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Posts posted by mrdome

  1. Facts: I travel about 300km/year ...

    Holy cow, that's almost 6K miles a week! You must have a shedload of FF miles clap2.gif I read about one guy who's a Mega VIP on United who practically lives on their planes.

    That would take a strong person to "live" on a United plane if you think about their service and seats. ha ha And gosh their fly attendants. yuk yuk

    I collect my miles on UA as well. Let's face it, no airline and FF program is perfect. You pick the one (alliance) that serves your region and hope for the best...

  2. I'd say:

    - Don't stay in high rises or at least not above the 5th floor

    - When you flee upwards from a fire keep in mind that smoke also rises up and that nobody will be able to reach you until after the fire's been put out.

    - During most hotel fires, it's actually best to stay inside your room and prevent smoke from entering. Most people die in the hall ways after they were overcome by the toxic smoke.

    - Learn the escape routes from your room.

  3. What you can do if you have a ticketing agent (not the online type) is to hve 2 separate booklngs (1 inbound & 1 outbound). You can ask them to do a ticket booking for your return flight on the date yr Toursit Visa expires. Since no tcket was issued, you should not have to pay for that ticket unless you want to confirm it. This method is even advised to me by the Royal Thai Embassy in Manila when I flew my mother-in-law here on a Tourist Visa.

    Has anyone actually had success with this? I'm doubtful that the airline will play ball here.

  4. LPG is probably the most explosive material moved by road. In an explosion it will suck in as much oxygen as it needs to combust.

    Asking people in a radius of 250m to not use any sources of ignition and spraying water on the tanker is like swatting a rhino with a fly.

    If that load had ignited the blast would have been massive and many people would have died including a load from asphyxiation.


    What do you suggest they should have done then under the circumstances?

  5. This tubing craze is bizarre. A bunch of backpackers, then you add alcohol and water. Mix in large inflatable car inner tubes, more alcohol, loud music and spice it up with zero safety regulations.

    One thing is for sure. Backpackers will keep doing it in increasing numbers. Everyone thinks death wont happen to them.

    Why exactly is it "bizarre"? While I wouldn't do it myself, I can certainly see the attraction.

  6. Until Karma can b proved scientifically, it will always remain the dream of a thousand hippies.

    When I saw Banharn and Silpa-Archa sitting there with their smug faces sick.gif , after Barnharn role in the flooding, I hoped that soon something bad will happen to them (pure karmic thinking, not more). But again the poor have to pay for their stupidity and carelessness. Sad.

    I'm not a hippy and I believe in karma, it is a great misconception among many people, it is simple cause and effect on a simple level, but to study it in depth, the effects only arrise when the conditions are ripe. So that comment is somewhat ignorant IMO

    This again was a loss of life and cause of suffering because of complacency combined with bad luck. RIP to those who have died and to all of those effected by this tragic event.

    You say "complacency combined with bad luck"

    In other words it had nothing to do with karma?

    Don't misunderstand. There are at least two levels here, call one relative and the other absolute. On the relative level, it was shoddy execution that lead to this accident, in another accident it might be a human misjudgement or material fatigue or whatever but on the absolute level that you ended up being affected by this and others weren't is the karmic element. It works in the positive too, of course. This is of course, a very simplified explanation, so don't crucify me. jap.gif

  7. Until Karma can b proved scientifically, it will always remain the dream of a thousand hippies.

    When I saw Banharn and Silpa-Archa sitting there with their smug faces sick.gif , after Barnharn role in the flooding, I hoped that soon something bad will happen to them (pure karmic thinking, not more). But again the poor have to pay for their stupidity and carelessness. Sad.

    There are basically 3 explanation matters why things happen the way they do:

    1. There is this perfect guy sitting somewhere who, although perfect, decided to make us significantly less so for some reason and make a mess of things and who also seems to have a sick sense of humor and decides who will die today.

    2. Everything is random.

    3. Life is cause & effect, we make our own lifes through our actions.

    Easy pick, IMHO.

  8. Shouln't this have been called

    "Big Pig Problem In Little Thailand"

    Sorry, couldn't resist... coffee1.gif

    "...as soon as the house was paid for it all changed..." Unfortunately, it does and this sushi belt of a pattern keeps coming round & round again & again & again & again...

    Yet, who will head the warnings when love has blinded. Hopefully, someone can influence the happy groom to limit the damage in future cases, somewhat. In the end, we all have to make our mistakes and make the bed we lie in. It's all a part of living. Chok dee, krap.

  9. Let's be honest here, many drivers may not want to use the meter but insist on a flat fee. Be prepared for some hassle and having to "interview" a few drivers. And then some more if you do not want to use the toll roads. You may even be told to exit the cab and then some choice curse words when you refuse to tip a rude and pushy driver (based on a true experience, same time of day but from Hualamphong to Mor Chit).

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