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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. So just out of interest, where does all this leave the status of the bar?

    I might go down there tonight and check it out..... :o

    Won't be taking my knife though!!


    That's what I asked earlier. I was going to roar down there and claim to be the new owner (before the staff cleared the place out). See if they had any good looking staff and so on. :D

    Hmmm, I'll bet the BiB are already on top of that as well. :D

    (BiB: Hey guys, who needs another bar to run ? Somchai ? OK, here's what we'll do. There is a bar being run by a couple of farangs on soi 2. We'll bust them and get them deported, then have a party at Somchai's new bar ! Let's roll !) :D

  2. I dont think Kurgen will be interested in slanging, when he sees my ass all he will be thinking about is how he can try and tickle it :D:D Well sorry Kurgen but i aint like that, you will have to stick with Kerry :o

    Don't be dragging me into your twisted fantasies.

    I'm quite comfortable with being straight and chasing all the girls you others are ignoring :D

  3. A thai copper turning down a 100k bribe :D:D:o

    Probably because there were others present at the time it was offered, and he would have had to share it (splitting 100k 2/3/4 ways hardly makes it worthwhile).

    Agree with PREM-R. If you know you are illegal, you shouldn't be doing stupid-ass things that are liable to get you busted.

    What's with the running around "stabbing the staff" BS ? Is that standard business practice back in Holland ?

    Just makes me shake my head.

  4. Getting a bit off-thread here boys.

    Btw, are you talking "whisky" or "whiskey? " The latter's the Irish variety & there's a whoe lotta difference to a connesieur. :o

    Trying to convert some of these cheap-charlie beer drinkers into whiskey men !

    Of course, there are various types of whiskey. I prefer rye whiskies myself, but will settle for blended if nothing else is available.

    Out on the town, I usually stick to Jack Daniels, as most bars carry it and most staff know what you are asking for when you order it.

  5. I've loaned money to a few locals that live in my building. The woman that runs the laundry, the woman that runs the small shop/bar in the building, the landlady, the girl down the hall (all women in fact. I was warned against lending one of the guys money, as he had borrowed from others previously and never paid it back).

    All of the women I've lent to have paid it back, usually with the (Thai) standard interest added. Some have borrowed 1,000 baht for a week. Others borrowed over 10,000 baht for a month.

    I wouldn't do it for a stranger off the street, and there are a couple of people in my building that I would not be comfortable with lending to.

    I would suggest waiting until you get into a conversation with the person you lent money to and some others. Then, sometime during the conversation, mention that you need some cash to do something specific (buy a piece of furniture, take a trip to the "home village", ect.) Then "remember" that you lent the person the money ("That reminds me Fred, what's up with the money I lent you (xxx) months ago ?") ("Oh yeah, Fred ? I need to ge that money back I lent you so I can send the wife home for a holiday").

    You could do it in private as well. If you do it in front of others, he could lose face if it looks like he's the kind of person that doesn't pay his debts.

    Or, as others have mentioned, write it off as a bad experience and remember it the next time someone wants to borrow from you.

  6. n11-671.jpg

    -Pattaya Mail

    9 June 2006

    You requested a bigger photo..... :D

    Slightly better. Don't these photogs know what sells ? Get some decent cleavage shots ! Take more than one picture and then sort through and select the best pic(s). Not take one pic in a hurry and then go with it. Amateurish.

    I should stake out a spot in the station (next to an air-con unit) and set up my camera/tripod. Then sell decent pics to the various local news orgs. Might even make enough to pay for a cheap meal every other day or so (once I gave the BiB their "cut" of course) :o

  7. There is a pretty nice gaming store on Tukcom's fifth floor - full of 19" terminals connected to XBox 360 consoles and even one large screen LCD unit in front of comfortable chairs - but the place has been shuttered for at least a week. What's the poop?

    Was this place open previously ?

    If not, then it is probably still being set up.

    Rent is pretty expensive in TukCom from what my Thai friends tell me. That's why you see a fairly big turn-over in some of the shops. Some do good, some are gone shortly after opening.

    Never could see the point in opening a shop, on a floor full of similar shops, that are all offering the same merchandise at pretty much the same prices. :o

  8. TV Pissup in Pattaya






    I'd rather be back in the 'stan working, but if I'm still stuck here in Paradise, I'll try and find a better-half and join the party !

    See ? Now we are on the way to having monthly TV Meet and Beats, er, Greets !

    (Will Dave honour the TV Members discount cards though ?) :o

  9. A further arrest of a German man with no work permit at a Central Pattaya beer bar.

    ...a further arrest of a German man who was found to be working without a Work Permit.

    Mr. Harold Kramer aged 42 was arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station. He claimed he was also the owner of the bar. Despite this he was charged with the offence and will now face deportation if he is convicted.

    From the story I saw, he had an expired passport and was on over-stay (obviously). He couldn't get a new passport, as he has outstanding warrants for his arrest in his home country. He offered a 100,000 baht bribe to an officer, which was rejected and he will now be charged with attempted bribery as well.

    Sounds like someone had it in for this guy ? His partner gets busted 1 day, then he gets busted the next ? hmmmmmmm

    Wonder what happens to the bar, if both "owners" are arrested and deported ? Maybe I should run down there and claim to be the new owner, before the staff clear the place out ? :o

  10. I'm on day 26 since I quit.

    For starters, make a list of reasons why you NEED to quit.

    #1 on my list was health. I then listed the problems I was having (persistent coughing, shortness of breath, higher risk of cancer and heart attacks).

    #2 was Hygiene (for lack of a better word). Under that I noted better smelling clothes/hair/breathe/home when you don't smoke. A reminder to myself of what other smokers smell like (which you don't notice as much while you are smoking, but it is really obvious when you quit, even for a short period.)

    #3 was saving money. Figure out what you are spending every week on cigarettes and set that money aside in a secure location. After 1 year, use that money to treat yourself to something nice (depending on where you are and how much you smoke, that could equal a nice vacation to Thailand even !)

    Keep the list where you normally put your cigarettes, so that every time you go for a smoke, you see the list and are reminded again why you NEED to quit.

    Once I started on the "Quomem", I also started keeping track of my daily usage. I kept a small notepad on top of my cigarettes. Every time I had a smoke, I wrote down the time. When I went to have another cigarette, I would look at how long it had been since my previous one, then try to hold out an extra minute or two before lighting up.

    (for example, I had a smoke at 2:12 pm. I had another at 2:29 pm, 17 minutes later. Before lighting up again, I would force myself to wait for at least 18 minutes, maybe 19 or 20 even. At the end of the day, I would total up the number of smokes I had that day. I would then look to see how many fewer smokes I had that day compared to the day before. It's surprising how quickly it adds up !)

    The first day I did that (which was also the 1st day on the Quomem), I reduced the number of cigarettes I was smoking by almost 1/3 !

    I was down to 18 per day on Day 6 of the Quomem (from 50/day to 18/day in 6 days !!). Your supposed to quit cold-turkey on Day 8/9 or 10. As I had smoked the last of my cigarettes, I decided to quit on Day 7, rather than buy more cigarettes. I had a supply of Mentos candy handy, which I would use every time I found myself reaching for a smoke.

    Day 7 was tough. I finally broke down at 1 pm and bought a single cigarette from the local shop. Started coughing soon as I took a drag. Another reminder of why I NEEDED to quit.

    I broke down again and had 1 more cigarette that evening. From 50/day to 2/day in 7 days. Not bad.

    Day 8 was a little rough, but not as bad as the previous day. I decided if I could get by the previous day on two cigarettes, I could go that whole day without any at all, and I did !

    Day 9 was a breeze by comparison. Hardly any cravings at all. It's been pretty smooth sailing ever since then actually.

    As I mentioned, it is now Day 26. I'm almost finished my Quomem (though I have been forgetting to take them on some days, and only taking 1 per day on others).

    Once in awhile I find myself wanting a cigarette, much the same as you might really want a nice cold beer on a hot day. It's not a craving though. I don't have the physiological need for nicotine anymore.

    I've been out drinking in smoky bars quite a few times since I quit. Never get the urge to "have just one for old times sake". In fact, I look at other people smoking and it helps to remind me of why I NEEDED to quit. Seeing those other people smoking, coughing, knowing they have bad breath, smelly clothes and live in a smelly home/room, reminds me of why I am better off for quitting.

    (I'm pretty sure my female friends appreciate it as well) :o

    So, in summary.

    You need to figure out why you NEED to quit. Make a list and keep it in front of you where you can see it all the time.

    Plan your "quit" (get the Zyban/Quomem, notepad, gum/candy, ect. Pick a significant date if possible. Start the Zyban 8 days or so in advance of that significant date.)

    Start trying to "wean" yourself (cut down) during those first few days on the medication. One thing this does is show you that you are making positive progress, by reducing the amount you are smoking each day.

    The night before your "significant" date that you are going to quit on. After having your last cigarette for the day, throw out whatever smokes you have left (flush them so you won't be tempted to dig them out of the garbage tomorrow). Throw out your ashtrays (or clean them good and pack them away). Try to air out your home during the night (lots of open windows if possible. Air Fresheners if not) to get rid of the "stale smoke" smell.

    Get a good nights sleep. Sleep extra if possible (notice how those cravings don't seem to affect you as much, if at all, while you are sleeping ?). Wow, how many hours has it been since your last smoke already ? THat wasn't so hard now was it ?

    When you get up, look at your list of reasons why you quit. Every time you feel the cravings, have a candy/gum and look at those reasons why you quit. Remember the worst parts about being a smoker (the coughing fits, the stink, the costs, the stigma, ect).

    When it gets bad, Jump up and do something ! Brush your teeth. Go for a short, fast walk. Have a shower. Take out the garbage.

    Fight the urge ! Remind yourself over and over again about why you are doing this. The good news is, the cravings will go away fairly quickly. 2 days in my case. After that it gets really easy.

    The biggest part is you making the decision that you NEED to quit. Then sticking to that decision. You can do it, if you want to. Remind yourself again and again about why you NEED to quit. Look at other smokers and pick out the bad things you notice. Remind yourself that others see you the same way when you smoke.

    Try to avoid places where there is a lot of smoking, and limit contact with people that smoke where possible, especially when drinking. Avoid temptation.

    That's about it. Now go out and get started. Quomem is available at some pharmacies without prescription apparently. It seems the price for a 1 month supply is around 2,500 baht. My local doc got me a deal through the pharmacy she deals with (1,770 baht). You may want to get a 2 month supply (if I recall correctly, the recommended program calls for a 60 day period on the medication).

    Lots of people on this site are willing to give advice and encouragement. Many have been where you are now. Many have quit recently (like me). You can do it. Believe me, you can do it !

  11. (now, count the number of replies to this that consist of just a smiley or short, pointless one liners. You know it's going to happen. You can't help yourself. I can see you now trying to decide which smiley would be most appropriate. Go on, DO IT ! You know you wanna...........)


    And then you get some posters who labour on to such lengths that people with short attentions spans, like me, forget what the topic was in the first place. :D

    Sorry, Kerry. :D:D

    Spot on Tip :o


    (I knew you guys wouldn't let me down !) :D

  12. Most countries have reciprocal agreements regarding visas and travel.

    If country "A" imposes a visa requirement on citizens from country "B", usually country "B" will then enact similar requirements towards citizens from country "A".

    For example, A couple of years ago, Canada made slight changes and raised the price of visas for Indian citizens. When I applied for a new transit visa to India (my 2nd one within 6 months), I was informed of the new rules and prices that Canadians had to pay for an Indian visa. India had changed the rules for Canadians, to reflect the changes Canada made regarding Indians.

    As I mentioned, most countries follow similar procedures. How ever, individual countries may make exceptions for various reasons. Political relationships between different countries can have an effect. A country's international reputation can have an effect as well.

    It is well known that many Thai women end up as prostitutes in foreign countries, either willingly or unwillingly. That could be a contributing factor in the decisions of other countries when it comes to deciding whether or not Thai citizens should have visas to visit their countries.

    As another poster mentioned, many people will get a visa (tourist/transit/student) and use it as a means to enter another country, knowing that they have no intention of leaving when the visa expires.

    If some of those countries started imposing financial penalties for over-staying visas, much like Thailand does (with the possibility of going to jail if you are unable to pay, and getting black-listed), it could/would cut down on the number of illegals entering other countries.

    Think about it. How many of you would do 30/90 day border runs, if there was no penalty for over-staying your visa ? If you were able to enter the country on a free 30 day visa, and then stay indefinitely without fear of jail or fines, would you bother going through the proper procedures to get the proper visa and then follow the rules regarding reporting/renewing ?

    There are a few here in the Kingdom that don't follow the rules for various reasons, like the guy they busted recently in Pattaya (was here with an expired passport, had outstanding warrants in his home country, so couldn't apply for a new passport). Others get too caught up in the lifestyle, end up broke and unable to pay their way home, let alone pay their overstay fine.

    How ever, I think you'll find fewer illegal citizens in Thailand than in most western countries (yes, there are quite a few illegal Burmese and Cambodians, but if Thailand eliminated the overstay penalties, I think there'd be a lot more illegal farangs here.)

  13. Wussies.

    Drink Whiskey.


    Candy is Dandy,

    But Liquor is Quicker !

    Kerry -try half lager/half cider, drink about 6 pints and report back to us. :o

    How many ounces in a pint ? 16 I think.

    So, 1 mixed drink = an ounce of whiskey and 3 ounces of coke = 4 ounces.

    4 Drinks = 1 pint.

    24 drinks = 6 pints.

    Hmmm, 24 ounces of Whiskey (and mix) to match the equivalent volume of 6 pints of lager/cider.

    Who do you think would get drunk quicker, the guy with 6 pints of lager/cider, or the guy with 24 whiskeys ?

    On good nights I can handle about 15 shots of whiskey and still walk home under my own power.

    (oops got to run, just got the call from soon-to-be-ex !)

  14. God, I love Pattaya.


    It never seems to get dull here, does it ? :D

    I'm trying to buy into some of those start-up companies. They'll probably get truckloads of government money to begin with, and by the time everyone realises it will never work, I'll be rich and re-retired (again) ! :D

  15. Legit? hmmm everything looked errr well....never mind!! :o

    I've bought both kinds up there. Usually PC games (I've got too much d@mn sotware as it is). Some games (like Grand Theft Auto) were definitely copies. Others like Warcraft and the Sims were definitely legit. All depends on what you want to pay ! :D

  16. Kerry - FLB??? :D

    Not tonight :D

    The current "soon-to-be-ex" has stated rather firmly that she will be phoning me tonight, and I'd better not be sitting in a bar partying with her girlfriends when she phones (unlike last night) ! :o

    Besides, 10,000 baht doesn't go very far in the FLB (not the way I party anyways) :D

    It would be a good warm-up though !

  17. .....but on the other hand not everybody likes to listen to the same music all the time and a good variety of music can be very entertaining and can help the mind to be more tolerant and relaxed :D

    True. Imagine if the station played country music all day :o

    If they had some sort of fixed schedule (i.e. classic rock for 5-7pm. pop hits from 7-9, ect), it might help local listeners.

    The "station" we had in Afghanistan was staffed by various off-duty military and civilian staff. Some were rockers, some were C&W, some were Nepalese :D

    They had scheduled times and days of the week when certain music would be played. I was helping to try and keep track of all the music they had loaded on the computer (over 35,000 MP3's at one point). I'm still working on organizing it all, and I've been here for over 6 months now ! :D

  18. Agreed. It was doomed from the start. When they first came out with the 30 baht fare, most people realised it wasn't going to make it.

    I rarely even see a bus, and when I do, it's usually empty.

    The stats about 80% of the passengers being tourists (during the high season) don't tell the whole story obviously. For example, they failed to mention that 80% of 20 passengers per day (16 tourists) still isn't going to be a money making venture.

    Drop the fares to 5 baht (for everybody) and see what happens. A lot of people would rather take a 5 baht, air-conditioned ride along #2 Road to Big C, than pay double for a baht bus. I would bet the ridership would increase dramatically.

    Unfortunately, being where we are, they will probably decide to raise the fares and reduce the service instead (as they seem to be doing already). :o

  19. In the unfortunate event that the laptop is never seen again, can I have the 10,000 baht ? :o

    I'd suggest a trip to the various pawn shops in the area, start with ones closest to your home and moving out from there. Thieves wouldn't want to be hauling stuff all over town (greater chance of getting caught with it). They would also most likely be in a hurry to pawn the stuff and get what ever cash they can.

    (do I still get the cash ? I have plans tonight, plans that could involve blowing 10,000 baht in a certain establishment over the course of a few hours) :D

  20. So anybody flying with Ba to Thailand on the 25th June i apologise now if you are stuck with a crying baby.

    Can't you ship the wee one in one of those little cages they use for cats and dogs ?

    I'm sure the rest of the passengers would appreciate it ! :D

    Oh yeah, still not RAINing in Pattaya at this time. :o

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