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  1. I know, I was joking. Turns out the Trump voters gave up democracy for nothing.
  2. But ... at least he got the egg prices down. Besides, from certain people in here, we know that Trump loves peace so of course he would not threaten Greenland, a close northern neighbour, and other countries. I wonder when those people open their eyes and see the many signs that the US in on the way to become a totalitarian state.
  3. Only on the good Sundays; once a year, when we were not working in the coal mines from 3 in the morning to 9 in the evening. Ah, those Sundays were like holidays back then, not like the hardship on the weekdays.
  4. Reminds me of Sunday school back home ...
  5. Are you sure? When I clicked the Submit button in my filing 10 days ago I was shown a TM47 form with the info I had provided.
  6. Perhaps you have been too early. As far as I understand, the rules differ between the various immigration offices, but, generally, you have to file between 2 weeks and 1 week before due date. Last Monday was 2 weeks and 1 day before due date.
  7. Damn, so instead of saving some 10 hours from not having to go to the immigration office several times a year, you only save 9 hours and 55 minutes.
  8. I would just apply. I think the risk of them asking for a certified letter is very low - is there even a bank that would provide such a letter? But perhaps people that have tried to apply in Vietnam can give you a better answer.
  9. You have to apply in the country where you are. As far as I recall, most if not all visa applications require that you prove that you are in the country.
  10. Which country? In Denmark, I only needed a digital statement from the bank with my name on it.
  11. Are you sure they had a visa? Seems stupid to pay for a 60 day visa when they can get 60 days for free visa exempt. With a visa the airline would not ask for a return ticket.
  12. That is the official Thai immigration website. Tell us wat you want to do - and why you tried to scan a QR code there.
  13. Usually, the sitting alone with repetitive hand motions starts around 14 years of age.
  14. We haven't any details yet, it is supposed to work from May 1st. You will probably need to do it before travelling to Thailand.
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