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Posts posted by mrdome

  1. Someone posted mental health issues in many homeless and I cant deny that. But what came first, the mental health issue or the homelessness.

    Excluding some cases of temporary situational or elective homelessness, in most cases the tendencies and cognitive processes come first. Nevertheless, a distinct mental illness may take a while to develop and be triggered by a traumatic experience (later) in life.

  2. But the definition of "gay" is a bit blurred over here: Guys who define themselves as straight do have sex with men, and why not. I have noticed over the years many guys who had gay relationships in their early twenties and at a later time fall in love with and married a girl.

    Hence the term MSM (men having sex with men) is used to classify these people, rather than gay.

    Ain't that the truth! How many guys engage in sexual acts with other men (and I do use the term "engage in" very widely here) while in prison or because they live in a strict muslim country, like Saudi Arabia (almost on a level with being in prison, imho)?

    Men just like to have sex, it seems and I hope that one day we will see us humans just as sexual beings without the need to create all these boxes and labels, discrimination and all that destructive hate.

  3. coffee1.gif Yes, I did the Singapore Airlines Singapore to New York flight quite a few years ago...the one that did a short (about 2 hour as I recall) stopover in Frankfurt...but the same aircraft all the way. Not sure if they still have that flight...but the Singapore to Newark flight sounds similar.

    The worst part was flying over Siberia with nothing but trees and snow to be seen for hours. And I had a window seat, too.

    Will never do that again. I was young then and thought I could handle the flight. Now, in my 60's, I wouldn't even think about such a flight again. As it was, in my 40's, it basicaly wore me out.

    That must have been somewhere around 1990 I guess...and was close to the limit of the range of most international passenger aircraft at that time.


    SQ still operates SIN - FRA - JFK to this day. I believe this is the first US bound flight that leaves FRA every morning for the U.S. at something like 8:30 a.m.

    However, SIN - FRA does not even come close to Siberia. It goes up via India/Pakistan/Middle East/Eastern Europe as always.

  4. The downside is that I think EVA will raise its airfares.

    Considering the price of oil and the fact that production won't increase, I think not only they will raise prices. I still remember flying to BKK from SFO on ANA for just over $600 return in July of '99. Seems like a dream now.

  5. ....no security guard has the right to club the guy on the head....

    Yes, they do and they routinely do it all over the world. The clubs are not for show only and these guys have the authority, which you accept by entering the system with your ticket.

    The big question is how did it get to the point of the clubbing? As we don't know, we simply cannot say if it was justified or not based on the actions of the other party. Nothing to do with "hatred of their own kind at all". If it were Thai-on-Thai, I'd still say the same thing.

  6. I know the people involved, heard about it when it happened & they have seen the CCTV footage which shows the whole episode, started by the guard hitting him with his metal detector, hence the cut eye at the start of the youtube clip.

    Yes, OK, but that was not the real start of the events. There must have been some kind of communication between the two parties. And without watching that we really judge what happened.

    I will say that Westerners and Thai have a hard time dealing with each other when it comes to confrontation. There's plenty misread signals and body language, fear and prejudice.

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