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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. Come on, might as well go whole hog - those soldiers are "suckers" and "losers", right? What a fine patriotic American you are! You should be very proud! Do you drape yourself in the flag on 4 July while insulting your military? There's no hypocrisy like Right-Wing hypocrisy, it all boils down to one simple thing - what's in it for me.
  2. You think that Taylor Swift and her single tweet has a larger following than the platform X from which it was made? Because, you may be aware, Elon Musk operates and is the majority owner of that platform and has been using it to spew misinformation and Trump- and GOP-supplied (along with Russian-, Iranian- and North Korean-supplied) posts continuously throughout the last six months or longer. And I am not JUST referring to his own posts and retweets, but how he manages the platform to diminish voices in support of Harris and broadcast those in favour of Trump. That is in addition to appearing at rallies, going on talkshows with Tucker Carlson, etc., etc. You told me it was the same thing. That was blatantly untrue. One tweet encouraging the young people to register to vote and in favour of Harris/Walz is not a sustained campaign and megaphone of a platform blasting Trump propaganda. What you're upset about is that she is supporting young people and their rights and is an effective messenger because she's not doing it for personal gain like Musk is. As DJT noted "But she’s a very liberal person. She seems to always endorse a Democrat, and she’ll probably pay a price for it in the marketplace.” As to why she came out so strongly in support of Harris, well, guess who caused that? Ol' DJT and his continuous spewing of misinformation and lies! You make your bed, you lie in it! "Though Trump now says he hates Swift, it wasn’t that long ago that he apparently coveted her endorsement. He posted images generated by artificial intelligence that suggested Swift had endorsed Trump for president in August. One image showed Swift dressed as Uncle Sam, accompanied with the words, “Taylor wants you to vote for Donald Trump.” The former president also posted deepfakes of young women wearing “Swifties for Trump” shirts on his Truth Social Account, writing, “I accept!” Swift said Trump’s posts influenced her decision to announce her endorsement. “It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation,” she wrote on her Instagram. “It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/15/trump-taylor-swift-kamala-harris-election
  3. So you're saying that DJT had poor judgement when he chose those people (all of whom had impressive qualifications and experience)? Are you claiming that the US Military leadership is a place filled with scroungers and oxygen thieves? Are stating that during those distinguished veterans' service in the White House, they were just laying around doing nothing on the taxpayer dime? How many times did DJT go golfing during his presidency? Were they his golfing partners? How about Rex Tillerson the civil engineer who rose to become the CEO of Exxon-Mobil? Was he a layabout? Or did he just turn into one when he was hired to be DJT's Secretary of State? You guys are really bad at attempting to make arguments.
  4. It's not a wonder as to why he became a Republican. With a level of hypocrisy that approaches the size of his ego, it was a natural that he'd both become a mouthpiece and bullhorn for the GOP and form a bond with the biggest hypocrite and liar of them all.
  5. As Trump said as a candidate for 2016, he'd “surround myself only with the best and most serious people” – adding: “We want top-of-the-line professionals.” And that was true in many cases, initially. So, what did those people think? Senior Military General Mark Milley, ex-Chief of Staff of the US Army and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump "We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen, or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.” General H.R. McMaster, US Army and National Security Advisor under Trump "President Trump and other officials have repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain.” General James Mattis, Marine Corps and Secretary of Defense under Trump "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society.” General John Kelly, Marine Corps and Chief of Staff under Trump "A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and the rule of law.” There's lots of others. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/18/opinion/trump-cabinet-election-2024.html
  6. Why won't Trump go on 60 Minutes? He's the ONLY major candidate to decline to do that since the show started I believe. According to him, it was: 1) They will fact-check him. 2) He wants an apology for the interview in 2020 when he said that interviewer Lesley Stahl had claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian plant. As the 60 Minutes managers noted in their response: 1) They're a news organization, they fact-check everyone and everything. 2) Lesley Stahl never claimed that. Regarding point 2, this is irrefutable since that interview was videotaped. She never said it. As to "fact-checking", isn't it interesting that both Vance and Trump complain about this? Why do you object to fact-checking unless you deliberately are telling falsehoods? Note that Fox News has sued (and won) in Federal Court the right to lie, based on their claim that they're an opinion show, not a news show. So they don't even pretend to fact check, it's not important since they're essentially a propaganda arm of the Republican Party.
  7. Oh, show us the photos of her on stage at a rally with Harris then. Show us her continuous re-tweeting of political posts from Harris supporters then. Show us her interviews that she makes this the main topic of conversation then. Show us how she is telling her captive concert audiences about how they need to vote for Harris then. Show us her re-tweeting conspiracy theories and anti-Trump messages then. Got anything like that? Didn't think so because it doesn't exist. She simply does what she has always done, encourage young people to vote. The only change in this election was that she made a long Instagram post supporting Harris and signed off as a "childless cat lady". This was unusual for her, but why did she do that? Oh, because DJT lied as usual and insinuated that she was supporting him in one of his social media posts hence she had to come out and refute it in the strongest way possible. She hasn't made any political statements since. So do you now consider this to be the same thing as the guy who owns X who is actively campaigning for Trump and appearing on stage at his rallies?
  8. As opposed to the hard-hitting interviewers at Faux News interviewing DJT?
  9. Thanks for providing a reference and attribution. They did have the Sputnik vaccine in Laos, and it was the one provided to the Lao people while foreigners were provided the Astra-Zeneca vaccines. I don't believe either vaccine caused any major problems and we were very surprised by how well Laos was able to cope with the pandemic. There are advantages to being isolated I suppose, although we also wondered whether there may have been some native immunity since the COVID-19 virus originated at the Lao-China border. As to the donating of the machines, you are aware that the one who confirmed this was Putin, right? It makes perfect sense in that of course the Russians would like to have an American prototype or top-of-the-line machine or two to compare to their own and have as a backup/blind sampling tool.
  10. And it's a site run by Peter Thiel, one of the billionaires trying to shoehorn the Oligarchy into the Presidency. Very reliable and I'm sure it's not at all open to manipulation!
  11. Well then, cancel the election! Thus Spake NickyLouie! LOLOLOL. Desperation taking hold. Remember what I keep saying about our Cult friends. "Every single accusation is a confession. Every. Single. One."
  12. Except that she IS well ahead of Trump despite the massive misinformation campaign waged by Russia and her proxies, Musk, Thiel and the flood of billionaire dollars trying to get anything negative to stick to her. This is not going to be as close as the mainstream media think it will be because their polling methods are antiquated and they're peeved that they're becoming increasingly less relevant due to people getting their information from alternative sources nowadays. It all comes down to the turnout among the younger people and women whose interests are most threatened by the return of the Felon. She's doing a great job mobilizing them, and needs to stick to it. Interviews like the 60 Minutes one are helpful, they're already increasing the percentage of Republican voters who are now committed to switching their votes, as are the opinions and pledges to do so by staunch and respected Conservatives from the old GOP like the Cheneys, and pretty much anyone of senior position and expertise who worked with Trump over the previous term. Things are going just the way we Liberals want them to. If you wish to pretend that this is all gonna work out great for DJT, carry on!
  13. So do you have any comments on the economic plans that have been put forth by the Democrats? That's called "policy". It's well documented. Here's the link. https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/building-a-stronger-fairer-economy/ https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/the-issues/jobs-and-the-economy/ Can you provide a link to the Republican's economic policy proposals, or are we still at the ol' "concept of a plan" stage? But why look at the parties who are campaigning, why not get some sober non-partisan economic analysis of the plans put forth? Here: https://www.crfb.org/papers/fiscal-impact-harris-and-trump-campaign-plans Guess who adds an additional $4 Trillion dollars to the deficit with his plans compared to hers? How about how this affects the American taxpayers? https://qz.com/donald-trump-tax-cuts-wealthiest-americans-tarrifs-1851667005 So it basically raises taxes on 95% of the populations while cutting taxes on the wealthiest 5%. That would benefit whom? Oh, DJT and his wealthy buddies like Elon. What a surprise. Now tell us about how tariffs are an effective and fair tax measure.
  14. “How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be? Will I see my children? I don’t know.” This is how newspaper articles can be misleading. These are all valid questions Elon is asking. They just have nothing to do with each other. I would ask him these back. "Did you break the law?" "Have you been seeing your children (the ones that haven't already expressed that they want nothing to do with him)?" "With the misinformation you've been spouting and re-tweeting, do you understand much of what you write?"
  15. Were you one of those interviewed for this article? It seems to describe many characteristics of people of a certain political affiliation on AN.
  16. On top of that, he just moved to Thailand. HE HASN'T EVEN LOST A SINGLE PENCE AT THIS POINT!!!! They couldn't find someone else who actually has already been long affected by this to whine?
  17. Now who was it again who was appointed to run the US Postal Service and by whom was he appointed? That would be Louis DeJoy, who was appointed during the administration of Donald Trump. Here's a rare case where we're in agreement; DeJoy should be sacked. However, Trump would not mention this because he's doing EXACTLY what they appointed him to do - make the Post Office unreliable so it can eventually be privatized and to throw yet another roadblock into the electoral process. https://www.nytimes.com/article/general-louis-dejoy-postmaster.html Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has drawn stinging criticism for the changes he has made at the United States Postal Service since assuming the position on June 15. The changes — including eliminating employee overtime, removing mail-sorting machines from postal facilities around the country, and reorganizing or eliminating Postal Service leadership — have slowed mail service in some areas and sparked concerns over whether the service will be able to handle the historically high volumes of mailed ballots expected in the November election. Mr. DeJoy has argued that the changes are necessary to help the Postal Service become financially stable. The service has struggled economically for years, and its financial problems have been worsened by the coronavirus pandemic. A Republican Party and Trump campaign megadonor, Mr. DeJoy is one of just five postmasters general to come to the post from the private sector since 1971, when the Post Office ceased to be a cabinet department and was reorganized as the Postal Service, an independent federal agency.
  18. Any bets that this fellow is under the impression that this either occurred in the USA or that the US Constitution applies outside of its borders? I suppose the WD stands for "Weren't Dat"?
  19. What a fine collection of utter nonsense! At least you took the time to spell things and punctuate, usually these sorts of screaming screeds have tons of those. Now onto business. Any sources that "Biden and Harris stole a billion dollars from FEMA funds to give to illegals"? Didn't think so. Any sources for "Took the money without asking"? Didn't think so. As to the Prosecutor refiling charges against Trump just before an election, didn't the FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller raise an investigation into Hilary Clinton's e-mails just prior to the 2016 election that turned out to not even be something that charges were filed for and may well have swung that election to Trump? Or are we just ignoring that? https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/29/499868601/fbi-head-under-fire-for-restarting-clinton-email-investigation-days-before-elect
  20. Ho hum, big surprise. Birds of a feather etc. This is the sort of responsible leadership that the Republicans are asking people to vote for. What a collection of nuts!
  21. That's a BIG under-estimation. "Across 3,127 counties in the U.S., 620,872 estimated excess deaths occurred during the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021), and 538,708 estimated excess deaths occurred during the second year (March 2021 to February 2022). This equals a total of 1,159,580 excess deaths during the first two years of the pandemic." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9094106/#:~:text=Across 3%2C127 counties in the,March 2021 to February 2022).
  22. I think they'd pair nicely with a tinfoil hat. Totally understand though as guys if you don't wear earrings, not my thing either.
  23. Do you understand the word "likely"? That's speculation, not reporting fact. People who resort to extreme violence such as this seldom do so completely out of nowhere in my observation.
  24. Really? I thought they would be particularly fond of that.
  25. Let me try to explain in a way our RW friends might understand. You're leading an NFL football game by four touchdowns going into the fourth quarter, the other team is in disarray and their QB appears to have suffered a concussion. Their defense hasn't been able to stop the run all day long which is how you built the lead. Do you throw the ball or just play it safe by running between the tackles and letting the defense run out the clock? Unless you're the Atlanta Falcons...(sorry Falcons fans, as a lifelong Patriot fan I just couldn't resist)
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