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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 22 hours ago, tingtong said:

    Teaching in school or not....


    Ultimately it is the job of the parents to teach about the basics, not kindergarten teachers.


    As for some ppl might bring snacks ...

    Most kids, in Thailand too, abused by family members or close family friend, or those they are the under care and said to trust, like teachers, monks.

    The sad truth.



    While you are correct in theory, in practice one tends to learn about sex from one's peers, generally in the single digit age bracket. These are not the most well-informed and experienced people to learn from. However, they're by far the most likely to broach the subject and expound upon it at that age. Parents have many delusions about their influence, it's actually less than you think.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/31/2021 at 3:15 AM, wombat said:

    how about praising the diver for his achievement rather than throw a dispersion on his father?....i call this gutter journalism .

    What sort of aspersions were cast upon his father? He's comfortable enough with his sexuality to be "out of the closet" and is the proud parent of this boy who achieved a remarkable feat despite humble beginnings. Only those who consider being gay to be negative connotation would consider this to be an aspersion (sic dispersion).

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Ecological Marxism

    There are many descriptions that could be applied to the Greens, but none seems more accurate than Jack Mundey’s own description of “ecological Marxism”. This description sums up the two core beliefs of the Greens. First, the environment or the ecology is to be placed before all else. This is spelt out in the first principle in the Greens Global Charter:

    “We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species.” [vi]

    Secondly, the Greens are Marxist in their philosophy, and display the same totalitarian tendencies of all previous forms of Marxism when applied as a political movement.  By totalitarian, I mean the subordination of the individual and the impulse to rid society of all elements that, in the eyes of the adherent, mar its perfection.


    Source ABC

    Nice disingenuous post! Somehow you managed to omit the source of this "news" from ABC - a direct quotation from Kevin Andrews, a Liberal politician. It's a characterization of the Greens from a political party member of the opposite side of the political spectrum.

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry, I know it's getting a bit boring...but this is my post to remind the denizens of the land of dillydallying with demimondaine that the impoverished Socialist country to your East, the one that ranks below 150 in most indices, the one that has to borrow pretty much everything just to survive and receives very little in return from the expatriates who live there...

    ...provided FREE vaccines for ALL EXPATRIATES WITHOUT PREJUDICE as if they were actual citizens of Lao PDR. The only reason you wouldn't be vaccinated in Laos right now is because you don't want to be. 

    So as you reflect upon the incompetence of Prayut and the contempt with which you're held by the people you're handsomely paying for the privilege of becoming walking ATMs for, you might consider that there are actually countries in the region who don't treat Expats like this.

  5. Why is it we're not being given full information as to who these six penniless cadets were and what their family connections are?

    Do you REALLY think there is the slightest chance that a single one of these cadets isn't a direct family member of someone high up in the current RGC?

    Do you REALLY think the US didn't know EXACTLY who these kids were and whether they required scholarships or not?

    Do you REALLY think that the withdrawal of the scholarship funds will reduce the poor cadet's abilities for fuel their Konigsberg cars?

    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

    Isn’t that the same country that makes it illegal for a foreigner to have a relationship with a woman?

    No, it is officially illegal for foreigners to cohabit with unmarried women if you have no intention to marry and haven't been up front with the village chief. In these cases, i.e., if you're a doofus or contemptuous of the authorities then you may well end up having to pony up $500 or so if you're caught with your girlfriend. And there's not so much of a whoring scene there although it's easily enough available if one makes any effort to find it.

    So yes, for the mongers, Laos is probably not the heaven on earth that they've found in the land of vertical smile. And for which they clearly need to pay and pay, and pay and pay. I'm referring to the situation of the majority of the expats in Laos, who are not mongers generally speaking (although they tend towards the drink as it's pretty good and almost free) and many many of whom are either with their Lao girlfriends or more commonly have already married and established families. Or single people who are working.

    I know it's difficult to conceive of people who aren't in this part of the world to chase after women younger than their own children constantly when that's all you see reflected off the bar mirror or refracted through the bottom of your beer bottle. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that you're actually a smaller percentage of people than you think. 

    • Sad 1
  7. And here I am thinking "what if they organized, but on a more effective basis?" For example, instead of striking like this and becoming a spectacle mostly for witty jibes, compile a database of clientele of high rank at the various ministries and both the frequency and variety of their romantic liaisons? Once that's populated (shouldn't take more than a month I would expect), they'd be able to walk in with a list of demands and have them written into law without debate.

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry for the repetition, but this is my regular post where I point out that the impoverished country to Thailand's East, the one where the majority of Expats don't pay any tax to the government or have to deposit large sums of money just to have the right to stay, the one that doesn't have dual pricing as a matter of course...also known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic has provided for months already vaccines (AZ or Sinopharm) to ALL expats ENTIRELY for FREE with ZERO discrimination in regard to whether the locals or the expats get access.

    Just so you know where y'all stand in their eyes.

    • Like 2
  9. 31 minutes ago, Thai Visa Member 999999 said:

    Since Biden has rightly emphasized vaccinating illegal immigrants and seems to have decided to not vaccinate Americans abroad, isn't that precisely what he's doing?

    Yes, and I agree with his priorities although I can't say that I'm very impressed either by the USA or Canada or other countries who don't seem to give a flying about their citizen-expats. 

    This is also where I note once again that the impoverished country to Thailand's East, the one with a Socialist government, the one that doesn't discriminate against expatriates and have double-pricing as a matter of course...they vaccinated me and every other expatriate for FREE! Orderly, simple, easy, zero cost, already double-vaxxed with A-Z like majority of the expats here.

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