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Everything posted by nausea

  1. "Frung-fring means girly bling-bling – think My Little Pony and magical unicorns." Per Coconuts Bangkok; so I guess the name has something to do with the fact they shimmer and glow in the dark; why this name should be "omnious" I don't know, but maybe I'm missing something.
  2. Well, it ain't a dark skinned Issan girl, that's for sure.
  3. Existential boredom is a luxury ailment, most guys are kept busy just trying to survive, and believe me, it doesn't get any easier as you get older.
  4. My gal was always going on about a nose job, I just paid for hair extensions on Khao San Rd. and she seemed happy,
  5. A lot of charities are a grift. Just be very sure your money is going to the people that need it.
  6. My bedroom has lots of chingchoks, which I don't mind as I understand they eat mosquitoes, which probably explains why my room, which is adjacent to greenery and has open (non-glass) windows, is very mosquito light. However, I've noticed three chingchoks recently recently, that lost their fear of me, slowly stopped moving and eventually died (at least the first two did, the third is in the slowly losing movement phase). Anybody know what's going on here?
  7. It all adds to the flavour 555.
  8. I didn't know how priviliged I was when I was scraping the frost from the inside of my bedroom windows as a a kid in the UK, waiting for Dad to start the coal fire.
  9. And the lesson is: choose your victims carefully.
  10. I don't know, maybe the UK authorities will never pick up on all these guys living in Thailand and claiming UK residence. But it's a bit like living with the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head, rather you than me; though I can sorta understand it for those totally dependent on the State Pension, they've no choice really, if they want to stay here.
  11. Why would someone take pet dogs for slaughter? Like there's not enough strays to go around. Indicates a particularly sociopathic mindset if you ask me.
  12. This literary niche/genre has been done to death. The Damage Done was sorta interesting but now it's zzzzzzz.
  13. Live and let live, I say. Never a good idea to get between the goose and the gander, or the gander and the gander 555.
  14. Missing - "Fred, I've got a sudden craving ... "
  15. My own view is that this activity is relatively benign; given that teenagers will blow off steam by getting up to some kind of illicit shenanigans, no matter what you do, and there are a lot worse things than street racing.
  16. India and China are Thailand's natural markets, given the rise of the eastern economies, and the decline in your average Westerner's earning power.
  17. Just 3 days away; very welcome for those of us that don't use aircon much. I must say though, that I've been here so long that my blood has thinned, and I need an extra layer and a banket at night, even at these rather benign temperatures.
  18. I was a bit puzzled how a special services soldier might drown fishing, given that their training is pretty tough and excludes the more fragile types, but I missed the bit about him being a former special services soldier, and then I saw his age - 69.
  19. I didn't realise Thais sometimes bury their dead, I thought everyone, even paupers and the unclaimed, were cremated.
  20. If you leave stuff like that unattended on a beach you're just asking for trouble.
  21. A Luxembourg passport holder working as an illegal tour guide? Jesus, things must be worse in Europe than I thought.
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