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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. I answered fairly honestly (26-30/week), but a lot depends on what is happening. The other week I went to a couple of parties at different establishments and drank quite a bit.

    This week I've hardly gone out at all (2 on Friday, 3 last night, that's it). 26-30/week is probably a good average for me.

    But compare that to when I was working. 0 drinks for 2,3, maybe even 4 months at a time. No big deal.

    I have a full bottle of Mekong, another of Sang Som, 3/4's of a bottle of Kaluha and 1/2 a bottle of Bailey's in my cupboard. The Mekong and Sang Som have sat there untouched for almost 2 years. The Kaluha and Bailey's haven't been touched in over 6 months. No big deal.

    But on some nights, I might decide to have some fun, go to a bar and quaff 12-15 whiskey/cokes. No big deal, don't do it every night, and rarely more than twice a week.

    My dad used to drink too much. Even during work nights, he'd come home in the afternoon and crack open a new 26er of whiskey, finishing it before going to bed. Next day, same thing. On weekends, he'd go for the 40oz bottles instead.

    He had to quit cold-turkey after contracting Hep-C (possibly from a dead cow on a farm he was working on). In any event, the doctor told him he was close to dying already, as a result of his excessive drinking, his liver was close to shutting down. The Hep-C almost killed him as well. The doc told him if he drank again, he'd die, period.

    That was in 1988. Hasn't touched a drop since then. Still smokes more than a pack a day though. I think his prime motivation in life now is to outlive me :o

  2. Too bad, we must have just missed. I showed up with Mrs. raro at 9:30 and asked all five people if they come from Thaivisa and got only blank stares as an answer...anyways, another friend of mine came and we had got significantly intoxicated while enjoying this very good (albeit not good enough :o ) band...

    Aanyways, will be there next Friday again at about the same time. No, I do not own shares in their business.

    I was probably driving away as you arrived !

    Glad I didn't bother asking those same 5 people if they were from TV. They'd probably start getting annoyed if every new arrival in the bar asked them the same question.

    At least I know where the place is for the next time. I did notice the signs for that "head-ache" remedy spot across the street. Got to check it out one day (I used to be a competition shooter years ago). Might want to do that before going drinking though. :D

  3. Fox - u sorted out new ownership at the Cozy yet?

    Walked passed that bar on Friday night. Seemed to be operating normally. I would have stopped in but was trying to get to the Easy Rider bar to meet other members :o

    Sigh, another opportunity lost in Paradise ! :D

  4. It RAINed again here in Pattaya, for those of you that care.

    It doesn't seem to be helping with the water situation though :o

    It's been over 2 weeks of shortages/cut-offs now in this area of town.

    Funny how the current soon-to-be-ex lives a couple hundred meters away, on the other side of #3 Road, and hasn't had any cut-offs or shortages. :D

  5. TV Pissup in Pattaya (15 July)



    ScoopyBoobies (arai wah! :D )






    Jai Dee

    Sunny Valentine

    Game4Shame ?????



    Seems to be a few names missing from the local TV contingent. :o

    Hope it doesn't end up like some of the other meets, where people sat around in small groups, and hardly anyone talked to anyone else (unless they already knew them).

    I need to get a t-shirt made up with my avatar and knick on it. Then everyone will know who to stay away from ! :D:D

  6. Did anyone else actually show up ?

    I arrived almost exactly at 9, having wandered around lost by the Alcazar show (had no clue where Tiffany's was, despite driving past it numerous times, never realized where it was). Found the Cosy Bar though (it looked to be operating normally, despite it's "ownership" being in jail at the time).

    Saw 2 farang/Thai couples, and 1 farang couple at Easy Riders. Couple of cute waitresses as well. It started sputtering rain just as I ordered my second drink. Finished my drink and the rain seem to be holding off, so I decided to scoot before getting caught in a downpour.

    Guess the local members need a little more incentive to leave their keyboards on a Friday night ?

  7. 1 complete month smoke free now !!!! :D (32 days counting today actually)

    This has been the easiest experience I've had at quitting. I've even been skipping my Zyban/Quomem without any noticeable effect. I've been enjoying life pretty much as I used to, including drinking in bars until weird hours of the morning. Haven't felt the urge to light up at all.

    In fact, when ever someone else does light a cigarette, it instantly reminds me of some of the reasons why I NEEDed to quit in the first place.

    I've also saved over 2,500 baht this month alone ! That's more than enough to pay for a visa run each month !

    Going to stick that money in a safe place and add to it each month. Just think, if I make it 1 year, that would be a 30,000 baht mad-money bonanza. Could be used for a nice trip somewhere, or some other "luxury" item(s) :o

    (so you can compare your situation to mine, I started smoking full-time around age 15, 30 years ago. I averaged a pack (25) a day for most of those 30 years, usually smoking the strongest filtered cigarettes normally available. In recent years, due to a change of jobs and activities, I found myself smoking even more. I've tried to quit twice before (unsuccessfully, obviously). The longest I made it before was 38 days, using a combination of Zyban, Nicorette patches and Nicorette gum. This time, I am using just the Zyban/Quomem, and a stronger commitment to the plan. It's working so far !)

  8. I know what you mean!!! :D Living Dolls is kind of quiet!!!! :o

    Seriously it can be done mate - Lennies sounds like it will be suitable for a good chat. :D

    Actually, I find the noise level in New Living Dolls 1 pretty good (I usually sit near the DJ's booth).

    But, it's not for everyone. Starting off at a "spouse" friendly place like Lennies would be good. Those that want to "Meet & Greet" and have a chat can do so, before wandering through the labyrinth of go-go bars and punters, to get to the BF.

    Those that aren't into chatting can go directly to the BF and save seats for the rest of us ! :D

  9. I've scanned a number of areas recently, and it seems only the Thailand area has been updated. The areas in Afghanistan and Canada I looked at were the same 3+ year old images.

    Still, it is nice to be able to get better images of Pattaya. Still need to get down a little more though. Pattaya should have it's own satellite any ways. Then we could get better streaming videos of the different areas, and scope out which bars have put up ballons each night ! :o

  10. Couple hours to go. Getting ready now. Not sure where I'm going though. Across #2 Road from the Tiffany Show. Hmmmmmm. May have to walk around abit to find it ?

    Just noticed on another site that there is another bar with the same name, on Walking Street (near the Hot Tuna complex ?)

    So, is anyone else going to be there other than raro and me ?

  11. I haven't told you yet about my infra-red actuated untra-violet motivated laser-guided water cannons hey Kerryd... :o

    "untra-violet" ? "motivated laser-guided" ? What motivation do your laser cannons have ? What is "untra-violet" ?

    Not that it matters. Like all technology, as fast as something new is designed, a way around it is also discovered.

    Like my reflective technology cloak that allows me to blend into almost any background. Now that I know you aren't using thermal technology, I don't have to use the heat-dispersion upgrade.

    10 months to go until the mayhem begins again !!! :D

  12. what about youtaking it over? After you got busted I can have the last word... :o

    Thought about it, then realized I probably wouldn't live long enough to enjoy it, between drinking the stock and chasing the staff, I might last a week !! :D

    Hmmm, the 16th is tomorrow ! Better rest up a bit, take it easy tonight, stay home and post lots of replies in the Last Word, to make up for the time I will lose tomorrow night ! :D

  13. He's just finished installing a system at my place.

    Last time I went back to Australia, I bought some of these sensors back here with me... as I like the idea of having a discretely mounted sensor controlling floodlights that are mounted elsewhere to give maximum coverage.

    Songkran is over Jai Dee, you don't have to worry about me sneaking around any more :o

    (or are you preparing for next year already ?) :D

  14. Pattaya's registered population is approx 90,000. That's it. Ninety-thousand.

    It has an estimated population of 500,000, which includes ex-pats and Thais from other areas that are living/working here, but are still registered in their home provinces.

    where on earth do you get theses figures from ?

    Why, do you have some other figures ?

    Here are a list of links that note Pattaya's population to be somewhere between 65-90,000. Some note that the estimate is more likely to be around 500,000 as I noted previously.

    Wikipedia - Pattaya

    Pattaya.com Pattaya Info

    Thaiways Magazine - Pattaya at a Glance

    WorldRoom.com - FastFacts - Pattaya

    This one lists the 26 biggest cities in Thailand. Pattaya comes in at #12:

    The Reality 26 Biggest City in Thailand

    (that one also has links to Thai government websites, which, for the most part, are in Thai. Go figure !)

    Remebering of course the difference between the official population, and the estimated. None of the links above suggest Pattaya's population is anywhere near 1 million, let alone 1.5 million. Not even as a wild estimate.

    Once I've researched an article/topic/story, I'll usually keep the links for a few days, then delete them to save space and keep "My Favourites" better organized. As a result, when I have to go back weeks and months later, to back up stats I had already researched, I usually have to start all over again from the beginning.

    For what it's worth, I take the time to find out the info I post about. It's not unusual for me to spend hours researching information for a single post.

    Any other questions ? Sounds like the rain has died down now. Time for a snooze !

  15. It is pissing down RAIN here in Pattaya right now. It started rather suddenly around 2 am, with a massive downpour.

    No warning, no thunder/lightning or pre-downpour drizzle. It just hit instantly, loud enough to wake up numerous people in the neighbourhood, who have been scrambling to get the laundry in. :o

    Just in time for all the bars and discos to sart letting out too. Oops, there's the crashing of thunder now. Sucks to be working right now !

  16. We've been over the topic about how dangerous Pattaya is, and isn't, many, many times.

    This story has been sensationalized because of the World Cup. Without that very slim tie-in, we wouldn't be discussing this at all right now, period.

    Pattaya's registered population is approx 90,000. That's it. Ninety-thousand.

    It has an estimated population of 500,000, which includes ex-pats and Thais from other areas that are living/working here, but are still registered in their home provinces.

    I did a lot of research a couple of months ago, about the (serious) crime rates in Pattaya and other major tourist destinations of a similar size, such as Las Vegas, Honolulu, New Orleans (pre-Katrina). Pattaya's serious crime rate (if I recall correctly) was less than half that of the next closest city by comparison.

    We've also discussed to death why there seems to be such a problem with crime here. I am getting sick and tired or reminding people that (for the most part) we are fed a steady stream of crap by the local news outlets. They follow the standard media axiom "if it bleeds, it leads".

    Those outlets are where most of us get ALL of our news about Pattaya. If the only stories that get regurgitated here on Thai Visa are bad, then it looks like that is all there is, bad stories.

    Keep in mind that "feel good/happy" stories generate next to no interest at all. We know. We've tried posting happy-happy stories, and they disappear off the first page in hours, with few views and fewer responses.

    You people WANT bad news. The media provides it. Then you bitch about only seeing bad news.

    You want something to bitch about ? Go look in the mirror. You are a part (a large part) of the problem.

  17. just to bring this back to the front page, I'll be at the Amcham function on Friday and hit the Easy Rider at about 9:30...Whoever wants to be there buys me a drink :o

    I thought you were buying the free drinks !?!?!?!? :D

    Hmmm, guess I'll have to crack the piggy bank open if I am going to be buying you a (very cheap, stale, draft) beer. :D

    This Easy Riders isn't close to that Cosy Bar is it (the one where both farang "owners" were recently busted).

    Maybe we should take over that place :D

  18. So, is Thailand becoming the short-temper-shoot-first-think-later hub too. :D

    I shoot too quick some times too :o

    But only because I want to move on to another "target" quickly, but have to "finish off" the current mark first.

    I only have one gun though, so I will usually take my time, take good aim and maintain control throughout. Then I don't have to worry about "reloading" as quickly. :D

  19. Ask Mr Rimmer jow he's getting on these days. He ain't out in the sticks, and I think you'll find he aint doing much better than me. In fact a little birdie told me he couldn't connect to his email for a couple of days or so.

    Nothing to do with being in the sticks - it's the sticking provider. :D

    That reminds me. I got my ADSL hooked up in late January I think it was, and never received a bill for it afterwards. That is, not until last week.

    They finally caught up to me and sent me a bill for almost 4 months of Internet usage (just under 4,000 baht). No late charges though :D

    Now that they finally have their house in order, maybe I'll get a regular bill from now on ?

    Oh yeah, my ADSL speed ?

    Your current bandwidth reading is:

    4.80 Mbps

    which means you can download at 614.61 KB/sec. from our servers.

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    4916.9 kbps YOU

    I am a GOD !!!!

    1 minute later:


    which means you can download at 0 KB/sec. from our servers.

    0 kbps YOU

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem


    And 1 minute later (again):

    203.40 Mbps

    which means you can download at 25.43 MB/sec. from our servers.

    28.8 kbps dial-up

    33.6 kbps dial-up

    53.3 kbps dial-up

    56 kbps ISDN

    128 kbps ISDN

    384 kbps DSL

    768 kbps DSL

    1000 kbps DSL

    1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem

    208281.6 kbps YOU

    What can I say. I'm either faster than is theoretically possible with today's technology, or not moving at all ?

    Of course, I do appear to be living in a different reality, and different dimension, quite often. :o

  20. Don't know what you guys are compaining about.

    I've just upgraded my Ipstar express to 512/256 at the exorbitant price of 4,200 Baht/month and yesterday I was getting bandwidth readings of :




    Beat that if you can!

    I was a wonder I could even connect.

    This morning, so far, a bit better - but not much :o

    To quote a response I made in an earlier post on this topic, in this thread, about your connection speed (or lack there of):


    "You suck !!!!

    I guess it isn't all wine and roses living out there in the sticks eh ?

    Even the Bamboo Telegraph is faster than that !"

    Maybe if you moved over to the "Good Side of the Suk", you'd be able to get connection speeds close to what you used to be able to with the ancient 2,400 baud dial-up modems ! :D

  21. Here is the CNN version of the story:

    Fans killed for cheering too much

    Note that the names appear totally different than what was reported in the PCN story earlier in this thread. It seems only the ages of the victims match.

    The last sentence of the CNN story:

    "Pattaya, about 110 kilometers (70 miles) southeast of Bangkok, is known for its beaches, its thriving sex industry and high crime rate."

    Yeah, more good publicity. :o

  22. It's not only ThaiVisa that is slow today... even the local Thai websites are loading slowly.

    It does seem to have picked a marginally in the past hour though.

    No problems here in S Pattaya with my ToT ADSL connection. :D

    Maybe something to do with everyone being back to work today after the celebrations over the last 5 days ? :o

  23. Way too many Aussies for my likeing,go on sling your hook the lot of ya ,that goes for you moose banging Canadians too.

    Bunch of arse the lot of ya. :D:o

    Well, my stats would counted as Thai (I think) not Canadian. That must mean the 2.7% Canadian shown in the graph is all CdnVic !

    I think the UK contingent is getting nervous. Add the Aussies, Canucks and Malays together and we outnumber the UKs.

    Of course, this stats don't tell the whole story of course. Just the origins of the primarily-english speaking visitors to TV. And as mentioned previously, many ISPs are hosted in countries different than you might expect.

  24. Something smells fishy. Owner talks to the guy for an hour, then leaves (though his bar stays open, well after 5am).

    Then the statement "Furthermore the pub itself is now under scrutiny as it is an unlicensed establishment and failed to check customers prior to entry which is standard practice in other Pattaya Pubs and Nightclubs."

    The ONLY club I've ever been checked, was the Blue Chili, once, two years ago. Maybe it only applies to Thai men ?

    Pretty cold blooded and brutal slayings, especially if it was about the victims being a little too loud. Sounds more like a contracted killing, especially as the killer went back to finish off the first person he shot. The owner of the bar either contracted the hit, or is known to who ever did contract it. That would explain why he left just before the incident.

    I'm sure there will be plenty of follow-up from the local news organizations. :o

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