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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. If only she had the caliber of Jenna Ellis, or Alina Habba, or Lara Trump! Those be some smart wimmens! And they know their place too! Why Trump not have smart wimmins as running mate? Why only dumb wimmens in Republican Party? And I know you won't count Caitlyn Jenner, one of the leading intellectual lights of the MAGA movement since she ain't "real". How about MTG? Bo-bo? Is there a single woman with a brain in the Republican Party?
  2. This evidence-free post with zero attribution brought to you by...MAGA! We're deluded, we don't care about facts, we just want to hurt other people who aren't like us.
  3. There's far far far too many, including on these pages. However, fortunately, there's far far far too few to win an election.
  4. Wow! Yellowtail certainly has some scoops! I had no idea that either Mitch McConnell or Joe Biden were Persons of Color! Must admit, they do hide it very well.
  5. He's a Far Right nutter - par for the course to blame the victim. Only surprise is that he wants the German aggressor deported - he's generally a fan of German aggressors, at least those from the past.
  6. What a nice person you are. Unless you have some insider knowledge, and that would of course require that you have a friend, something you likely have never had, there is nothing whatsoever in that report that indicates the Belgian guy did the slightest thing wrong. In the land of Karma, let's hope some comes your way soon!
  7. So having been called out for your gross mischaracterizations and making up straw men, your followup is...more gross mischaracterizations and strawmen! You finally admit your wording about reproductive health services and gender affirming care is incorrect. But instead of walking back your mischaracterization you double down and once again put up something nobody has been talking about - free late-term or partial-birth abortions. This is not a norm. This is the far radical position, and nothing whatsoever about what we've been discussing. I noted in the far more nuanced discussion with Hanaguma that I would support 26 weeks as that being the point of viability, but that there are numerous exceptions that are possible and they only need to be determined by the woman and her physician. Then of course you rabbit on about how the article doesn't show any hard data - instead it links to the article that has the hard data and summarizes the findings. Another mischaracterization, but that's par for the course with sophists like yourself. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2813212 Your imagination about how kids would think is revealing, but completely irrelevant. Here's a clue - freedom means individuals being able to do what the <deleted> they want so long as they're not harming others. Get it? Now stop projecting YOUR morals, YOUR ideas and YOUR views onto other people. You hate it when people do it to you, so leave everyone else alone and they'll leave you to your little world. I don't care that you're a bigot, and you can scream at the monitor to your heart's content. If you write your bigotry out so we can comment, then you're going to get the approbation you richly deserve. Then of course you find an example so absurd and atypical it is utterly meaningless and disproves the very point you're making. An actual serial killer who was a doctor! Yep, happens all the time! Guess what? The existing laws were perfectly sufficient to stop that guy and put him in prison. That's why we have laws and why those who break them go to jail. You support that, right? Finally, having splattered your nonsense all over the screen you pluck 12 weeks out of the air without any justification or discussion and then completely eviscerate your own argument by saying you support unlimited abortions if the mother's physical life is at significant risk. WHICH MEANS INCLUDING PARTIAL BIRTH AND LATE-TERM ABORTIONS! My goodness, the cognitive dissonance must be debilitating. No wonder you can't make any logical arguments.
  8. There's some classic Right-wing tactics. Let's invent something out of thin air, then pretend that what we invented is true, then draw conclusions from the invention that we made up out of thin air. Reproductive health services cover a range of different things from birth control to various aspects of women's health relating to the uterus, ovaries, etc. Gender health care includes counseling and other support services. Did you know that less than 1% of people who underwent transgender surgery regret that choice afterwards? For similar surgeries that are NOT for trans people, the regret ranges from 5-14%. https://theconversation.com/transgender-regret-research-challenges-narratives-about-gender-affirming-surgeries-220642 Nobody has postulated that a woman who is over-stressed can use that as an excuse for aborting a full-term baby. In fact, nobody is talking about aborting full-term babies except people like Trump who say this without the slightest bit of evidence of it happening. I don't suppose you have any examples of this? Of course you don't.
  9. No. We're already there. IVF has just been ruled to be exactly that in Alabama I think? I expect human cloning to already have occurred somewhere. There's a need to draw a reasonable line and then leave it exclusively between the woman and her physician. The government should have no interest in the matter and no access to any of the information unless there is a criminal investigation. Doctors are trained and licensed and can handle the matter as well as recognize when something is not right and report it to the authorities if necessary. The vitriol is because this debate isn't and never was about reasonable abortion laws. Let's not pretend if we're being all clear and honest here. Not saying this about you particularly, saying this about the reason this has become such an important topic in the USA.
  10. Viability. Which apparently is 24 weeks. If it's past 24 weeks and threatens the mother's life and she and her physician agree that the abortion is necessary, then allowed. If it is before 24 weeks, then no restrictions, completely up to the mother. Clear?
  11. And once again, as usual, you'd be completely wrong. https://www.cfr.org/article/abortion-law-global-comparisons "The past fifty years have been characterized by an unmistakable trend toward the liberalization of abortion laws, particularly in the industrialized world. Each year, around seventy-three million abortions take place worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This translates to about thirty-nine abortions per one thousand women globally, a rate that has stayed roughly the same since 1990. Notably, rates have diverged between countries with fewer restrictions and those with more: Between 1990–94 and 2015–19, the average abortion rate in countries with generally legal abortion (excluding China and India) declined by 43 percent. By contrast, in countries with severe restrictions on abortion, the average abortion rate increased by around 12 percent." So if you are actually interested in reducing the rates of abortion, the answer is clear and always has been - provide open access because by having choice and easy access to birth control and reproductive health services, the number of abortions goes DOWN! But you don't actually care about that anyway, so moot point, right? "As nations around the globe have expanded the grounds on which people can access reproductive health services, the quality and safety of abortion care has improved, as has maternal survival. However, the safety of abortion procedures diverges widely between countries where abortion is generally legal and countries with high restrictions on abortion. Almost 90 percent of abortions in countries with liberal abortion laws are considered safe, compared with just 25 percent of abortions [PDF] in countries where abortion is banned. According to the WHO, approximately 5–13 percent of maternal deaths worldwide are due to complications from unsafe abortions, the vast majority of which occur in developing countries." And of course you're cool with 5-13% of maternal deaths being because of unsafe abortions, right? Sanctity of life blah blah blah. I do hope you're going full nutter on us and value the life of the unborn more than the mother, after all, why value what already exists more than an abstract possibility for which you need not provide any support or tax dollars to? At least until it's born, at which point "not my problem", amirite?
  12. Oh, I've been listening. And to pretend that this is about when life begins and when life deserves protection is just disingenuous. Almost as disingenuous as pretending that you think this is a "State's rights" issue, similar to the pretend way the Right likes to push any issue they don't like as being somehow having to be decided at lower levels due to "the Constitution". Of course, once they stack the courts and succeed in getting their way with "State's Rights" arguments, it's immediately onto the ultimate objective, federal statutes that enshrine it as the law throughout the USA. At that point, you won't hear a peep about "State's Rights". So you'd be totally cool with the male in the relationship having to support their partner from the moment of conception? And if they engage in domestic assault, that puts the life of the foetus in danger, so that's attempted murder, correct? And they have to support that baby once born throughout their childhood, no? Of course, that means supporting the mother too if she doesn't have sufficient income, so you're down with that, right? And if they don't, then because they've already demonstrated that they won't take responsibility for what's theirs, then you're cool with State-sponsored mandatory vasectomies or SSRIs to suppress the man's uncontrollable desires? I don't know why I bother, it's obvious to me that none of our Far Right interlocutors have any religious conviction or moral ground for their arguments, they simply enjoy trolling and want to get their people in power so they can enjoy the cruelty they inflict on women and minorities.
  13. So you think that state-level, county-level and city-level decisions about abortion are not political? How did they end up getting elected and making profoundly important decisions about other people's bodily autonomy? I take it you're male, since it clearly annoys you so much that you must consider it to be something that's got nothing to do with you so why do you keep hearing about it all the time? And you know what? You're right! It is something that absolutely should NOT be anything to do with politics, just like nobody should be telling me I can't take viagra or have a vasectomy. Leave individual people alone to make their own decisions with their own bodies. Pretty simple. Yet the party that supposedly advocates for "freedom" continuously tries to subjugate women to their own personal beliefs and whims. The cognitive dissonance is mind-boggling.
  14. Seems everyone missed the interesting part - what's all this about plus-sized women sex parties? Quite a throw-in there at the end. Perhaps like this story, the writer was just chewing the fat.
  15. You mean the residents? The ones who were here LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG before Chiang Mai had even seen the first longnose? The ones whose land it is? The ones who rely on their traditional agriculture as they have for centuries and for which there is no viable alternative? Or perhaps you mean the CP Group and other large local agro-business concerns who are actually funding the production of cash crops such as corn and cassava? These are the reason why you now have such problems with air quality, as this wasn't an issue until people went from subsistence agriculture to the market, something heavily promoted by the governor, the ministries, the Prime Minister, the village headman, in fact by everyone as the best way forward for the economy and people. So what's your proposed solution? It seems "locals fulfill market needs then go to jail" is the one you're advocating for. I'd say the ones who ought to be at the forefront of this discussion are those from whom we've heard precisely nothing, nada, zip, zilch, silence. That would be the large local agro-industry who are funding this burning and benefiting directly from it. Why don't they say anything? Probably because they don't have to, they've got the lazy foreign retirees whining about their poor air quality and denigrating the villagers without identifying the real problem so they're best to keep mum.
  16. So where in the article was it mentioned that this guy had been smoking cannabis? Nowhere to be precise, entirely made up from your own keyboard and bias. Then you for some reason believe that people attracted by cannabis are junkies? Weird, junkies refer to heroin addicts, they're not pot smokers. As you're aware, Thailand was the land of the well-behaved Westerner prior to the legalization of cannabis and opening of the shops. At least in your mind it seems. Those of us who are in the real world however recall things differently.
  17. Yeah, because everyone after all these years still picks on Lefties. Despite the education and advancement of human knowledge, Lefties are stigmatized, beaten up in the bathrooms, banned from expressing their preferences, have legislation written specifically against them... It's pretty sad that this passes for rhetoric on the Right. The sorts of arguments I thought had been left behind once we reached Junior High School seem to still have persuasive value to some.
  18. Holy crap - they know the air pollution levels in two days time! Quick, give us the lottery numbers!
  19. So Jonny, care to enlighten us about how he set all this up in 2009 just so he could desecrate your holy day? Keep thinking about it, perhaps one day you'll understand.
  20. So he went back in time to 2009 to declare the International Transgender Day of Visibility as 31 March every year? How did he do that when he wasn't the President? Is he actually a Trans woman named Rachel Crandall Crocker from Michigan? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Transgender_Day_of_Visibility The Stoopid from the Right just finds a new level with every manufactured outrage...why wasn't this an issue last year (HINT: Easter Sunday changes from year to year, don't believe me just go look at a calendar, maybe take a day off from work so you can contemplate how EASTER SUNDAY is NOT THE SAME DAY EVERY YEAR)?
  21. Right, so before cannabis was legalized here, what you described simply didn't occur? Or since legalization, things have gone on a downhill slide? Or the only major real change was that they made sure for the nth consecutive election that those receiving the most votes and clear mandate from the population were disqualified on spurious reasons? Would that be a bigger impact that legalization of a plant?
  22. Joe Bloggs is a multi-millionaire now? Inflation really is getting out of control.
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