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  1. I didn't know that, I thought this was a wire:
  2. Looks solid; however, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a small wire cutter can easily cut the brake cable if it is visible as on that photo.
  3. It's a shame you stopped reading after the first paragraph. Maybe you had learned something if you kept reading.
  4. Also, a polar bear cannot tie a knot.
  5. He is not the first one posturing saying things he absolutely does not mean. I guess the people in Jews for Hitler said something similar back in the days. Yes, there were such a group back then.
  6. I am afraid that you are wasting your time. The profile Stiddle Mump is clearly created only for trolling the forum with anti virus nonsense. I am not sure the person himself believes what he writes - I have a hard time believing anyone can be that stupid - but that is not the point of his posts.
  7. OK! I hear you Richard. What about debate instead? Debate is no longer possible. In the beginning, people didn't know stuff, and even though some chose to stay uninformed or misinformed, it was perhaps possible to inform them as we all grew wiser. Those days are gone, I believe now that there is only one fitting description which richard_smith237 so wisely used about those that ignore the science: Idiots.
  8. How about writing in one of the many existing threads with your conspiracy garbage. Then maybe the we can keep the forum less polluted.
  9. This is all a red herring. It doesn't matter whether COVID originated one way or the other; we know that both a leak and the infected animal theory are possible. What matters is that we try to avoid new pandemics no matter how they may originate.
  10. Why would we? It is a well known fact that female juice gets toxic after the shot. At least he deserves the same kind of compassion he has for others with pre-existing conditions: I am reminded why I usually stay away from this kind of threads and people.
  11. I am impressed that he takes his time to post scientifically based information contrary to what "the other side" posts. Surely, his post will not convert any of the anti-vaccine guys, but I am sure that if anyone in doubt reads this and other threads, they can clearly judge which posters are living in a sane world and which have succumbed to conspiracy theories.
  12. I am not so nervous about Covid spike protein found after two years as I don't know if that is good or bad. But what about the GPS tracker, is that still in the blood after two years?
  13. Guys, how hard is it to tell us which immigration office you were rejected or accepted at? Clearly, it depends on the office and it could help others to know where they can use the various options. Info about how long before the 90 days you applied could help too.
  14. In the email it says approved, and this is the attached document: Apparently not, at least not in Phuket. I was surely not in the system already as this was my first report ever.

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