The process to start an ED visa need 15 days before your actual visa expire.

    I need to go out of Thailand to Penang, for what they told me is better to go to the embassy of Thailand that the school recommend since in Penang they already know that the school is a valid one.

    Notice that I checked in Krabi town, and the schools are full! no vacancy.

    And of course you need study with more than 70% of assistance

    My course is the normal one 30k bath / 16 hours per month

    Entering to Thailand again with the ED visa officials should not request funds.

    There was one field in the form that should be interesting for Digital Nomads, I needed to include who is support me while I am study in Thailand, since for real I am my self I added the name and address of my principal customer, since in wherever case I can show that a big part of my money in a thai bank come directly from his account in US that should be a workaround

    BTW in relationship he is my "partner"

    And well I am really looking the possibility to live in 2 or 3 countries or definitively leave Thailand and try other countries not in Southeast Asia.


  3. I tried a lot of things but really depends of how hot is the weather, in hot hours If is not possible feel good walking under the trees shadow, I will look for a Central or Lotus or wherever of that shopping centers with fresh air, in the afternoon the most effective in my case is just walk on the beach and if I am really piss of I will go to swimming or just floating drifting away in the ocean per hours and sometimes late in the night.


    Sometimes just driving my motorcycle in what I called "secret roads" do the trick I choose the most green roads far away from everything, sometimes so remote that is normal to find a monitor crossing the road or that big snakes, stop to buy or eat something in wherever family business in that areas, I really meet so nice people in that "adventures" that childs that look at you like the most interesting thing that they see in all the week smiling and saying hello many times rolleyes.gif carry with you almonds or another dry fruit is good to have some extra smiles with everyone.

    I usually go to swimming or snorkeling to some places far away from the crowd and those are my preferred places to get "emotionally cleaned", there was some magic moments drifting away, few times a shoal of very small fishes was following me swimming in my shadow, I don't know how describe the sensation but in that moment I feel so connected with the nature that all the problems just lose sense.

    I love that small things from Thailand wai.gif

  4. I have just a small problem maybe someone can put some light, my passport will expire in 11 moths more, my embassy here in Thailand had problems with the new machine that can give me my new long term passport, The consul recommend me to get the passport in other embassy In Southeast Asia that had the machine working for a while, my closest options are Kuala Lumpur and Hanoi.

    You will need to take care about six months before your passport expires, not now.

    One month ago I was in Bangkok in my embassy and later in the immigration office close to the Don Muang airport, while I was waiting to move my visa to the new passport I read that the visas that expire after the expiration day of the old passport can't be trespassed and need to start a new process

    Visa stickers cannot be moved but they remain valid on the old passports.

    Extensions of stay, that are stamps, can be transferred to new passport.

    (trespassing means entering others property illegally).

    Thanks for the correction too, In spanish "traspasar / traspasando" have a more defined meaning than move, I thought was the same in English :P

  5. What is called visa run is go and back the same day??

    I've been using visa exempt all the time for Thailand, I used 3 visa run at the same frontier 2 years ago, and the last time I had a long talk with the officers, they ask me many things mostly because I was the only one Chilean crossing that frontier, not that bad but still intimidating they insist to ask me if I am doing something illegal and ask me many things about my work where I live and what i am doing in Thailand, we never touch if I have or not girlfriend but the officer ask me if I live with my girlfriend in Ao Nang and I was preparing my self to answer and another officer give me the passport, and told me that everything it's ok.


    But that creep me out, I never did a visa run again, later I still used the visa exempt but I stayed 1 week in Kuala Lumpur with my girlfriend, the next 4 days in Langkawi, 6 days in Bali, and like that, not waiting the last day usually planning a travel 1 or 2 weeks before mi 90 day visa finish and changing locations all the time.

    This is considered visa run also?


    I am actually thinking to move between Vietnam and Thailand with my girlfriend, Vietnam is the only country around that she feel happy to move in Southeast Asia.

  6. Still is a good option for some people, should be cool if can be paid yearly or in shorter periods

    The option of 1M 5 years per family, can be very helpful

    I don't know how my parents can come to live with me but this create a expensive one possibility, but better than nothing

    Still the price is excessive, I checked the benefits and the business partners and not look so credible.

    This will work only by the visa crackdown I don't think in another way that this can be possible.

    Notice that there is a yearly fee of 200k or 20k, someone can confirm this?


    Another factor might be how long he was outside of Thailand, after all he is suposed to study.

    He was outside Thailand for 6 weeks. What I don't understand is why the immigration people ask if you speak Thai when there's hundreds of different ED courses available. Not only languages but you can study art. culture. muay thai etc.
    When you do have a valid visa they should just accept it and understand that not everyone on a ED visa wants to learn Thai.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    Probably they need to show to their superior that they are doing a great job, sometimes I feel that they are strong at the beginning like they are testing you, later they change the mood to just the relax and friendly Thai.
    And probably they think that everyone should speak thai if want to stay a long time, usually every person will expect the same with long stays in any country, and is a good symbol of respect to any culture, and is such an annoying thing like in Germany with the Turkish that live almost free from the state and have no intention to learn German and sometimes with a bad English so what really they are doing in Germany? my Thai is very basic but I can drop some funny sentences, that help a lot in many situations.

    Another thing Thai people are never strict with the rules, just be patient respectful and answer everything simple and slow, some countries have very bad ass Immigration officers maybe many of you not have that bad experiences since many come from Europe.
  8. On Russian forums there have been several reports in the past month of being refused entry at Suvarnabhumi for NON-ED holders with a valid re-entry permit. Not sure if this applies to other nationalities or if this specific mini-crackdown is Russian-only.


    The recommendation was to have a letter from your school confirming that you didn't have any classes during the days you were absent from Thailand.


    For what I knew the second reason of the Crackdown is to stop people from Russia, China, Korea and another country and with specific locations too because there are so many, there are private charters that comes directly from poor locations in those countries to specifics towns in Thailand and probably they fear a russiatown or chinatown full of people working illegal or avoiding taxes.

  9. The only people who seem to have a major issue with the legality of working online seem to be other foreigners posting on forums with their interpretations of a Thai law written before the internet was available.

    yes, Can you imagine a police control checking if people is using underwear or not and putting in jail or asking for a fine since the Thai Law say that you can't go out your home without underwear?, will they argue that using swimsuit is illegal?

    Back to the topic thanks for all the advice I will study Thai and still having some new options with my thai friends that are helping me and finding the way.

    I have just a small problem maybe someone can put some light, my passport will expire in 11 moths more, my embassy here in Thailand had problems with the new machine that can give me my new long term passport, The consul recommend me to get the passport in other embassy In Southeast Asia that had the machine working for a while, my closest options are Kuala Lumpur and Hanoi.

    One month ago I was in Bangkok in my embassy and later in the immigration office close to the Don Muang airport, while I was waiting to move my visa to the new passport I read that the visas that expire after the expiration day of the old passport can't be trespassed and need to start a new process, I will ask about this in the school but since I need to do the process of my new passport and probably can take 2 or 3 months until I get my new one. probably I can get a new tourist visafacepalm.gif in some of the embassy of Thailand around? maybe I should go Hanoi and try in the thai embassy there and if that not work go to Laos and try to get the tourist visa in the embassy's there? Probably since my passport is brand new and have a stamp directly from the immigration office in Thailand should help, like i am trying to do the things right for immigration officers out of Thailand?

    and I guess I should back before 12 blink.png

    ​Interested to know your thoughts about

    Thanks ! wai.gif

  10. I have seen in the last few months, a lot of people worried about "working online" and "WP", well if you working online and earn money doing jobs overseas, I supposed you are smart enough to protect yourself with vpn and cryptography (basic stuff today), if not better you back home (people are watching over your shoulders lol).

    Advice: Just use a good paid VPN and have sure you can encrypt your disc in case of it is needed, get the proper visa and nothing else to worry about.

    Anyway good luck. For sure you can get a visa to learn muay thai, massage, thai cooking, and much more..

    Actually I am using portable apps in RAM with the all the cache and temp in ram so is quite safe, I am using that to save some seconds or milliseconds between apps and to save my SSD that is fast but not the longer life one.

    For the internet I am using ssh tunnels more for the server stuff and to have the same IP all the time, I lose many things for that stupid security blocks when I was traveling, with google checkout was the worst experience. in general I have nothing to hide maybe shy for some dirty porn facepalm.gif but just that laugh.png

  11. You'd do well to refer to this article about working online in Thailand: http://www.thethailandlife.com/working-online-thailand

    As you'll see, the rules are antiquated but strict and very clear.

    What a bunch of crap.

    What if I am renting my condo in Canada while travelling abroad? Am I also working illegally in Thailand?

    Do I need a work permit for that? Especially since I am paying taxes to Canadian government?

    Isn't this the whole point of a tax treaty?

    "Working online" is that "unknown middle" everywhere except in your own country, but I guess soon everything will be part of the EUA or NATO and all the rest of the countries should replace that old rules... in wherever situation old jobs sitting in a office are just unnecessary with the technology that we have now.
    Another thing to put in mind software architecture or other intelectual tasks are things that you can do without a computer, and with the eyes closed.
    Blured lines.
    I never hide to any officer that I am "working online" when they ask actually they like it, I tried in many countries to get a work visa and pay taxes for what I am doing (should be the right) at the end they tell me that it is ok, since what is considered "a work" have another meaning for the legal stuff, usually intangible services under ranges are extent of taxes like in Thailand if you are a Thai national with less than 1,5 million bath per year (I am not sure about this but is probably right) after 1,5 you need to pay 7%
    playing futbol can be a work or a hobbie, painting. a lot of things inclusive playing games, testing wine, testing new medicines fancy drugs hhahaha
    now there is a boom with social media and is just people sharing stuff pressing like buttons, incentivating people to share their ideas, helping each other etc.
    I my case my hobbie and my work is exaclty the same, arguing about can be amazingly complex like what if my hobby is beta testing a open source software that is in US while I am Chilean with a Non ED visa while i am in Thailand and I get donations for that from New Zealand ;)
    and the intention of the visa rules is to protect the nationals the jobs, avoid cheap people and bad bosses deteriorate the quality of life of all the people surrounding or bad people trying to survive creating mafias or doing very bad things so in general there is a common criteria that help a lot.
  12. Thank you all for all the answers, very helpful.

    The Elite Card is 8.3K per month

    Study thai 2-2.5k plus I get something back but less time too 16 hours per month

    I was pushing my girlfriend to open a Limited Company but in the thai way she got an offer to get a work permit for me also, but was so black hat and still expensive than the Elite Card.

    I would like to married her but it's not the moment or right just to get a visa, but I will do wherever for stay together.

    Lots of folks in Bangkok are legitimate. I have attended Thai language classes for 3 hours per day, Monday thru Friday for 3 years. Although my ED visa has ended and I am now stuck on a tourist visa, I am still studying Thai at the same pace.

    I know that there are lots of folks here on an ED visa who don't go to class, but I just see the ones who go to class like me.

    I don't really care if the gov cracks down on such ED visa holders or not, but I wish that I could legitimately get another ED visa because I actually go to class and study. After 3 years, there is still lots I could learn.

    I find this limitation very strange. 3 years is barely enough to get into intermediate state, any language requires many more years to be mastered. There should be some higher level course (university) ? I would be surprised if there is none.

    I imagine that there are Thai language classes for students enrolled in university, but there isn't that much high level stuff at the Thai language schools around down.

    Of course, "high level" is totally relative, but I fully agree with you in that there is still much more to study after 3 years.

    I have been doing private lessons, and occasionally there is a group lesson at a school in which we read newspaper articles and talk about them, but there isn't much at the higher level.

    Just to clarify this: I think 3 years is plenty of time to be very fluent and have decent written Thai (or whatever language), provided that you have studied full time over those three years. Although I took classes for 3 hours a day, I also had work to do, etc. after class, and subsequently never did more than an hour of homework outside class. I think people can be a very high level in 1-2 years, provided that they put in serious, serious time.

    I have been serious about studying and faithful in class attendance, but I didn't kill myself trying to push my personal language acquisition limit, so after 3 years, I still have more to study, and sure wish the Ministry of Ed would recognize that and allow me to do it.

    Sorry, this has gone off the topic of the thread. It is peripherally relevant in that foreigners can only get 3 years on an ED visa for studying Thai, and it would be nice if we could get more (for those who are legitimately studying).

    Thanks for all your insights you almost answered all my question that I had about the ED visa
    The ED visa is only to study Thai? what about Thai cooking or Muai Thai?

    We will check with that new school in Ao Nang, was closed today

  13. the minimum requirement to have a "working visa" including the 4 thais and 1 farang is around 8-9k per month for the 'medical system' so someone had the great idea to get that money in exchange of some benefits and to avoid irregularities?

    What I am guessing is that Thailand have a big community of digital nomads that can afford that price while getting some extra smiles at the frontiers.

  14. You could get tourist visas instead using the visa exemption. You can get a 2 entry in Vientiane Laos.

    Thanks that is a good option. I never did that before.

    if I get a tourist visa from a consulate the days of stay should be the same as with the visa exemption?? 90 days in my case for example. I will try to find more info about.

  15. I live in Krabi, Ao Nang and I want to stay longer.

    I've been here with the 90 days tourist visa extemption for around 3 or 4 years.

    My reason to stay longer in Thailand:

    My girlfriend

    The nature, people, culture and the low budgets to have a great life.

    I am a Digital Nomad I work from everywhere, customers from everywhere plus passive income, with a budget very variable 1-20

    I am not getting any money from Southest Asia, or third world in general.

    I would like to get professional advice to the options that we have and actually I prefer this to be in talked in Thai directly with my gf first

    I will be outside Thailand for a while :'( just to prevent any issue in the frontiers

    If you know people that can help with the visa or legal stuff around Krabi should be great.

  16. Hi, I found in some webpages that the cost of live in Chile is around 2500-2800 usd in the same webpage as a comparative of the same kind of quality of life in Thailand was around 1000 1250 usd, in Cambodia (the cheapest city I don't remember) 750-1000.

    Santiago is a huuuge city, 7 and probably 8 millions of inhabitants, the same kind of contamination as Chiang May or Ciudad de Mexico, in Santiago, one of the beautiful palces without so much buildings, homes with big garden and full of trees are in La Reina, others "Comunas" are Las Condes, Vitacura, La Dehesa that are the top places to live in Chile, but for a good quality of life you need 4000 or probably more, just the rent is around 2000... others districts or "Comunas" are dangerous, "Flaites" young poor people will see you and with a kniffe they will take everything that they can sell, that is the problems of all the big cities, poor people trying to find better job opportunities move into it and finish living in periferic places in very poor conditions struggling for something to eat.

    other cities are very expensive too and have the same problem l lived in a lot of places there and one of my prefered places is a small town but with huge touristic attractions, you can rent some home there with a good price and not so far from the center of the town http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puc%C3%B3n looking around, it's an amazing place if you like fishing, with natural lakes with clean water you can drink after your body assimilate the bacterian flora of the zone. there are huge communities of Europeans most Germans and Jewish in the south of Chiel and Argentina too, that zone it's amazing in summer but <deleted> colder in winter, some cities like Valdivia have permanent rain in the night and in winter all day so check the climate.

    I don't like the desert but if you like it check La Serena is another Magic and mystical place full of wineries, the climate are enormous valleys, very dry , but with huge rivers so all the down parts are full of life and the hills with few flora, no big trees at all

    So look images of "La serena" "Valle de elqui" in the north in the center a beach city "Viña del mar" a nice place 2 hours in car from Santiago, and in the south "Villarica" "pucon" of course there are a lot of cities, from north to south "Concepcion" "Valdivia" "Puerto Montt" "Chiloe"

  17. I don't trust in Microsoft, ten years ago they included spyware, Cydoor and Alexa variants in almost every update of IE and Windows media.

    Weeks ago, I was checking the security in a old 2003 server in a migration P2V into ESXi and I got an alert for an IP from US connecting to remote desktop, in the netstat I can saw the connection but was hidden from all the microsoft tools.

    This was the IP  

    The segment is fully administrated by Microsoft not dynamic

    NetRange: -
    NetName: MSFT-EP
    NetHandle: NET-168-61-0-0-1
    Parent: NET-168-0-0-0-0
    NetType: Direct Assignment
    RegDate: 2011-06-22
    Updated: 2012-10-16
    Ref: http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-168-61-0-0-1

    OrgName: Microsoft Corp
    OrgId: MSFT-Z
    Address: One Microsoft Way
    City: Redmond
    StateProv: WA
    PostalCode: 98052
    Country: US
    RegDate: 2011-06-22
    Updated: 2013-04-12
    Ref: http://whois.arin.net/rest/org/MSFT-Z

    OrgTechHandle: MSFTP-ARIN
    OrgTechName: MSFT-POC
    OrgTechPhone: +1-425-882-8080
    OrgTechEmail: [email protected]
    OrgTechRef: http://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/MSFTP-ARIN

    OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE231-ARIN
    OrgAbuseName: Abuse
    OrgAbusePhone: +1-425-882-8080
    OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]
    OrgAbuseRef: http://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/ABUSE231-ARIN

    OrgNOCHandle: ZM23-ARIN
    OrgNOCName: Microsoft Corporation
    OrgNOCPhone: +1-425-882-8080
    OrgNOCEmail: [email protected]
    OrgNOCRef: http://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/ZM23-ARIN

    OrgAbuseHandle: HOTMA-ARIN
    OrgAbuseName: Hotmail Abuse
    OrgAbusePhone: +1-425-882-8080
    OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]
    OrgAbuseRef: http://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/HOTMA-ARIN

    OrgAbuseHandle: MSNAB-ARIN
    OrgAbuseName: MSN ABUSE
    OrgAbusePhone: +1-425-882-8080
    OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]
    OrgAbuseRef: http://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/MSNAB-ARIN

    looking in google I found hundred of reports of hacking from all that segment

    Example in google search:

    168.63 remote desktop

    Apparently they were looking the license, since In the migration I had the two servers live with the same license, really i hope was that, I know that all the Microsoft product have backdoors or thing stupids like the Dcom service and other failures from an horrible architecture, like in the Hyper-V VM there is a saved games, my pictures folder, etc in the Hypervisor!! the same bad stuff from the system files wherever you can find old rests of win 3.11 95 98 etc like they again and again just smash code, usually that happens only when they don't have any documentation or control version of what file is doing what so the developers just follow the rule "if is working don't touch it"

    Some of the test that I did in a paranoid state of security is block all internet, except one IP that I use as Tunnel for everything, it's work great, but I guess that is so extreme. that was the unique way that Skype work without connecting to any other IP on SSH2

    I can finish adding that now I hate Skype, since Microsoft take the control they finish the world wide plan, big security problems, low quality, bad customer support, and that horrible chat integration with Msn, Hotmail, Outlook (from the socket/port point of view) I hope some alternative to Skype come soon.

  18. If it makes anyone feel good, Google runs 100% Unix in all of its server farms. Imagine what they'd have to pay for that many licenses for Windows. I say 100%, but they do use Server and Windows in the "office" to do internal and external work that doesn't become part of the information we see. All of their employee desks have Windows as clients of Server. Linux can't match that. Even if it could, where would they hire the expertise to run it when all of the experts in enterprise computing are Microsoft adherents?

    This post was brought to you by the 1990's tongue.png

    Do you think poor Google can't afford licences? I'd guess their primary benefit in using linux is open source code, they can implement whatever they need and whatever they want, they have their own filesystem [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_File_System ], they can easily work on improving TCP stack, think TFO, PRR [ http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2012/01/lets-make-tcp-faster.html ] and I'm sure there are countless other examples. As a side note, there must be some reason Goldman Sachs is using linux for their HFT systems and hired Ulrich Drepper. If you still think linux is only about getting a free OS (i.e. with no cost), you're missing the point entirely. Last thing about your comment WRT google employees, half of them are running linux and that includes desktop users [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goobuntu ]

    Anyone can contribute to Wikipedia.

    Have you been in a Google server farm? It damn hard to get into one, believe me. My son is in management at their newest one in The Dalles, Oregon and I've had a tour. I'm also MCSE/MCSA etc. etc. and I knew what I was seeing.

    The main plant is rows and rows of tall server racks filled with Unix machines for providing what we see as Google. The offices have Windows desktops, and the IT room for the enterprise has 6 Microsoft Servers with the desktops as clients. They are effectively their own ISP too, with their own gateway to the internet which uses Unix servers for the DMZ. The DNS, DHCP and Domain Controllers are all Microsoft Server.

    That is their newest setup. Again, I've seen it.

    The Dalles Server Farm. Link

    There is so much religious stuff about Linux and really who cares what OS they use in that datacenter to work, is not about being married with open source or with box software, there are good stuff everywhere, really I like linux as servers since windows are jokes! who real need mouse or windows to management a server and power shell or wherever kind of scripting provided by Microsoft, they will never be close to the Linux in performance, as we said in the office Microsoft make the easy things easy and the difficult one impossible.

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