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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. Yes, the initial story would seem to be missing some parts, but when it was posted, that's all we had to go on, wasn't it ?

    And as I mentioned previously, this isn't the first time (or 2nd, 3rd, ect) that we've heard stories like this.

    And, if you actually paid attention to what I wrote earlier, I didn't say these guys were hooligans. I said it was stories like this that have given certain people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans.

    As for not answering madog's PM's immediately after he sent them, gees, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I should remain glued to my computer waiting, just in case someone tries to PM me.

    (in fact, I just had some renovations done, and have been moving furniture, phone lines and junk around all day. Answering PMs I didn't know I had wasn't high on my priority list) :o

    Blowing the story out of proportion ? The longer this thread goes, the bigger the story seems to be.

    "the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais"

    "1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used" ("it was the money or court monday why no money for hotel released sunday 10 pm ?").

    "why no mention of the lady who was allegedly slapped ?"

    "did the report mention the the ht was owned by a member of the ob ?"

    (I think he means that the hotel is owned by a member of the mob ?)

    "there was no payment for room or use"

    Like I said, the real story appears to be much bigger than what was initially reported.

    As madog has mentioned, lesson learned. Expensive lesson too.

    (and I never said a word about Scots, or Scotland. In fact, I was referring to the reputation that ENGLISHmen have for being hooligans).

    As for the remark about being a snitch, I could launch into a profanity-laden response, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, being that you were probably quite irritated at the time you wrote that.

    As a side note. After participating on this board for awhile, and getting to know some of the members, you'll realize that threads and stories like this often get similar treatment from various members. You should see what we are like when it comes to child molestors. You've been treated with kid-gloves in comparison.

    You will also notice, after being here for awhile, that quite often the news reports posted here differ from paper to paper, and "facts" in those stories are often amended/revised on a daily basis. We don't often get a first hand account of the event.

  2. Noel loads the gun, MM fires it and kerryd stands there playing with his knob while Mobi stands beside him boasting that his knob is bigger.

    Just goes to show how much you know. I have someone sweet and cuddly to play with my knob. And mine is bigger than Mobi's (so I've heard) :D

    What an inadequate bunch you guys are. Your integrity and compassion towards others is noted again. The fine citizens of Pattaya speak out. You are a credit to humanity. You are the true voice of Pattaya.

    Enough said.

    By whose standards, yours ? Again I quote:

    "Pattaya, like any place, would be a great place to live if you got rid of all the people who just dont know how to be good citizens. Those who only want to harm others, who have no idea of whats right and wrong, basically people who have no morals."

    So, we are people that don't know how to be good citizens ? We only want to harm others, don't know right from wrong and have no morals ?

    All this because we live in Pattaya and like it ?

    Hmmm, I guess I'd better go tell the g/f, the landlady and all my Thai friends and neighbours that I'm really a bad guy and they shouldn't be so nice to me. I'm sure they'll get a good laugh out of that ! :o

  3. hi guys

    thanks for all the replys the staff do get extra in the way of tips and if they work a day off. and i do ask staff to do ot when other staff are sick or i am just short staffed. it can bump the pay up to as much as 8000 some months. i think that also because they need to talk and read/write english a ittle bit that a lot of girls from up country dont. i think 6000 is a reasonable rate because i am not a big hotel and the job is not that taxing really. i also pay social fund for them and tax which gets them free hospital care

    chears mazo

    Check your PMs.

  4. Not sure how far South they want to be but................if they look around the Soi Bourkhao area there are rooms for 2k a month. For a bit more 3k a month there are nice rooms to be had in Soi X-zyte. I rent one for a girl :o opposite the X-zyte disco for 3k/month plus electric.

    "Sugar-Daddy" eh ! :D

    Those mia-nois, gotta keep an eye on them you know !

  5. ....to try to get a "comfirmation of place of residence " , as needed for a driving licence and bank account...

    ...trouble is that was the last 90 days I could get on that particular Non Imm O visa ( it expired ) so I didn't bother going back as they won't issue the certificate on a 30 day " tourist " stamp :o:D

    Not true. I got my first certificate in October while on a 30 day stamp (at the soi 8 office). I went back in December (to the soi 5 office now) and got another certificate, still on a (new) 30 day stamp. (That's all I have, as I don't feel like travelling home to try and get a longer visa at this point).

    I have a bank account and a moto in my name (plus the telephone/internet).

    Then again, maybe she like my face :D

  6. He bats for the other side. :D I should have guessed. :o

    Let me do a re-write:

    If truth be known, he is forced to sit in a Boyztown bar with his controlling stallion alongside side him, whilst dozens of fantastic looking, desirable males prance past him. A controlling stud one side and trying to control an erection can take their toll on a mans' man. Poor Humpy. :D


    Just a little bit cynical there MM ? :D

    In my previous post I mentioned that Pattaya's success can be found in the Sun, Sand and Surf. I should have added another "S" there. Sun, Sand, Surf and Sex.

    Apparently (Gasp ! Shock :D ) sex is available in Pattaya, just as it is in pretty much every other city in the world (yes, even the Muslim ones, trust me).

  7. all good qoutes fair play pissed up jocks the 2 of us we got attacked by around 8 thais 1 of us paid 100g`s where no room was used , and 1 only was was kept in and fined so make of it what u will ,sorry to the pattayans but i/ we faced the price in a foreingn land

    can only say sorry for letting ourselfs and u down , end of it let it lie, espesially after the sad events last week we`ve been lucky


    the stupid jocks !!

    thanks that you took our point of viev , god bless :o

    I wouldn't call that lucky. Attacked by 8 Thais ? But no mention of that in the initial story ? Didn't think it was worth reporting to the police ?

    Paid 100g's ? (you mean 100,000 baht ?). Seems pretty steep price for rooms you didn't use.

    "with the two men who were also becoming more violent as the confrontation continued"

    Not the best way to deal with the police here. The initial story mentions that the one who was arrested was released without charge a few hours later. No mention of a fine.

    As for all the comments here. Well, this isn't the first time the folks here have heard stories like this. In fact, it is stories like this that have given people from a certain country the reputation for being hooligans where ever they go.

    After hearing so many of these stories, the folks here tend to be a little cynical and jaded.

  8. What is the secret to success in other places like Cancun, Acapulco, Ibiza, the Riviera, Rio, Greece, ect ?

    In most of those places, the "secret" has been lots of SUN, SAND and SURF (i.e. sunny beachside locations). Add to that a good party atmosphere and cheap prices.

    What does Pattaya have ?

    Sun ? Usually (not today though)

    Sand ? Pattaya & Jomtien beaches, in addition to the local island beaches.

    Surf ? Obviously.

    Good party atmosphere ? Obviously.

    Cheap prices ? Obviously.

    Seems to be successful in other parts of the world, why not here ?

  9. 6000bht a month is'nt a bad salary at all in pattaya for a job like that.


    S'truth ! I know people working for 4,500 a month.

    There are 4 people living in my building that work at a Hot Pot restaurant. They were making 180 baht a day (one recently got a raise to 200/day, or around 5,400 a month.)

    I'll ask around though, try to find some more "reliable" types :o

  10. Unscheduled commercial or military flight ( charter) which is not listed on traffic. Probably a charter contract for Cobra Gold.


    That would probably explain the overflight of the city at such a low altitude as well. Regular, scheduled traffic would be more familiar with the routes.

    Then again, maybe the pilots were just scoping out the bars and Walking Street for future holiday planning. :D

  11. best of luck Kerry. going from 50pd to 2pd is a step in the right direction.

    and IMO it takes balls to say 'im quitting', I usually just opt for 'i'm cutting down'. less pressure!!!


    2+ full days now without a cigarette ! Still coughing up a load of crap :D

    I expect that will go on for awhile. Can't tell if my blood pressure or cholesterol is improving, and it's RAINing too hard to start training for a marathon just yet. :o

    Getting lots of quality work done on my apartment though, as I try to find things to do to take my mind off the cravings. Still, not as bad as expected, thanks to the Zyban I imagine. 2 days down, 40 years (?) to go ! :D

  12. I er... I just needed to have, er.. a look at this uhm, fred, euh... Just to, ya know, make sure there are no pictures that may disturb others...

    Just ah... Doing my duty as a concerned citizen, you understand.

    :D Is this disturbing Kayo?


    What do you think, bum gun or paper wipe ? :o

    As a Thai elephant, shouldn't he/she/it be using a squat toilet ? :D

    Not sure what all this has to do with form-fitting, tight, sexy school uniforms on female university students. :D

  13. My next stint (2nd) in Pattaya will be for at least 1 month. Housekeeping aside, is it more feasible to rent a furnished condo/apartment or hotel? Anyone who's done both, your input would be greatly appreciated. :o

    Many hotels offer discounted rates for long stay (1 month). There are also a large number of "serviced" apartments, which are basically hotels that rent by the week/month. Most are furnished to some degree.

    Due to the large number of options available, all over the city, it would be difficult to recommend any without knowing where you plan on spending your time (i.e. South, Central or North Pattaya).

    I would suggest renting a hotel close to where you plan on spending most of your time. Maybe for 3 days (1 day to get over the jet-lag, 1 day to party it up, and the 3rd day to look for an apartment/other hotel/ect).

  14. Yep, saw the big big beast flying as well.

    Reckon it wasn't higher then 6 or 7 hundred feet, right under the cloudbase!

    I'll bet the people up at the Big Buddha or the Radio Station could count the rivets on the underside of that bird as it went over. I figured it it could clear the hill, then it would probably clear everything else in Pattaya (which it did obviously).

    It didn't look like a 747 (didn't have that distinctive front end with the "hump"). Couldn't make out any markings due to the rain and clouds.

  15. Last night the weather forcaster said it was going to be sunny, with intermittent showers and 24 degrees.

    Today, we have had rain that would put Thailand to shame - still warm though. :D

    The RAIN has tapered off here, but still lots of dark clouds threatening. I fully expect that if I go anywhere, it will start pouring before I'm halfway there. :o

  16. Yikes ! Checking out the soi 6 webcam. There's one girl standing outside that bar that looks interesting.

    Ah well, to far to go in the pouring rain just for "interesting". Besides, I have something much better going with me to the DaVinci Code premier tonight ! Which reminds me, I probably should let her know.............. :o

  17. And, just to be fair, the original The Last Word thread was started by chanchao, not me ! P.gif

    Hey... that's one of my smilies... :D

    Last used I think just before Songkran... :o

    I steal smilies from unsuspecting posters ! image3.gif

    Speaking of flights, what the hel_l was that 4 engine passenger jet doing flying over Pattaya at such a low altitude this morning ? With the rain and clouds, visibility must have been minimal. He should have been over the ocean, not the city :D

  18. It's the highest that i've seen it in 18 months, and rising :D

    Good news... maybe no water supply issues this year... :o

    And we haven't gotten the really heavy rains yet. May end up with too much water this year !

    (ps: RAINing again in Pattaya right now)

  19. I know a place where you can find the answers to all the above...........

    Hint.............read the preceding posts. :D:D

    My thoughts exactly :D

    But that doesn't increase you post count though, does it ? :o

    Of course it does Kerry and if you want confirmation of that, ask our good Doctor and Prolific Senior Administrator.....he's the master of the one-liners and single Smiley replies.

    And.....what about that puerile nonsense in Bedlam called "The Last Word" started by, and proliferated by, none other than yourself? I'm sure that that's adding impressively to your post count :D:D Don't knock it Kerry.

    My point, which was obviously overlooked, was that merely reading the previous posts wouldn't increase a person's post count.

    And, just to be fair, the original The Last Word thread was started by chanchao, not me ! P.gif

    The copycat The Last Word thread was indeed started by moi. My total posts in both threads represent about 11% of my total posts.

    What was the original topic here ? :D

  20. r2153758881.jpg

    Steven Erik Prowler, 57, left Thailand after completing his sentence for molesting a 15-year-old and 16-year-old boy. He kicked and screamed "I don't want to go" as officials placed him in a vehicle that took him to the Bangkok airport on Friday. He faces as much as 30 years in prison if convicted in the United States.

    "After completing his sentence" ? He only got a 1 year term for his crimes here ?

    Of course he wants to stay here. He's completed his sentence. He's facing 30 years in the States, though it's unlikely he'll get anywhere near the max sentence.

    Waaaaaa, I don't want to go, waaaaaaa. A lot of people say that when they get to the airport. Most of them aren't being escorted by the cops though.

    What does he think, if he kicks and screams and cries like a little baby, maybe the Thais will have a change of heart and let him stay here ?

    Should have zapped him with a stun gun and sent him back as cargo (in many, small boxes). :o

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