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Posts posted by mrdome

  1. On 4/22/2017 at 3:52 PM, blazes said:

    You're quite right....I have no sympathy (or empathy) for this whining woman who has no dignity whatsoever.  I can't imagine a woman of 40 or 50 years ago bawling like this when some little thing in her life goes wrong.  Imagine if she  had to deal with bombs dropping in WW2 London or 1970s Hanoi.


    Let me know (no, don't ) why we should cut this woman a special deal...

    Well, I'm guessing you weren't on the flight, were you? And the video doesn't show the start of this.


    Unlike you, Mr. Blaming-the -victim, I'd go with the other passengers who witnessed the whole thing from start to finish (and I recommend to you to just keep your mouth shut). The fact that the FA was pulled off duty also points to the fact that AA feels that he crossed the line.

  2. 15 minutes ago, 4737 Carlin said:

    Says the one who lives in Europe. Why are you even on this forum if you don't live out here ? I'm not trying to change people's impressions and I'm not making things up - just telling it how it is. The OP was asking about moving to Cambodia from Thailand. I've lived in both countries for years so am qualified to give an opinion. As for Cambodia being a dump - a blind man would know it (due to the smell).

    It's none of your business what you are asking and the way you are behaving shows a lack of respect for others.


    What a joke your closing sentence is! The one thing that stinks for sure is your attitude. Good thing you left Cambodia.

  3. 12 hours ago, 4737 Carlin said:


    Its a dump - end of.

    And the "you must believe me and think the same" brigade has struck again.


    It's a dump for you due to how you see things.


    I don't own a tourist related business there, btw. The thought you could change people's own impressions by making up things here is ridiculous anyway.

  4. 22 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    as i said before Cambodia  its a horrible country sorry just mine honest opinion.crossing roads there its pure suicide.

    And in Thailand, it is what? How about Viet nam? Or India. Cambodia has only one big city, so your comment falls a bit flat.


    Must be something seriously wrong with me for liking the place and just rolling with the shortcomings - of course, there are things I don't like much either but I decide to not focus on those plus the same applies for any country, including our native ones). You don't have to like the place and you're entitled to your own opinion but after all these years on T.V. I still can't get over the hate that people work themselves into, like Cambodia has picked you out of all people and decided to make your life miserable and is to blame (Thailand gets it too in other threads, of course). Hint: It isn't the country, it's you, these are your own 'programs' coming up, as not everyone living there has the same experiences or feelings (and no, the posters on T.V. are not a representative group as negativity breeds keyboard warriors these days, intent on convincing others that their opinion is the only right one).


    It's obviously better if the negatively inclined posters don't come for a longer stay; wouldn't want you to be (even more) miserable and perhaps have to change your ways, Buddha forbid.


    So, yeah, it's a 'orrible place, stay away.

  5. swissie, my advice would be to travel to Kampot and befriend some of the older "long-termer's" who have been living quiet lives there. None of them won't post here. Then, take a look at nearby Kep also.


    Sihanoukville, I would avoid and is not a good bench mark for the country. I don't like SE Asian big cities, so for me, PP is out - but so are BKK, KUL, Saigon, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila - the pollution, the noise, lack of nature, no way, Jose.


    Cambodia is a gem for those who can take it for what it is and accept its significant imperfections (most of which will likely not concern you, despite Scouse123's dramatic tales which are heavily infused with his own personality, writing like a jilted lover, my god what business where you in and what expectations did you have), which IMHO are more than evened out by the freedoms you can enjoy there (can own your own company and can work w. the work permit) and the fewer hassles you'll have compared to Thailand (like 90 day reporting & visa runs).


    About myself: Lived & worked in Thailand from 2001 - 2005; been coming to Cambodia since 2003 and now up to 2 visits per year and preparing my move their in 2019 - I love the place.

  6. On 4/12/2017 at 9:12 AM, SiamBeast said:

    I've posted my views several times on this forum and it is obvious that I am extremely conservative. I don't believe in that "born gay" thing, because if it was true, we would have a way to select "gay foetuses" for termination. Since doctors have found no evidence of a gay gene, we can assume that homosexuality is (at least partially) determined by the education we receive at a young age, the things we are exposed to, and the relationship we have with our father (stats show a higher proportion of gays among broken homes). This means that there is a problem in the education that the kids receive. It might be on TV, in public schools, etc. it's pretty hard to determine, but there's something wrong with the way a lot of kids are raised.


    I know that my views might seem utopic but I believe in "nuclear families", i.e. a father married to a mother, who stay together, and have children who in return do the same thing. If you have noticed, we had the same thing in the Western world around 50-60 years ago - but many "social cancers" have plagued the society: extreme capitalism, feminism, mass immigration, etc. and that affected the world in the wrong way.


    So, gays do not affect my life in any way so there's no reason to hold anything personal against them - but perhaps we should question what we are exposing the young generation to. Look what happens when people don't make children anymore: we have to open the floodgates and let hordes of unskilled third-world migrants in, because governments and businesses still need money despite the shrinking population.


    Thailand's ancestors spent centuries propagating a very good and peaceful culture, let's not let that go to waste.


    We often get taught "homophobia is  bad", "women have the same rights", "equality for everyone", and often accept it without questionning because it "sounds" good. But when you start using critical thinking and start looking at the effects of this, you then realize that, actually, conservatism is the way forward if we want a healthy society.


    Your response and argumentation is simply ridiculous, not conservative. As if suddenly everyone will turn gay and we have reached the end of births in a country/society! This will never happen and the sky isn't falling. On the other hand, as long as anyone can remember a percentage of any human society has always been homosexual. Get over it - don't be gay if it's not for you, and don't be a hater, as they say - end of story.


    Gay behavior has so far been recorded in many animal species, either short or long term - that settles it, no? I've yet to hear of a "gay agenda/social cancers" in the animal kingdom.



  7. 16 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:


    That bad eh? Shall we send you a bucket? Have you thought about avoiding such topics / leaving such threads when the topic comes up? You do understand that other people feel quite differently about it and that this won't change as it affects them directly at the core of their being (because it's a part of who they are or their kids/a close relative or friend), while that's probably not the case with you.


    I laugh about your 'revenge comment' "Thailand will never..." as that is despite the point here and official recognition isn't needed on the personal level at all.


    Anyway, good luck to the happy couple, may you live happily ever after (and not encounter too many misguided homo phobes).

  8. 3 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Lol.... the guys dead, right?

    I think your overly generous as it's maybe not such a good result, at days end

    but... points for effort... maybe with more practice they might get it right.

    I don't think it's fair to blame the outcome on their efforts. We weren't there when he jumped, so hard to say why he missed the giant whoopee cushion.


    There are many things I did and would have told my father but never "Dad, you are 60 years old and maybe you don't need IT anymore (sounds like "you should not need IT anymore" to me)" - this is their last exchange in the trailer. The (Western?) idea that people as they age lose their right to sexuality is just wrong but then again, I have a penis myself...


    Looks like the movie might suffer a bit from not being able to even move beyond this basic issue but don't want to judge it yet before having seen the whole thing.


  10. Still, while the US$ strengthened since the US elections the KHR beat that hands down and appreciated even more. Sweet times for those invested in it and getting the higher interest rates for KHR.


    I wouldn't put it past the government to force people to use riel more and strengthen that trend.

  11. 6 hours ago, Toronto said:

    This is rubbish. Two men in their early 30s were sodomized against their will? Overcome so powerfully by an inhibitor! There's not a drug invented that could make me succumb to such a heinous crime.  And who would be so ill to perpetrate such an attack???  This is totally false. 


    A lot of ignorant & bizarre posts in this thread as expected but yours takes the cake perhaps. Can't remember a single person that ever claimed they could not be put under by Rohypnol/Propofol or any other strong anesthetic.  Congratulations, Superman - do make sure to report yourself to science.

  12. 22 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    A better lawyer might have made the case that they were 'defending their cultural values'. That's now a valid case as those values are demonstrably under threat by the volume of immigration. Few would condone the crassness of their approach, but it could be maintained, at least in mitigation, that they were making a meaningful contribution to their own heritage.


    You sound like you actually believe this and are not kidding.


    Do you honestly equate any person of color with '(white) values under threat'?

  13. It's like trying to discuss brain surgery with 1st graders.


    Do you guys get electric shots if researching a topic or listening to a panel of experts or did you just take some secret oath never to do that?


    Your medical doctors must hate you ... "No, doc, actually our bodies need high blood pressure to function well. All this anti-high blood pressure propaganda is just crazy talk."

  14. Seems that there is stupidity in numbers *for some* (I believe most footie fans are good blokes and wouldn't do something like this). Everyone knows by now that filming devices are now everywhere and will record any illegal behavior.


    How can one of the defendants claim "it wasn't racism" while chanting those words and engaging in the worst kind of racism under the circumstances? What other "secret ingredient" is necessary in his mind to make it "real racism"? This insanity of his attribution of some kind of 'reverse political correctness (or incorrectness)' is just mind boggling.


    Good to see the outcome of their actions but am wondering how Chelsea will enforce the bans.


    We need more contrarians who will show some spine and have the courage to speak up against harm-causing group-actions such as this one.


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