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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. What it rally means is that Iran will not directly target Israelis themselves.

    They will simply "sub-contract" the job to locals using an intermediary so they can claim their hands are clean.

    It's the same thing the PLO did in Palestine when they decided to go the "political" route as they weren't making any ground in wiping out Israel via the terrorist route.
    They claimed to have given up terrorism but in reality just handed off the dirty work to groups led by young idealists eager to prove themselves.

    The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the same thing. Terrorists dating back to the late 1920s. They too decided to go "political" and hand off the terrorism work to "third party" groups so they could pretend to be non-violent.

    (And as it is World Cup time and it's being hosted in Qatar it's worth noting that Qatar was/is a major sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the branches that are still "terrorist". But they also host a large US military contingent so people look the other way. Just like they did during the Arab Spring when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain (with Saudi assistance), the UAE and others violently put an end to the protests in their countries.)

    Note that Iran (at least the religious whackos) refuses to disavow their pledge to annihilate Isreal. And here's a hint. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with Palestine. Iran doesn't give a toss about them. It's all about loathing the idea of a non-Muslim democracy in the middle of the "Muslim" empire.


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  2. It is almost routine that when the police raid a club - anywhere, at any time - they do urine tests on everyone. And I mean everyone. If your test comes out purple (indicating drug use) it's off to the station with you. (You may want to call your lawyer before you get there.)

    I remember when they were doing some crack-downs on Walking Street a few years ago. It made the news when they raided Lucifers and a number of (locals) broke through the police lines and ran off down the street.
    There's basically one way in and out of Lucifers and (the last time I was there) it was down a hallway behind another bar. When the cops raided the place, there was a rush for the door and a couple dozen people apparently were able to push their way through and escape.

    Everyone else, foreigner and Thai, had to do a p-test. They nabbed a few people and found some discarded drugs in the club (probably dropped by the people who ran for the door).

    I recall one night coming back from the bars on the Harley. The girl I was bringing home was following on her scooter. We ran into a police check on the railway bypass road just before the Boonsamphan intersection.
    I pulled up, cop looks at me and waves me through. I carry on but the girl got stopped. She showed up nearly 30 minutes later because they decided she had to do a p-test, right there on the side of the road.

    Luckily she was clean. Had her test been purple they would have tossed her in the police wagon they had waiting and eventually take her to soi 9. She would have been stuck there for hours waiting for an official report to be drawn up and then had to pay a large fine. (1,000 baht or so.)

    I think that was about the standard fine they were handing out back then as long as you didn't have any drugs on you.

    And no, they don't need your permission and you don't have a "right" to say no. 

    Same for the breathalyzer test. If you refuse to blow, that's a crime and they can (and will) haul you to the closest hospital and have them draw a blood sample and test it.

    Which they will also do if you've been in an accident. And you can't say no to that either.

    You're not in (insert liberal Western country that is soft on drugs and criminals here) anymore Toto !


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  3. I've had vendors ask me to cancel orders because they realized they vastly underpriced something and would lose money if they completed the order.

    No sweat. Lazada asks why you are cancelling and there's an option for "vendor requested" (or similar wording).

    I've had numerous vendors ship things using non-Lazada transport without issue. Considering that a lot of vendors sell a lot of large, heavy stuff, I'd have to wonder why one wouldn't want to.

    It's possible they don't actually have the item and are hoping you'll go to their shop and they might be able to sell you something else. I wouldn't take cash. If they won't do a bank transfer or a debit card scanner, I'd look elsewhere.

    What I often do is, when I find an item I like, I copy the first few words of the description for it, open a new (duplicate) window and paste the words into the search bar.

    Then use the "Low to High" filter and scroll through to see how many other vendors may be selling the same thing - sometimes at much lower prices.

    But if you see numerous vendors with almost exactly the same item, description and price, it's probably the same guy. A lot of them will have multiple "store fronts" and list the same things on them with maybe a tiny difference in price.

    Also watch for the latest scam where vendors show a picture of an item with a really good price and when you click on the link you go to their storefront, but if you "add" the item to the cart it turns out to be something completely different. Like you see a high back chair for 300 baht, click on it, go to the page, see the chair and price, "Add" it to your cart, go to your cart and see it's now a plastic stool.

    And when you click on the item you thought you had selected, it turns out to be a much higher price. Look at the other items offered and see a bunch more high priced chairs and a couple low priced stools.

    It isn't a bug and it's been happening across a range of vendors and different kinds of items. I noticed they are doing it on AliExpress too so it seems to be a fairly organized scam.

    I almost got caught a couple weeks ago when I was going to order an air mattress for a friend.
    I found the one I had ordered months ago and clicked on it. It took me to the vendors page, showed the air mattress, storage bag and inflator bag (with a "+" sign between them). Clicked to "Add" to cart.

    Realized it was the wrong colour. Clicked on a different colour and the price was nearly double ! Checked a couple others and the same thing.
    Went to my cart and saw that instead of a mattress, bag and inflator bag, all that was there was the inflator !
    Went back to the vendors site and sure enough, the inflator bag could be purchased separately - for the price I'd previously paid for the whole kit.

    It's like a "bait and switch" scam and I'm kind of surprised Lazada (and AliExpress) are letting them get away with it (as I'm sure they must know about by now as it's been going on for quite awhile).

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  4. 7 hours ago, 1948wjm said:

    Have any members had any recent experience on returning to Thailand with a valid extension in passport but no re-entry permit ???

    Yeah, you're pretty much screwed.
    I know a guy who did the same thing. Just forgot to get a re-entry permit before going home. Came back - so sorry, 30 day stamp for you ! (Yeah I know it's 45 days - now - but wasn't - then.)

    Had to literally start the process all over again from scratch with the only plus being he already had the finance part ready.

    Then again, the same guy was also denied an Extension one year because he was one of those guys that was transferring almost exactly the minimum amount needed for the monthly transfer method - and did'nt watch the exchange rates.
    When he went to renew, it was declined because (he says) one month the amount was 20 baht under the minimum.

    My understanding is that there are quite a few who do that, transfer the bare minimum with almost no wriggle room at all to account for exchange rate changes or banking delays or transfer fee changes.

    When your entire Extension rides on you having to have that minimum amount being transferred each month, you'd think they'd err on the side of caution but no, that might cost them the equivalent of a quarter of a glass of (warm) draft beer each month and who wants to risk that !


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  5. 1 hour ago, Tuvoc said:

    Really unfortunate when that happens accidentally. I'll be doing it deliberately at some point though. My retirement extension is currently in my UK passport, but I want it in my New Zealand passport going forwards. The only way I know of achieving that it to let the existing permission to stay lapse and start all over again. 

    Did you try to have the stamps transferred to your other passport ?

    I've done it twice with no problems, though both times the passports were from the same country.

    But if you fill out the form (to have your stamps transferred) and tell the IO a story about why you are switching passports, they may do it without problem.

    Line 21: https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/downloads_en/


  6. At Jomtien they won't synch your 90 Day and your Extension so I have to schedule my 90 day reports to stretch out the periods a bit so that I do a Report on the day I pick uo my passport with my new Extension stamp. (Otherwise you end up having to go a week before your Extension one year, then 2 weeks before, then 3 weeks before and so on.)

    When I go back in 90 days for the next report I do the "bank book check" at the same time.

    And at Jomtien, you do both from the tent in the parking lot now. Drop off your passport (and Bank balance paperwork), grab a coffee and wait for your passport to come back and off you go.

    I was pretty sure those bank balance checks were not required as they seem to just get tossed in a file basket and ignored. Can't see someone wasting their days sifting through them all trying to find one person that may have dipped into his/her 800k in the last 3 months and then hunting that person down to revoke their Extension. 

    Maybe one day the "check" will be dropped just like the TM.6 was finally dumped, when they found that Immigration was renting warehouses to store all those TM.6 Arrival cards going back decades. (When you think about it, they were getting nearly 40 million arrivals a year before covid. Even if only half those arrivals had to do TM.6 cards, that's 20 million cards a year for however many years they've been using them, all put in storage "somewhere" for no real reason.)

    Just like the "Bank Balance Check" form and photocopies. Are they stored somewhere, waiting in case they bust someone who dipped into their 800k ? Are they shredded a year later when they become redundant ? Or are they sitting in boxes in a warehouse somewhere ?

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  7. This "idea" was already made into law months ago.

    I noticed last month, when I was looking at booking a room in Buriram in December, that some hotels already had dual pricing on their rooms.

    And it wasn't "300 baht" more. It was 750 baht more. For every room type, for every date.

    Luckily I found another place a couple hundred meters away that charged one price regardless of skin colour (and you can bet that is the determining factor most of the time.).

    This is something other countries should reciprocate as well as the land ownership prohibition.

    Make it a law that Thai citizens have to pay more to stay in hotels in other countries and are forbidden from buying land in those countries.

    How long before the "elite" started howling for change ?

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