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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. So they haven't detected any other cases in Thailand other than the one Nigerian tourist, but now they are thinking he may have contracted the disease in Thailand ?

    He arrived in Thailand in October 2021, spent some time in Chiang Mai before going to Phuket. In July he went to the hospital as he'd developed blisters on his dick.
    When they figured out it was monkey pox they told him to come in for treatment but he decided to skip the country instead.

    What about the 19 people he supposedly had "close contact" with in Phuket ? Supposedly they were all tested by 25 July and the results were supposed to be back by the 28th.

    I just saw a report on an English language Chinese news site dated 2 days ago soys that a 2nd case has been discovered. A Thai man in Bangkok.

    • Thanks 1
  2. My 1st trip here (Feb 1993) I think the exchange rate was about 20/1 (Baht to Canadian). I remember buying 5 t-shirts for 100 baht and laughing at the bargain prices.

    In 1997, much of SE Asia was hit by the "Asian Flu" banking crisis brought on when Rakesh Saxena, an Indian national working for the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, swindled the bank out of billions of baht before fleeing the country (to Canada of course, where he lived in luxury for over 10 years, committing even more crimes, until finally being extradited back to Thailand).

    His swindles cause the collapse of the Bank of Commerce, which lead to massive losses at other banks (who buy/sell/lend each other money all the time).

    That cause the Thai baht to take a dump of course and led to unrealistically high exchange rates for awhile.
    By the early 2000's, things had settled down and, unfortunately, Thai banks started dropping their interest rates. A lot.

    Remember that after the Tsunami in Dec 2004, the World Bank offered to loan Thailand money and Thaksin, despite being a crook himself, basically told them to shove it. (Because the money came with "strings attached". Conditions that the World Bank expected Thailand to meet in order to get the money. However, Thailand had mostly recovered from the banking crisis a few years earlier and, aside from the downswing after the tsunami, tourism numbers had been on a stead climb.)
    They really didn't need to borrow money from anyone.

    Around 2008-2010, I was getting 32/33 baht to the dollar and the US was around 35-37. That was when oil prices were going through the roof.
    It was quite annoying at one point when the Canadian dollar was worth almost $1.10 US, but the US dollar was getting 3 baht more on the exchange rate in Thailand (because the Thai gov't had pegged the exchange rate to the US dollar instead of letting it float naturally).

    (And no, it wasn't worth buying American $$ and then converting to Thai baht as the loss on the exchange fees would negate any gains on the rate differences. I had calculated at the time that I'd have to be doing over $100,000 in transactions to even make a small profit, which could be wiped out in a moment if the rates changed before you could get a transaction completed.)

    Then of course, the Liberals (in Canada) got into power again and our dollar took another massive dump. Historically, going back to just after the end of WW2, every time a Liberal gov't is in power, the Canadian dollar loses value.
    Normally, when a Conservative gov't is in office, the dollar gains strength, or at least doesn't take a massive drop.

    After Trudeau gained power, our exchange rate went down to around 23/1. Not far off from where it was back in 1993.
    It's up to about 28/1 now, but more from the Thai baht losing strength than the Canadian dollar gaining strength.

    Transferring money is a <deleted> shoot because you transfer a wad today and next week kick your self because you could have gained a couple thousand baht if you'd just waited a bit longer.

    Or, you wait a bit longer and realize that you should have done it a week ago because doing it now means you'll lose a couple thousand.

    I'm sure a lot of people thought the baht would take a massive drop when the stopped letting tourists into the country. How the baht didn't drop dramatically I can only guess. Most likely the gov't just set the exchange rate ("pegged it") to the US dollar to prevent a massive drop in value.

    Just have to hope some other con artist businessman swindles another bank out of billions and causes another Asian Flu. Just so long as it doesn't happen to "my" bank !


    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Thank you... it has been irritating me for a while trying to remember that!

    It was called the Blue Lagoon before that. Some Scandinavians owned it (part of the Samurai motorcycle club). They relocated to a place just off of Beach road.
    The owner of the Wet 'n Wild was using it as a front and was on the run from the cops "back home". He apparently upset the wrong people over here as well and got busted back in 2009 I think it was.

    Never heard what happened to the bar after that. 

    Used to be a hoot to go there on a Friday evening as they had the cheapest drink prices of any go-go and never any customers ! I'd be in there alone at 10 pm with 20-22 half naked dancers. Dancing on those large, metal, reflective tables. In their little short skirts with no knickers on.

    It was rough I tells ya !

    (The bar got in trouble a few times after I took girls up to the pool, or the sauna, or the jacuzzi. Apparently we "made too much noise".)  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. On 7/21/2022 at 3:52 PM, Shuggy said:

    There used to be a gogo bar in Pattaya with a huge fish tank that the girls would swim in.

    On 7/22/2022 at 7:41 AM, jacko45k said:

    There was a Go-Go bar off Tai in Centre Condo 


    On 7/21/2022 at 3:07 PM, Kerryd said:

    Wet 'n Wild

    Checking to see if I have any "safe for ThaiVisa" photos of the tank there.

    Hmmm - appears I may have to edit a couple.

    Almost forgot to check the reflections and what appears on the far right.

    Never liked the "green" water. Kept telling the manager they should clean that tank and fill it with fresh water but that would have taken effort (and money) so they left it as is.




    Some fond memories of that place.


    • Like 1
  5. I got another email from Paypay yesterday, informing me (again) that my (personal, not business) account would be suspended if I didn't register with the NDID.
    Which of course we can't do.

    I posted in PayPal's "help" forum. I noted that not only can we not get a Thai ID, but we can do things like get driver's licenses, open bank accounts and buy condos using our Passports as ID.
    Doubt I'll get an answer there.

    I also emailed the NDID and asked them if there was an alternative method of registering, like using our passports, which are good enough for pretty much everything else in Thailand.

    I'm guessing I won't hear anything from them either.

    Ah well, PayPal won't miss all the money going both ways from people living here, will they ? 

    They seemed to take notice when this scheme first broke and we were going to have our accounts shut down last Spring, which was then delayed "indefinitely".

    Got to lol. On one hand they are trying to attract people to come to Thailand and then on the other hand they are trying to make it so no one wants to be here !

  6. 1 hour ago, Wytchend said:

    Any mention as to...............why?

    Gotta be a back story to this one?


    At the end of the video he says "I want my ****ing money. Give me my ****ing money Bangkok Bank."

    And no, he's not "French".

    For what ever reason, he's been on overstay since mid-April. 

    From the sounds of it, he tried to get money from an ATM and it didn't work (for whatever reason).
    (No, Immigration doesn't put a "hold" on someone's bank account as soon as they are on overstay so don't bother speculating about that.)

    Could be his card expired and he didn't renew it - because they'd want to see his passport. 
    My card was set to expire next month and every time I went to an ATM, as soon as I punched in my PIN I got a message across the screen (impossible to ignore) that my card was going to expire next month.

    As I had to go to the bank to get my annual bank letter, I took the time to also get a new card.

    No hassles and the bank letter only cost 100 baht, as per usual.
    No charge for the new ATM card and they gave me a choice of Mastercard or Union Pay (for the ATM system, not a credit card). As per usual though, they had to make a copy of my passport to attach to the paperwork.

    Could be a dozen reasons why he did what he did but the end result is, he'll sit in jail until he goes to court, he'll be fined for the damages and ordered deported (and blacklisted for the overstay) and then sit in jail until he can pay the fine and pay for a plane ticket home.

    Not the smartest rock in the pile as they say !

  7. 2 minutes ago, chalawaan said:

    It's always been this way, you just hear about all the horror in the world everyday now because internets.

    When I first came to LoS all Thai news was in Thai. But the front pages were in colour by then, and every day there were corpses galore as the leader story. 

    If anything, they've cleaned that up somewhat, the gory photos anyway.


    Yeah, they used to show corpses splattered on the road or hanging from trees, but blurred out boobs and cigarettes.

    And it was common to publish the facepage of a foreigner's passport as well as their full address (and I mean full address). Used to laugh when someone from a "M.uslim" country would get into a drunken altercation with some ladyboys (or get roofied and robbed by the same) and they'd publish his full name, nationality, country as well as his passport face page.

    • Like 2
  8. I've ordered a number of things from Ali over the years. Some things arrive quickly and hassle free. Other things never show up.

    Note with Ali. When you place an order, the "vendor" is supposed to process the order within a certain time limit so they almost immediately tag the order as "Packed" or even "Shipped" when they haven't actually done anything at all.
    What this does is maintain their "order response" level and keeps you from cancelling the order, The system thinks the order is on it's way to you.

    But on Ali, that means they have something like 3 MONTHS to actually get the item to you (after it's been tagged as shipped).

    And you can't raise a dispute until AFTER the 3 months have passed !

    For example, on 17 January I ordered a set of replacement tent poles.
    According to Ali:
    Expected delivery date:  Jan 20, 2022 - Jan 24, 2022

    When you check the order details:
    Awaiting delivery

    If you do not receive the order within 26 days , you can open a dispute.

    So I have to wait until mid-April and if they haven't arrived by then, I can go through the dispute process. (Note that the tracking number they assigned to the order "can't be found". That's because all they did was reserve a number, but haven't actually registered it in the couriers tracking system.)

    Beware though.
    I had another set of poles on order and after a month they were still listed as "shipped" even though they hadn't left the factory yet. (I was watching the "tracking number" and it hadn't moved. Sometimes they'll tag a package as being "sent to sorting center" or something and then "returned from sorting center", meanwhile, on the tracking website of the actual courier, it shows that the tracking number has only "been assigned" (or reserved) but isn't actually active in the system, which would trigger timing flags to prompt the courier to move the item.)

    I sent a simple message to the vendor asking them the status of the order.
    They responded by telling me the order had been shipped and the delay was caused by Customs (in Thailand) and then accusing me of doing "exceptional harm" to their business by opening a dispute.
    I responded (harshly) that I had not opened a dispute, I had asked them (not Ali) a simple question and there was no way that would have done "exceptional harm" to their business in less than 9 hours as no one but them knew I'd even sent the message.

    They responded the next day to inform me that they had checked the warehouse and didn't have stock of the item and asked me to cancel the order.
    (After telling me the day before that they'd shipped it and it was held up in Customs which I knew was a lie.)

    I tried to cancel the order. Many times. I used Ali's "chat" (repeatedly). Linked the order. Linked the message from the vendor. Never heard anything back.

    Couple weeks later I noticed that the refund hadn't been processed. Went to Ali only to find they'd marked the order as "delivered" and because it was past the 15 day limit, I couldn't open a dispute !!! :mad:

    It's not always like that though.

    At the same time I ordered the (2nd) set of poles, I also ordered a tent. After 6 weeks of nothing happening, suddenly it started to move and it arrived 2 weeks later. Maybe the poles (I no longer need) will eventually show up as well.

    Lazada is much better if you can find the item you are looking for.

    Note that many vendors on Lazada have zero stock of the items they list in their store. You order from them, they order from Ali (normally) and have them ship it to you. However, a "Lazada vendor" seems to get a higher priority on orders on Ali than "Joe Blow from Isaan" does.

    Tip. If you find something on Ali, copy part of the item description and then search for it on Lazada. Many of the vendors (on Lazada) simply copy/paste the information directly from Ali (pictures and all). 
    (Which is also why you see the exact same listings for an item over and over again, exact in every detail except for the price and name of the "shop" selling the item. I'm certain that a lot of "shops" are set up by one person who lists the same things with slightly different prices so that no matter which one you pick, he makes the sale.)


    • Like 2
  9. 14 hours ago, bstafford214 said:

    For people who rely on PayPal to receive payments from overseas, they will no longer be able to do so without a registered business account. 

    Online teachers, freelance workers, digital nomads or even people in Thailand who use PayPal to receive money from friends and family overseas will have to find an alternative.


    Here is the real kicker and many people who are trying to run an online shop as their main business are being shut down by this Greedy Thai Government.

    I never panicked when I first heard about the issue because they said it was accounts that only receive money (in Thailand) from sources out of country that would be affected, i.e. "digital nomads" and others working in Thailand while pretending to be tourists.

    It's unlikely that PayPal's reversal had anything at all to do with a few foreigners closing their accounts. Why do the tiny, wee percentage of foreigners in Thailand keep thinking that the world (and Thailand specifically) revolves around them ?

    It is far more likely that it was all the little vendors all over the country (like the ones on Lazada or various "Facebook" shops as well as the restaurants and food vendors that supply all those "Grab" delivery people) who receive a lot of payments through PayPal that complained and caused PayPal to reverse their decision.

    And some people are just ID-10-Ts.
    I had a Thai friend who had his PayPal account frozen. Turns out a guy he knew (American) from a motorcycle gang he wanted to join asked to use his PayPal account (and associated email account) so my friend gave him the log-ins/passwords.

    Turns out the guy was selling stuff from the USA like marijuana seeds and hydroponic supplies and of course, didn't want to use his own PayPal account or email where the transactions could be traced back to him. (Basically, the money was all coming in from the US but withdrawals were being made in Thailand.)

    PayPal flagged the account for suspicious activity and my friend couldn't prove that the transactions were legit because he had no idea what was going on (until I showed him and explained what was happening and why that guy was using my friend's account instead of his own).

    So he screwed himself and his only choice was to basically abandon the account as he couldn't "unfreeze" it. (I have no doubt he probably opened a new account and then gave access to it to that guy again, or someone else.)

    I use PayPal when paying for Lazada and some other transactions. It's better than it used to be. In the early days they were pathetic. I had a credit card with a $12,000 dollar limit but PayPal told me I was restricted to $1,000 (total) - unless I "verified" my identity by giving them my banking details ! They wanted access to my bank account !
    And despite paying off my credit card within days of making a transaction, as soon as I reached the "$1,000 total" PayPal froze the account !

    I sent them a couple emails, no reply. Sent them a nasty one and then closed the account.

    Didn't open a new one until something like 15 years later (while I was overseas) and it's worked fine, without having to give them my banking details.

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