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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. Yeah that was annoying. I think they were being DDOS'd (Distributed Denial of Service attack) and that kicked in the 2 step verification.

    Took me awhile of trying to get the verification code by SMS or email until I lucked into the "click on <send>" and got the verification code.

    And as Card mentioned, if you use the email method and don't see one from Lazada after clicking on the "send", check your junk/spam folder. Microshi* sees the email as coming from an online retailer and may think it's junk.

    • Like 1
  2. Well, I like to modify my dates so that I only have to go 4 times a year (to do the 90 day reports). (Jomtien Immigration won't synch your 90 Day reports with your Extension renewals.)
    As a result, I end up doing my 2nd and 3rd 90 Day reports 3-4 days later than the date on the Notification.  That way, the 4th report lands on the same day I go to do my next Extension renewal. 

    I'm guessing that's not possible if you use the app ?

  3. One of the private hospitals I booked with a couple months ago just sent an message telling my that my "queue" number can make a booking between now and later March.
    I'm just waiting for a friend to book their appointment so we can travel at the same time.

    If successful, then I'll cancel my booking with Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. I don't expect there to be a hassle with the refund.

  4. One of the private hospitals I booked with a couple months ago just sent an message telling my that my "queue" number can make a booking between now and later March.
    I'm just waiting for a friend to book their appointment so we can travel at the same time.

    If successful, then I'll cancel my booking with Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. I don't expect there to be a hassle with the refund.

  5. 1 hour ago, johng said:

    I think I read in another article  the will be 3 stages  one at north Pattaya  one at "Central"

    and one  at "Royal Garden"      as well as other stages  on Koh larn  and at the usual place in Jomtien  near the (ex) night market...not much of interest for any foreign tourist brave ( or stupid) enough to attend as there are no foreign bands playing,no alcohol,no bars open,talk of not allowing the usual food vendors,only 500 per stage and Covid testing before entry to stage areas !!!!!   I think I'll give it a miss thanks :bah:

    That would make sense (the various stages) as  they are apparently pumping a lot of bands/acts through each weekend. Too many for a single stage.

    I recall the festival they had last year (same day as Loy Kratong I think) and we were on North Pattaya Beach. Didn't even know there was a stage and music happening until we were driving home and made the turn (from Beach Rd onto Central Pattaya Rd).

    The stage and speakers were all aimed towards South Pattaya and at the north end of the beach you couldn't hear a thing.

    I can also imagine that no one will know which acts will appear on which stage, until after they have performed !

    Hope the rain holds off. I recall last year it rained (remember the bikini run on the beach which ended up being rather damp). Which reminds me..........

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    I set it to pay automatically each and every month direct debit, there is nothing to do ! Set it and forget it.

    Same same (but the same) ! 

    Can't seem to do it for the water bill though. And, as I recently found out, if you go to a store/7-11 eight days after the bill was issued, they can't process it so you have to make a trip to the Water Authority office to pay in person.

    They have an app, if you have a banking app on your phone (so the 2 apps can get together and do things with your money). After 20 minutes of the nice young lady at the PWA trying to set it up on my phone only to have me tell her I don't have any banking apps, she pointed me to a walk-up window 20 meters away - which is what I wanted to do right at the beginning any ways.

  7. Last time I stayed at a hotel in Koh Chang, the pillows were so awesome I was tempted to steal a couple. Best I've ever slept on but I have no idea about brand or where to buy.

    I've bought pillows from Big C and other places. Some turn out to be filled with bits of torn foam and clothe. Others are some kind of foam that compresses in the middle and never regains it's shape.

    I prefer something that can be washed though. Even though I change the pillowcases every week (or more often if it's warmer), I notice the pillow starts showing "sweat stains" after a couple months so I toss it into the washer with a healthy dose of laundry soap and a cup of bleach (kill all those little mites living in there).

    Can't really do that with feather pillows though (they need to be dry-cleaned, just like feather sleeping bags) and proper dry cleaners are a rare thing around here (at least in Pattaya).

  8. Every active company has to file an annual "balance sheet" as well as renew the company registration. Usually this is done by which ever firm set up the company for you. Assuming they know how to get a hold of you of course.
    Twice a year my lawyers contact me to let me know which bill is due. The amount they charge depends on the firm. Doesn't matter if the company has no assets or does no business.

    Closing a company can be a major pain in the "assets".
    I just so happen to have the list of things my law office says needs to be done to close a company with no assets.
    Meeting Report
    Company Update
    Company Closure
    Final Balance sheet.

    Assuming no assets, about 46,000 baht all told, depending on who does it for you (different places charge different rates).

    If there's property to be transferred (say a house/condo into the wife's name for example) add another 10,000 for the transfer (and another 10,000 for a legal lease so you don't end up getting kicked out and homeless the next day).
    Plus taxes and fees for "selling" the house to the spouse, more fees if there's no "cheque" showing that someone paid (whatever amount) for the property.

    Basically, for a property valued around 1.2 million, I was told I'd be looking at about 166,000 baht to "sell" the house, do all the paperwork and then close the company. (The land office determines what the property value is and that's what the tax is based on, regardless of how much you actually sell it for, even if it's just a "paper" transaction.)

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Henryford said:

    I presume at some point in the middle they are outside the 12 mile limit (if that is the Thailand territorial waters). Seems crazy though.

    However, if they are "outside" of territorial waters, then indeed there should be Immigration concerns as well.

    Despite there being no stop-overs (in "foreign" waters/ports) during the journey.

    Can you imagine the mess that would make ?

    I don't recall any such issues with the other ferries, like the one that used to run from Pattaya to Hua Hin. Got to wonder why there are so many problems with this venture.

  10. Went last year. It was entertaining, but hotter than ****.

    I only watched 3 of the "races" after spending the morning wandering around taking pics and watching the parade and other festivities. They were taking 25-30 minutes to run each race (which lasts about 20 seconds) and I didn't want to spend all afternoon waiting to watch a couple more races.

    I wanted to go this year but couldn't find out when it was being held. Last year it was on 1 Oct. This year I found a travel website that said it was on the 19th (or 20th). I even tried searching in Thai and on the Chon Buri gov't websites with no luck.

    Seems it's the day before the full moon in October (the end of Buddhist Lent).

    There's a lot of similar festivals around the country that no one seems to know about - until after they are over of course. 

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