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Posts posted by mrdome

  1. As a Chinese web user once put it so nicely: "[The Chinese government officials] are like a group of eunuchs criticizing the sex life of others."


    They managed to keep the worst of a socialist regime and merge it with the worst of capitalism, wrecking the country in the process. They treat critics incredibly cruel and as a result Chinese society as a whole is becoming cold and uncaring.

  2. "Claims for bitcoin's value are self-referential and contain a contradiction: it cannot be a speculative investment prone to quintupling and simultaneously a useful currency for making or receiving payments. If it cannot be both it must be neither. Bitcoin's price is supported only by the recruitment of enthusiasts to use or hoard it."


    Quoted from the Financial Times on 14th September '17.

  3. 7 hours ago, ttthailand said:

    I would say it will be a few more years of scandals, misdirection and paralysis before Trump can drain the swamp. :)

    Considering that Trump has brought with him his own kind of Goldman Sachs billionaire 'livin' it up and taking as much as they can while not giving a <deleted> about the common folk' (esp. in plane rides on the tax payers dime) swamp, your comment is either a hilarious stab at denying what's plain in sight or really sad.

  4. 12 hours ago, colinneil said:

    I notice several members mocking/ criticising my post on this subject.

    Something else i noticed ,not 1 of you criticised my post about the poor girl (SATANG) and her father.

    Nor did any of you offer support/ money towards helping the poor girl.

     I sleep easy at night, critiicise  all you want, you bunch of tight wads.

    You get criticized for the style and amount of your posts offering put down after put down and nothing of substance.

    Regarding your (cop-out) counter argument, I don't live on ThaiVisa, or to post here, and have no idea which thread/post you are talking about.

    I was only commenting on the posts from you I happened to see, nice if there's some variety after all. All the best.

  5. On 9/13/2017 at 8:57 AM, lovelomsak said:

    Let's face it, if it had been a black victim and a white cop, the comments - if there were any at all - would be quite different.

      You are so right. There would have been riots looting,beatings etc.

      You are seeing justice being sought in a legal way not thugs on the street as it would be  had been white cop black victim.


    This is what you don't get because you don't want to have to consider "me in their shoes": If whites were a minority (fast forward to 2050 & beyond for a preview) there would certainly be a 'White Lives Matter' type of movement, there'd be riots, looting, beatings etc. because this is how people react when things have gone too far and the injustice, via the mounting body count, has reached unbearable proportions. Minorities tend not to have too much faith in the legal way.


    As far as this case is concerned, I just want to know what exactly happened here (and not use it to forward my political agenda while speculating). Did she slap the car or was it fireworks, for example? I hope we will find out more details.

  6. 9 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    for someone who spends so much time on this site, one would have assumed you could read, however the comments you make seem to have no relation to the actual news article posted.


    That's what colinneil does, spends a lot of time on here, comments early and comments on many new threads with some throw away 'same same' drivel cementing all the stereotypes.


    Unfortunately, even changing the system from number of posts below your user ID to emphasizing number of likes hasn't really helped raising the quality level.

  7. freddie, you keep alluding he failed his training from the start or wasn't properly trained and that he was pushed through regardless of his performance,  comments for which you have zero proof and which the Minneapolis Police Department would vehemently deny. It wasn't a "PC-stunt", regardless of how many times you repeat that.


    Let's face it, if it had been a black victim and a white cop, the comments - if there were any at all - would be quite different.


  8. Bed bugs leave big welts and you'd get dozens per night if they are there. The OP has not mentioned welts.


    Spots indicate heat rash or another type of mite/insect, which I've also encountered before. Change and wash your bedding and check for any signs of tiny critters.


    Another option: Your shower gel is too aggressive. If you are not from Asia, your skin becomes more sensitive due to the heat and there can be lots of itching, especially in the fold of your arm. The chemicals in certain shower gels can be too harsh under this condition.


    Hope it will stop soon!

  9. 1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    I don't see why they want Mohammed Noor charged, he was made a policeman although it was abundantly clear he was totally unsuited. He was already being investigated for 3 complaints for his behavior, and yet because he was fast tracked into his position for the sole reason that he was a Somalian muslim made him untouchable. Who-ever it was that pulled the PC stunt of hiring this guy over more suited applicants who were rejected because they were not diverse enough should carry the sole blame here. I can't think of a punishment severe enough, but it must be severe enough to end this PC affirmative action silliness.

     Was it mayor Betsy Hodges who made this guy an armed officer?

    It's not as simple as that and this isn't a "PC stunt" as you've called it. Some cops seem heavy handed/"totally unsuited" at one point in their career.


    Most of all, we do need cops from all segments of the population on the street, period. Your skin color or your religion - since you brought it up, Freddie - has obviously nothing to do with your actions.


  10. On 9/12/2017 at 2:19 AM, MajarTheLion said:


    1) He's right. There were savages "on all sides". True.


    2) He specifically denounced white supremacists, the KKK, Nazis and others. Correct.


    3) He stated there were good people from both sides of the argument at Charlottesville. Obviously true and correct.


    So do you agree with your article, that Trump's reaction to Charlottesville is grounds for impeachment? Smells like desperation to me. Feel free to use facts and logic to tell me how I'm wrong.

    [Mods, I hope I'm not being OT here but since this post remained I don't think I am and this really needs a response.]


    The problem and fallacy here is Trump (and now people like you) are attempting to place people carrying Nazi flags and shouting "Jews will not replace us" or similar BS (+ white supremacists, the KKK, the hardcore alt-right or whatever we call them now, etc) and counter demonstrators on the same moral level.


    No, never ever. Listen to your WW II veterans, the Jewish community and the rest of the still sane world: You become a Nazi, you have lost that right to be called a 'good person'. The fact that you may not be a monster in your everyday life - something that is kind of expected by anyone else in society last time I checked - does not give you a bonus making up for you being a Nazi. This isn't even up for debate.


    It took force to defeat the Nazis in '45, did that make any of the allied soldiers "not so good people"? Coming from a different angle, who in the 1940's called the Nazi's "good people"? It would have been outrageous! Sure, you can say, the ones we see today are "just playing Nazi" and not the real deal but nobody wants to put that to the test and it's obvious if given a chance they'd put people into camps if they only had the chance. So, 'no' on your #1 and #3.


    Regarding your 2nd claim. He only did so under pressure in a second statement the day after and then undid it all again the next day by basically repeating what he had said the first time, which had led to that uproar. You may have forgotten already but we won't. Later statements regarding the same topic count in the real world.


    When he called people with Nazi flags shouting hate comments "good people" Trump crossed a line that can never be undone and I hope when he will either remove himself from office or be removed, this will be cited or remembered along with all the other reasons.

  11. On 9/11/2017 at 1:04 PM, Jingthing said:

    He hurts everyone. 

    Yes, of course but turning it into a general statement misses the enormous significance of what happened here.


    While many could see him stab even his own party in the back like that, the Republicans couldn't and would not have believed it if warned. Also, funny how someone who demands 100% loyalty from others pulls a stunt like this.


    Here's an article on the Trump-Roy Cohn connection that I found rather enlightening:



  12. On 9/8/2017 at 11:22 AM, colinneil said:

    Even the elephants have had enough of money grabbing monks.

    Wow, what a mean thing to say under the circumstances and totally against Thai culture.


    Of course, 'Luis-Vuitton-Jet-Setting-Monk' was shocking but this guy collecting food for the Wat? Hardly.

    But yeah, any misguided throwaway remark for a another reputation vote on TV. Think about what you put out into the world.

  13. 18 hours ago, iReason said:

    Facebook sold ads to fake accounts linked to Russian 'troll factory' during the US election


    "In 2015, the ABC's 7.30 program looked into these internet trolls,

    a workforce of hundreds that patrol the internet at the command of the Kremlin."


    "The department at the centre of this effort is officially known as the Internet Research Agency,

    otherwise known as the Troll Factory."


    "Generally, they produce lies in a 24-hour regime, seven days a week," said Andrei Soshnikov,

    the investigative journalist who has led the efforts to expose the Troll Factory said at the time."


    " The ads were meant to "sow discord" among voters by amplifying divisive messages about issues including race, immigration, guns and LGBT rights, Facebook said. "


    A very serious issue and showing how vulnerable FB is.


    Regarding the main question we're discussing, I voted 'yes' on impeachment being likely and I believe this now more than ever after that Comey firing draft letter (with a little help from his friend Stephen Miller) has surfaced and they had been advised to take certain passages out.

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