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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. Wow, that's an impressive couple of speakers - Honey Bunny and Pumpkin really haven't aged very well. Perhaps Scott Baio or the Pillow Guy will bring the intellectual heft to carry all that water for the GOP.

    Quite impressive to have been in power for almost 4 years and not yet have a platform for these minor issues such as COVID-19, re-opening schools, etc. Almost like their version of governing is to completely destroy and ignore the government.

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/20/2020 at 10:29 AM, cooked said:

    Yes you're quite right of course, I was doing business in French for too long, sometimes I do get words mixed up. Really sorry about that.

    This is typical of the way many arguments these days: don't stick to the point being made, just insult the messenger.

    There's this:

    WE   think you're wrong.

    YOU  think we're stupid and / or evil.

    A lack of a sense of humour seems to be involved also, but that's REALLY avoiding the subject at hand, as I'm sure you'll agree.

    Well, no, actually. I was just poking gentle fun at you.

    But the main point, which somehow managed to avoid your attention, was to ask "do you have a link to that unsubstantiated and unlikely claim that"


    "Postal voting leads to fraud, indeniable. 20% of New Jersey Primary votes were refused, and a large percentage went missing.""

    Evidence please.

  3. On 8/18/2020 at 6:24 AM, Tippaporn said:

    WSJ - The Postal Service’s Good Election Advice


    News broke Friday that the U.S. Postal Service has warned dozens of states, via letters from USPS General Counsel Thomas Marshall, that their deadlines “for requesting and casting mail-in ballots are incongruous with the Postal Service’s delivery standards.” On cue, Democrats and the press portrayed this as evidence of Trumpian sabotage and voter suppression.


    The truth is that USPS tried to avert election failure by alerting states, planned before DeJoy took over on June 15, which is the opposite of what the hoaxsters are claiming.  Not only that but Marshall posted on USPS.com nearly identical advice to election officials back in May.


    Credit the shadow president, Obama, with starting this on a podcast Friday in which he accused Trump of trying to "actively kneecap the Postal Service."

    First of all, thanx for the LOLZ - "shadow president". Hadn't heard that one before, highly amused.

    So the USPS tried to avert election failure - who is running it, is it the Democrats somehow? Shadow President Obama? Why haven't the Trump Administration taken it over like they did the rest of the US Government?

    By the way, can you explain how it is that the USPS can deliver all that Christmas mail and yet cannot manage ballots for an election as they have in every previous election in US history? What's different this time?

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Online voting ! IMOP leaves room for to much controversy 

    "Some states have embraced online voting. It's a huge risk.

    People’s phones, tablets and computers are vulnerable to hackers. Securing the internet could take a decade or more. But some states are plowing ahead anyway".



    Hey riclag - have you heard of this new thing called "cryptocurrency"? It's a crazy idea, but you basically convert your money from dollars or whatever other currency you have into digital currency that is secured via the Blockchain. Did you know that billions of dollars have been converted into this digital currency? I know! Amazing! How could people be so gullible as to put billions of dollars worth of money into something insecure and unproven like digital infrastructure that's vulnerable to hackers.

    As you guessed, everyone who did this lost their shirts because the hackers stole all the money, now Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies are worthless. You were right again!

  5. 16 hours ago, CALSinCM said:

    Three things that you can be assured of in life:
    Death, Taxes, and that Reuters will never run an article that starts out like,
    "Ex-Obama official says U.S. 'less secure' due to former vice-president's actions, endorses Trump."

    Well, there would be if they could find one. I asked the question earlier, and I'm now almost to the end of the thread and have yet to see a single response to my simple question. It's the same thing you're talking about, actually. Perhaps you missed it?

    "Why is it that so many ex-Trump advisors and cabinet members turn against him and warn the public after having worked with him whereas none have against Obama?"

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. I believe it's called "chumming the water". You throw some bloody bits about to attract the sharks and then when you get enough of a critical mass, there will be a feeding frenzy. They thought they'd milked this cow dry but the latest ham-fisted attempt to dismiss the charges has instead been like a new pastureland opening up. Now they're thinking about producing even more cheese. After all, this well will never run dry.

    How was that for mixing metaphors?

  7. 12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    There are none.

    Almost all original thought is done by white males of Germanic descent.

    They are the men that created our current civilisation, and nothing politically correct can be done to change that.

    5555555! Yes, those women, Asians and darkies haven't had an original thought in their heads for the eternity of time! It's entirely due to White Germanic males! Are Jews White Germanic Males? How about Frenchies? Scandinavians? Russians? Seems that your thesis may not withstand much scrutiny.

    But you seem a highly curious and intellectually open individual, so allow me to add to what no doubt is a lengthy reading list.



    There are several women repeated within these lists, but together there are 15 or so excellent examples of what I was talking about. Now those are only the ones we know of, meaning that this likely has been happening throughout history and still today.



  8. 20 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Let's work your comments through: 


    Why not just be honest and recognize that you are selfish and care only about your personal comfort and needs? This is what it is all about  selfishness.

    Another excellent post that exposes the real thing underlying this brave "hero" and his steadfast refusal to wear a "nosebag". And your solution is perfect - full criminal and civil liability for passing on the virus for people who deliberately refused to take any precautions.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    This was true in the times of Darwin and Einstein, much less today.


    A Japanese or a South Korean has as much opportunity and help to perform as an American or an Italian, and yet there is still more creativity and discovery by the latter, while the former are still more inclined to imitate and copy.


    Just one example: the smartphone...a Steve Jobs creation, then copied by South Korea (Samsung) and China (Huawei and many others).


    Being creative is different from being smart, or smarter than the others.


    In fact, Asians generally perform much better than Westerners in most international contests (maths, physics and so on), but they are wired differently, for cultural reasons dating back centuries.


    These differences also explain why Asia is doing much better than the West when it comes to dealing with the pandemic.


    One can't have it both ways...each his own victories...

    I understand that this is what seems to be the case according to "common knowledge", but is it true? I am guessing that the same sorts of systemic prejudices that we see everywhere exist also within the Nobel Committee. I know it is certainly the case with respect to many of the women pioneers of science, many of whom are simply not known because their discoveries and work were simply stolen from them along with the credit by their male supervisors. Remember, women weren't even ALLOWED in universities until well into the 20th century in many places.

    • Like 2
  10. 18 hours ago, Nsp64 said:

    So he gets fined for drug use and a bit if speeding. 

    Thats it, all finushed and he is free. How about all the other charges ?

    Oh, well, those have to disappear due to "errors" by the investigating police, nothing to be done, statute of limitations and all that, move along, nothing to see here!

    As this will have been his first offense, the drugs charge will be dealt with by some swanky rehab facility that combines "drug treatment" with quarantine so that he gets that taken care of in his first 14 days back, then the speeding will be ditched for lack of evidence. And there we are! Free and clear, minor drug infraction on the record and Somchay's Your Uncle!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 10 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    If only it was that simple.  Your treatise ignores population size,  access to resources and prejudice. Keep in mind that for much of its history, the Nobel prize and other academic awards were subject to bias. The bias discriminated against  women, and multiple ethnic groups.  If your premise was true, then  small countries like Denmark, Israel, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands should not have  the relatively large number of Nobel laureates that they have.


    There is indeed a cultural component to the spread of the  infection and the willingness to comply with common sense prevention procedures. Another factor is education. The better educated people are, the more likely they are to understand what needs to be done  and the benefit of compliance.


    Some US states like New York and New Jersey  undertook public education programs, and had governors who were transparent and honest with the public.  There was a consistent message. The non compliant states do not have public education programs or a state government that consistently supports the  common prevention methods. A small group in the US forces their non compliance on the majority and they often do it through bullying; swarming events with their firearms and attacking people with a barrage of insults like lib-tard, snow-flake, pussy, etc. Foreign agents push misinformation, bombarding  social media with  rumors and false information with the intent to destabilize and sow animosity.


    In the UK, we see non compliance specific to certain ethnic groups  and we see a government that is disorganized and incapable of  providing a clear, consistent and coherent national policy. The UK population  gets conflicting messages. One day they are told all is well, go back to work, then the next day, oooops, a city must be locked down,travel corridors suspended etc.  The non compliant people are same ones we see vomiting on Bangla Rd., or pee-ing on the street in Koh Samui or shoplifting in Pattaya. They don't care about anyone but themselves and would have done well on the  old Jeremy Kyle show.  No one ever puts them in their place.


    Denmark, Norway, Canada, Finland and even the difficult to manage , Australia have all had the same exposure to Covid19 and have a similar type of ethnic mix, yet they have been able to obtain much higher rates of compliance. The key difference is that the national government and the provincial/municipal/state  governments all worked together, putting aside political differences.  


    Excellent post and well summarized points.

    I would note the first one in particular - the fellow who claimed that "more Nobel Prizes are won..." as being indicative of a deeper issue that is common to the USA, UK and Thailand. That is the fundamental "myths" they have constructed as their "origin story" and accepted as unadulterated truth rather than the obvious propaganda it always was. Thus, the rich see only that they were smart and took risks so believe they're an individual success, whereas they don't recognize that their friends and family gave them a leg up and they always had the resources to avoid the consequences of failure. It's a closed circle of ignorance that feeds upon itself. 

    • Like 2
  12. Know several in the USA who have had it, one of whom is a Doctor, one of whom is a "Long Hauler". The former got through it with a lot of medicine and close monitoring (and knowledge of being a Doctor) but said it was very very unpleasant, the second one is over 100 days on oxygen and counting. Improvement is microscopic and she feels like this is going to be the way it is for the rest of her life. Terrible what happens to some people with this. Watching the slow motion car crash in the States is difficult for those of us with friends and family there.

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