To address the question, walking stick defense is probably the best option. At 62, you can get away with carrying a cane.
Personally, I'm all for risk avoidance. Don't bounce so well, these days (67). Apart from that, get psychologically attuned to violence, as Mike Tyson said: "everyone has a plan until they get to get punched in the mouth". At 62, how you get this, I don't know. Maybe do some Muai Thai stuff, just to ground you in reality. As far as I can see most Thai confrontations are based on hidden knives, guns, or mob violence.
I can tell you one thing, having dabbled in a lot of these things in my youth, traditional martial arts won't work, and I include MMA in that definition. It's all great for one on one confrontations with rules.You might also want to look at "Get Tough" by W.E. Fairbairn. Good enough for the British commandos during WWII, good enough for me.
I must say you should've learned all this stuff in the schoolýard, coming to it this late in the game is rather telling of modern society.
To sum up: risk avoidance, develop your situational awareness, psychological toughness, and have one or two tricks up your sleeve if push comes to shove, and give yourself an edge, carry a cane.